n11r 12 the axgrnjner Friday June 22 1979 EVENING 600 an NEWS HOLLYWOOD SQUARES DEFINITION POLKA DOT DOOR 628 NEWS 630 NBC NEWS MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW cas NEWS ABC NEWS NEWS PARTY GAME MATH PATROL 645 READALONG 655 WRITE ONI 700 DATING GAME EIGHTIS ENOUGH CROSS WITS MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW TIC TAC DOUGH OPERATION PETTICOAT Chief MamalakahlalISIllandIurnsihe island overio his Iulura SOflln law Dobrilch out the power ras onlibilily oestohishead III NEWLYWED GAME ID YOUTH UNDER THE INFLUENCE ea GONG SHOW PRICE is RIGHT 730 DANCE FEVER NEWLYWED GAME AUTHORS HOLLYWOOD SQUARES Guests The Les Argentines BoloDancersMissCarDlandIara IheBahy Elephant iha Dymeks Flex Pole Act the aros Acrobatic Unicycle Act Repeal WHAT Is TRUTH MAGIC SHADOWS BOB NEWHART SHOW 800 DIFFRENTSTROKESHopeIesst InIOV8Ml Drummonddemdestoproposemar nape but Arnold Willis and Kimberly deVIse scheme to get their prospective stepmother to Repeat 33 ALL IN THE FAMILY mu caught between symphony and sell preservation whentheolher womanlrom his treally needs his help Repeat THE INCREDIBLE HULK om Harinnr helps teenage disco habitue Wllh drinkirigproblemanddiscoversshEIsaremnant is past Repeat 60mins OPERATION PETTICOAT SeamanDohrItchmakeslilemiscrablelorbase commander Borkmann when the sailor finds sell in charge at the Kaloam natives DIFFRENT STROKESHopelesslv inloye Mr Drummonddemdestoproposemal riage but Arnold Willis and Kimberly hatch scheme to insure that their future stepmother voluntarily and also died had discovered the Arctic River James Bay It was been asleep below deck and into the Arctic Hudson is certainly one of 1603 Champlain landed in their homes ture Louisburg River France 1825 Seigneurial ri neurs were death lowed Hudson Bay constitutional Ottawa holly by Mrs Downing 728561 Debbie and Randy lliillips were honored on Monday even iiig when neighbors gathered at Grace Middels to meet them and to honor them with baby shower for their baby soii Nocholas Nicholas received many lovely gifts In June lie was baptied at tookstoiin Anglican Church and relatives returned to the lliillips house for dinner following Mr and Mrs Arthur ari visited her father in lhornbiiry Nursing Home on Sunday and called on other friends in the area Mr and Mrs Gordon Dyer and daughter from Edmonton are visiting the formcrs SlSItl Mr and Mrs Archie Graham Archie and Marie had famin dinner iii their honor on Sun day They will also visit other relatives in the area Several attended the Nickel Sale at lvy on Friday night numbei from Holly enjoyed the Chicken Barbecue at In the men suffered from scurvy spring they wanted to return to England but Hudson insisted on continuing his exploration television guide turn him down THE INCREDIBLE HULK OLYMPIC PROFILES WAR YEARS MOVIE COMEDY Whore Doe II Hurt Ion 830 HELLO LARhY It Wild and 1m prodictobln ovoning when Larry asks Moroan Winslows beautiful sister out tor date FRONT PAGE CHALLENGE WELCOME BACK KOTTER HOIDIIBI orderly Vinnie Barberno is terror atruckwhonwhilewheattnganunConscrousMr Woodman lohisroom altar surgery he slopsto chat with girl and RCCIdontally misplaces the Ctpll RD oat HELL LARRY Larry has II data with his producers beautiful old sister and males aaodmphtarswaituptorhimleadinutoatamily whoritalion In the wee hours Repeal PLANET OF MAN 900 THE ROCKFORD FILES Patncra Crowley guest stars as lorrner ï¬ancee ol Jim Rocklord who needs his help when she becomesthetargetotapaidassassin Repeal WE IRISH ROVERS AT PEI Guests include George HarniltonIVCatherina McKinnOn John Allan Cameron The Calamity Brothers and traditional music greats The attains Repeat 60 muns THE DUKES OF HAZZARD The Dukes are on both sudssot the lawaltarthey tire up Jesses old still to make batch ot moon Re Sat 60 mms FRI AY NIGHT MOVIE MOVIE DRAMA