Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 30 Jun 1979, p. 23

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47 Renee breveante 41houflupreveento Thermal Window Specialists sax zTCI Aw YEAR GUARANTEE ON wwoowa INSTALLATION ONE DAY INSTALLATION ANY SIZE OR DESIGN Patio doors Aluminum Siding Fully Bonded and Insured Call the BBB Barrie 17057281202 OPEN THURS FRI NIGHT 69 PM 19 auction sales 19 auction sales THURSDAY EVENING JULY 12 at 630 PM For Wllf Shown at the Old General Store Ivy Consisting of dressers chests of drawers clocks oak office desk and chair cabinets kitchen chairs bench saw with motor doors and windows etc More detailed list next week SATURDAY JULY 14 AT PM Consignment Farm and Machinery Sale at Elmgrova Community Centre Farm equipment tractors swathers combines tillage or anything in tool and equipment line Commission $1000 entry fee plus of selling price This will be good opportunity to dispose of extra equipment that you have no further use of For information please oel Ien Hattle at 4504442 days 4589303 evenhat JaIin lel at 4354139 anytime Trucking available at reasonable rates Ju30MP JOHN BALL THE AUCTIONEER RR No Alliston 4354189 SCL No AUCTIONE 360 BLAKE ST N0 35 BARRVIE 705 7370879 AUCTION SALE Saturday July 1979 starting at 10 am for NORTHERN SURPLUS AND SALVAGE INC HIGHWAY 90 IARRIE ONT Consisting of cars trucks furniture appliances office equipment tools fencing etc Watch for full list Wednesday July List of goods may vary due to daily business Sole conducted by AUCTIONEERS Industrial and Liquidation Division Auctioneer BRYAN PACELLO Phone 7370879 SC Ju30Jy3 4750 hornetante as Cudlom made to jAerma leepacement Wnclowd TOTAL HOME IMPROVEMENTS DIVISION OF 380862 ONTARIO INC Soffit Fascia eavestrough awnings FREE ESTIMATES N0 OBLIGATIONS Eliminate Salesmens Commission TOTAL HOME IMPROVEMENTS Alliston 17054357974 Toronto 7434845 VISIT OUR NEW SHOWROOM AT 259 BRADFORD ST SPECIAL NOTICES CASH RATES eadure 41 Iene Improveonto 18 THERMAL GLASS 4V ALUMINUM FRAME STYROFOAM INSULATION VINYL THERMAL BREAK SLIDERS POP OUT FOR EASY CLEANING SATURDAY io AM5 rand Death Notices Engagements Cards of Thanks $600 minimum 40 words additional words 11 centes per word Births In Memorial no verse $600 $600 Verse per count line extra 23 cents Coming Events 4333 flblrtlle Mondayschild istairoltace TuesdaysChildislullolgrace Wednesdays Child is lull at woe Thursdays Child hasfar to go Fridays Child is loving and giving Saturdays Child works hard tor its liViig And child that IS born on the San bath Day lsfair and wise and good and gay Children hearing this verse by Counter Cullen always want to linow which day at the week was their birth date Keep this and other important information tor your childs future An Examiner Birth Announcement Will include the name of your child thc day at the week month and year at birth the weight and other Vital information printed message can DOLOIYH permanent record in Babys Book tll Family Albums Tnc ratc tor an Xaltlilltl Birth Noticc is onlySS 50 PHONE 728 1411 HENDERSON Robert and Brtilda arc picascd to announrc the birth of their daughter lanct Hllln on JUIN Elli 1979 at Royal Vittoria Hospital libs 1301 SISIIT for Mark Proud or antipiircnts arc Mrs Mariano chdi rson 0t Ballllt and Mr William Mt Arthur ut Fnniswn MleNER Wayni anti Katsy 11100 YOUllul Birric arc thippy tn iiiiinunrc birth at IhllV Tallfllllil Rarhcl tirstina on Sunday June 17th 1979 NIiLIIlITLIIIDS 1401 Wm Mrs ltnrotby Mcfitislmi Barrio wishes to animumv llii tlliltlkltllttWI il dauqhtm Mimi to Mt Uninilii Ktlllltkly ot Mintisinn lltt Iltlliaxlt to tax plan July 11 low It Criminl Lilllltkl liiiiiti Barrio SHORl iucciNi At mm Mrs Jilltlt Short nt Barrio annountc inc cnuaucniwii it their daughter Marv EIIIII tn kcnitvlti silt llllq son UI Mr and Mrs Stuart Stlllllll 0f Klfclltiuf Wlfltllth to ldtu Dldit July 11 my at pm St Franuschuuh Kiltlltlttt 86 card of thanlu HALEV HUSSEY Our silitcrcst 3L7 Drccialioi to All 1030 at Frettoiitk Campbell who arranged It rctiri ment tca for us on Junc for me Basr Commander Awards or wit to Il who coviribiitcd towards ht tihutitul pills to our tricnds arm ltlJIlVKS mm tcndcd tttc rcacpion and tar thc STOS $343 per column inch deetlte MOLLER OTTO ERHARDT At the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Thurs day June 2t 1979 Otto Molle in his 59th year beloved husband of Christa colle Dear lather