Hes hoping for beer strike James lwrisuk of Edmonton hopes there will be beer strike again this sum mer He earned $50 000 selling silkscreened Tshirts depicting the strike last year fCP Pliolo He made quandary pay off for him llllli ll lill lltlllill ltill iiili iilil lliiil lll is litiiiti ltlilQIt tll iiill li Iiitlitilllti llii irll old it llll with tiitJii ii iii ll liiii yiiiiiic to tlliti ilil tilll lit liitl liiiliiliii tlillll lli with itllllllll It lll ltltl into iillicc spacc and lriiuc ciiitial lll arca llitllllllllt tliilc siiiokc houses and ltitltttl porkcuttiiig llllllll lllllllL llttllll cooler and llrllhlli iiia illi ltlllttllVl total of 73 itl iii lllt iiiiat business iiiici says lit and his part7 iiirs illiriiii ltiik and Paul l1llitll kiicw exactly what tliiy aiitcltl iii tiiiiis ol priiiliiit and plant ii MINNIE Starts lll iil iit liiii Illltllill lli ilii liliil llill ill to ill lilillllllll lay in 4lllill3 lis liitiiic iiili lilii tiiliiill tii tlli iii iiti tli llllllli illii liiiii ilil ilvl illl iltliilrill srlli iilli llllllillll tiiiiii ll til iilllx piii ilui iii hr in iuii ii iipi Ii iill ltii llllltllrllli lltlrlll iiiiiiliii Iiiii lli ltlllllill than llllllliili llrlll it it iirt iiiiii lliilllll iii lllllliltll iiiil tliiii iiii il ritii i1iii tii llilri iitiiiliiiilll li lltl lii wiiiiiiiv oi li iiiii liml iiiii ti ioiiii Ilitltll iii lrl llilll ilgiil litlltl ttiiiiiil iiito lllllhlll lllll lllllil lti it litiulttih tllltl illlllllltfllt tliiit tilil llll llii ltltliliiilirill iiiiiiittia ii laiiiiatx rtlill liiliiiiiii ilii tiliitit ii iiri iiiiii liillllilrllril ltlll siiuiiii iiti llrll iiiiiiiii lill lt iini llltlll ll lull llll mortars iiilitilirii Milli iiiil lltllltlhl ill tiitii litiiiii as KtREN thNitIARIE ii plensmt l0 aiiiiouiire the appointments of Stylists AnnMarie Valiquette tihii iiit haven Bit Itll loIlHOlly of House at Bellini AnnrMarie has had years at iiii Il illllg iivirt styling while Korea is specialist in long hair and coloring an the grim Maitaqeress Deb Gillespie and Stylist Susan Panch in welcoming and new customers to visit thorn at Victor Unisex slii in til lriiii pllollllmtnls pltlllrld pcii Thu rs Iri til 730 pm VI 31 IVISEXIHIRSTYLING Tilltiiiilopht 7284751 WEVE GOT LOWER PRlCES AND HERES PROOF IN RECENT SURVEY WE FOUND IOWER TIIAN MOST OTHER RETAILERS ON MANY CMPARABLE DRESS FABRICS DRAPERIES JUST OF HUNDREDS OF EXAMPLES FASHlON DRESS FABRICS 15 ltXiLlitl ltlyilil illitii Sitliil Sliii Shit aittt Di OURPRlCl 99 TERGAL lYPE SHEERS pleated it Wide 93 Il Long $37 95 lih ML lOllei expiresbp at Saturday July IA 79 Ditivtotiiilli tltriis lilittil lot Blouses II Bring this COLiponin Rsgl valiic for an additional $4 00 Discount On All OUR Merchandise PRICE Seatiiless lovely solid shades iii stock FABRIC undDRAPERY MILL OUTLET Hayï¬eld St North7264556 Just North of Georgian Mall tun nagin Open daily 930 aim pm Wed Thurs Fri Nttos till 930 pan OOntariosIorgast Stockhouse of readymade drdpes and spreads Unless you try us well botli lose money and we can prove it aA Lakpa still has nightmares Recalls time yeti attacked her Don Whillans British moun taineer who says he saw the creature twice during an ex pedition to Annapurna in 1970 He said that just before scribed them together with the yetisfootprints Did Lakpa really see what she claims to have seen Sherpas here think so and in