gr 4915 pp 1the examjnor Thunday July 1979 aengagundun Trade surplus up and down OTTAWA tCIl Canada had trade surplus of $216 million in May up sharply from disappointing surplus of $115 million in April Statistics Canada reported today The federal agency said preliminary figures on merchan disc trade show that exports rose 54 per cent in May to seasonallyadjustcd $513 billion while imports rose only 34 Beets about police totalled 3025 in 78 TORONTO CP Ontario residents made 3025 com plaints about police last year mostly about improper conduct and excessive use of force an adviser to the Ontario police duty referred to the Ontario police Nicaragua and said it has provisionalgovernment and flew to the south but The Costa mean govern commission said Wednesday commission under complaint clearedmost of the rebels are cleaning out few reporters saw about ment said that some of Walter Lee said in an inter It is the first time province System the commission set up rom Rivas but the rebels remaining snipers after soldiers boarding planes at Somozafs soldiers med to View that 130 charges were laid wide statistics about com 135 yea said they arem COOtIOIOHhe heavyfightmgwednesday Managua airport cross into Costa Rica to under the Criminal Code and plaints against municipal and town and are mopping up But the guerrillas Radio The guard also said it shot dynamite two bridges on the that these probably were as Charges under the Police Act involve such areas of police dis cipline as neglect of duty not working at designated post or reporting for work unfit for provincial police have been The solicitorgenerals an nual report for 1978 tabled recently in the Ontario legislature shows that of the 3025 complaints 201 were MANAGUA APl The national guard rushed reinforcements to southern The guard President We Control RivasÂ¥re el but guard says otherwise southeast of Managua where positions the Sandinista guerrillas plan to set up their Sandino said the rebels hold The guard refused to say how many reinforcements it down two light planes just the planes carried arms for the guerrillas Pan American highway to per cent to $491 billion From those complaints three but the guard south of Managua saying trap the guerrillas in the sault charges Anastasio Somozas army 11 He said 37 charges were laid under the Ontario Police Act and officers were disciplined and counselled in 202 cases compiled formally Lee said Most of the criminal charges would be laid by people who felt they had been physically abused he said officers were charged with vio lations of the Criminal Code three were charged under the Police Act and 13 were dis ciplined the report said But although the regular trade report showed an im provcmcnt over the previous month the trade surplus to datc this year stands at only $757 million compared with $182 billion in the same period in 1978 Stop haltfare offer airline told OTTAWA tCIl The Canadian transport commission has ordered American Airlines to stop offering halffare prices on its flights leaving Canada The airline began advertising the halffares with the use of coupons practice frowned upon by the Canadian agency which rcgulatcs airlines lindcr commission rules an airline wanting to advertise special fares must first apply for permission In this case they informcd us after the fact said com mission spokesman they were flown by mer cenaries but gave no other details News reports said headquarters in the town and are fighting to dislodge the holdouts from wellfortified south but it said the Sand inistas ambushed and killed all but one of theguards Advises school bus operators LONDON Ont tCIl School bus operators will find themselves out of business unless they demand contract pro tcction from school boards against rising gasoline prices bus opcrators official said Wednesday Hugh ioidon executive director of the School Bus Open ators Association of Ontario told the associations annual convention that he expects gasoline to rise in price to $120 by the end of thc lncxt school year an increase of about 20 cents frorii the current price llc said that without protective clauses rising petroleum prices would affect the industry in variety of ways IitSlfItS more expensive gasoline many bus components dcrivcd from pctrolcumbascd synthetics will be more costly Fruit pickers hard to get Si AlllAlthES Ont fll shortage of strawberry pickers iii the Niagara Peninsula has resulted in acres of ripc bcrrics being plowed under growers say Hundreds of workers are needed to save the crop but ap pcals for student hclp havc producer only few pickers at the Farm Labor Pool lrowcr lcter Enns of nearby NiagaraOnThelake said Wednesday