47 home Improvements 47heeie Improvements 47 heeie Imprevemeete TOTAL HOME IMPROVEMENTS FEATURING ALUMINUM THERMAL THE THERMAL WINDDW SPECIALISTS VYNAAG AHD THERMALTILT WINDOWS TLT IN FOR EASY CLEANING DOUBLE GLAZING CUTS HEAT LOSS NO PAINTING OR MAINTENANCE ALSO AVAILABLE IN TRIPLE GLAZING FULLY LICENSED BONDED INSURED 7T help wanted AVAILABLE IN VARIETY OF SIZES AND STYLES WITH AIRCONDITIONER INSERT We Will Not Be Undersold Showroom at Bradford St beside the Clifton Hotel ESTIMATES NO OBLIGATION 7T help wanted Position available immediately MATURE SOCIAL WORKER MSW to work as team member in Psychiatric Day Care Program in Adult Mental Health Centre Experience in psychiatric setting desirable Work involves individual marital lamin and group therapy as well as crisis intervention Submit resume to MRS VERONICA BENNETT MSW ORILLIA SOLDIERS MEMORIAL HOSPITAL I70 COLBORNE ST ORILLIA Ont 72 sales help agents Jy7 72 sales heb agents REPRESENTATIVE leading Canadian supplier of consumer goods has an immediate opening for Sales Represen tative in the Barrie area We are leading manufacturer and distributor servicing wide range of products in chain and hardware stores across Canada Our varied products are basic to the hardware industry and we enjoy an excellent position market We are looking for an aggressive individual who is able to function with minimum supervision and has experience in hardware at the retail or sales level WE OFFER competitive salary paid expenses company car and generous incentive Please reply in your own handwriting to Box A86 The Examiner BARRIE Ontario 72min hob agents 77Iegal ROOFING COLD PROCESS Cleer Management Opportunities Consolidated Protective Coatings Ltd is looking for sales people experienced in selling root LUGIHQS and roof tepair systems Product line is very wide in luding products tar dead level roots otixninum coatings and unique gloss reinforced coatings Also lull line at interiox maintenance products Maiogemeni opportunities Excellent income potential plus bonuses Full training for those qualified Consolidated is well established company with plans for growth and we are looking for people to grow wath us Send for our Free booklet Fram Salesman to Successful Salesman Write Molloy Consolidated Protective Coatings Ltd 2300 Schwinn Street Ville La Salle Quebec HEN iA Jy3 76employment wanted PUT ME TO WORKI STUDENT 20 years old seeks fulltime work in the Ac counting field Trained in bookkeeping and typing Available immediately ROBERT TOPP 7287613 week days Jy7 MIDDLE AGED LADY sums iiqht housework for some as iompaiiy Livi out Telephmw 20 VS NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF HENRIETTA ELIZABETH BEMISTER DECEASED All claims against the Estate of Henrietta Elizabeth Bemister late of the City of Barrie in the County of Simcoe who died on or about the 7th day of June I979 must be filed with the undersigned on or before the 17th day of July I979 after which date the Estate will be distributed having regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice DATED at Barrie Ontario this I8th day of June AD I979 MESSRS CONDER SUGG BIGELOW MILLER KENNY REED PO Box 646 Barrie Ontario LAM 4V Solicitors for the Executor Ju2330Jy7 EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 72824I4 83 engagements JORY MAGILL Mrs Gordon Jory of Dalston is pleased to announce the engagement of her daughter Darlene to Mr Peter Magill son of Mrs Gladys St Clair ot Barrie The marriage to take place July IA 1979 at 30pm in Dalston United Church Dalston FANJOY VAN VLIET Ruth Fanjoy is very pleased to announce the engage merit of her daughter Kathleen Mario to Fred Van Vliet of Barrie son of Mr and Mrs Paul Van Vlict Wedding to take place at Green Pastures Painswick September is at pm ISlleethe STENABAUGH 77 At the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Thursday July I979 John Henry Stenabaugh at 117 Rodney Street Barrie and formerly ot Branttord dear brother of Mrs Chas Gladys Mason of Toronto Mrs Ronald Viola George of Barrie predeceased by six brothers and four sisters Resting at the Hill and Robinson lnc Funeral Home Nelson and Queen Streets Brant ford from Saturday evening until Monday SerVice in the chapel at 30 Interment Stenabaugh Cemetery Rev Filyerwillotticiate 07h memorials PAT TON In loving memory at dear husband father and grandfather Roy Patton who passed away July Wis it is sad to walk the road alone instoaci at Side by side But to all there comes moment When the ways at life letdC You gave us vears at happiness Then came Sorrow and tears But you left us beautiful memories We Will treasure through the years Sadly missed and always remembered by wife Norma and family PATTON in loving memory of dear tether Roy Patton who passed away Ju ly I978 did not know that morning Whatsorrow that day would brine The bitter griet the shock severe To part With one loved so dear You bade no one the last farewell Nor even said goodbye For you were gone before know And only God knows why Sadly missed and always remembered by Kathleen SOoembg events SIMCOE COUNTY MUSEUM presents SCOTTISH DAY Sunday July I5 pm MASS PIPE BANDS HIGHLAND DANCING SCOTTISH MUSIC Admission SI 00 adults 50 senior citizens 50 high school univt sity students 25 public school students BINGO EVERY MONDAY Bpm CANADIAN LEGION Branch H7 St Vincent St and Cundles Rd