38 the oxarnlnor godmday June 27 1979 Fans there sizeable audience mostly women were in Manhattan court Mon day when actor Paul Newman testified in civil case involving film rights to story Wont ban Need spray llll North York city council dccidcd Moli lay not to ban the spraying of woods ill parks alitl school yards WithAI otilicil refusal to accept rotomillcndation from thc citys parks comiiiittcc to temporarily stispcntl thc spraying aitcr tllc committcc rccciycd coliiplailit from resident who said the herbicide was driftingy oil to her garden making her ycgctablcs iilcdiblc Ir Marguerite Archibald medical officer of health for thc city ill nortll Mctropolitan Io ronlo said the wood kllll24l may causc sonic minor skin and muscle irritation bill has no adycrsc citccts it applied prop ll Shc told council tllat shc was more conccrncd about the harm to allergy suflrrcrs from such ban than she would be about thc possible dallgcl to health from the herbicide spraying ban would bc of conccrn because asthma is hcallli halard to malty hayntvr cr sullercrs slic said adding that North York grows lot of ragwth Persons for and against 244 spoke lwlorc council including ont llllill who said that whcn do tending thc use of thc chemical ill spraying in 1947 he drank twooiincc bottlc ot llii licrlii cidc ill court to prove that it washarnilcss Secret weapon very secret IIAIIIANL nl WI The hatham pollcc dcpartiiicnt has secret weapon for en torccmcnt of the eight kllOllltlltllllltllll speed limit for boats on thc lhalilcs lilycr Its so sccltt that iiolic ot llll ltys alderincn have been told what it is The police lopaitillclit doesnt have its own boat alltl aldcrmcn at council meeting Monday wondered whether tlic department was planning to buy pursuit boat Mayor uriis tartcr said the department didnt want to re veal its secret Well find out in tlmc what the dcpartiilcnt has in mind Ald liiti Wilkins said You will it youre caught speeding on the river the mayor responded Rlll II DontBlame YourAge For Poor Hearing Chicago Ill free offer of special interest to those who hear but do not understand words has been announced by Beltone non operating model of the smallest Beltone aid of its kind will be gocn ab solutely tree to anyone answer ing this adycrtisenicnt Send for this model put it on and wear it in the privacy of your own home While many people with healing lttss will not receiye any significant benefit from ally hearing aid this free model will show you how tiny hearing help can be It is not real healing aid and its yours to keep flee The ac tual aid eighs less than third of an ounce and its all at car level in one unit These models are tree so we suggest you write lor yours now Again we repeat there is noc05t and certainly no obli gation Thousandshaycalieady been mailed so Hllt Ittld Dev 2961 Beltonc lilec ironies 420i Victoria st Chicago illl boolo Irwin and Carol McGinty neighborly news Brocknell nurser school While in Florida Paul met BoltoronJune 16 supervisor This gift was James Bomar who will become by Peter and Joanne presented by Lillian Parasol head of Rotary International on McLachlan JaClynï¬nd Jono of president of St Johns Couples July Hong Kong are ViSiting with Club The money was raised Senior Citizen week June 17 455378 Joannes parents Howard and from the Lenten project and to at was observed throughout Evelyn Downe The will help purchase special the province The week was MidJune Richard and McLachlans are being equipment forthe handicapped officially opened by Mlayor08k Margaret Saunders were guests transferred to the Ottawa AT ASSEMBLY Gray on Monday evening at the at the WilsonTan wedding in district Prior to Peter and Paul and Marjorie McKelvey Good Samaritan Nursmg Willowdale also the Roychel Edney wedding at Bond Head Mrs Devina Fewster resi dent of the Good Samaritan Home Alliston attended the marriage of her grandson Paul received by Joanne and family