Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 6 Jul 1979, p. 11

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the examiner Friday July 1979 FRIDAY EVENING VIEWING 600 001 NEws HOLLYwOOD SQUARES DEFINITION POLKA DOT DOOR 628 NEWS 630 Nec NEws MARY TYLER MOORE SHow ces NEws Aec NEws NEws PARTY GAME MATH PATROL 345 GET IT TOGETHER 355 eAReAPAPA 700 DATING GAME EIGHT Is ENOUGH cnoss WITS MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW Tic TAC DOUGH OPERATION PETTICOAT NEWLYWED GAME SUMMER ACADEMY Brueh Up rench GONG SHOW PRICE IS RIGHT 730 DANCE FEVER NEWLYWED GAME AUTHORS HOLLYWOOD SOUARES CIRCUS WHAT IS TRUTH MAGIC SHADOWS BOB NEWHART SHOW 800 DIFFRENT STROKES Mr Drum monde mother gate the ehock other Illa when ahe paye vleit to her eon and encountera the that he nee ado£ted Re eat ALLINTHE AMIL Aninnocent Edithieboththeceuaeandthevictim olalurloue lovers quarrel when her longtime admirer vialta hia intended bride Repeat SPIDERMAN An official of the Pen plea Republic of China cornea lo Amerlca to enllet hle lrlend Jameeone aid in clearing hie name and immediately becomee target for death Stare NIchoIae Hammond Ellen Bry OPERATION PETTICOAT Therea greet contualon on the See Tiger when JapaneeeAmerican crewman named Pat den cornea aboard Repeat SWEEPSTAKES ilted wife an ex con andadoghold Sweepetakeetlcketathatwlll win one of them million dollare Gueet atare herlne Helmond Adam Arkin 00 mine THE INCREDIBLE HULK OLYMPIC PROFILES WAR YEARS MOVIE SUSPENSEDRAMAV Web of the Spaldaeor 1914 HELLO LARRY wm mum la un happy beceuaa her new achoolmatea wont ac cept her her tether invitea them to hie radio Id Hi Repeat FRONT PAGE CHALLENGE OWELCOMEBACKKOTTERAuoi Epeteina frienda worry when he fella lor Mr Woodmane niece beautllul collage etudent eat FAMOUS NOBEL PRIZE WIN NERS The thl portrait of Alfred Nobel iiie enigmatic exploeive magnate whoae Iegecyto the world was the reward he left to the benelac tors of the world 900 THE ROCKFORD FILES Jim ia arreated in stolen car filled with weapons and bacomee pawn in deadly game of illegal gunrunningthatlabeinginveatigatadbylederal ercover authorities 60 mine HALIFAX VARIETY JOHN ALLAN CAMERON Gueate Good Brothera Tony Gabriel FRIDAY NIGH MOVIE KateBliea And The Ticker Tape Kid 1978 Stars Suzanne Pleahetle Tony Randall turnoIIhecenlury privateinveetigator goeaweettocaptureageng of outlawe led by Texaeetyle Robin Hood MOVIE The Awakening MOVIE Angala On Ice VICTORIAN SCANDALS The land MllIlone THE LOVE BOAT 930 MIND YOUR LANGUAGE An education inepector who happens to be an Alrican is visiting the language school one evening and Jeremy aeeuming that he is new pupil invitee him to join hie ciaee 1000 EDDIE CAPRA MYSTERIES prominent eatebliehment attorney accused of alaylng hie political rival controversial ex edmiral cells on rebel lawyer Eddie Capra to hie name Regen 60 mine CHARLIE ANGELS DALLASltereuniontlmelorBobbywhen his former college idol arrives in town end they decide to renew their friendship by becoming partnere In the conatruction buaineae Repeal ine ACROSS CANADA THE MIGHTY CONTINENT With dehi Their Garment NEWS UPDATE NEWS 1001 MERV GRIFFIN 1030 CANADIANS 1100 NEWS 080 NEWS CW NEws EDUCATION OF MIKE MC MANUS MOVIE DRAMA Fools 1970 1120 1125 NEWS NEws 1121 NEws 130 WIMBLEDON UPDATE CBS LATE MOVIE THE NIGHT STALKER Horror in The Heighta Kolchek tracks down murderer reeponaible lorkilllng number of people and ia laced wlth creature that eeeumee llkeneee of trueted friend Repeat ONE MORE TIME 1970 Stare Peter Ord Sammy Davie Jr WMOVIE COMEDY Sex the Sin le Girl 1954 III STREE TALK NIGHTMUSIC New Jordan 145 THE TONIGHT SHOW Guest hoat David Letterman Guest Jose Feliciano 90 iii HORSEMAN RIDING BY Grace is pregnant and goee into labor early Paul le forced to rely on the drunken Dr OKeele for aeeietance In the meantime Jamee Grenlell proepective Liberal MP arrives to curry Pauls ever so mine 200 MOVIE SUSPENSE eleldoeco wee MOVIE USICAL VI Cot RV GRIFFIN SHOW CONTINUES 1210 ROCKFORD FILES 1230 22 MONTY PYTHONS FLYING CIRCUS 100 ALL THAT GLITTERS PTL CLUBTALK AND VARIETY 110 MOVIE DRAMA Bang the Drum Slowly gore THE MIDNIGHT SPECIAL 130 NEWS MOVlECOMEDY Father Deer Father 1913 200 MOVIE MYSTERY 0c er Man 1941 MEDICAL CENTER 300 or MARCUS WELBY MD 310 MOVIE COMEDYADVENTURE Arabella 1969 350 MOVIE WESTERN is Roughehod 1944 400 III BEWITCHED 500 EMERGENCY ONE historically speaking barries story July 6th 1970 Kempenfelt Bay was the star ting point for 12 sailboats entered in the first leg of the Barrie Yacht Clubs annual sailing marathon race Alf naughton was declared the winner of the race with John Fitzpatrick taking second place Mr Haughton was ceremoniously dumped in the lake