600 REACH FOR THE TOP NEWS CBC NEWS KRESKIN SATURDAY REPORT POLKA DOT DOOR LAUREL AND HARDY 630 INOUIRY SIMCOE RESCUE SOUAD CBS NEWS THIS WEEK IN ONTARIO NEWS SPECTRUM VISION ON SPORTS PROBE MCGOWAN AND COMPANY 700 HEE HAW Guests Charley P1100 pardJimm Henley wanna INCRE IBLE HULK NEXT STEP BEYOND THE PAPER CHASE IT CANT HAPPEN To ME BJ AND THE BEAR EIN PROSIT DONT ASK ME OUIz KIDS on FOUR FOR ADVENTURE 730 SHA NA NA EYE ON BUFFALO GEORGE HAMILTON IV AMONG OTHER THINGS G3 WILDLIFE CINEMA LAST OF THE WILD 800 CHIPS Jen and Ponch sulferthetauntsof aellassursd CHP rookie with political clout past 60 mm THE GATHERING OF THE CLANSTATTOOThIssummerthelnternav tronal Gathering of the Clans Is being held in Nova Scotia The opening ceremonies Will be presided over by Her Maissly Queen Elizabeth Queen Mother 60 mins BAD NEWS BEARS Coach Morris Buttermskar is first seen in his professional ccupstion as swimming pool Cleaner pean ALL ON SUMMERS DAY This features the Loto Canada Drawing BATTLESTAR GALACTICA Starbuck must saveamanwhohabelievestobe his longlost lather from bloodthirsty Borallian henchmen who are out to kill him Guest star Astaire Re eat 80 mins STARLO CHIPS 600 NEWS THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF DISNEY young forester Iearnsthat cougars make troublesome pets in this humor Ouswrlderness adventure Hehaslittledrtticulty in raising an Orphaned cougar kitten Once tull grownhoweverthecougarcausssonecalami fter another Re eat 60 mins AMAZI WORLD OF KRESKIN WILD ANIMALS OF THE RLD Elack Bear POLKA DOT DOOR ea GLOBAL NEWSWEEK 630 WILD KINGDOM CONSUMER BUYLINE LETS Go TO THE RACES NEWS NEW FACES El THE REAL STORY 11 TOWARDS THE YEAR 2000 700 THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF DISNEY Chorus The Lonesome CougarAn Orphaned cougar adopted by young forester proves to bee troublesomapet Pt olatwo sode60 mins BEACHCOMBERS Mcloskays dead and Relic killed him Thats the theory which prompts the gang to sand Relic to Coventry and declare him mvrsible But Relic discoversadvantageetothisdilemma Nickand Margaretmustexorcrsehimtopulanendlothe 12YIOUS gomgson Repeat 60 MINUTES THE HARDY BOYS The rock group BreadyomtheHardybiotharsinaplanathelping ayounp Russianlanwhofallsinlovewithan American agent and detects Repeat 60 THE HARDY BOYS David Gates and fellow members of the famed rock groupBread lot the Hardy brothers in plan to help young Russian fan who falls fl love with an American mot and defects Part II 60 mins SMITH AND SMITH ROLE CALL ea GOING PLACES 730 HAPPY DAYS Fonzias advice turnsRalphintoadashingromanticandMsrions femininetouchtranslormsLeatherTuscadero into lovely young lady when the gang goes tO military ball Repeal COMEDY SHOP THE AFRICA FILE Lanith in WHAT WILL THEY THINK OF NEXT 1e the examiner Saturday June so tglevision guide SATURDAY EVENING VIEWING BAD NEWS BEARS SHULMAN FILE 030 COME To THE TEA omD OF STOCKARD CHANNiNG IN JUST FRIENDS Susanughesmsksathe disquretrng discovery that shes considered badcreditrisli because other separatedmsrital lua Re eat MOJIE Tha Hard Part Begins 1911 IN CONCERT Charlie Priao 900 BJ AND THE BEAR kidnapped by three beautiful sisters who Iorcehim to help them make moonshine so that they can pay all Ir hers medical billaRe eat 00mins CANADA SING live national slng along with Juliet Pat Rose Doug Parker hie orchestra so mins SATURDAY NIGHT MOVIE Tha Three Musketeers 1074 Stars Oliver Reed uel Watch THE LOVE BOAT Three vignettes lea Father Like Son Stare Robert Mandan Randolph Mantooth Oont Push Me Stars Roddy McDowell Tammy Grimes Second ChanceStare VirginiaGrahamDebbiMorgan Boast 60mins MOVIE DOCUMENTARY allastream 1973 REAT DEBATE 930 FOR LOVERS ONLY CITY LIGHTS Guest Sally Field 1000 SUPERTRAIN Thebsckersofamovls put out contract on the life Of producer who boards Supartrain In an effort to convince Iamous actress that he will be assassinated if shedoesntagreetoatarinhiafilm Guest stall Sylvia Sidney Dennis Dugan Repeat 80 PROGRAMMING UNANNOUNCED THE GATHERING OF THE CLANSTATTOOThtseummerthelnternav tional Gathering of the Clans is being held In Nova Scotis The opening ceremonies will be prasidedovsrbyHerMaiestyQueen