HALIFAX CP Maritime businessmen are worried about the effects of Arab anger over the decision to move the Cana dian embassy in Israel to Jerusalem from Tel Aviv Taylor auto leasing growing VANCOUVER CPi More people are leasing cars rather than buying them and the trend is growing says Robert Taylor president of the Avis car rental operation in Canada Taylor says 40 per cent of private motorists might be driving leased vehicles in 10 years up from the current 20 per cent excluding those with companyowned ears Avis now operates three difr ferent car leasing companies and is enjoying good business despite heavy competition he says Avis ranks third among Canadas car rental operators behind Budget RentACar and Tilden and ahead of Host Published information on how the market is divided among the companies is limited The only facts available are published by the federal ministry of transport and data is limited to business at the countrys major airports which accounts for more that half of the gross car rental receipts nationwide Avis took It per cent of the rental business last year at nine major airports Taylor also says he wants the federal government to rewrite bidding rules governing how airport car rental concessions are awarded In 1976 the last time bids were made for concessions massive mixup occurred There were multimillion dollar lawsu1ts nighttime eviction raids by police business losses and defaults on rents CATEGORIES IIEVISEI Categories for bidding were devised by transport ministry officials One was an open category for foreignbased operations such as Avis There were also restricted categories for smallscale and coun trywide and whollyCanadian companies Avis nearly got bumped when Tilden chose to bid in both the restricted and the open categories and came ahead of Avis Taylor says the next time bids are called this October there should be only one open category for all companies wanting to serve the nine major airports This would avoid doublebidding by Tilden or any other big Canadian operator He says he would not oppose reserved category being rctain ed to protect small Canadian operators wishing to bid at any one airport The president thinks the ministry of transport has ac cepted any bids no matter how unrealistictheyare They charge fat rents for counter space and for car park ing and then they want share of receipts too One company eager to get into the airport business offered them 18 per cent of gross receipts The company found out that it cannot be done and began defaulting on its payments Local dealer selling Datsun More than ten years ago on Highway 90 just three miles west of Barrie Hob Oakley first opened his service station Hes still serving the Barrie area residents and has just annouiic ed the opening of his new bar sun dealership Oakley President of Oakley Motors Ltd sums up his reasons for selling Datsuns When deciding the type of car we wished to offer at our dealership we took look at the driving requirements of our many customers The choice was obious Car buyers want quality value and they dont want to spend fortune Datsun has the quality proven depenr dability and standard features list that is tough to beat there are many more reasons and some are here now in our showroom others involve knowing what people want now and in the future Maritimers worried ab withdraw its Canada But while the withdrawal will have little immediate effect some Maritime companies that have painstakineg developed One of the first foreign policy announcements of the new Pro gressive Conservative govemlt ment that Canada would move the embassy led the Arab Monetary Fund to investments in Seniors weekly trip Concerned about embass move contacts in Arab states are con cemed David Hall president of TriStar Ltd Yarmouth NS company that builds am bulances and other service Driver Ron Howlett helps residents of Beetons Slmcoe Manor onto his bus at the Dominion Store at the Georgian Mall near Barrie Each week Dominion sponsors bus trip for residents of Slmcoe Manor and Sandy Cove Acres of Stroud Jim Downer store manager said the program has become popular weekly affair Examiner Photo Canadians using labs in Isreal for work REIIOVOT Israel CP Jeffrey Lipton of Calgary is one of several Canadians working at the 7acre Weizmann In stitute of Scienne in this com munity about 24 kilometres south of Tel Aviv But he and his countrymen are only part of the Canadian connection with the interna tionally renowned research and teaching cent re The most visible Canadian involvement is the Canada Centre of Nuclear Physics and Kofflcr Ac celerator Tower named for Toronto businessman Murray Koffler In addition there are number of chairs provided by Canadians and bearing such prominent names as John Roberts and Lester Pearson Founded in 1034 by Dr Chaim Weizmann the chemist who was later to become Israels first president the institute has staff of 1500 including 500 scicntistsrinrtraining Currently 212 units are work ing on 400 basic and applied research projects in the cam puss 35 buildings SIIIIIICS CNCICR Lipton 28 on Medical Research Council of Canada postdoctoral scholarship in Israel for the