before being awarded his trophy today in history Selgn eurial System Worked Well In Canada French Canada was an autocracy The King absolute ruler and was represented guided spiritua affairs Suebec slature until 1791 when Cana provinces seignorlal system worked uebec while 11 Bishop not have legl divided into Lower and Upge Nevertheless the Frenc was the Governor at was very well Leading citizens were made seigneurs and given tracts of Ian other Important rivers along the St Lawrence Ottawa and The selgneuries were always on rivers because there were few roads Practically all travel was by water and the rivers and lakes made good highways when they were frozen The seign eurs divided their lands into long narrow strips which they rented to habitants They would have been called serfs In France but the habitants were much better off They had great deal of freedom and mm nity to develop economically The habitants co also hand their properties from father to son usually the youngest son He was obliged always to provide ome for any members of the family who might be in need The habitants aid rent to the seign eurs usually onetwelfth of the produceThey were also obliged to work for the seigneur four days year Rent collecting day was hap occasion on which the habitant families visited the se fineurs home carrying their produce in sacs including quacking ducks and gobbling geese uawking chickens seigneur and his lady would greet them and invite them into the home for cake and wine It was happy life for the most part and there ivas little laziness Both selgneurs and habitants were expected to do certain amount of clearing of their lands every year On July 1711 it was announced that selgneurs who had not taken on settlers within one year would have to return their seign euries to the state The British retained the system when they took over in 1763 It survived in Quebec until 1854 OTHER EVENTS ON JULY 1669 LaSalle began journey from presentday Kingston to Niagara 1786 James Strange expedi tion arrived at Nootka Vancouver Island and left Dr John Mackay there for year holly by Mrs Downing 7285614 Faith missionary Church had their annual Acorn Bank Breaking Day on Sunday The banks are distributed in the fall and at the end of June they are gathered in the children break them The money goes to ilie support of the Missionarielt children Stan Crookall from Newcastle was on hand to tell 31 story with his calk art llis many beautiful bible paintings were also on display and he told about them at the evening ser vice He was accompanied by his son Tim who sang some of his own compositions ac companying himself on the guitar The men proved that they could still do bit of cook ing as they manned the barbecue for over an hour while everyone filled up on hamburgs and then pop and sweets Dur ing the summer months the Sunday School will remain at 945 and church services will he neighborly news held atllamand7pm Laurie Votour of Shanty Bay and Julie Bateman of Orillia are holidaying with their grandparents Gordon and Florence Downing Susan Stone is visiting her grandparents Rene and Mel Rodgers baxter by like Norrie Cochrane 0248637 Mrs Norris Cochrane attend ed the 50th Angus Horticultural Society meet pot luck buffet lunch was served About 27 sat down and enjoyed great meet The president Mrs Angie Dykstra introduced the guest speaker Mrs Dorris Scott Past Director and Mrs Hopkins from Midland She showed us what you could do with dried flower ar rangements Mrs Betty Gilham was presented with her Past Presidents pin and cor sage Mrs West who was ab sent on account of being in the hospital was to be presented with Life Membership Cer tificate Minutes of the last The Simcoe Motel was the scene of the Barrie Art Clubs outdoor exhibition and sale Members of the club placed several hundred of their pic tures of display including oils water colors pastel and char coal sketches Elementary school teachers played pupil for five weeks at Barries Central Collegiate The teachers attended summer school to learn what they can do in September to make their children learn more in an in teresting way The 254 teachers studied more than 30 different topics on variety of themes The summer course included tours of The Examiner dairy farm and dairy Gordon Barr Brian Maltby and Jim Campbell all 18 years old set off for Alaska in camper they built with their own money over the winter The boys planned to travel for six weeks and had hopes of go ing beyond Fairbanks Twelveyearold Stephen LaPlant of Barrie managed to land an eightpound Northern Pike while fishing off Barries city dock Asked how he did it Stephen replied very small book with worm on it oneyear transportation study started