JACKPOT $500 CONSOLATION $100 STF EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 72824I4 SPECIALIZING IN THERMAL BOW WINDOWS PATIO DOOR KNOCKOUTS THROUGH BRICK OR FRAME ASK ABOUT OUR CHIP INSULATION PROGRAM CALL THE 833 SIDINGS SOFFIT FASCIA EAVESTROUGHING AWNINGS 88 coming events 47 homes Improveelite mi ins nussm town 44 OAKLEY PARK scum ere iiouiiig omi HOUSE SUNDAY JULY 15 I979 130 to pm for Mrs loaryo mother MRS MAIEL LUCAS on the 0C CASION OF HER 90th BIRTHDAY No gifts please EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 72824 79 auction sales Jy7l3 70teelere SALE BY TENDER TOWNHOUSE CONDOMINIUM DEVELOPMENT CONTAINING 44 UNITS ORILLIA ONTARIO By virtue of the Power of Sale contained in mortgage District Trust Company offers for sale by tender the lands and premises hereinafter described subiect to the terms and con ditions herein stated LANDS AND PREMISES ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate lying and being in the City of Orillia in the County of Simcoe and in the Province of Ontario and being composed of part of Block according to Registered Plan I606 in the City of Orillia now being designed as Part ac cording to Plan deposited in the Land Titles Office at Barrie as Plan SIR 4793 On the above described lands located at I2 Lankin Blvd Orillia there is said to be erected 44 threebedroom storey townhouses each with its own garage These 44 units comprise all of Simcoe Con dominium Corporation No 27 These lands and premises are said to qualify as 10 MURI construction having been commenced in August I975 The said units are currently approximately 85 rented at current market rents TERMS AND CONDITIONS TENDERSmust be sealed and clearly marked TENDER RE ORILLIA PROPERTY and must be delivered in writing to DISTRICT TRUST COMPANY 383 Ridtmond Street Suite 1414 London Ontario not later than 20 pm on Wednesday July I8th I979 TENDERS must be accompanied by certified cheque payable to District Trust Company for $1500000 Fifteen thousand dollars which deposit will be returned to the tenderer if the tender is not accepted or forfeited by the tenderer if the tender is accepted and the Purchaser does not complete the purchase Closing shall be on the I7th day of August I979 The Highest or any tender need not necessarily be accepted TENDERS may not be withdrawn once delivered and further all tenders received shall remain open for acceptance until 200 pm July 23rd I979 The successful tenderer will be notified by prepaid registered mail of the acceptance of his tender and shall within days of the posting of such notice sign and deliver to District Trust Company Conditions of Sale which conditions will form part of any Agreement resulting from acceptance of tender ALL TENDERS shall be for the said lands and premises En Bloc TENDERS must contain an acknowledgement that the tenderer has relied entirely on his own inspection and in vestigation with respect to quantity quality and value For further particulars of the property rental particulars for arrangements to view the property and to obtain Con ditions of Sale kindly contact DISTRICT TRUST COMPANY 383 Richmond Street Suite MIA LONDON Ontario PHONE 519 4346013 ATTENTION Peter Lindhout SISKIND CROMARTY Solicitors for the Mortgagee Ju2730Jy7 EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7282414 79 auction sales THURSDAY EVENING JULY I2 at 630 PM For Wilt Showell at the Old General Store Ivy Consisting of dressers chests of drawers clocks oak office desk and chair cabinets kitchen chairs bench saw with motor doors and windows etc More detailed list next week SATURDAY JULY 14 AT PM Consignment Farm and Machinery Sale at Elmgrove Community Centre Farm equipment tractors swathers combines tillage or anything in tool and equipment line Commission $1000 entry fee plus of selling price This will be good opportunity to dispose of extra equipment that you have no further use of For hformation please eel Ian Hattie at 4504441 days 4509303 evenhige John Bel at 435 I9 anythe Trucking available at reasonable rates JOHN BALL THE AUCTIONEER RR No Alliston 43541 89 SCL No 00 pehlc notices Jy7MP The Barrie Planning Board will be holding Public Meeting on July IO I979 at 700 PM in the Council Chambers of City Hall to discuss the proposed Site Plan for the Seeder Project located west of Bayfield Street north of Dunlop Street West and east of High Street Planning Board requests public input and discussion on the proposed site plan Interested persons are invited to attend or write to express their concerns and opinions Jones SecretaryTreasurer Barrie Planning Board Jy57IO Lightning entered his ear John Patrick of Seeleys Bay north of Kingston was knocked to the floor of his home during lightning storm one night this week Patrick was talking on the telephone when lightning struck Solar energy theme of IOday Stampede CALGARY iCPi The sun shone Friday in fitting begin ning for this years Calgary Ex hibition and Stampede Solar energy is the theme of the 10day extravaganza and there was plenty of it beaming down on the thousands who lined downtown streets to see 60 floats 25 bands 2000 musicians and 600 horses in 12hour parade spanning 27 blocks The RCMP musical ridc led 79eectioii odes ONTARIO GOVERNMENT AUCTION AUCTION SALE OF LANDS Property sgi ioam Approximater 03 acres of land City of Orillia Lots 36 and 39 