Way Juno 21 1019 NEWSROOM 76 653 CIICULAIION 776 6539 the examiner servmg barrie and simcoe county Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited lb Baylield Street Barrie Ontario LAM 4T6 Bruce Rowland publisher ADVERTISING 726 6537 CLASSIFIEDS 7282414 Weve heard for long time about downtown improvement Now were about to see the first example of downtown im provement in action It will take the shape of new decorative lighting along stretch of Dunlop Street East Some 14 lights which resemble traditional gas lamps will be installed on the street The effect should be quaint look and fostering of pride in the area True the lamps are an additional expense of some $15000 over conventional lighting But lower maintenance costs will offset some of that added expense Moreover the total $20000 expenditure is bargain base ment price for start at downtown redevelopment The downtown board which backed the project from the start and east end merchants will be happy with the start The city should too The project is not only start at muchneeded redevelop ment but an equitable start as well Those who somehow feared redevelopment would un balance the downtown should look again Downtown improvement can benefit the entire downtown east and west alike start has now been made at giving the east end of the city new look That look will complement the proposed civic cen tre project in the east end and seeder project in the west end balance between redeveloping both ends of the downtown will do the most for the new downtown of tomorrow letters to the editor Dear Editor We are students of grade and of Monsignor Clair school which is located on Cundles Road east of St Vincent Street 122 metres outside the city limits Seventyfive per cent of the students in our class live in the city of Barrie while the remaining come from Midhurst and rural areas Because the school is not located within the city there are some priviledges that we are denied which students in city schools are eligible for We do not have the opportunity to get involved with the Mayor of the Week program which gives stu dent in the grade class an insight into municipal government of our city Some of our students are safety patrollers but have not been able to participate in activities that the city patrollers do We would appreciate if next years class could be included in these activities for which 75 per cent of our parents are already sup porting by their taxes Yours truly Patrick Quinn On behalf of the and class FLASH The Examiner is charged with cheap journalism by well known Barrie developer The scene city hall on Monday night Im sure youve heard the story Jack Stollar is angry city council is not allowing him to puet Swiss Chalet along Bayfield street Stollar is charging the city with con flict of interest because it has given financial support to the downtown improvement pro ject The city wont do it because it has frozen all commercial development until the improve ment project gets on stream Anyway when Stollar completed his half hour tirade against city council yours truly asked Stollar if he knew when the Ontario Supreme Court might decide on his alleged conflict of interest His reply Why dont you ask the Barrie Examiner They seem to think they know everything In voice loud enough for many people in the chambers to hear including some members of council Stollar said he saw ex amples of the most cheap journalism Ive seen in long time contained in last weeks Examiner The comments ended an unfortunate display by Stollar who is clearly attempting to use intimidation to make council see things his way use the word unfortunate because Stollar does have manv valid points and they are we want your Opinion Somothing on your mind Sand Lottor to the Editor Please make it on original copy and sign it Tho Examiner doesnt publish unsigned let tors but it you wish pen name will be used Include y0ur telephone number and address as we have to vorin letters Because of space limits public interest and good taste The Examiner sometimes has to edit condense or reject letters Lottors to the Editor are run every day on the odltoriol pogo Sond yours to lottors to the Editor Ibo kosher Put Ofï¬ce In 370 IAIIII Ont MM 416 From city hall Cheap journalism or cheap shot Dear Editor am writing in reply to the letter appearing in your newspaper by Douglas McKinley of Douglas Lin coln Mercury while ago concern ing an earlier story involving Ford truck owned by myself Initially would like to point out that the accident which Mr McKinley referred to in his letter did not have anything to do with the problems which was encountering with this truck This accident if it can be called such involved $7 bill for hubcap Notwithstanding the attempts by Douglas Lincoln Mercury and the representative of the Ford Motor Company to correct the problems with my truck the problem was and has been corrected by Don Coffey Motor Sales Schomberg and ac cordingly it would appear that the problem which had been en countering with this vehicle was not insoluble as has been suggested Yours very truly Ronald Mooney Barrie issues have wondered about myself RITICAL ISSLE The lack of industrial and commercial pro perty is critical in the city according to planning director Rick Bates The city is actually contributing to its own demise by not allowing developments