Paper Ck Hero MOVIE The Anatomy 01 Seduction VICTORIAN SCANDALS THE LOVE BOAT 1000 EDDIE CAPRA MVSTERIES As Eddie Capra gathers evidence to defend an alcoholic playwright the prime suspect in the slaying beautitul model he discovers that the VICIIITI had many exlovers each with mo ttva to commit the crime Guest star Rip Torn 8paat60 mins CHARLIES ANGELS DALLAS Ray Krebbstalls in Iovewnh an ambitious country and western Singer but finds himsell laced wtth still competition lrom Bpeatï¬o mins ACROSS CANADA IE THE MIGHTY CONTINENT NEWS UPDATE NEWS 1001 MERV GRIFFIN 1030 CANADIANS 1100 no NEWS CBC NEWS CTV NEWS EDUCATION OF MIKE MC canadasv story Henry Hudson And Son Cast Adrift By Mutineers The story of Henry Hudson is one of the most tragnc in Canadian history It was on June 22 1611 that there was mutiny on board his ship Discovery in Hudson Bay He his young son and five men suffering from scurvy were cast adrift in small boat and were never seen again Philip Staffe the ships carpenter went with Hudson The reason for the mutiny was that Hudson believed he route to the Paciï¬c and insisted on spending the winter at the mouth of Ruperts terrible winter and most of When the ice broke in the Robert Bylot who became famous later as an explorer took charge of the ship until it got back to England The mutineers were put on trial and Bylot claimed that he had had taken no part He was acquitted and so were eight others It is believed that the authorities were lenient because they wanted these trained men to make other voyages the most historic names in Canada The Hudson River in the US was also named after him although he was not the first explorer to enter it That distinction belongs to Verrazano who found the present site to New York City in 1524 OTHER EVENTS ON JUNE 22 Canada on his ï¬rst voyage 1706 Montreal citizens were forbidden to keep pigs in 1746 Duc dAnville sailed from France to try to recap 1792 Captain George Vancouver met Spanish explorers at Spanish Banks Vancouver 1813 Second party of Selkirk settlers arrived at Red 1816 St Pierre and Miquelon Islands were returned to hts were abolished although seig to retain their holdings until 1857Canadian Rifles were sent to Red River via 1882 Canadian Temperance Act was declared to be 1908 Fire at Trols Rivieres destroyed 300 buildings 1952 Prime Minister Menzies of Australia visited 19583uebec City began 350th anniversary of its oundlng by Champlain niswood Baptist liurch on Saturday The Selwoods Musical group provided gospel music for everyone to enjoy while they ate Preceding the supper Rctli Strain sang several solos and also some duets with lastor Strain The euclires have got off to good start at llolly Community Centre There have been 10 tables in play each week Ladies prmiwinncrs in June it were llilda McNabb Jtllll tlaskcy Kathleen hliiiiilicrsoii while Hcii Steers Orina Leighton and Art Black took home the mcns plitcs VI Bridger sat on the lucky chair and lim Morgan and Steve tarr took home the Share The Wealth Draws lhc Strawberry Supper is drawing near on June 28 commencing at 530 Come out and enjoy the Holly tiirls cook ing Tickets are $4 tor adults $2 for 120 and under and pre schoolers rec The tickets must be purchased In advance all Florence Downing at TillStill to reserve yours Please support this project and help us to raise funds for completions to our renovations NUS MOVIE DRAMASUSPENSE Kllllng MICIIIEOO 1915 NEWS 1125 NEWS 1127 NEWS 130 THE TONIGHTSROWHosI Johnny Carson Guests Chuck Manoione Elizabeth lay 90 mins CBS LATE MOVIE THE NIGHT STALKER The Werewolf Kolchak Is aboard luxury crurae liner on its last voyage to write Simple nostalgia story Repeal THE AS PHALT JUNGLE 1950 Stars Sterling Hayden es Whitmore MOVIE DRAMA The In no 1962 STREET TALK NIGHTMUSIC 11 45 AHORSEMANRIDINGBYEpisode It Paul now the