sist liakpa would not have made up such tale She recalled the day in an in terview at Khumjung which produces many of the best Sherpa climbers and porters for intemational expeditions to Mount Everest and surrounding peaks It was painful for her to recall the events of day in July 1974 when she was tending yaks iii the high pastures northeast of Then heard this whistling sound like whooooeeee and looked around and saw this creature It was about four or five feet tall but very broad It had long reddish hair on its upper part and dark hair be low Lakpa says the creature standing on its hind legs caught her by the back of the grasping their horns and tear ing their heads apart Lakpa now aged 24 says she then lost conscioumcss When she came to she found the bad ies of three yaks partly eaten Local villagers found her in state of shock the next day and her brothers came from Khumv jung to fetch her home where she was sick for four months KHUMJUNG Nepal Rtultrl Lakpa Drema still has nightmares about the day five HIIS ago when she says slic as attacked by yeti llic yeti also known as the abominable snowman is Nepals version of British Co lumbias Sasquatch and about isclusiyc Although the tough Sherpa reaching camp at 3800 met res his team rounded the shout tler of mountain when they suddenly heard great com motion on the ridge ne of the few foreigners who claims to have seen yeti is people who inhabit the the hill town of Nainche Bazar neck and knocked her into the Even now have these horr rcinotcst region of Nepal was sitting on rock be riycr rible nightmares and run from iitlltVt in its existence fcw Side the river and when heard KILLED ANIMALS the house she says Then she saw the yeti half crawling and half walking at tack the yaks killing them by DR MARC BRENNER is pleased to announce his association with DR ROMAN ORENCHUK for the practice of Police found the carcasses of the yaks just as she had do noise behind me was happy because thought it was my brother bringing my lunch she said through an interpreter FOR PETS SAKE DISCOUNT PET FOODS AND SUPPLIES actually claim to have seen the aptrlikc crcatuic lrakpa lrcma is ccption OF FASHION 28 Dunlap St ill ON 7268311 welcomes new staff member TSHURGAIN °NENl NATION MASTER GAINES oDERBY PussBoos III the DUCRWOITII Id Grove Plum Barrie Evening appointments available 7372333 Charming Selection of Junior Dresses Many styles colours and fabrics in group Assorted Tops to Wear Right Now Tshirts blouses and shirts in the selection Selected Fashionright Handbags Canvas types discos clutches and organizers WarmWeather Dresses in Misses Sizes Good selection of styles colours and fabrics Pants Skins and Coordinates Selected styles to fitiuniors and misses Slippers for your Summer Leisuretime Selected styles in terry or convos Swimwear for Pool or Beach Fun Selected styles in ossoned Sizes and colours Halfsize Dresses in Flattering Styles Selected styles colours and fabrics in group Summer Headwear for Sunny Days Mony attractive styles included in group Maternity Wear for Fashionable Waiting Shorts and Short Sets for Bolmy Days Good selection of tops pants and dresses Choose from selecred styles colours fabrics Fashion Jewellery for your New Outfit Selected necklaces earrings and bracelets SHOP EARLY FOR BEST SELECTION Items on sale in Ladies Wear and Jewellery Deprs while quantities last Skirt Sets in