Elizabeth on Mother 80 mine FANTASY ISLAND Imous mystery writers tan gets involved in murder plot that could become her final chapter and msnwhowsntatobecoms abeachcombarvialt Mr Roarke Guest stars Celeste Holm John in Re eat 80 mins IDCONVERSATIONSWITHELWV ST Start timeisa prox SUPERTHAI EDITORS 1030 WITNESS To YESTERDAY 1045 IE MOVIE The Only Thing You Know I970 800 THE BIG EVENT Donner Pass The Road To Survival 1978 Stars Robert Fuller Diane Mchin An American pioneer wages desperate tight to save the lives olhis family trapped in deep mountain snows as starvation forces them into choice worse than death BB OSCAR PETERSONSCAN ADIANASUITEAftermanyysarsofnursing thisdreamOecarPetersonlinalIyseeshisiazz portrait of Canada made into television speciaIFr0mLandofthe MistyGiantsBritish ColumbiatoBalladtotha EastMaritimes the Canadians Suite is series of visual and danceinterpratations0IOscarsimpressionsol homelandRa eat80mins ALL IN FAMILY Archie insists that new homeand not hisbe found lor Stephanie but Edith has other ideas past SALVAGE1 Harry Broderick races sgsinsttimetotryand saveMeIanieSkipanda little girl who get trapped in rapidly flooding bomb shelter several feet below the ground Boast 60mins BATTLESTAR GALACTICA The peopleOfthsCelestraoneoflhefleetfollowing the Galacticaleelthatthayarebeingmislreat ed by the commander and plan to mutiny after ing control of the ship Repeal 60 mins MOVIE No OtherLove 1979 THE GREAT DEBATE GeorgeEra sumus vs Richard McNeaIy Resolved There Should Be An Independent Indian Nation in the hwost Territorias OUIZ KIDS SHOW THE SHULMAN FILE 830 ONE DAY AT TIME 53mm worriesabouthowshecanbrusholIBobMonon har gentle admirer Change abruptly when Bob and Ann come up with some unpopular alterna Re eat ON DAY AT TIME 900 THE SHOW ON THE HILL Canadas birthday is Celebrated in grand style with galaxy of Canadas top antenainers per formingIivefrOmParliamentHillGuastsinclude Carroll Baker Canadian Brass John Allen Cameron Cape Breton Symphony and Patsy lant his ALICE Alice feels she has to stop dating Tommys prrncipal when Tommy complains of getting heavy razzing about it from the kids at ool Re eat SUNDAY NIGHT MOVIE ThaNew Maverick1918 Stars JamesGarner JackKal STAR LOST IE UPSTAIRS DOWNSTAIRS Guast ofHonorProgram I3 Eaton Placais bustling with happy anticipation because King 100 In NEWS CBC NEWS CTV NEWS LOTTARIO FEEL LIKE DANCIN 101 MOVIE ADVENTURE 0° 91 Zulu teen 105 NASHVILLE SWING 1115 PROVINCIAL AFFIARS PROVINCIAL AFFAIRS 1120 NEWS 1130 SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE Host Michael Palin Guests Doobia Brothers avast 90mins MOVIE MYSTERY Jlg 1971 MOVIEWESTERNWA Jour uy to Shiloh 1968 SOUNDS GOOD 1140 MOVIE gtTITLE UNANNOUNCED 1200 TOMBSTONE TERRITORY MOVIE ADVENTURE klahoma Crude 1913 CONVERSATIONSWITHELWY ST Part II Start time is prox INTERNATIONAL INEMA 1210 MOVIE DRAMA Dirty Harry 1230 PETTICOAT JUNCTION IE MOVIE The Heat Wave Laated Four Days 1974 100 ROCK CONCERT PHANTOM CREEPS 115 DR KILDARE 130 CHALLENGE 19 CONVERSATIONSWITHELWY $ST Part III Start time is approx MOVIE DRAMA The Crash 1932 145 HUMAN JUNGLE 200 ABC NEWS 10 Is MOVIE HORROR Legend 01 Booov Creek 1913 SUNDAY EVENING VIEWING EdwardVIIiscominglordinnarsndbridgeButs more unexpected guest arrlves downstairs Sarah who is ust about to give birth to James lamyaille itirnatschild CLA DIUS 930 THE JEFFERSONS Louise mam that sheand Georgehave lallanintoarut untila turn offatetransformstheirroutineintothegood da Repeat CITY LIGHTS 1000 PRIME TIME SUNDAY MOSESTHE LAWGIVER The Egyptians attempt to stand up under series dreadful plagues while Moses Insists that his peoplebafreadStarsBurtLancastarPtIllol xpart series 60mins W5 Jim Reed looks at the entertainment scene of topless dancers Helen Hutchinson profiles young millionaire Henry Champ goes to the barricades with Britsinsviolent soccer Repeat 60mins LOU GRANTThavacationingLoufinds himself at Odds with his Old boss the crusty owner of rural newspaper about breaking storythatcouldtearthetownapartRepeat60 LAUBE DES HOMMES POINT BLANK 1030 LAUREL AND HARDY 1100 In NEWS CBC NEWS CTV NEWS INTROSPEC ea MONEY TALKS MARITIME