ir SF iole vallS Th irtis oati ract teal onc 6A the examiner Friday June 29 1979 Earn probation Former president of Col umbia Pictures David Begelman hopes to earn his way off probation with film he has produced on the dangers of angel dust He makes geography seem sexy HOLLYWOOD AP Not to say that Michael Franks is weirdo but when was the last time you heard guy sing song that made geography sound sexy There isnt any other way to deseribe lines like You got the nicest North America this sailor ever saw like to feel your warm Brazil and toueh your Panama Ihats troni tune Franks irote ealled lopsiele loes I1lII brings us to the matter ot his alleged food letisn The people doing the alleging ean draw lroni any number of Franks lyries to back up their ease but eonsider these from IIggplant My baby eooks her eggplant about lit different ways but sometimes just have it raw with mayonnaise Franks interviewed during reeent tour to promote his most reeent release Iiger In the Rain smiled when the food let iin question was raised USES BASEBALL TERMS think it was iwriterl Nat Hentott who started that rumor in thing he did in osmopoIi tan said Franks who looks eonsiderably younger than his years lint the analogy Ive been using this year to deseribe the idea ot songwriting is piteh iiig beeause Im baseball Ian think have beeoine known tor niy knuekleball which is eonsidered to be the wobbly weird piteh lopsiele Ioes IIggplant that kind at thing But also leel like Ie been throwing great tunes and hope great laslballs baseball metaphor to do stllllt songwriting Well what an you expeet troiii someone who wrohe doetoral thesis on ionteniporary Songwriting and How It Relates to Soeiet vn eggliead ol sorts Franks peppers his relaxed ballads lIIl ielerenees to ialdi Freud and eanne Steps down Alan Ladd Jr producer of Star Wars is stepping down as president of 20th Century Fox when his con tract expires Dec 3i i980 smco Vespro Volley CARPENTRY mogggggggymndw HOMESTEAD ammo mu Busmess SHEET METAL Q1248 PLUMBING WAREHOUSE THE COMPLETE Complete Forced Air Heating Cooling Systems EMERGENCY CALLS III VA ISICI RiQZVmm PLUMBNGr HEATNG vZLquncgynslfms swxiclilho goNoGLs itions ELECTRICAL RETAILER Rec Rooms OKNOV and DRIVEWAYS TOPSO Workmanship Guaranteed Cd km Rio DIWdIOd Afllelon Fru Extinct DOBINSON CONSTRUCTION Co ltd Bulldozing Excavating Grading Trenching Small Backhoes 4361927 lndscopo Design and Cuuuhoï¬on ermls mainnotice OTm removal mointononco ERAVESLANDSCAPING 1163888 FOR PROMPT RELIABLE SERVICE TREE SERVICE 7189369 PLAN N° 762624 213 70 ftpi DRILLING 4364359 MT ROOFING CONTRACTORS Roof Restoration INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL EMERGENCY REPAIR 118 sq mm call 1280 sq ft lpi ca 7370818 Ilqu mm cal121 sq ttpi ca If you have problem water PROPANE GAS BARBECUES o$i 30 completely assembled and doivorod iiclodu 20 lb cyliner lull REID BUILDING LTD RESIDENTIAL Interior Exterior PIanning Desugning Guaranteed Workmanship 72841 I9 QUALIFY govemment gram toi two thirds oi the on on my vss Ii in ojilv ODDOVBd mamrials an be mailabie It you it your 13 home qualities lien DROP INTO OUR SHOWROOM AND SEE THE COMPLETE LINE Sales with Service trom CIVeathertran Heat Pumps North Americas No lSelIing Heat Pumps Pmsaunoii Piiiiiis For further intonation aid odvico SCOTT MUII SIMCOE Whololole Woroliouse Outlet Call 7281782 and say DYKSTRA BROS 00mm ioouom thE tl ELESIIIISSLTD Lu Jfll 726186 INSULATION 7261439 29 Ponotong 51 Burton Avo Barrio em 30 101 oluporhm 49 Morrow Rd Unit 12 7372331 7281267