Junior and Misses Sizes Choose from selection of attractive styles Easywearing Sunshifts and Loungewear Good selection of styles to choose from MENS BOYS 42 Off Men Casual Pants 33i3to 39 Off Mens and Young 37 to 44 Off Boys Sport Shirts Clearing first quality points Mens Shonsleeved Shins Stock up and save on both lOng sturC blend of 0500 polycsrer Choose from ossoted dress sport and shortsleeved sryles Mode 35°C cotton With front scoop and or nit SlyleS in verier up in on easycore blend of 05°C bocli patch pockets Belt loops of fabrics colours and sizes or polyester 35 corton in assorted 20 to 45 Off Mens Outerwear Dont miss this opportunity to get hint new Windbreaker from SelCCiiOO of styles and sizes oil clearing or one low pricel 333to 45 OH Boys Outerwear NOW the time to soe Slll Jackets in both inect ctr models 100 nyloc styles and colours Dont is Lined or unlined Fintshed bottom one low price sizes and colours this super vergions With Assorted Sizes Our Re $899 Our Reg $799 cleoronce front pockets and colours $99 to $899 Our Reg $699 and Zipfront Our Reg $1399 to $1099 closure Our Reg $1000 to $1500 SAVE UP TO SAVE UP TO SAVE UP to SALE SAVE $599 $399 $399 $499 CHILDRENS INFANTS girls in man Cure sles Assorted Speciallfpriced 2pce short 59s Poms and Jeans Assoreti Tshirts in assorted styles and fabrics and colours to choose from shorts holrers botliltig suits colours and smiles it the at tdi asalllfsohlsom 5Uodresses tor toddler an Choose blow on dress ASSOWEO Obrcs Shlns 00d BlOU595 MO 5i1 baiFt 7L lt gt it SlZES Ups Var 97 of 5708 p41 COOUVW fabrics 00d COlOUls 9OJ mt rig Il Cuddly Sleepersi ran styles oi is be do ice DOLE Agra Heifers gc he summe doS Mom Sponsweo Assortmem rs for both bow and girls lobics coocrs and styles Assorted tubr as Lil in sizes Tshins moii fresh Styles co 1ours and fobrics Short Sets and Shortolls igiri sets and pant suits swecir bio and gals yiot sc3 Cn ours Charming Dresses Pic oy On JiC from many fabrics costs Crawlers it Voter of fabrics aisles and colours far both boys iru Shorts for your rt bcw 3w mt lnfomg 5pm MOtii Styles ber Ci to Sweatshirts and Sweaters Assorted Skins and Jumpers MO 3230 ch st les toblcs and coiOurs rics and colours choose frorr TODDLERS 23X BOYS AND GlPLS 46X Short Sets and Shorts Choose from Swimsuits Good selecmn of tCiiics Bathing Suits fOr borh boys and Sponswear and DreSSWear Clearance rrion fobr cs colours and 5rles colours and Styles BIG BUNNY CONTEST WINNERS Congratulations to the WlfllielS in our Big Bunny Contest held Saturday Ac 14 1979 all TowotsBCiriitiort stores Cuddly high plush bunny was won by each of the folIOwing lucky people VO Lalo Jelr WOW H0 l0 Barry fa Kim Co Margaret Yurcn Linda MUSglOvFf JOCllf Frontage It W3 ps9 C0 R000 COUle R019 ii H¢ Ar Jo Mr Paul Cremier Angelo Moria Mrs Peggy Urn Nisan MC BVIVJ 44 tr gums inimflami Mia mono onon Smpsm Yomg lo Meier Goie Feir Burgess Mi Robert Neweli Rober Chit1 21 GPA Ig rv VJ LA in gasp loci bOC Rcbbie Tait Debbie Cormic Sepwr Legcoi Corinna Risori Stella Peters loo CitM 3L 31LVDPJH tit gt gt1 CNMIC yAi lt Tfl pica MT YOOOD LOlOe 1009 TGVOC P9 LE 23 Marge Duns Mike Siree Angeo Clarke Keir Atse Aavlnrpr rr All prices in effect until clomng time Satuidoy June 30 1979 while Quantities low Towers tafield Rd Hwys No 26 and No 27 Borrie Open Mon to SOl until 1000PM Flee Parking For SelectionNalue and Satisfaction