he will be plowing under 10 of his 14 acres of ripe bcirics today and isnt looking forward to harvesting his raspberries which already are ripening just wont have any berries next year he said linns said berry picker can earn up to $500 for three wccks work but few re intercstcd flt ORIPPER GEE YOUR SOAP HOLDER Greenpeace giggle plasticsoapholder Condmoner or urges $332133 ggglgpw 60 Kmart Sale Price Kmart Sale Price The ad which appeared in The Examiner Thursday June 28 should have stated oft our entire stock of ST JOHNS Ntld Charges of mischief laid against six members of thc lrccnpcacc Foundation as rcsult of an incident on the St ICIl 00 lolms waterfront last March were dismissed Wednesday by Magistratc loscph Woodrow Patricia Ann MCDCImOII of loronto yiitliia Gail ltamsby of Willowdale nt Annie lliiito of Boston Russell Allan Wray of San Diego alif advertisement last sunshitts and dresses The expiry date of the should have read Monday July l979 while quantities SOAP DISH OR PEEL STICK HOOKS Plastic soap dish or pack of hooks Your choice BIC RAZORS OR ONLY SOLUTION Pk of disposable razors or oz shampoocondi noner Your choice In Sears Warehouse Sale Circular insert Reg and Was refers to Simp sonsSears Ltd prices On page Two sizes of Vivian ltoc ot Scuttle Wash and liiiiothy loscph McNeil of East Lansing Mich were charged after group of per sons chained themselves and attempted to chain themsclycs Sttï¬MDOO it swervme HERES SUPERSEAL DEAL Cake saver iruit vegetable saver breadroll saver 21 it to vcssclsprcpaiinglo lcayc for Indian Cushions shoud calouflful 20cup bowl SHNVING Illt lliLlllltttI scail1 Illlllii off nor be 99 26 size 99 OMESPUN mart After CREAM OR icrii cw oiinr illl We llic niagnistratc said no cyl NOT 399 and 1299 05 sale Pnce 366 BARS soap 140 oneply ser vrettes Floral de Signs 11 oz Palmolive Rapid Shave or bars lrish Spring stated On page 16 the HP dciicc had been entered by thc ships captain or crew to show obstruction or iiitcifcrciicc and homespun motlISElvifl Kmart Re ular 5039 With of the crew members Lawn Odor OI 99998 mic seemed to have been hindered does not come equipped by the picscncc of thc irccii man ELM illustrated gm pack IIISII stlls liii1l SimpsonsSears regrets Vliitc fish such as cod had any inconvenience dock and floiindcr is low in ca loiiis HIIl ilIlOllI till calories ill it ill ouiicc piccc when cooked without oil or buttcl MITCHUM ROLLON DEODORANT Buy now and save on Mitchum RoIlA on 15 oz marl Sale Price Each these errors may have caused PAPER TOWEL HOLDER Handy chrome if plated paper towel holder mart Sale Price illustran 13 Inuit HEAT AND rinr APRON BU Cotton and CottonPolyester aprons Zipiront or bottom down toppers mart After Sale Price too mart Sale Price NAME KIT FOR YOUR CLOTHING Mark it as yours indelible pen 60 name tapes ALLINONE PANTY AND HOSE Nylon legs With 65 Cot ton35 Polyester panty Each KITCHEN TOOL SET Turner masher la dle basting and slotted spoon Each Beige or Spice Sizes ABC it mart Regular List Price 147 mart Special Price mart Regular List Price 177 mart Special Price Kmart Re ular List Price 17 Special 12 OZ MICKEY FUN MUG Made of sturdy plastic Perfect for Children it mart Alter Sale Price 217 marl Sale Price INDIAN CUSHION CoIton cover Polyurethanetoam II 15 15 marl Alter Sale Price 500 each mart Sale Price PAINT STRIPPER Fine or coarse Fits all electric drills it man Attcr Sala Price 527 mart Sale Price Each Make your best deal on any I979 Scout in stock and get 10 back on all factoryinstalled options through Buy the Scout model you want from wide inventory and international will send you rebate check for 10 of the sticker price on every factoryinstalled option 50 hurry on in This offer is good only if you purchase and take delivery of new I979 Scout by July l5 INTERNATIONAL NANVESTEI Sale Price FTC llii mu iiAiiciiic All nuc iiir iPrecut Polypro pylene yarn Print ed Cotton canvas mart Attcr Sale Price 1347 it mart Sale Price Kit 100 FT nou WRAP on BOX or so SANDWICH BAGS great bargain you cant afford to miss Glad Wrap comes in cutter box Sandwich bags with told lock tops help keep food fresh WE WELCOME Advertised Merchandise Policy no 0o mm mention 513 have every advertiseariemin stock on OuiSFElleS ltan advensedilemls nor available 10 purchase due to any untoreseen eason man Will isstte Rain CheCh on equestforlhe merchandise be ourcnasea allhe $539 price wheneveravailabie orwiilselrvoud PANTS 725IIII SALESI SERVICE 714026 1oP 10 10PM ttLvdaDie gca rtem at comparable reOuClioo prict Our poticy is to give our Customers Ex Authorhod International Truck Dodor dd W5 mart Canada lelled Serving Central Ontario 53 years IAIIII ONT