ot Ana Victoria and Shirley Loving brother of Carl Asta Mrs Laursen Christian Magnus and Agnes Mrs Siglrid Jensen all of Denmark Friends may call at the Mathers Chapel ol the Robinson Funeral Home Stayner after pm Friday Service in the chapel on Monday July at pm Inter merit Minesing Union Cemetery Memorial donations may be made to the Canadian Cancer Society 87 In niernorlerne BE LANGER Doris ln loving memory of dear mother grandmother and great grandmother Doris It will soon be your Birthday Grand ma And although your not here Your someone that weve always thought dear Your Kind words your thoughts your every expression Made baing close to you life beyond compare You brought us love laughter and ioy whenever you were there Wishing you could be with us on your birthday Grandma All our love daughter Stcll son in law Ray and grandchildren Denise Paulette Janie Cathy and Guy and their families and grcat grandchild rissm In laying memory of dear mother who passed away 2nd July 1978 Always Silent heartache And many Silent tear But always beautiful memory of one we love so dear often think 01 bygone days When we were all together The lamily chain is broken now But memories will live lorever Sadly missed by son Verne wife Doris arid tamin 88 coming events TBINGO EVERY MONDAY Bpm CANADIAN LEGION Branch 147 St Vincent St and Cundles Rd JACKPOT $500 CONSOLATION $100 STF 88 coming events KING IS IIIRI TORONTO 11 Actor Waxman known to Rt tclc vision viewers as thc King of Kcnsington will be appomtcd national chairman of thc CZIIIII dian Cancer Society in lunc society officials announccd recently As part of his rolc xaxman will act as celebrity inaitrc at the Royal Rum restaurant at the Sultan Placc hotel on June for special gourmet fundraising diniicr RUMBS IN iRIII LONDON li Sttylinii lics wcrc cvaicuiitcd from their hoiiics rcccnth whcii gar dcncr dug up cullcctiiiii oi bombs and shclls from tlic First World War lolicc said no of lhc bombs wcrc duds but two shclls liid to be takcii to it lktttlt llllllsll whcrc tbcy wcrc cxplodcd lhc cxplnsncs wcrc bclicvcd part of privatc col lcction buricd by prcnous tenant of the house and good wishes iu hflvt llliOYLk our years at Icatnimi at CPR Baruch and vi It not tgrcint your man kiimncsscs Thank no cviwoitu Mai Hale a11 11 an rmssi MARROA Nc vacant hi llJlh out tanili ltldlc ans Irclifi tnr 1hr Iovcly Daily 11 its term and optic WtShtS it as tM is or 01 451nm it tmi tcw llrtlr ttc Vix AIR once BINGO HAS MOVED TO TUESDAY NIGHT STARTING TUESDAY JULY 1979 AT The Air Force Wing Building located 25 km west of Continental Inn 18min SALE BY TENDER TOWNHOUSE CONDOMINIUM DEVELOPMENT CONTAINING 44 UNITS ORILLIA ONTARIO By virtue of the Power of Sale contained in mortgage District Trust Company offers for sale by tender the lands and premises hereinafter described subject to the terms and con ditions herein stated LANDS AND PREMISES ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate lying and being in the City of Orillia in the County of Simcoe and in the Province of Ontario and being composed of part of Block according to Registered Plan 1606 in the City of Orillia now being designed as Part ac cording to Plan deposited in the Land Titles Office at Barrie as Plan 51 4793 On the above described lands located at 12 Lankin Blvd Orillia there is said to be erected 44 threebedroom storey townhouses each with its own garage These 44 units comprise all of Simcoe Con dominium Corporation No 27 These lands and premises are said to qualify as 10 MURI construction having been commenced in August 1975 The said units are currently approximately 85 rented at current market rents TERMS AND CONDITIONS TENDERS must be sealed and clearly marked TENDER RE ORILLIA PROPERTY and must be delivered in writing to DISTRICT TRUST COMPANY 383 Richmond Street Suite 1414 London Ontario not later than 211 pm on Wednesday July 18th I979 TENDERS must be accompanied by certified cheque payable to District Trust Company for $1500000 Fifteen thousand dollars which deposit will be returned to the tenderer if the tender is not accepted or forfeited by the tenderer if the tender is accepted and the Purchaser does not complete the purchase Closing shall be on the 17th day of August 1979 The Highest or any tender need not necessarily be accepted TENDERS may not be withdrawn once delivered and further all tenders received shall remain open for acceptance until 200 