leaving Hong Kong John Downey spent three weeks visiting his sister Peter is trade commissioner $400 gift of money was Margaret Home That night the Couples Club entertained the residents At the home Tuesday the home was to all visitors who wish to call and tour the recentlydecorated home attended the World Wide Ser vice Association International Assembly in Boca Raton Florida The first week of June On July Paul will become governor of Rotary District 707 Wednesday the Catholic Womens League from Camp Borden brought their children to put on program of singing Thursday afternoon the Sun shine Group had as their guests Kell Oliver on the piano and Elle Boehmer on the flute They played several selections Elleka from Howick Natal South Africa is Rotarian ex change student in the Alliston district for year At the pre sent she is living with Mr and Mrs Herb liver and family Every two months Ellcka visits in different home and Wlll be returning home to her native land at the end of the year Lunch was served and short visit with the residents delighted all Happy Birthday was sung for three ladies From to pm picnic was enjoyed by the residents At pm the Golden Age choir and band put on the entertainment Then to close the week there was tea craft and bake sale Saturday afternoon busy week for all VISIT COTTAGE Wednesday afternoon the cafeteria staff from Banting Memorial High School enjoyed the afternoon visiting with Edith Robinson at her cottage Wasaga Beach The afternoon Gifts Dorothy Edgar and Jean Hand who are retiring They each received family photo collec tion picture frame school yearbook and an arrangement of plants Prior to this event at silver necklace Mr Keogh was spent in chatting and Thursday afternoon visiting We all partook of Hos ital Auxiliary delicious potluck supper on the he at the home spacious lawn facing the beach Rogers Tottenham The were presented to the lawn at this home noon Mean To You They happen once year and every year they get better and better Golden Opportunity Days at PD Murphy Jewllers means goldall kinds of goldat tremendous savings on high quality 10kt and 14kt solid gold chains gold earrings gold bracelets gold anklets gold pendants and much much more But thats not all Golden Opportunity Days also means Qoidw©rr0iimiibos What Are PD Murphy Jewellers Golden Opportunity DaysAnd What Do They sustantial savings on quality Diamond Rings set in 10kt14kt Gold in variety of styles and settings on Spinel Wedding Sets and an Estate Jewellery from our brokerage service and even more Quite simple PD Murphy Jewellers Golden Opportunity Days is your best time to invest in variety of Solid Gold Jewellery at extremely attractive pricesbut hurrythese items and savings wont last for long 25 MWaiiiethiOSlélldQOQchtelvlS Studies QQMtSCDtalilOlldg Set iii 90 PD Murphy Diamonds come in great variety of styles and sizes and are backed by our highly respected diamond guarantee and servicing policy Each diamond we display is of above average quality and of good colour and out Now is your Golden Opportunity to take advantage of these and other diamond rings at prices well below their present market values ClUliiie QpimoQ gag $12979 This is an unbeatable valuethe combination of beautiful white spinels set in 10kt gold ENGAGEMENT RING with MATCHING WEDDING BAND ONLY 129 SET idith 12591100 Some Listed items are in limited stock and are subject to prior sale Estate Jewellery must be handled on firstcome firstserved basis Shop early for best selection at locations listed below Gold Inlay 8507 4000 Ladies 14 kt White Gold Pearl and Diamond Cluster Ring 8531 12000 SOLITAIRES 10 Gold Eternity Ring with ThreeQuarter Circle 79 of Diamonds 8234 75000 LadleS or Gents Mi Ct 11 Emerald and Diamond Cluster14kt Yellow 79 Gold Ring 8520 55000 Ladies 0r Gents 12 Ct 12 Emerald and Diamond Pear Shaped Cluster 14 kt White Gold Ring 8519 75000 CLUSTERS Ladies 13 Beautiful Diamond Dinner