in Barrie at an estimated cost of $130000 The study was undertaken to reassess the recommendations put forth in the 1961 transporta tion study review past growth patterns of population and employment and evaluate the traffic patterns to the year 1986 Parking was one of the first issues to be studied Summer students hired by the city were stationed on street comers to scott for vehicles and count how many go by given point in period of time The Department of Highways paid for 75 per cent of the study meeting were read by Mrs McDougall Next meeting will be in September Miss Cindy Shorey from Toronto spent few days with her parents Mr and Mrs Jim Shorey and Derek Air and Mrs Denzil Cochrane and Mrs Gloria Cooke and friend spent the wee nd at Niagara Falls Baxter Presbyterian Chu 114th Anniversary Sen vicesWere held on Sunday with guest speaker Dr Edward Johnson from Toronto He is one of the most knowledgeable people in Canada on contem porary China There was good attendance the choir sang special anthems Mr and Mrs Jack Ferguson and their two daughters Mrs Jack Simpson and Mrs Grace Boyd from Orillia were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Bruce Edgar The Senior Citizens at Angus will be closed for the month of July Plans are being made for our annual picnic at Midhurst park in August The Doctor Soys Valve controls blood flow Here are excerpts from six of many letters on the same subject have Barlows syn drome never heard of it before Please explain Please explain the click syn drome The doctor has told me to quit smoking and to go off birth control pills am have mitral valve pro lapse Why do need medica tion before surgery dental work etc Please write about Barlows syndrome am 33 and fe male had palpitations and feeling of my heart becoming enlarged take medicine to control it trust my doctor but want to see something about this in the paper Is mitral valve prolapse ac quired or is it congenital Is there surgery for it have click syndrome am in my early 50$ Until now didnt worry about it My doctor didnt seem concerned because never had any symptoms Can you ease my mind Is it common Besides those mentioned by these readers this problem goes under hodgepodge of other names floppy mitral valve for example Most people who have it have no symptoms and require no treat ment The mitral valve controls blood flow between the two left chambers of the heart It opens to allow filling of the left ven tricle lower chamber and closes as blood is pumped out via the aorta the main artery leaving the heart With mitral valve prolapse leaflet of the valve billows upward into the upper chamber atrium The cause is not known but for some unclear reason the valve is just too large for the opening it controls For years doctors reported the peculiar extra clicking heart sound best described as lubduhdub With newer equipment such as an ech ocardiogram the defect was pinpointed to the floppy valve Today it is probably the most common of heart valve problems It tends to run in families It is more common in women and it is interesting that all of the above letters are from women It is quite common occurring in perhaps as many as per cent of otherwise healthy indi viduals Most are unaware of it and the defect is usually found in ordinary heart examinations few may notice fatigue shortness of breath chest pain and palpitations sensation of heart beats Special monitoring de vices can determine the extent of heart rhythm disturbance caused by it Drugs are available to control the heart rhythm if needed Antibiotics are advised for use before surgery or dental procedures to prevent possible infection of the valve On rare Occasions leakage may develop in which case surgery can be done to replace the Valve the results have been encouraging Again most people who have this problem have no symptoms and live normal life BRIDGE Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag faretheewell defense NORTH 76A 10 10 10 WEST EAST It 09873 62 SOUTH 10 Vulnerable Both Dealer North West North East South Pass 10 39 Pass Pass 40 Pass NT Pass Pass NT Pass Pass 60 Pass Pass Pass Opening lead VK By Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag South saw from the start that six spades would be cinch unless Wcst held four clubs to the jack He could handle four clubs in the East hand So South proceeded to cash dummys ace of dia monds at trick four He had drawn trumps at tricks two and three When South cashed that ace West stopped to think and then proceeded to jetti son his king under the ace Now South ran off all his trumps to leave dummy with three clubs and the tens of hearts and diamonds By this time West was sure that his four clubs were of paramount importance