COUNTRY 1115 NEWS 1120 99 NEWS 1130 MOVIE DRAMA Flve nded Women 1960 MARCUS WELBY MD MOVIE DRAMA PIC 1955 FAMILY BROWN COUNTRY IN PRIVATE LIFE NIGHTMUSIC 1133 MOVIE DRAMA 1° The Good Earth 1191 MONDAY EVENING VIEWING 600 in NEWS HOLLYWOOD SQUARES DEFINITION POLKA DOT DOOR 628 NEWS 630 NBC NEWS MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW CBS NEWS OUEEN MOTHERS VISIT TO TORONTO ABC NEWS NEWS PARTY GAME ID FISH TALES 645 LETS ALL SING 700 DATING GAME FANTASY ISLAND CROSS mm MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW TIC TAC DOUGH WHATS MY LINE LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIR IE Charles Ingalls Ines to deal with Mrs Ola sons strong prejudice against Walnut Groves onlyblackresident whilealsotryingtotindanaw home tor the Children in the school for the blind of two art episode 60 mins OUTR AC ONTARIO Toronto phony Y0uth Orchestrs 35 GONG snow PRICE Is RIGHT 730 $100000 NAME THAT TUNE NEWLYWED GAME FOR THE LOVE OF SPORT Cohosts Brian Williams and Steve Cooney ex re the world at amateur on HOLLYWOOD SOUARES HEADLINE HUNTERS MAGIC SHADOWS BOB NEWHART SHOW 800 LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIR IE Charles lngalls tries to deal erh Mrs Ole sona strong prepudica against Walnut Graves onlyblackresidentwhilaslsotryingtolindanow home lor the children In the school for the blind glasspart egisode 80 mrne TH WHITE SHADOW Thorpe must tace the musrc both literally and liguratively when hebegins datingagirlofques tionable reputation and the basketball team decrdsstolaunchsmusicslcareer Repaat60 ID MONDAY NIGHT BASEBALL SALVAGE The Salvage crew makes two discoveries in Africa longlost anth ropologist and giant creature believed to be the missing link between man and the apes past 60 mins SPEAKING OUT EB HOT CITY DISCO MOVIE COMEDY my Seven Year Itch 1955 900 MONDAY NIGHT AT THE MOVIESThaDuke tQ79$tarsRobertCon West MASH becomes the sur rogstelalherto Korean lamily when the young daughter seeks medical assistance for her umoniavriddenfather Repeat MASH becomes almost the sur rogstetathertosKoreanlamilywhenthe young daughter seeks medical assistance for her Ear Re est MONDAY NIGHT MOVIEIiihi me Last olHrsTribe Stars DenmsWeavarJosaph nin Fox MA ProgramS FinalEpisode BABE RUTH 930 WKRP IN CINCINNATI um separates from Lucille and he anticipates swinging bachelor tile Friends at the station Irentsurethey Can copewith an unshackled bTarlsk Repeat WKRPINCINCINNATIHerbsman tsl misunderstandings have led to separation from malls and he anticrpatas swinging bachelor lite Repeat 1000 NEWSMAGAZINE LOU GRANTThevscationingLOIilrnds himsell at odds With his old boss the crusty owner of rural newspaper about breaking storythatcouldtsarthetownapsrt Repeat60 BUFFY Bully Ste Marie srngs at Ontario Place BreathsandFlyrellsclsthemoodolher ic and the readings Harry Balatonle NEWS UPDAT NEWS 1001 MERV GRIFFIN 1030 THISLANDAlookstthemooseend howbiologistscarryoutlreldstudiestostsbilize hard that is in decline as man steadily en croaches on wilderness areas 1100 onto NEWS caC NEWS CTV NEWS EDUCATION OF MIKE MCMANUS so NEW MUSIC SPECIAL 40 QUESTION PERIOD 1150 THIS WEEK IN ONTARIO 1120 NEWS 1125 NEWS 1127 NEWS 1130 WIMBLEDON UPDATE CBS LATE MOVIE THE nocxsoao FILES Hotel Ol Fear Angel is kept in luxurious protective Custody when he tsstities against syndicate hit man Repeal NEVER SANG FORMYFATHER tQ7OStars MelvynDouglas sllackman IT MOVIE COMEDY Vi Whats So Bad About Feeling od 1990 STREET TALK NIGHTMUSIC Nancy Simmonds 145 THE TONIGHT SHOW Guest host Bill Cosby Guests Rob Reiner Roger Moore mins SECRET ARMY new type of aircraft is shot down withhighly secret rsdarequipment on board The navigator survives and is shel tered by an expatriate Englishman who quickly finds himself forced to dacrde where his loyal ties lie Repeat 60 mm MOVIE COMEDY Carry Doctor 1972 MEDICAL CENTER MERV GRIFFIN CONTINUES PTL CLUBTALK AND VARIETY 1210 MOVIE DRAMA Ash Wednesday 191 1230 MONTY PYTHONs FLYING CIRCUS 100 MARCUS WELBY MD ALL THAT GLITTERS 115 TOMORROW Host Torn 519 130 NEWS MOVIE MUSICALCOMEDY Wlld On the Beach19e5 1245 MOVIE DRAMAMUSICAL Young At Heart 1954 The Doctor Says