Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 27 Jun 1979, p. 21

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it Marlin Mull Flop Wilson Shirley MacLaIne 22 to provide an alternative bile salts and what are they gggogéagffger Moore and Balls Abzog NEWS oo AND aspirin for people WhOICOlIld kn is mlKNé TNIs WEEK IN BASEBALL ED MERV GRIFFIN VARIETV notuse it Many cannotto Grate ta ma FmM THE any WANT Mel Allen sums up another week of Outstand 1200 110 Mntlhued dosages 0f asp complex ud prOduced the the Oxamlnor Wednesday Jun 21 1979 2a Yelevision gide WEDNESDAY EVENING VIEWING ow no no DOUGH DONNA FARGO Report To The Commissioner 1975 Stars NEWLVWED GAME maMoriany Susan Blakel maEBDTEkAOLWcmEOtTTEg for control of arthritis in sound waves enter the ear they A5KED MY IEACHBZ AND 5HE SAID 94$ UNTIL SHE FINDS THE sTATIONARv ARK CHARLIE ANéELS WM MERV GRIFFIN flammation Since no drug cause the ear drum to Vlbrate WHERE WAITINGTOMA WHERE ING GONG Show 33T°iiifinrnofiifii332233 CONTINUES eures this condition the ques The stapesSTAYpeezi is SHES GOING ON HER ON My ION PRICE Io woman kidnapped Item the town by 1210 tion is which drug controls it bone on the inner surface of the HER VACATION 730 mobslfis mkwdm chant gm 23 CARTER COUNTRV better for you with the least drum When the drum Vibrates ATCH GAME °° 123° side effects the lowest dosage so does the stapes These Vibra HOPE NEWLYWED GAME THE RUNNERs GONG snow ll GnAND OLD COUNTRY Jeanne Pruett Dave and Sugar Ray ncra OCEANS ALIVE MAGIc SHADOWS BOB NEWHART snow 800 LAUGHIN Cameo appearances by UGANDA HORROR AND trig plays and some errors In baseballs two or leagues UNIVERSE CBS News screnco magazine with Walter Cronkite as anchor protect tom and Bean suspect them at Star Kimberly Beck PaulWIIIiams Show WEDNESDAY NIGHT MOVIE MIXED DOUBLES 930 THATS JAZZ rum music OI the swmg are 1000 VEGAS top tennis star whom everyone loves lo hale Including his Iormer lady triends reluses to believe he may be killed unless he lhrows maior tournament Guest stars Rad Buttons Lynda Day George peel 60 mins LIVE AT THE FORUM 88 EB NEws UPDATE as NEws CBC NEWS CTV NEws 1200 MOVIE MVSTERV Hound MONTV PVTHONS FLYING cmcus 1240 STOCKARD CHANNING IN JUST FRIENDS Susan and Leonard write movie acrlpt together and two hotshots agents are anxious to make deal Wllh them 100 TOMORROW Host Torri Snyder Guesls Ward Hall and Joe McKennon veterans OI the American carnival 60 MARCUS WELBY MD MOVIE cOMEDV Rafferty and the Gold Duet Twlna The Doctor Soys Dont switch without asking By PAUL RUBLE MD The drug you name in domethacin is one member of new family of medicines and least cost If cost was the only factor the answer would be easy An aspirin tablet costs few cents with the average dose for control about 12 day 25milligram indomethacin tablet may cost 20 pents and you may need several day Unfortunately its not that simple These new antiin flammation drugs were devel It may cause problems in some not in others or the sidé effects may be less severe from Dear Dr Ruble was read dicates conduction deafness rather than nerve deafness Let me explain briefly When tions travel through the ear fluid nd are picked up by spe cial nerve endings You hear this way No vibration no sound So long as there is no nerve disorder or eardrum defect the surgery to construct new stapes bone is quite successful Dear Dr Ruble What are liver and stored in the gall bladder It is released via the bile duct as needed for diges EDUCATION OF MIKE 130 one of the newer dni than tion in the small intestine It is 33330232303333327115531525 MCMANUS MOVIE DRAMA Dark from aspirin BS especially helpful in digestion gtfcvm 7$323333Tégzlzmfi MOVIE DRAMA Dream flag Don swnch from your of fats It bitter tasting sub ll tht ble St romcas The building St Marys church 551 ah Opemng ic cost $70000 to build was The Barrie Navy League vl cadets were the Mayor of Orillia to be present CIUbS ou bidd oimnyun us canada story 333hee the NORTH fists his tag at spadii public meeting called by and decides he wants leac StJohns Newfoundland Is the Barrie and District Hunters 10 up to it and will perforrr THIS 5AéyllL GIVE YA 40 ANOTHER EXCLU IF YA I70 KUN OUT OGA Canada Most Attackcd City and Anglers Conservation Club some feat of magic to bring MIL59 5W5 peATUREm YA GIN Po IT INTA Qucbct City and St Johns Newfoundland arc showed that the 12 93 home notrump contract GALLON 5A6 GARCDMEs GTATION Canadas