Ring in 14 kt Yellow 79 Gold 8535 150000 19 1410 kt Yellow Gold Charm Bracelet Six Charms Act 699 2ct 999 Hearmesignmï¬za 22500 19 15 Antique 14 kt Yellow Gold Pendant with Seed 4Ctn IIIloIln 10Ct nunvolun 16 Ladies 14 ktWhite Gold Dinner Ring Must be seen 8552 210000 THREE STONE RING 17 Gents 14kt Gold Masonic Ring B553 7500 Three generous 691 diamond 0r Sllghtly 18 Sterling Silver Wedgwood Brooch B668 2500 larger diamonds centered by ruby 79 19 Sterling Silver Wedgwood Pendant and sa hire or emerald Chain 8569 2000 pp 20 Sterling Silver Wedgwood Earrings 8570 2000 IN ORILLIA Mississaga St and Drillia Square IN BARBIE at the Bayï¬eld Mall Transcends TimeEach Piece in Our Collection of Gold and Jewelled Treasures from Estates and Private Owners is Statement of Beauty Unchallenged by the Passing of Time PD Murphy Jewellers Brokerage Downtown Orillla Estate Jewellery Estate flout000mg The appeal of Gold is in Beauty that Service is the Means by which you can acquire your Heirlooms of TomorrowTodayat Fraction of their Present Market Values We Encourage your early Consideration of these Exceptionally Good Values Orillia Square Estate Jewellery Ladies 10 kt White Gold Diamond and Sapphire Ring VP FlLl $24500 Short Pocket Watch Chain in Nickle Silver VlP 1500 Pearl and Diamond Brooch in Yellow Gold VP 90000 18kt White Gold Wedding SetSeven Diamonds til 63 pt B145 Engagement Ring 8204 125000 Ladies 18kt White Gold Quarter Carat Diamond 10 kt Yellow Gold Locket and Chain Seed Pearl Set 8238 5000 714 kt Yellow Gold Medallion on Fine Chain Diamond Chip 8239 Ladies 10 kt Yellow Gold Wedding Band White 50000 15000 Antique 14kt Gold Necklace in Seed Pearl and Aquamarine VlP $30000 Gents 14 kt Gold Diamond Ring Five Diamonds 18 ptttlVP2006 19900 Gents 14 kt White Gold Star Sapphire Ring with two small diamonds 8353 19950 Ladies 14 kt White Gold Engagement Ring wth Star Mount Diamonds 8358 40000 Gents Masonic Ring in 10 kt Yellow Gold 8364 7500 Ladies Eastern Star with Corner Diamond in 10 kt Yellow Gold 8366 8000 Ladies 18 kt White Gold Three Diamond Engagement Ring 8376 90000 Pearl Set Leaf Design 18 kt Gold Bracelet 8377 60000 Pearl Set Leaf Design 18 kt Gold Brooch and Earrings 8378 25000 10 Ladies Wedding Band with Diamonds Inset 8361 6000 11 Gents 10 kt Yellow Gold Signet Ring 8380 3000 the school Dorothy and Jean were each given sterling presented by and Karroll Riddell on behalf of the student council the ionic was Mrs Ada group enjoyed their buffet supper hn Jim and Elsie Myers Maude Small and Jennie Horsley all of Shelhume visited with Job and Lila Small last Thursday after 12 Ladies Yellow Gold Pearl Ring 8383 3000 13 Gents10 kt Gold Three Stone Diamond Wedding Band 8389 12500 14 Ladies 14 kt White Gold Diamond Cluster Dinner Ring 8391 150000 Baytleld Mall Estate Jewellery Oval Locket in 14 kt Yellow Gold VP $37500 Opal and Sapphire 14 kt Yellow Gold Brooch ViP 20000 Diamond and Sapphire 10 kt White Gold Pendant VlP 35000 Black Alaskin Pendant in 10 kt Yellow Gold VIP 4500 Cultured Pearl Brooch in 14 kt Yellow Gold LP 4000 Diamond Pendant and Earring Set in 14 kt Yellow Gold 8335 50000 7Gents Yellow Gold SignetRing thPvl 4000 Ladies 14 kt White Gold Quarter Carat Diamond Ring 8269 65000 Ladies Diamond Ring and Diamond Wedding Set to Yellow Gold lP 40000 10 Ladies 14 kt Yellow Gold 20 pt Diamond Ring 50000 11 Gents 10 kt Yellow Gold 25 pt Diamond Ring lP 45000 12 Gents 14 kt Yellow Gold 25 pt Diamond Ring VIP 34800 13 Gents Sterling Silver Signet Ring VIP 1500 14 Ladies 18 kt White Gold Diamond Wedding Set 59900 15 Ladies White Gold 36 pt Diamond Ring 59700 ln each case the stores listed above are publicizing good crosssection of Estate Jewellery from their Golden Opportunity Days stock However these lists represent only portion of that stock while actual showings will include many other pieces at an estate nature for your consederatlon Murphy Jewellers NAME YOU CAN TRUST