pm July 23rd 1979 The successful tenderer will be notified by prepaid registered mail of the acceptance of his tender and shall within days of the posting of such notice sign and deliver to District Trust Company Conditions of Sale which conditions will form part of any Agreement resulting from acceptance of tender ALL TENDERS shall be for the said lands and premises En Bloc TENDERS must contain an acknowledgement that the tenderer has relied entirely on his own inspection and in vestigation with respect to quantity quality and value For further particulars of the property rental particulars for arrangements to view the property and to obtain Con ditions of Sale kindly contact DISTRICT TRUST COMPANY 583 Richmond Street Suite 1414 LONDON Ontario PHONE 519 4346013 ATTENTION Peter Lindhout SISKIND CROMARTY Solicitors for the Mortgagee Ju2730Jy7 WHICH DAY IS BEST Advertisers Frequently ask this question Fortunately there is no best day to advertise Each day new wants arise bringing new readers as old ones satisfy their wants We recommend that you start your ad tomorrow and cancel it when you get results After many years of ex perience will millions of want ads we know tomorrow is the best day to start your ad and every day is the best day to advertise in The Examiner Classified Section churchill by Mrs Saunter 7752470 Churchills veteran postie Harry Sloan last week com pleted 38 years as the rural mail carrier Last Tuesday night customers staged presenta tion party for Harry and his wife Esther who assists her husband on his rounds The event was held in Churchill Community Hall wallet welladded with bills was presented by Ronald Allan on behalf of customers In addition framed caricature of Harry and corsages were received by the couple Vivian Lockhart read an ad dress prepared by Mina Bonney showing the esteem in which Harry was held as carrier It was in 1941 Harry took over the Churchll rural route He has served under four postmasters his uncle Edward Sloan until 1954 first Will Paterson and later Mina Paterson until 1963 and today Helen Akers Boxes served have increased from 50 in 1941 to over 150 today Barbara Akers will take over the duties of mail carrier begin ningJuly Laura Ellsworth 0f Alcona translated the evenings pro ceedings into Sign language for Harry and Esther who are deaf Harry thanked all saying he appreciated seeing his friends together and then he threw kisses to all Frak Kell Ceremonies The evening was spent play ing euchre with thu prize wine ncrs being Ruby Kcll Mina Bonney Charlie McDonald and Douglas Hughes CHURCHILL TOLR Jean Kells Grade class at lnnisfil Central School spent all day June 13 in Churchill as part of its study on communities Mothers Audrey Shapton and Gladys Snow assistcd as did Cheryl Kell the teachers daughter At Midway Market butcher Ray Cromarty explained thc parts of side of beef their eight and cost The class was intrigued the butchers walk in freezer Mrs Keli had prcparid booklets of questions and the pupils were required to find the answers As an arithmetic pro ject each student had 25 cents 50th ANNIVERSARY ORR LAKE DANCE HALL JULY lSand 14 9pm till am $7 per couple Tickets now on sale PHONE 3221664 was Master of JU30 INDEPENDENT ORDER OF FORESTERS CHILDRENS PICNIC NEW LOWELL PARK Ito pm JULY 8th 1979 Races Priles Food Free To All Members Register Children 7288260 Jy4 tsirusraa Ho mm we lat film 90 or 50 cents to spend and make EAR BIRDS W=3° Chang arc gycn in staff 7c Reyal gunk GAMES 300 pm The children welcomed free turn Hospital bftk tanks also soft drinks courtesy of he goes to Dr Dix it who i1 mm Ras madr Cromartvg theditlicillttihtaliitlccastct 30 inn TriiPSlraaH mime At Churchill Post OffiCc Plays ball although sightless Simon Risconi ll probably the first sightless hit ter in Little League history prepares to hit the ball postmistress Helen Akers told about money orders stamps cash on delivery and how parcels are weighed She show ed the children the boxes where mail is left for customers after sorting At the Community Hall the class was required to measure the length and width of the building and talked about its function They were taken in side and viewed the kitchen and its equipment Churchill United Church was the next stop where the class had an opportunity to see the baptismal font communion table and Sunday school rooms Some of the pupils said the church was highlight of the tour Noon found the