two most battlcscarrcd cities Qucbcc suffered municipalities represented at North raises to game He lightly guarded becausc the British were spending so Harry Hadden was voted west North East South His own discards are eas much money on Halifax Four warships were sent from Kinsman of the year by the 1+ Pass 10 He Chucks couple of smah and Ernet Franco commanded by Compte dHaussonviIle who Barrie Kinsman club Mr 1o 24 20 2NT red cards eluded British warships outside Brest in fog Haden was awarded trophy Pass NT Pass Pass Meanwhile East and west The French landed at Bay of Bulls on June 24 and on the basis of work done for Pass I772 Matthew Cocking began trip from Hudson Bay to won its second straight Barrie crossword WHYWTHEY WETEEN THOU54NP FEEr HE Saskatchewan River and District Senior Softball CALL You THE CultI55 T0 Allt 1778 Peter Pond discovered Lake Athabaska League game The Thomas ACROSS 33 Dye substance Answer to PreVIous Puzzle Quebec bing Torgis Automotive 136 at speedes 39 MM ji 1825 John Galt formed Canada Land Company in Shear park fund Sarah Upper Canada St Marys and St Andrews ii 825ng 44 Meilitary 1858 Steamer Republic arrived at EsquimaltWIth 800 won softball games in the Hated wnh tin school abbr men wanting to take part In Fraser Rwer gold Church league St Marys edg 14 Reelte 45 Amend rush ed Burton Ave 1514 in free sw musically 47 Year so l922Jock Palmer attempted but failed to fly sanc inging battle whi1e St An 15 Guarantee 48 Fit tioned airmail from Lethbridge to Ottawa drewis defeated Stroud153 16 Genetic 50 Rents material 52 Parts of abbr unions 17 Macabre 53 Strata Stricter enforcement currency 55 In Itself 20 Uses needle was 10 Paradises 35 Gem over and thread 12 Privatton expense 22 Norse DOWN I3 POIsoned 37 schooimom 23 Strap on 18 Spanish river Ialcons leg Cancels 21 Slender em 24 Garden tool Smuggler 23 Tmned 38 Excavators TORONTO CPI Enforcc stages of establishing and en tonsa day until Dec 31 1982 26 Indolent Canadian 25 smooth 39 Unit of energy mctit procedures of pollution forcing pollutionabatement rc Until then the committee 28 9055855 capltal 27 pan or the 41 grab ii abatcincnl requirements tiiust quircmcnts urged that the ministry order I°°l com 59 eye 43 Shem band be drastically strengthened in The public should be given 60 Inco to reduce emissions to 3° 056 eg° Neck ha 29 Food 45 the Ontario pulp and paper in days to make representations 500tonsa day byJunc 30 1983 sansghng °d9 33 dustr provincial legislature to thc cnvironmcnt ministry on The committee said rapid 31 Comedian 023 Amona Game committee recommends the proposals and public deterioration of 48000 Ontario sparks Habuuates 34 French 3°°m report released Monday by meetings should be called if lakes because of acid rain 32 Excavate Red province 51 Forever the resources dcvclopmcnt large numbcr of comments are makes it imperative for the MMNEWALLOA mw 4a 0n the Run 1975 stance Bile salt medicine is de ea 01 the nervous system 1120 300 present to aspirin without fiflssgiiitstgrsgm2 news mm mm consulting your doctor because med mm the We came It historically speaking barries story June 27th I959 Friends and officials watchcd Barries third separate school the most damagc from wars the most timcs but St Johns was attacked Thcrc was great deal of naval action off the coast of Ntvvfoundland in thc Amcrican Revolutionary War the War of 1812 and both World Wars but thc last time St Johns was actually captured was in September 1762 when British forcc drove out the French In 1762 France knew that the Seven Years War was coming to an end and wanted to capture some British tcrritory to be in better position to negotiate at the peace table French intclligcncc reported that Newfoundland was marched on StJohns which they captured on June 27 The British garrison was taken by surprise and warship in the harbor was also captured However the British reacted quickly Any ships that could be spared landed troops at Ferryland They included the Royal Americans re imcnt of Swiss and German mercenaries commanded Amherst Colonel William naval force commanded by Lord Colville also arrived off St Johns on September 11 and there was hard fighting until September 18 when dHaussonviIIc surren dcrcd He and his soldiers who survived were sent back to France in British ships OTHER EVENTS ON JUNE 27 KissFrench and Indians massacred Cocheko now Dover New Hampshire I792Prince Edward stopped EnglishFrench