Tongue factor insnoflng By PAUL RUBLE MD Dear Dr Ruble My hus bands heavy snorer and has been for years do notice that sometimes at night he has loss of breath or seems to and wonder if this is serious Mrs Heavy snorers can ex pgltience apnea tAPneeuh icb is the temporary stop age of breathing People with this problem may have it to sortie degree during the day Hypoventilation slow shallow breathing is cause That results in buildup of carbon dioxide in the body which may ontribute t0 the breathing Emblem In recent study wives and husbands of persons with sleep disturbance Often noted that it started after many years of heavy snoring The direct cause of heavy snoring is thought to be loss of tone in the tongue muscles allowing it to fall back and obstruct normal air pas sages If the muscles relax suf ficiently breathing stops and the person wakes up Other facts from the study 45 per cent of normal people snoreand 25 per cent admit to being habitual snorers It is more comm in older men three times ore in fat people With common garden vari ety snorers suspect the only problem is that they have the misfortune to go to sleep before the n0nsnoreriin which case ear plugs mig be the only fcure for the partner Dear Dr Ruble Iknow the fifference between diver iculosis and diverticulitis has been explained many times But when one is told that he has one or the other it sort of goes in one Car and out the other at ways thought Osis was far more serious than itis Also alas led to believe that pockets in the bowel was referred to as diverticulitis ferqnce between What is the dif pockets and pplyps What is the ï¬eatmcnt for the pockets problem MH You have things reversed The osis is the presence of the bowel pockets Most people develop them The itis means infection of the pockets and obviously that is serious requiring antibiotics Both are treated with diet primarily but different types For the osis the diet emphasizes sufficient bulk The inflamed pockets call for diet low in bqu until the infection subsides polyp is growth in mucuous tissue It has nothing to do with pockets You should find out just what your problem really is Dear Dr Ruble You said that pernicious anemia is life long problem and that the body lacks substance needed to use 812 in the food Can one be OK most of ones life and then de velop pernicious anemia gradu ally witli age Mrs PJ You are exactly right In fact pernicious anemia is rare under 30 and becomes more common after that Once it appears then person has the problem for life and the B12 shots are needed to correct the deficiency Elderly persons with anemia digestive problems and neuritis numb ness problems should be checked for this Dear Dr Ruble take Vitamins every morning with my orange juice Could that counteract the effect of the vitamins MD No Note the juice is prob ably taking care of your normal vitamin needs Dear Dr Ruble When woman has had her uterus re moved is it possible to have one transplanted Mrs NS No BRIDGE WW OSwaId JaCOby Lose two win 11842 Vulnerable Both Dealer South West North East Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Opening lead 6K East followed to the first club with the seven South ducked and West continued with the queen East com pleted the club echo with the six South took his ace and studied the hand carefully He studied for some time game while mentally blaming his partner for trying for game with just seven highcard points and balanced hand Then South saw that he had reasonable play to make his 10 tricks It involved the deliberate loss of two trump tricks to make it possible to discard two of his hearts on dummys ace and king of diamonds SD South promptly led ace of spades queen and jack of diamonds and low spade West took his king and could find no better lead than club Dummy ruffed and East overruffed with the queen but that was all she wrote South could ruff his last club in dummy and discard his 10 and six of hearts on dummys ace and king of diamonds Ask the 111911 Connecticut reader asks what is meant by mirror distribution and is it good or bad Mirror distribution means that declarer and dummy have exactly the same dis