class at the home of Mrs Shapton for lunch and fun At St Peters Cemetery the group was reuired to determine the earliest and latest dates of burials There they learned how to take rubbings of the pioneer tombstones Reta Coutts librarian at In nisfil Central Library showed the class three educational and entertaining films to round out the day The pupils were just finishing ice cream cones provided by Mrs Shapton when the school bus driven by Reta Allan came Anglican to drive them back to the school ready for the return trip home PIANO RECITAL The piano recital given by the pupils of Shirley Constable Juno at Churchill United Church was attended by 100 friends and relatives The waning ocned with The Little Piper by Miranda Yakiwchuk followed by Swans on thc Lake by Forbes Silverthorn Both students also played duets with Mrs Con stable as did Jane Hambly Marcia Rosewell played waltz Janc Hamny performed All Along the River and Kel ly Moreliclds choice was in vitation to the Dance Othch performing included Bcth Roscwcll Lisa ONeill Fclix llafncr Paula Neilly Darlch Ziclkc Janet Orrett and Heather Sinclair Major Minor was Ruth Annc Clubincs contribution followed by selections by Robert Kcll Cheryl ONeill Kini Prestayu Kim Mehcr and Terry Thompson Kirby Constable sang Yesterday and Doug Rileys piano solo Slow Dancing con clurlcd the first half of the pro gram Following the intermission Grade students Sharon Sinclair Anne Campbell Nan cy Jean Clubine Ruthann Rosewell Susan Hughes Janet the examiner Saturday June so 107023 off batting tee during practice recently in West Covina Calif Simon lost his sight to glaucoma at the age of AP Photo neighborly news Jack and Todd rrctt each entertained Ruthann Rosewlell and Alex Constable favored with vocal duet Four Strong Winds Heather Farts delighted all with two vocal solos Dedicaton by Schumann and The Crucifixion by Barber To God Be The Glory piano and organ duct by Anne Campbell and Mrs Constable concluded the recital Mrs Constable was presented with metronome and penandpencil set by Ruthann Rosewell on behalf of her pupils Before the recital Nancy Jean Clubine presented her with Corsage of yellow roses social hour over coffee was enjoyed by all edgarclowes by Marion Wright 7286797 The June meeting of Clowes Womens Institute was held at the home of Mrs Keith Lees The Roll Call was name farm safety tip The guest speaker for the evening was Alberta Simpson Simcoe Coun ty Dairy Princess and she chose as her topic Cheese She also showed slides on the different steps in processing cheese Mrs Tom Partridge gave report from the district board meeting member of the In stitute Mrs Laurence Fraser was hostess for day at the Erland Lee Museum Home at Stoney Creek during Ontario Womens Institute Week pcn House the first week of June The ladies of Institute are plan ning to attend Gryphon Theatre on July 17 for the presentation Same Time Next Year Each member is responsible for her own ticket Husbands and friends are welcome The next meeting will be held on July 10 at the home of Mrs Don McLean GRADUATION Achievement Exercises for Best Memorial School were held in the gym at the Guthrie School The gym was decorated with the accent on youth huge Japanese lantern was suspend ed from the ceiling flanked by twopearshaped silver spangl ed chandeliers Another two were suspended as part of the stage setting while baskets of red peonies all added to the pleasing effect Reg Knight played the piano as parents grandprents relatives and pupils took their places Mr Eldrige the Grade and teacher was chairman and welcomed everyone who come to share this special even ing Bonnie Hisey member of the graduating class capany played two selections on the piano Reeve Howard Campbell brought greetings from Oro Township and Council He was reminiscent about the opening ceremonies of Best Memorial School Those closely involved with the building of the school at that time would alqays rcmcmbcr the architec ture but the students and graduates arc the living ar chitecture that represents the school Lloyd Fletcher brought greetings from the Simcoe County Board of Ecucation Smoke an 8yearold female harbor seal seems to have had hard day of swimming and perform ing in the seal tank at the New England Aquarium in Boston Smoke was brought to the Aquarium in 1971 after being abandoned as pup in Maine AP Photo

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