such as Swiss Chalet to proceed Anyone who has had occasion to frequent the chalets in Toronto know the enormous popularity of the restaurants and the money it would bring into Barrie Certainly one cannot ignore the 80 jobs it would create either With annexation definite uncertainty at this point can the city afford to pass up good commercial develop ment like this But the city has made the only decision it could The provincial government has frozen all commercial development on the fringe of the city boundaries Barrie has followed suit with freeze on development until the downtown improvement project gets on stream City council members would look like ab solute fools if they suddenly changed their minds and decided to continue to allow development outside the core area Its really very simple The city has com mitted itself to save faultcring downtown and it wants to make no exceptions to that at tempt Right or wrong city council practical ly has to stick to its guns or risk seeing the downtown crumble The province seems to think thriving downtown is vital to the life blood of com munity So does Barrie Stollar accuses the Examiner of cheap journalism can only assume he refered to an Examiner editorial last week backing the city in its decision Cheap journalism Because newspaper editorial happens to differ with the interest and opinions of developer Gee wonder what Stollar would have said if the editorial had backed up guess then The Examiner would have been the greatest newspaper in the world Whatever Stollar has not won the support of council members by his tirade on Monday night If anything Stollar has served to alienate council members by his unfortunate outburst bad taste has been left in the mouths of most city council members As is predictable human nature it is bad taste which is going to remain for long time BUSINESS 7266537 Tho lorri Exorninor mombor oi Tho Canadian Prou and Audit buroou oi Circuiotionu ABC Only tho Canadian Pro may ropubllsh now utorioc In this newspaper croditod to CF Tho Associated Pro Ramon or Agonco Franco Prone aid local now stories publilhod In Tho barrio Enminor 4555 COMPOSING ROOM dd ecep EDIYOR ADVERTISING BUS uols Craig Elsin managing editor Len Sevick manager Mam G°9 Wman Jack Kern meme SUM a° Ian Muigrew city editor SALES 03 M5 3axnjnsass °ea statutorv holidavs Bill McFarlane wire editor Bert Stevens zazifgzag Lorne Wass we EK Ly by carrier Dave Fuller sports editor Wayne H97 Jean Bass Cadogan 95 cents ClaudioKrause Litestyleeoitor Aden smith Way VEARLY by Hie asponrsss SteveSkinner am Ra nor s19 40 Stephen Nichoils Barb Boulton Ron Guy Dennis Lanthier Calvin Felepchuk EdAuenby av MAIL Barrie Nancy Figueroa Lori Cohen Richard Thomas Stephen Gauer entertainment Betty Armer camera operator Terry Field Peter Hsu CLASSIFIED Freda Shinner Janice Morton Parliament Hill By STEWART MacLEOI Ottawa Bureau Thomson News Service Since Prime Minister Joe Clark has again systematically ignored my advice it isnt easy to be charitable but nonetheless have to admit certain grudging admiration for the way he has apparently extricated himself frm that dicey Middle East mess am talking of course about his ill conceived plan to move the Canadian em bassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem move that was designed to collect simple shower of Jewish votes but instead unleashed torrent of Arab tempers For reasons best known to himself Clark thought the embassy move would aid the cause of peace theory that exploded in the prime ministers face the moment Arab countries heard about it And amid threats of Your business By VINCENT EGAN Business and onsumer Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service What year gold topping $284 the Expos Infirst place and now this federal finance minister who actually worries about the economy John Crosbie on his way to the Big Seven summit meeting in Tokyo told reporters that Canadians should expect slower economic growth in secondhalf 1979 and that theres major threat of recession in the industrial world next year Nobody is pleased about those possibilities of course But it is refreshing change nevertheless from the Panglossian optimism of Crosbies Liberal predecessors notably Jean Chretien who always saw the economy as being on the verge of great things switch to slow economic growth hasnt arrived ovemighl It has been under way throughout the industrialized world since 1973 when the boom of the preceding 15 years finally stopped Between 1958 and 1973 the annual rate of growth in real terms that is discounting the effects of inflation averaged five per cent in the Big Seven Canada the United States Britain France Italy Germany and Japan It has averaged exactly half that rate or 25 per ccnt since then SCOOPS Peggy Chapell supervisor Brad Howcmn Dana Homewow LADIES THE GENTLEMAN WHO WAS GOING TO TALK TO 05 ABOUT THE SAFETY OF AIR TRAVEL WILL DE BIT LATE CIRCULATION Bill Halkcs manager Steve White assustont manager Janie Hamel Susan Kitchen Barbara Strigl Alva LaPIanIo PRESSROOM Lisa Warry AI Hanson foreman Elaine Porter Don Near asst foreman Cheryl Aiken Fred Prince Kim Pattenden lliéq dont ask for references every conceivable form of retaliation the trick was to make graceful retreat External Affairs Minister Flora Mac Donald did her bit by suggesting the move while remaining