RR 432 on the north side of Highway No I2 bounded by West Street and Simcoe Street Ac cess to be from Simcoe Street Sale will take place on the property at 100 pm Leel The on Webeedey July Tilt I979 Tern SI OWOO cash or certified cheque at time of soleCCheque to be made payable to the Treasurer of Ontario and must be certified Balance payable in 30 days Inquiries regarding zoning land uses or municipal regulations atfecting the pro party should be directed to the City of Orillia Offices ALSO Property Sale L01425 Approximately 25 acres of land Township of Oro Lot 20 Concession on the nartheasterly side of road allowance between Concessions and approximater mile westerly from Highway No II and miles southerly fromOrillia Sale will take place on the property at 330 pm Lecel The en menuy My me I979 Tetz $70000 cash or certified cheque at time of sale Cheque to be made payable to the Treasurer of Ontario and must be certified Balance payable in 30 days Inquiries regarding xoning land used or municipal regulations affecting the pro petty should be directed to the Oro Township Offices lite No employee of the Government of Ontario is allowed to partiapate in the auction of this property unless the employee produces written approval of his or her Deputy Minister or the equivalent prior to the auction Further information may be obtained from The Auctioneer Archer Colwill 406Codrington Street Barrie Ontario Phone 705 7268904 or Ministry of Transportation aid Communications Property Section PO Box 5338 659Exeter Road London Ontaria MASH Phane 5I966ll44l Ext I60 Both sales are subject to Reserve Bids me at Tranmrtation and communications the Show breaking the path for 11 parade marshals including carload of eight children chosen to mark International Year of the Child Skier Kcn Read Alberta Lt Gov Ralph Slcinhauer and country singer Wilt Carter also helped lead the way dazzling float called lc quila Sunrisc from Rosalia Wash complete with four spin ning floral suns took top hone ors Police gave no estimate of crowd size but onlookers many of whom arrived two hours early to get good spot stood six and seven deep in places In the afternoon the action shifted to Stampede Park where tcam rodeo made its Stampede debut The switch from the traditional individual format came after the Canadian Rodeo Cowboys Association which for 33 years had provided topquality cowboys for the event failed to reach contract agreement with the Stampede Cowboys are being provided by the North American Finals Rodeo Commission CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DIRECT PHONE 7282414 Classified advertisements and notices for these pages must bc received by pm day preceding publication with the exception of Classified Display advertisements which must be in by pm two days prior to publication BIRTH NOTICE $600 ENGAGEMENTS MARRIAGES DEATH NOTICES 40 words $600 Additional words cts per word CARD OF THANKS 40 words Sb 00 Addi tional words It cts per word IN MEMORIAM NOTICES No verse $600 With verse per caunt line 23 cents per line COMING EVENTS $343 per column inch CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 21 word minimum Cash Discount Rates apply if paid within days One or two insertions IOc per word insertion Three consecutive in sertions cents per word insertion total $684 Six consecutive insertions 9c per word per insertion total $1296 Multiple inser tions may be ordered subiect to cancellation when satisfactory results obtained Method of counting fewer than 24 word count as 24 words Each initial abbrewatiori set of nunbers etlt count as separate words ERRORS AND CORRECTIONS All phone insertion orders are accepted as convenience to the advertisers Therefore the Classified Advertising Department re quires advertisers to kindly recheck their advertisement immediater after first inser tion in order that any error or omission may be reported before am in order that same may be rectified for the tollawing day publication The Examiner is responsible for only one incorrectly printed insertion of any advertisement and then only to the extent of portion of ad that involves the misprint Er rais which do not lessen the value of the advertisement are not eligible for direc tions by make goods The Examiner reserves the right to classify revise or relect any want ads PHONE 7282414 the examiner Saturday July 191015 entering his right ear and passing out his upper left leg Above from his hospital bed this morn ing Patrick points to hole left in his pants where the lightning charge passed through CP Photo CORBETT MONTGOMERY ASSOCIATES BARRISTERS SOLICITORS Carry on General Practice of Law in BARRIE ANGUS BRADFORD BEETON NEWMARKET KESWICK AURORA STOUFFVILLE BARRIE OFFICE JOHN HERLIHY BA LLB STEPHEN HARTLEY BA LLB THE DOWNTOWN CENTRE no DUNLOP 51 SUITE 73701 Sears CORRECTION In Sears Warehouse Sale ad in Wednesday July 4th Examiner I00° Loop Rubber Back Purple 12 by 15 Rug Remnant Reg 13980 should have read 5900 We regret any inconvenience this may have caused our customers Deliver Telephone Books Full or Part Days Men and Women over I8 years of age with auto are needed in Barrie and surrounding area Delivery starts about July 30 I979 Send name address telephone number and vehicle insurance company name and hours available on DDA LTD Station Toronto Ont M68 4A1 Please dont call telephone company