tribution and it is defintely bad for declarer since he cantruff anything or get discard from either hand Answer to Prewous Punliv daily crossword ACROSS Bushy liimp lBrit Lowlaan 42 Rng Darl mood 44 woe l2 Intelligent 45 New 13 Garment piece 46 Em Commumca 48 Hackamore lion 15 JOyIttl Ease 55 Crooner l6 Gallic anumahw 56 Iternative l7 Snarling for 57 53d Iumer 58 Made home Football conlerence More pallirl DOWN 23 Back 26 Brother of Barrel iabbr I3 Withdraw 34 Shuflled Abel Mine product from 35 Idle 28 FOrldaflounly Make an aSSOClatlon 3g Flam 29 SDY WOW edging 18 Adopt 43 mac 5k labbll Yugoslav 19 Begin l2 wds 45 Hem 3O GUIde to leader 20 City Sp 47 Comes 50mm Get the drop 22 Vorce box 48 scouting mySieV On camp 23 Means of 31 Stems en group atll 33 0m Vast number 24 Spanish We 36 Try Chamed holiday 50 HOOSlel state Isachgrl Adjacent 25 Sensed With 52 Small bird 38 Changed Come by tongue particles 10 Evening 27 By bum 53 AgflCuHural 40 AnCIent Italian poet 32 American implement family It Cerise Indian 54 Terminate Bernice DedeOeoI cYour cBirthday July 1979 Chanqu you have ltcll hririiiiq IOr ItLIllL ILaIIlILh this LUITI Ing your Part the rirdSmi Will be UiidiiSi yrItI haw Stronqu ItlldIlCldi tUIII CANCER June 21July 22 AS gObctweuri today you re likely to have rm pours You know how to put things to gethcr so that everyone Irene fits including yoursvll LEO July 23Aug 22 This is good day lOr you to sell per sons who could be helpful to your present plans on your ideas POint up the ways in which they could benefit VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 Give Situations that mean something to you materially top priority today This is the area where you Will be the luckiest LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 You have leadership qualities today so make it pornt not to hide your light under bushel Be takecharge type SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 Even though you may not be fully aware OI it today deavelop ments behind the scenes are working In your lavor Shortly the results Will come to light SAGITTARIUS NOV 23Dec 21 NO One really likes to ask favors but should you find it necessary to do SO this is good day for it Friends are anxious to help you CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan 19 Youre at your best today in challenging SlanlIOFIS so dont heSItate to meet things head On When the 90mg gets tough you get gorng AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 When youre around persons you feel could add to your storehouse of knowledge do more listening than talking today It could be areal educa lion PISCES Feb 20March 20 Should someone in whom you have faith approach you WIIII business propOSition today give this person your full atten NORTH ERN STATIONERY 29 Dunlop St 7373860 Bugs Bunny Qltetdlmevweee 10919 Frank 29nd Ernest lion It might be real Winner ARIES March 21April 19 Your Willingness to cooperate Is yOUr greateSI asset today Be cause you are good team payer benefits Will come to you through those With whom you assocrate TAURUS April 20May 20 You have the ability today to utilize your skills and talents In ex tremely productive prolitable ways both for yOurseIl and Others Use them wrsely GEMINI May 21June 20 Dont be too Surprised today if youre given mOre than your usual share of compliments Others see things in you which they truly admire cYour Birthday July 1979 Changes in your basic lifestyle are extremer likely for you this coming year because of good things that Will happen for you materially Try to salt little away CANCER June 21July 22 Look for hidden ways Such as fixing up something you thought worthless or obsolete to help ease the strain on the famin budget Things will work out well LEO July 23Aug 22 The day may start out little Slowly but by afternoon the momentum picks up considerably It should be anything but dull VIRGO Aug 21Sept 22 You wont have to be overly aggres sive to satisfy your material appetite today Lady Luck is backing you up all the way LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 Dont turn down any invitations just because you wake up grumpy Your mood will do