government policy would not be undertaken without extensive con sultations with Arab countries It was not an immediate priority she said That pushed the issue to back burner but it continued to simmer too much for the Arabs They wanted assurances that the move would never be made Despite no end of encouragement from assorted pundits the prime minister ob viously felt he couldnt back away from one of his fundamental policies Apart from everything else Clark was fast becoming hero in Israel for his courageous decision to move Canadas embassy to the disputed city of Jerusalem Blinkers come off slowdown awaited The post1973 slowdown in growth has no single root cause But one factor glaringly obvious is that governments have switched from stimulative policies to policies designed to put some restraint on the growth of inflation Another is that the quintupling of oil prices by the international cartel in 1973 and 1974 and the resulting scarcity of energy have slowed down the growth of industry Still another is that rates of growth in productivity in manufacturing have been declining at an alarming rate despite record high increases in manufacturing wages Finally theres the change in social at titude that has been taking place in Canada and other countries Concern for the distribution of the fruits of economic growth has surpassed concern about the sources of that growth The welfare business on both the supply and demand side has grown to major proportions Recession isnt necessarily inevitable however Of the seven heads of government meeting in Tokyo three are attending their first summit conferences the prime ministers ofJapan Britain and Canada of the three Britains Margaret Thatcher has been the quickest to bring in new eco nomic policies to try to halt the economic decay and avoid recession Lets hope that her initiative and energy will serve as model for our new prime minister industrial Our lucks in tellers HIS BUS FROM WASHINGTON HA5 DEEN DELAYED $49 Iboodvortioor ogrooc that tho publishor shall not be lloblo tor domagu arising out at orron In odvortlcomorm beyond the amount paid Ior tho spot molly occupiod 539 00 by that portion of tho odvortlumoni In which rho orror occurrod whothor such or rov is doc to tho nogligonco at its servants or othorwlu and them shall be no liability Ior non lncortlon of any advertlsornont boyond tho amount paid Ior ouch SIMCOE COUNTY MOTOR THROW OFF $41506 year ELSEWHERE IN CANADA $41 We year advortilomont mini He was on sticky wicket So last Saturday the prime minister called in the Arab ambassadors to Canada and out lined proposal that obviously tickled their fancy Naturally we all thought that the proposed embassy move had been cancelled since these Arab representatives were unlikely to settle for anything less than that But we had underestimated the ingenuity of Joe Clark Who Would have thought that the youthful prime minister could have enticed Robert Stanfield out of blissful retirement give him the farthestreaching mandate since the formation of the League of Nations and then convince the Arab representatives it was all gigantic step toward new era in Canadianlsmalic understanding Actually the Arab ambassadors probably didnt require that much convincing When they glanced at the ground that Stanfield would be covering they would quickly realize they would all be long gone before the em bassy issue surfaced again In fact Clark himself may be gone by then WONT RUSII Stanfield sometimes described as the best prime minister we never had is as we all know bit of aplodder Hes not the type to run off to the Middle East set off sand storm and then return breathlessly with recommendations about an embassy move Hell think about it for while perhaps long while Arab ambassadors in Ottawa are very familiar with Stanfield And when they were given assurances that nothing would be done until the former Tory leader completed his report they obviously breathed an immense sigh of relief To eliminate any doubts whatsoever about the timing Clark assured the ambassadors that Stanfield Would not be rushed in his new assisgnment As he said in later statement Stanfield would be in touch with govern ments in the Middle East and other Islamic countries with the United Nations with our allies with provincial governments the business community and other interested groups in Canada and with any others he may think appropriate With the possible exception of The Flat Earth Society that should cover just about everyone After all these consultations the prime minister wants Stanfield to make thorough assessment of their results and advance recommendations on ways of developing our relations with all the countries of the Middle East and North Africa And jUst in case Stanfield felt pressured the prime minister said he wouldnt be expected to begin contacting other governments until early autumn Its no wonder the Arab representatives felt the heat is off mo Barrio Exominor claims copyth on all original nm and odvortising motorioi croovod by it omployou and whithad in this mopopor Copyright registration numbor zooms rogiotor bl Tho Publilhor rosary tho right to odit rovioo clauity or roloct on odvortilo Knowles ramblings Councflruï¬ng backward step By BILL KNOWLES hate to disappoint anybody but Bills Back again and subject to the whim of this newspapers