proud owner at Shallowlord Indsoutthat litelnaruralDevon communitycan be full 01 surprises 60 mins 1200 MOVIE ADVENTURE one But The Brave 1965 MOVIE DRAMAMYSTERY orlln Affalr1910 MERV GRIFFIN SHOW CONTINUES 1210 ROCKFORD FILES 1230 MONTY PYTHONS FLYING CIRCUS 100 THE MIDNIGHT SPECIAL ALL THAT GLITTERS PTL CLUBTALK AND VARIETY 110 MOVIEDRAMA Welcome HomoJohnny 13201 1971 NEWS MOVIE ADVENTURE Wild And The Brave 1974 200 MEDICAL CENTER 205 MOVIEDRAMA2 The Gay Lady 19443 In MARCUS WELBY MD 310 9MOVIEDRAMA Harpy 1970 335 MOVIE COMEDYDRAMA Alice Agaonés 1935 BEWITCHED historically speaking barries stag June 22 1961 The Huronia Historic Sites and Tourist Association eligi ble for matching grant from the government of approx imately $4000 decided at Wasaga Beach that the Lake Simcoe area should be included in their estimates The Sheba Shrine Club was to establish fourbed childrens wards in the Royal Victoria Hospital in Barrie and Soldiers Memorial Hospital in Orillia after renovation and building work was completed on the two institutions it was announced at meeting in Collingwood Closing exercises for grade eight students were held at King Edward School Wednes day Rosemary Hobson was chosen head girl and was presented with trophy by Miss McGregor Alan Hayter was chosen head boy and received his trophy from Mr Eisenberg Two proposals to provide television service to Parry Sound Were heard Thursday in Ottawa Station CKVRTV Ban rie applied for authority to set up rebroadcasting station there by erecting an antenna on the towns water lower petition for extension of bus service from Allandalc residents was received in city council Monday Tenders for asphalt paving of various streets opened at the regular meeting at city hall Capt Jim Goodridge wound ed in Italy in 1944 retired after 31 years service Capt Goodring had served as an Administrative Officer and in structor with the Royal Cana dian School of Infantry Murray Bowser and Terry Smith placed second and first respectively in Central 0n tario Rebound Tumbling Association meet Mansfield Rubber edged Lakevicw Dairy last night 97 in an Industrial Softball League contest played at Shear Park Next Hall Board meeting is June 17 at pm at the hall Mrs Rene Rodgers returned home from Royal Victoria Hospital after undergoing surgery Faith Missionary tliurcli Ser vices will begin at ltl13tloiiJunc 24 It is Acorn Bank Breaking Sunday and church and Sunday School will be combined Special speaker will be chalk artist Stan rookall from Newcastle There will be barbecue following the church service In Sunday evening the congregation enjoyed the film Just as Am in place of the evening service We apologize for an error in recent column Mr and Mrs Bill Coulson cclebratï¬l their 50th wedding anniversary at Parkvicw Centre on June not Mr and Mrs Fred Coulson as reported Our apologies and Mrs liill oiilson are former Holly residents living on llaivic Road and now reside in Barrie Mr and Mrs Ross Emms attended the open house The Doctor Says Carrots source of vitamin By PAUL RUBLE MD Dear Dr Ruble Are carrots really good for your eyes If they are approximately how many would have to be eaten for an improvement in eye sight 00 Carrots are good source of Vitamin They must be cooked however Their role in eyesight improvement is greatly exaggerated Carrots do contain substance called Bcarotene and this is trans formed into vitamin by the body This vitamin is important for proper night vision Many fruits and other veggtaples are rich in vitamin as are milk and cheeses It is unlikely for citizens of this country or other western societies to be deficient in Some may have defi ciency oeused by sluggish ab sorptionof the vitamin though ThaLcan be related to liver or pancreas disorder blood test is available for this The recommended daily in take of is 5000 international