riot at committcc also suggested that govcrnmcnt prosecutions of thc industry should be sought more vigorously Prosecutions should bc in itiatcd as soon as company has failed to meet control or der or programapproval dczid line unless an extension has been granted the report said It quoted Environment Minis ter Harry Parrott as saying thc pulp and paper industry has done less than any other major industry in the province to con paper industry The committee also said it wants minimum fines set and maximum fines increased The report suggested that the public become involved in all tgol thepollution it inflicts on dcrs should receive public Us eprovince funds committee said it is 34 35 Marion Brydcn NDP cn Government members of the review of the monitoring p20 Vironment critic said the allparty committcc did not grams by the ministry or afggltém gafheagosgzfimih SUPPglimhhUflhtkel 330 measuring acid levels inIIakcs men Ions IV past efforts to clean up The committee 3150 recon Sggettgiiggeub on fish so and pollution from the pulp and received by the ministry The public should have ac ccss to all government and industry documcnts describing reasons for the proposals Mrs Brydcn MPP for the To mnto riding of BeachesWood bine said the committcc felt that more public involvement would producc strongcr or dcrs fewer extensions and stricter enforcement The committcc said public in terest groups appearing at hearings involving pollution on mended that Inco Ltd in Sud bury Ont be required to re duce its sulphur dioxide emis sions to 750 tons day by Dec 31 1985 The current target for the plant limits emissions to 3600 opened by Monsignor Clair of the meeting were willing to ap ply to the Ministry of Planning and Development to form Nottawasaga river conserva tion authority 200 volunteers most of them housewives or high school students learned how to lead childrens games on the beach during the summer Training sessions ivere held at St Georges church Allandale the club At the same meeting the club also voted donation of $25 to the Barrie Sea Cadets The fiveyear street program progress in public works and bad conditions on Sunnidale road were subjects for discus sion by various aldermen in the city council meeting Residents of Sunnidale road sent in two documents referring to dif ferent stretches of the road The road was one of the most travelled in the city Bob Mallions crew of ball hawks from Thomas Electric boys banged out 10 hits in club ministry to ensure that as much equipment as possible is in stalled to reduce sulphur diox ide emissions The government should not wait for the signing of an international agreement Sulphur dioxide is thought to be responsible for about two thirds of acid rain com bination of sulphates and nit ratcs dissolving in rain and snow However much of the sulphur and nitrogen oxides causing acid rain come from coalfired power plants in the It recommended that all coal fired generating stations in On tario be required to have ade quate pollution equipment and that all future ministry orders have strict sulphur and nitrogen controls the side effects ringing in the ears upset stomach etc may be different depending on which is used If you think you can fare as well with the relatively inexpensive aspirin you can ask your doctor to let you try Vulnerable Both Dealer North Opening lead 9Q little sunshine falls on the steady free bidder from time to time Here we see him at both his worst and his best His twonotrump call shows him at his worst He has responded with bare seven highcard points and balanced distribution His partner North has bid one 36 Look to be UI II to was once thought helpful in in creasing alkalinity in diges tive system that isoveracid healthy liver produces adequate bile salts so sup plements are not needed The salts may help in some forms of constipation BRIE WOsWald Jacoby and Alan Sontag is looking at seven tricks When dummy comes down South sees that he is almost sure to wind up with just eight tricks but he is not dismayed He has been told that any time good de clarer starts with eight tricks he can find ninth So he rises with dummys ace of spades and rapidly runs off the six good clubs are having their problems East does make heart signal by throwing the eight but he doesnt do it soon enough By the time he indi cates heart strength West has jettisoned spade and his two small hearts So South cashes his king of spades throws West