last two years is involved in one such project He is part of genetics department team of 25 scientists and techni cians studying blood cancer When you treat cancer you can remove it kill it by chemotherapy and radiography or try to reverse the cells back to normal Lip ton explains He is concen trating on the latter studying surface membranes of cells and using proteins to reverse the malignant process The protein he is experimen ting with comes from cancer of the stomach What were Using to revert the leukemic cells is an extract from one cancer to revert another Lipton says his team which part of is led by Prof Leo Sachs envi sions this protein as possible source of cancer therapy because research so far shows it doesnt damage other cells The unit currently is ex perimenting with animals In another part of the centre the Koffler accelerator tower may look out of place in what is essentially an agricultural area but the 56metrehigh structure is of vital importance to the Zionist state Cyril Broude nuclear physicist at Weizmann for the last 10 years observes that the accelerator has put Israel in position to compete in nuclear studies with any other land in the area ACTS MICROSCOPE What we are interested in are such questions as the shape of the nuclei their internal organization and their interac tions with each other says Broude 45 who worked for seven years at the Chalk River Ont nuclear plant He explains that accelerators are really giant microscopes the smaller the object under ex amination the larger the microscope required Murray Koffler best known as founder of the Shoppers Drug Mart chain and his part nership in the Four Seasons hotel group provided with other benefactors funds to match those of the Israel government to build the $6 million electrostatic ac celerator There has been and will con tinue to be number of ex changes of scientists involved in the Mideast facility and those working at the ac celerator on the University of British Columbia campus in Vancouver But research activities at the centre are not restricted to the fields of medicine and physics Today plants are ripening in test fields of the Weizmann In stitute which may be forerun ners of family of wheat designed to help solve some of the worlds nutritional pro biems Searches during the last few years in the Mount Carmel Galilee Judea and Samaria areas of Israel have revealed the last progenitor of modern wheat This plant Triticum Searsii is one of three whose genetic characteristics give presentday wheat is special properties Selective breeding to im prove or modify wheat has been hampered until recently because only two of its forebears Triticum Monococ cum and Triticum Tauschiii were known World grain demand sparks renovations THUNDER BAY Ont tCPi Cargill Grain Co Ltd of Winnipeg says it will spend more than $12 million this year to renovate its Thunder Bay elevator because of an expected surge in world demand for grains Dick Dawson Cargill senior vicepresident said in an inter view Tuesday the company has accelerated its renovation pro gram in response to major in crease in demands on the Cana dian grain system forecast for the early 19805 The renovations include new railcar unloading facilities that will move more grain at faster rate control panel for electronic weigh scales highspeed rapeseed cleaning system and flat storage building to house separately nonCanadian wheat board grains About 75 people work at the elevator vehicles said Wednesday freeze has been put on tenders the company has under con sideration in Iraq Up to $50 million in tender of fers could be affected he said in an interview bid worth $4 million that was considered on the verge of being accepted by Iraq has been put into limbo until the Canadian government clarifies its decision on the embassy The Iraqi government told Hall his company wont even be able to talk about other tenders until the matter is set tled in favor of the Arab posi tion he said He said other areas of possi ble export growth for the Maritimes such as in fish and agricultural products are in danger Theres market there and now its closed Dr Peter Gunther senior economist for the Atlantic Pro vinces Economic Council APEC said the move could have more subtle effects on the regions economy In 1978 Nova Scotia sold about $59 million worth of grain vehicles and spices to Arab countries most of it to Saudi Arabia and Iraq while importing about $2754 million worth of oil from Arab states To PROTEST MOVE Hall said he would send telegram to Finance Minister John Crosbie to protest the Canadian move and warn of its ill effects while Gunther said regional economic council is assessing its effects on business in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick In Prince Edward Island Cam McLean president of CM MacLean Ltd said the decision could cost his company its share of sales of roughly 405000 cwt of seed potatoes ex ported to Algeria last year He said PEI seed potato producers were expecting to sell another 305000 cwt this year and some have started to print commercial pamphlets in Arabic in an attempt to attract customers Dairy producers in PEI are alsoworried