so he hung on to all of them This left him with only one other card and after much thought he dropped the queen of hearts in order to hang on to low one He had anticipated that South was planning to throw him in with that queen South cashed dummys ace and king of clubs and got the bad news He still had one slight ray of hope Maybe West still held the jack of hearts So South in desperation led the 10 of hearts and was down two when East produced the jack and cashed two high diamonds Ask the Expert You hold 098654 VAK1053 03 Q2 76B Your partner opens one club Louisiana reader asks what response we rec omniend Respond one spade You plan to show hearts later You should bid the higher ranking of two 5card suits irrespective of strength NIcwsrAlIzli l2NllltlltlSlI ASSN daily crossword ACROSS 53 Tenth month Answer to Prewous Puzzle labbr WEB Guam Jest 54 Holding up mug Hanna Tarzan male against BEE guns Cunning 56 Unrefined Dana 12 Made mad meial BEE 13 Equable 57 Hawng Deda mans BEEEBE Motoring We also one aSSOCIation 58 Bull 59 an mnum 15 Kinds 59 $0th Fr BREEDING ulna l7 Thousandth 50 N0 75 SIDED 18 Put into office an an an 19 Laud American BEE BEBE 21 wmch patriot WEBB BEBEIZIG 23 We BBB nurse grams Dow 16 2carbon 45 Fracas pinion swmg musw compound wds guLfIne Russian 20 Females 46 Makes passes 34 ce onaérh Inland sea 22 Skilled at 36 5230an French father garpliislagea 47 Offwhite Royal order 995 93 37 Desalinale past plane 26 Under force 53 0133th 38 Blaisfid Namgate 28 Venfmous peace pa rm air sna 39 SUbsequemY Lack 30 Sin er Nat 51 Cos 41 New prefix Carry on King inscription 42 Marsh Biblical 31 Within pref 52 SEW05mm crocodile nationality 33 Fabulist DH 44 Makes mad 10 Milk Fr 35 Trojan hero 55 Mental 46 Arms ll Ivy League 40 Fund component 49 Eagles nest member 43 Main artery pl EllIII BernieeBedeanl July 1979 Look for Changes for the bet ter both at work and at home this coming year Unusual con ditions brought about by kind person will give you the oppor tunity to move forward CANCER June 21July 22 This is an excellent day to putter around the house You have knack for taking tattered items and transforming them into things of beauty LEO July 23Aug 22 Share your day with your pals Born Loser Vllizard of Id Ollhhv NEA inc TM Reg US Pal Frank and Ernest oilnthEA in TM Reg us Pei Otl Short Ribs ITS ALL UPIO You MY LAD 7373860 Wee oomoouz sir TO HELP WITH THE 5W CRUNCH THis is THE LAGrSIoFoN MEGAawryélRE éR NORTHERN STATIONERY 29 Dunlop St Through them you will experi ence renewal of comradeship which Strengthens your feel ings of selfworth VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 Things you acquire for your home today have good chance of lasting for long time You wont tire of them nor will they wear out prema turely LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 Your ideas and feelings take on an intensity you dont normally experience Those you are with today will know exactly where you stand SCORPIO Oct 24May 22 An inner sense of wellbeing and protection is with you today giving you the security to strive for better and grander things uli Ni IImu hinge YOU WANT ME 10 FACE THERE WILL BE LIGHTNING AND WIND5 or HURRICANE Palace AND Go to It SAGITTARIUS NOV 23Dec 21 Friends take on Special meaning to you today and you are drawn closer to them When you give of yourself others give backin return CAPRICORN Dec 22Jen 19 Something close to your heart which you thought was on its way out may do an aboutface today and give evidence of renewed life You should have happy day AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 It will be good to be out among some of your more progressive friends today Youll have chance to take some Stale thinking and modernize it PISCES Feb 20March 20 Something personally impor CIInovNEA in via Reg US Pei oil 10000 BRITISH SDLDIEE BY MY ELF WHO ON LIFE FLAéHlN FWT orrour Your wedding invitations Announcements Headquarters We provide loanout service tant to you can be accom plished today because of one who gives you some fresh ideas on how to obtain it ARIES March 21April 10 To day even the simple things in life appear to be fun because youll be able to share your time with those who mean lot to you TAURUS April 20May Ill You may take advantage today of source always available to you but seldom used to accomplish your aims This person will be delighted GEMINI May 21June 20 Friends confide in you today because your judgment is both fair and astute Youre bright Dal to have around WOULD YOU MIND LETTING ME KNOW WHEN IVE TALKEP TEN MINUTE HAVE AN APPOINTMENT AT THE HAIRDRESSER HE GOT INTO HIS UNIFORM IN MINUTE AND OUT ll IN 12 5ECONDS Ir

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