units per day If you ate two ounces of carrots per day per haps an averagesized carrot this would supply it even if you didnt get it from other food So if you have vision prob lems look for cures other than carrots Begin with an ophthalmologist research project among GIs during World War II showed little im provement in night vision from eating large amounts of carrots In another part of youiléttér you mention dry cracking skin That can be more closely re lated to vitamin deficiency perhaps even of vitamin so you might have the test men tioned Dear Dr Ruble Would you please tell me just what Addi sons disease is Last Septem ber lost my brother who had it and didnt know about it Mrs PO Addisons disease is named for the pioneer British endo crinologist gland doctor Thomas Addison 17931860 It was one of the very first dis eases linked to specific gland deficiency in this case of the adrenals The adrenals are two tiny glands located near each kid ney They produce vital hor mones that controlhnportant body functions ln Addison5 disease there is tiredness low blood pressurel vileight loss on extensive 39km gpigmentatiprt coloring Until if laeementf hormones were devc opedtfithe outlook was grim fOr patients Today early diagnosis and treatment holds out hope for long life The Addisons patient has to control his problemlas carefully as the diabetic must his Daily use of cdrtisone is the cornerstone of treatment with dosages carefully monitored forlife Your cBirthday June 23 1979 rewarding year is atwatl it you prowdtl you IIiiiiiriate some 01 the ulltlltultiullvc things that have hold you back in the past Be hripoliil regard ing new starts CANCER June 21July 22 Treat your USIIUIISIIHIIIIIIS real istically today Instead ll Ieav ing IhltlQS to puri llldllLE Dedication ririt IIIIISIriri Is needed to solve problems LEO July 23Aug 22 Av0id the Winthrop Dear Dr Ruble HOW Ribs many calories are there in can of beer ME used to be able to answer this by going to the calorie charts but with the beer in dustry fighting the lowcalorie war things have changed suppose if the label doesnt boast specifically about the lowcalorie content you can figure on about 150 per 12 ounces Otherwise its as low as the label tells you BRIDGE Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag Positioning point values NORTH 4Q542 V864 0QJ98 QKQ WEST EAST 0J8 0A97 VKQ109 V7532 0643 075 +A87t 010963 SOUTH 0K1063 vAJ AK102 4J52 Vulnerable Neither Dealer West West North East South Pass Pass Pass NT Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Opening lead By swald Jacoby and Alan Sontag The Professor took his ace of hearts and led club toward dummy West rose with the ace and led club back Now the Prof led dunimys deuce of trumps and rose with his king after East played low Then he led spade from his hand Norths queen topped Wests jack and thc lIiif had held himselt to one trump loser In addition to thh heart and club he had to lose How did you know that West held the jack of spades asked the student didnt replied the Prof did know that East held the ace because had taken the time to find that out West had shown the king and queen of hearts and ace of clubs If he also held the ace of spades he would have opened the bidding The Prof continued wasnt going to make this contract if spades were 41 so had to assume they were 32 If they were 32 then the normal play of low to the queen followed by the finesse of my ten would win if East had been dealt AI9 AJB 0r AJ7 My play was going to win if East had been dealt A9 AB A7 A98 97 or A87 Both plays would work if East held AJ Note If West had held Jx the Professor would have played low spade from dummy on the way back and that low spade would have dropped the ace dally crossword ACROSS Stillir ISt Answer to Prewciis Dttrllt 14 LA mil llllrlltllllr llli J5 Siillrlldlli