Editor and my little business enterprises demands will be back again from now on enjoy writing this column and have missed many an issue due to being too busy in my own storeor is that just an ex cuse wonder There are many matters that need further discussion in this city and it has really bothered me that hadnt spouted off over all of them For those that know me can you Imagine the difficulty had In not writing about the cent election vicinry of the former Joe Who now Prime Minister Clark Nuts tr his detractors And how about the eviction of that sadxst Idi Amin Nothing could have made mt happier except to read that he has men apturtrl and hung by his IM Or in see that the Barric police will finally have patrol tma of lhll own thanks to Pentastar Ltd The Examiner editorial few weeks ago on he subject of the lack of patrol boat started things moving and the resultant publicity In the same paper appears to have got things mm ing again For those of you that complain about the news media you should thank the local media perr ple for their efforts in this regard If you only knew the part they play in working for the good of the city you might be surprised believe and know that the local media peo ple influence things for the good lot more than the bad Its just too bad that the local police commission couldnt have accepted their responsibility themselves and made the arrangements for the patrol boat without having some others do their work for them BACKWAIII POLICY Our nearsighted council has enforced their backward policy of saying NO to any development in any other part of the city ex cept the downtown core And so we see about million dollars worth of grade develop ment in the form of Swiss Chalet Restaurant and Foddex restaurant go down the drain guess well build and rebuild the downtown core no matter what happens to the rest of the city Im strong core supporter and earn my living within it but also represent people in the rest of the city also and each and every person speak to is disappointed that the Swiss Chalet has been given their walking papers even before they moved in Democracy is possibly one of the more ex pensive forms of government but it is surely the best if not the most financially efficient am referring to that group of objectors to the proposed seeder project that will revitalize our downtown if it is completed The expan sive part is that the objectors taking full and proper advantage of their rights will cost the city taxpayers good $10000 at the very least by forcing the city to defend their decision in front of the Ontario Municipal Board Per sonally vote to support this newformed citizens right to object but it is still pity that people couldnt work together and resolve their differences rather than going the expensive OMB route Jamie Shapiro is successful salesman with McBee Corpora tion and Virginia CresswellJones is highly skilled professional and the two of them are the backbone of the Association of Barrie Citizens group Surely their combined skills could be put to more effective use in settling the differences between the city and their group have always taken an interest in the restaurants of Barrie and offer few un solicited and unpaid comments for your con sideration Best ribs at My Place best value in breakfast at McDonalds best traditional food and service at Lafayette smallest coffee at Mary Browns best sandwich at Mr Corn Beef best donuts at Ted Horton worst coffee at City Hall lunchroom Well so much for my return to the Editorial page Im off on twoweek holiday to the East Coast where have never really been except for one jaunt with the army to Gagetown On my return if the creek dont rise Ill make serious effort to bombard you each week with my own views on whats go ing on around us Happy Birthday Canada Backgrounder United States troubled land By GLENN SOMERVILLE WASHINGTON CP snapshot view of the United States today shows deeply troubled country It isnt simply that sometimes its machines dont work There is also pervasive sense of social malaise that seems to produce more violence and rejection of the countrys leaders The events of the last weekend demonstrate it clearly In many parts of the country particularly the northeast it was twoday melee with pa lice battering angry motorists and truckers fed up with fuel shortages In Philadelphia more than 180 were arrested because they protested gasoline station closings by blockading streets Cars were set afire and firemen were pelted with rocks and bottles The truckers have been on strike nearly three weeks and have strong interest in causing mayhem They want assured sup plies of diesel fuel at lower prices freedom to disobey speed limits of 88 kilometres an hour and uniform state regulations for load limits Sniper fire hit trucks operating on the weekend in Arkansas Pennsylvania Utah and Idaho One trucker has been shot to death in Alabama Neither motorists nor truckers will accept that fuel shortages are real and not contrived by companies They are convinced oilladen tankers are just over the horizon waiting until all companies force prices to the levels they want While the truckers strike grows food lots Lettuce and fruit is rotting in California po tatoes are being plowed under in Alabama tomatoes and watermelons waste in Florida and cantaloupes turn to mum in Georgia fields