an about lace making you playful and gregarious SCORPIO Oct zitNOV 22 There is inner Strength concealed in your makeup today Youll bring it to the surface it its needed to rein force any lucky breaks coming your way SAGITTARIUS Nov 23DeC 21 You are exceptionally for tunate when dealing with large groups or organizations today Dont hold back any of your ideas or plans CAPRICORN Dec 22an 19 Give Others chance to wake up before you solicit their aid then theyll pitch in and youll have all the cooperation and help you need AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 Dont try to do everything your self today Working in tandem makes things go easier and doubles your creativity and productivity PISCES Feb20March 20 Your greatest gains today come from an interest Shared with someone who has the same desires as you do Together youre winning combination ARIES March 21April19 After some revisions are are made to solve early minor problems the day works out beautifully Youll have fun with special friends TAURUS April 20May 10 Lack of communication may at first give you few headaches today Later however with everyone pitching in youll ac complish what you set Out to do GEMINI May 21June 20 There is Strong possibility youll spend the day with some old pals you may not have seen for awhile It might even be chance encounter cYour Birthday July 1979 Things important to you per sonally as well as to one you feel responsible for will take turn for the better this coming year Old problems WIII seem to disappear of their own volition CANCER June 21July 22 Look for the bluebird of happi ness to be perching In areas youd least expect today Youll know Where he is when you hear his cheerful chirp LEO July 23Aug 22 YOU usually know the right things to say to people and today will be no exception The only differ ence is that youll have more of them to Charm than usual VIRGO Aug 22Sept 22 Per sons you hold In high esteem will be caring about you and wanting to fulfill your needs today If you need favor ask LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 Spreading sunshine and cheery thoughts makes you popular guy or gal today Peo ple need smile almost more than they need food SCORPIO Oct 2aNov 22 Someone who does things in qwel manner is on your Side today This person knows how to make you happy in his or her own gentle fashion SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 Your greatest asset today is your ability to make everyone you deal With feel very impor tant Your Winning ways gain allies CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan 19 The key to your success today is to find enloyment in your duties Once you leel that what you are domg serves useful purpose the sky is the limit AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 Because youre unlikely to take yourself or Others too seriously today you Should experience many pleasant encounters Thelighttouch works wonders PISCES Feb 20March 20 Someone extremely fond of you will be secretly trying to effect change today thats greatly to your advantage This person has helped you before ARIES March 21April 19 Youll have great time no matter who you are with today Your quick wit and delightful charm will have everybody gathering around you TAURUS April 21May 10 Those extra pennies you need to do or have something spe cial will be there today Youve done your job well Its re flected in your pocketbook GEMINI May 21June 20 Hap piness always comes from sharing your time with those about whom you care lot This is why today will be such pleasant one for you Your Wedding Invitations 0K 00 LITTLE BUG SNIPER WHATS THE FKOSLEM Announcements Headquarters We provide loanou service flair NON ITS White To 867 50MB orbM SHUTEYE SURE BELIEVE IN HEREAFIER ITJ CALLED eoultLABA 155E Born Loser ITSNOGCXJDRUB MEALS AN TitAT WONT LET ME Go ii iTMBANS LmKIN AFTER IMSELF MAKIN IS OWN NO ASKIN ANDY THE LASSES ARE HAVIN DAYTQIPTOYORK CAN Go ILLTHINK ITOVER AN LET YOU BOY CAN HARDLY WAIT TILL OBI TO COLLBW 90 CAL TAKE UP GPACE are 11 Reg us iii YOURE ALREADY 001mg THAT AND YOURE ONLY IN THE FlRéT KAOE RUBE WHEN THAT BLOKE SAYS FLL LET ME wow KNOW