yiu vii Suffix yilitll J7 Group Lyhrflll II 19 Aarttvmil llylétlll rte 52 VILJIIIIIIIIIIIIIS In It Itlll irzij II mi 56 Cereal ltdSS Mii Ivtits 57 Cotton latirit VI 1I GI Hawaiian Bi micaiiri AMl Mauriii TQi hello 62 Depression IIII idl till frills 30 Gwyn II 63 Lame Sea Make holy 40 Heavy 22 Compass duck 50 SIBCIJWS um 64 Bird Trad 46 Redeenis 24 Man 65 Noon Sullix Thmg we 48 Note if llir Iiiiij 66 Shuts L1 when SCalv 25 Larvli tion arries 25 Forfeiti EM 23 Australian SUM Hum 30 Arabian siiiii DOWN hangar 50 Na 34 Pincfly wdl 24 Prickly herb 51 53 IF iiijenty Idllll Loner 25 Metallic vein 53 BIUI 15 Charitable or Slangy 26 Chair 54 Hawkeyc innizliiiori alllfmallve 27 Racetrack Stare lillllill Energy character 55 Chlcago 36 Auto Lang agency abbri 29 Native of mew Within man Dundee 37 Smea Dower 3l Syringe sl 58 we 39 Supervisor SCOullng 32 Singletons 59 Acuess Ddrllhg group abbr 33 Antiprohibi Home Dimiriutlve SUI Not in tionists 50 ASIOMU Small rug 38 Existed ferrv DID VOU HEAR Orus rumpu ins lNizard of Id Bugs Bunny ITHINK TH FRAMIE f9 IMTHINKING OF QLIIITING 504001 AND GETTING THE ONE ASCIIll STUPIDITKIQA Asnne DUMB Iwr was IN FFpilT OFMY HOUSE Lj aéï¬3 so Am Waprfl company oI persons today who deal In intrigue Thev may attempt to draw you into some thing that isn yOUI style VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 Suc cess could elude you today If you underestimate either the challenge or your oppoSItion Size things up in advance With critical eye LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 Others Will resent it today it they feel you are unduly tlattering them In Order to gain your ends Be diplomatic but not deceitlul SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 Normally youre unite astute in busmess matters but today you could be shade too gullible tor your own good Be comparison shopper Impulse buyer not an SAGITTARIUS Oct 24Nov 22 failure to cooperate WIIh aSSOCIateS today could lead to your undomg Where teamwork Is redunred pull y0ur share of the load CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan 19 You may find It dllIlCUlI today to be as productive as you like owmg to outSide distractions Put blinders on It conditions get out 01 hand AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 Keep low profile socially today because it you hotdog it too much you Will be givmg more ammunition to one who IS already Illlle jealous OI you PISCES Feb 20March 20 The outcome of events is bit uncertain today so be wary oI taking too much for granted AStrOGra Bernice Bede Osol Avoid making rosecolored pro jections ARIES March 21April 19 Be wary 01 tendency today to say things to others Without think Ing Thoughtless remarks could wound one who respects you TAURUS April 20May 20 ll someone Is managing Situa tion for you today that could cost you out of your pocket peek over his or her shouIdEI to be sure everything is gorng along properly GEMINI May 21June 20 For the sake OI expediency today you might agree to do some thing that wont serve your best interests Make no decisrons Without consrdering all alterna lives THE DRAGON WHO NAS so DUMB Ale Gil OBVIOUED THE TROUBLE MALFUNC TIONING or Frank and Ernest Born Loser THERE WE GO ANOTHER JOGGER PUTTING PEPPERONI emcee ON PIZZA6 YOU WAIT MIND WHEN MCM AéKg DUMB 6206600015 Haw PEEPAFE Yaw Fallows l9 CAUJED 5V TH 70 KTI9AN 29 Dunlop St 7373860 NORTHERN STATIONERY CANT YOU TWO AGKEE 0N ANYTHNé CANT UNDERSTAND THIS MANIA FOR FITNESS Your wedding invitations nnouncemen ts Headquarters We provide loanout service 5PECIAL15T lt EVERYBODYEIA THEESE DAYé CHANGING THAT WAY CANT CONTINUE TO BE WRONG pIlI THE TIME ARE ou Tile OPPOélTE 66X QR AM at we CV1 4M gt DUKEITAKE MEEOF moss Mammal PART6 AND LABOR5275 VN Why jg rd Tame sn IF you owed AS MUCH MONEYTO AS MANY PEOPLE AS HE DOES YOUD BE JOGGINGDO