Ian Glass agriculture department milk program co ordinator said 40 per cent of all industrial milk produced on PEl last year was exported to Algeria Loss of such substantial contract could set back plans by PEI milk producers to ex pand dairy production and adversely affect growth plans in the industry he said In addition to contracts already in place companies around the region that have been making overtures to Arab states may have their plans slowed or even halted by the Clark decision Forest products companies in NE and NS have feelers out to the Arabs in attempts to sell paper and other wood products and Ian MacDonald of the NB Forest Authority said the uncertain climate may hinder new prospects Lundrigans Ltd major Newfoundland construction firm has had representative in Saudi Arabia for year try ing to obtain construction and construction management pro jects and company spokesman said the latest Canadian moves could do little to help the situation Delorme takes course WILMINGTON MASS Don Delorme of Barrie recently completed two week training course given to new sales representatives for Com pugraphic Corporation ac cording to an announcement made by John Peterson vice president of marketing The intensive sales course covered marketing and sales techniques as well as familiarization with the exten sive range of Compugraphic phototypesetting equipment This sales training program is response to the unparallel ed growth in recent years in the number of users and prospec tive users of phototypesetting equipment During the past year Compugraphic sales figures climbed to record $181 million Prior to joining Com pugraphic Delorme was sales representative with 0m nitrade Ltd in Toronto and was previously manager with both Smith Belting Ltd and Rapistan Inc in Toronto Compugraphic is major worldwide developer and manufacturer of lowcost high quality phototypesetting systems and accessories for commercial inplant publishing education newspaper and computer markets Visitors to Barrie cannot help but be treated Royally if the speaker Vern Telford of the ministry of industry and tourism has his way We treat you royally QUrAra Telford spoke Tuesday to group at local mer chant staff members stressing the importance of good grooming and attentiveness if they were to be of value to tourists Examiner Photo Causes of inflation have politiCal roots By ALEXANDER Dear Sir It would seem to me that the continuing escalation of oil prices will cause further inflation For this reason feel that real estate investments would be advisable as hedge Your opinion please WF Dear It is true that over the last 10 years good real property investments have increased in value faster than the Con sumer Price Index However do not agree with some of the casual relationships implied in your letter Firstly the increase in oil prices does not directly cause inflation Inflation is general increase in the overall price level and can only be caused by an increase in the money supply The money supply is controlled by the central bank in each country Bank of Canada in Canada Federal Reserve Bank in the US Thus inflation can only be caused by political action In the absence of an increase in the money supply an increase in the price of any individual commodity must result in one or both of the following reduction in the usage of the commodity which has increased in price reduction in the prices or usage of the total of all other commodities To the extent that increased OPEC oil prices result in the central banks increasing the money supply to prevent recession you might say that increased oil prices cause in flation If the money supply is not increased substantially the in creased cost of oil products could actually result in decrease in the prices of real estate among other items If an individual has to pay more for his gasoline he has less to Agothgr look By DOUGLAS GREENWOOD If surveyed most people all over the world would pro bably say that all they want out of life is job theyre happy in with enough money to live on and support family with enough left over for few luxuries now and then Plus of course theyd want to feel safe in their homes and country Sounds reasonable enough should think Who could ask for anything more Well maybe Ill come back to that But thats what most everybody would settle for anywhere What seems to be the trouble is that vast difference of opinion exists as to how to bring about such happy state of affairs The clash between capitalism and Communism has brought revolution and war and still is the cause of endless industrial chaos wise philosopher called Jeremy Bantham propounded the view that the greatest good for the greatest number of people was the only ethical basis for morality His ideas under what he called Utilitarianism have been attacked as leading to unrestrained greed and avarice This was not his case He saw that if left alone people by merely working to their own ends would generate society in which all benefitted as well as they themselves It was obvious as he saw it that millions of individuals going ahead with their own plans for their own betterment was far superior to hav