in and makes his ninth trick with the king of diamonds Oh yes Only super per fect defense can hold West to nine tricks at spade con tract Winthrop LEO July 23Aug 22 Today you have the selfconfidence to take bolder course of action on project y0ure involved in T0 BUYIIY FAKM FUDPEY VKIVE MINIBUG TNG 6A5 BC ON THE WAY OME ITLC 7373860 NORTH ERN STATIONERY 29 Dunlop St GLAD IMQI TE VolIr FLO SOMEBODV chance of hitting that bullseye today SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 One would think you were not just business as usual for you today The time Is ripe for you to accomplish an Impor tant and major goal 300 with another This person has guru the way words of wisdom ARIES March 21Aprll 19 If you News 3051 JSEAIEBEflhéiui news 25 Dear Dr Ruble Im 66 ing in magazine about how reasons to go along with you ltow from your mouth today To use we humor in your HOLLYWOOD SQUARES t9b 1974 1127 couple of years ago got rheu movie star had his hearing re VIRGO Aug 23SBpt 22 Fol top it off you know how to put manner when dealing with Oth DEFIMITION ROSPEC NEWS mamid arthritis in my joints stored byasurgeon who madea low your Instincts it you feel what you say Into action erstoday youHindmemto be POD 901 900 THE JEFFERSONS 30 My doctor prescribed Indocin new stapes bone for his ear me 28 1979 you have something to say to CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan 19 sumnsingty supportive and 628 OWE ICOHEDVDRAHA THE TONIGHT SHOW Guut It nelived my discomfort andl am practically deaf without my somelhhg YOU hav aWaYS one who is important If YOUr There IS an abundahce °I 09 cooperative NEWS 30 VI Doctoralnaglatroaa in host David Letterman cunt Peta Barbulti have my blood checked period hearing aid 8m 51 and inter hoped for 33 be gamed h5 I9 YOU ehCOUhe ehdy Dowth cogddsdpzn r232 TAURUS MW 205 mn coming year his could involve ear advancement an have an exceuem min or NBC NEVIS MAJOR LEAGUE BA OBS LATE MOVIE SWITCH Th lcallyfor thinning Is aspirin as sted in this new hgechniquei eimer men or personal LIBRASepL 230 Made we wim your work or career commercm maners may be ONCERT Rw wmlr SEBALL Mom Expo Lou Girt On The Golden Strip LII Vegas effective as lndocm HOW Could you tell met name worm and ml andi nore Use ou me we th racficfl CBS NEWS dwell hre30rnine Mmmu IM me hadron1 much aspirin is equal to 25 thesurgeon whodid this Wouh gl came aY° ay Oofimnlusinn 19Vour cause you are rmch ABC NEWS 6900 fluEs Ham when he seems to be the target of alkiIir milligram Indocin tablet What Nothing new about this ua the foothills our aspec In and realistic In your app NEWS pom mm mm Repeat KOJAK Dead Again Slara Tally Th has been done ANGER June 21July 22 cate you re up to dorng big personality IS excep Iona put yo work my be thwarted byaweIlmaamng gill Iron 300 Adam 9900 the name 0f thedhug rugs ry keen sense of timing and an things in big way strong and powerful and you GEMINI May 21Juno 20 You PARTY GAME vaahoIEldrfmvgelcatos Iboutmoa 30le MUSICALCOMEDY that makeuplndocin successfully for many years insunc for me right answers SCORPIO Oct Nov 22 tavorabw impress mose Wm are normany mums hm 655 ALICE PM mus Hard Night What you he really aSlmg Ahy ear Spark giant llmm makes this an excellent day to you keep your mind and energy whom youre dealing No one day wont beiust idle Chanen meE om 900 STREET TALK Why take drug many Itmefi you aboht you nail down situations that have on that high mark youre shool will intimidate you today Whey you say will have purpose 700 BATTLE OF THE GENERA NIGHTMUSK 4N more eXPehSWe than ¢aspmh If Whether Imprfvemhht WOUId he been tough to consummate Ing for you have darned good PISCES Feb 20March 20 It and conviction DATING GAME TIONS so halHIour with comedies 1145 the Effect 15 the 58m Meh POSSIbe ghI Fe cnoss wrrs But Mother Stare Amy Johnston Home WESTERN nouuoup 19m cine and economics dont mix me you have success hearing MARY TYLER MOORE AgarnStars DarrenMcGavm StarttngFraah Druml 1951 Stephen McNally Coleen very webut here with hearing ald That in IJUST DONT UNDERSTAND ABOUT FUEL ALL THIS TALK If MINDVOUI WORRY ABOUT ow IM GOIN To MANAGE WHEN QEtisz nnouncemenrs Headquarters We provide loanout service SHORTAG 4i Gucci Wsrkme Em IHE DOcIoRs NOI éjSy IN TODAY 5° IHis Vlsir WILL ONLY COSI You THREE D°LLAR$ no Id so he at vaulauuu THNES fin WORRYABOUT 0w IM cow AsuoEGraphBemboBodoOsolz

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