ing plan imposed upon them by small group of despotic rulers what we now call planners This essentially is the basis of industrial capitalism Human and economic control another word for dictator ship are the manifestations of Communism Or Socialism which is basically the same thing There is of course nothing wrong with planning or control so long as it is voluntary When group of people get together and form company tney may very well be subject to planning and control but this is of their own desire If they no longer wish to subject themselves to their com pany control they are free to go their own way And thats far different thing than under state socialism in which you either do as youre told or you go to jail That is tyranny And worsestill it is stagnation Nowhere in the world is there any record of socialist state advancing as the freeenterprise capitalist economies have done Youd think it would be obvious and that there should be no more angry confrontations over something that has been demonstrated as being the best ay to provide the happy life most people want The trouble is of course that land Im coming back to my earlier question of Who could ask for anything more some who achieve political power realize theyve got hold of way to live like king without having to work Oh sure they put in lot of time talking about things and fighting to stay In power but they dont actually create spend on his mortgage payment Also increasing gasoline prices might make the weekend commuting from Toronto to Muskoka less attractive That could result in lower prices for recreational properties Secondly you are not the first person to believe that in flation will lead to higher real estate prices As result buyers of real estate have bid up prices to reflect this belief Current prices therefore already discount substantial future inflation Thirdly it is rarely valid to make generalization such as real estate will increase in value stocks will increase or whatever At any time certain properties are overvalued and others can be bou ght at less than their economic value If you intend to purchase real estate for investment purposes you must be prepared to spend great deal of time in research Such factors as zoning bylaws rent controls interest rates maintenance costs future hydro costs etc will all have an impact on the future value of property However with real estate it is often said that the three most important factors are location location and location This could be par ticularly true if energy costs continue to skyrocket When buying real estate you should attempt to find pro jects that can be obtained at bargain rates for reasons unrelated to the fundamental value of the project Such reasons could include the death of the owner causing sale by the estate financial difficulties by the owner in other projects poor management of the project If you do your homework well you should be able to realize good profits whether inflation escalates or not Free market best form of socialism possible anything And that is the true source of nations wealth the things it creates So to stay in power if you can finally get it that nobody can vote you out youve got it made It doesnt matter about the peoples happiness or anything else then Youre all right Jack And thats basically what its all about What pity more of us dont see it little more clearly Fewer optimistic recession closer Blumenthal claims NEW YORK AP Its get ting harder to find an economic optimist what with widespread predictions of an imminent recession and per sistently rising oil prices US Treasury Secretary Michael Blumenthal and chief economic adviser Charles Schultze who along with the rest of the Carter team take the position that there will be no US recession this year sound ed note of urgency at an inter national economie meeting this week In recent weeks some very nasty storm clouds have ap peared Blumenthal said at ministerial meeting of the Organization for Economic Co Operation and Development in Paris They threaten us with much worse inflation and paymean positions and in time they threaten to stop the growth we need to reduce unemploy ment he said Schultze warned that an in ternational commitment to fivepercent reduction in oil consumption is absolutely essential to the economic health of oil consuming coun tries At the same time there have been contradictions in US domestic economic data from Washington recently Govern ment have shown downturns in retail sales industrial shipments consumer spending and housing starts the so called leading indicators in four of the last six months Taken together the factors tend to support the theory that the US economy is slowing down if it has not already slipped into recession But the Federal Reserve Boards latest weekly report showed record $69 billion surge in the basic US money supply An economic dowturn would normally result in slowing of credit and spending The jump was so abnormally large and unexpected that some analysts suggested it might represent statistical fluke However coupled with some reports showing strong capital spendingplans by business and recovery in Mays industrial production