Joan Patrick examines Mammoth tooth Ex aminer Photo JennAirs GrillRange makes creative cooking easy With convertible cooktops irv it Illllliiw mm me tllllslll llIl tuiiiiiiiel liitii li tlll leiiii ii Ll SEE IT NOW ON DISPLAY BARBIE TV APPLIANCES 8t DUNLOP ST 7284297 It Kszlttlt ll II lII oI Ti EATER PBIVEIN Gems jewelry career for husband and wife Eight years ago when Joan and Steve Patrick went on their honeymoon they celebrated their wedding in what sounds like very unroiiiantic manner by collecting rocks But the Iatricks have since turned rock gem and fossil coI lecting into lllllllllit career Patrick jun his job as science teacher two years ago so tlial lie and his wife could devote all time to touring the country with rock and mineral displays and their own hand crafted jewelry The latrieks display is cur rently on show in the Hayfield Mall through to Saturday The central booth displays wide range of jewelry and carved items for sale six other booths display the various rocks fossils and gems that the Val ricks have collected The jewelry for sale includes rings pendants earings and other small items The Palricks import precious gems and stones from such countries as China and Africa and do their own polishing cutting and set tings The jewelry for sale ranges in price from $295 to $50 Mrs Patrick says the most popular items are the sterling silver and mother of pearl pendants for men and the tigers eye earr ings for women The small carvings for sale come from Mexico Russia and India The six display booths pro vide an educational dimension to the show The Patricks make living selling the jewelry they create but theyre just as in tcrested in exhibiting their col Iection of minerals gems and fossils The fossils collected by the Successful theatre year HALIFAX ltli Neptune Theatre had its most successful season to date this last winter with 3201 subscribers an in crease of 200 over the previous record in 196970 says general ROBBERY United Artists ELECTRONIC manager Christopher Banks The main season consisting of five plays had total atter dance of about Slim tit per cent of capacity RADIO SOUND ear the movie on your own car radio No one has ever escaped from Alcatraz and no one ever will IMPERIAL Show Thu 100 900 BARRIE DRIVEeIN SCREEN DONT MISS THE LATE GREAT HIS lAST MOTION PICTURE OUR SECOND FEATURE AT THE DRIVEIN STARTS TODAY IMPERIAL Show Thu 100 9IO uIiIiIE DRIVEIN scum WHAT SUPER DOUBLE BILL RECOMMENDED AS ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Patricks include fem feat fossils that date back more than 400 million years Also on display are Mammoth and shark teeth ammonite shelli fossils and mollusk fossils from Saskatchewan ne display case contains the many types of gems used for jewelryjade amber tigers eye emeralds lapis lazuli and ivory Another contains map of the world with various gem and minerals placed on the countries of origin Another case displays different types of crystals such as amethyst calcite and lead crystals Mrs Patrick said the local response to the show has been good People take quite an in terst in the displays she said They bring in rocks And the people from the local mineral club have dropped by too The Patricks toured five pro vinces last year carrying their display in two trucks to the various shopping malls were they show their work They work out of an office in Stirling small town near Belleville but they spent almost all their time on the road Their display is so popular theyre complete ly booked until the end of the year After oneweek stay at the Hayfield Mail the latricks travel to Ottawa for show at the Bayshore Mall Later in the summer Maritimes they tour the NOW PLAYING BARRIE DRIVEIN SCREEN Slave trading lives today BOX OFFICE OPENS 643 PM the examiner Friday Juno 22 1979 11 Eddie Edwards performs the limbo during the King Eric and his Knights show at the Mark IV Lounge Wednesday The new lounge in the Continental Inn will feature show acts six nights week Ex aminer Photo Bahamian show opens lounge By STEPHEN iAlER Of The Examiner ls Barrie ready for sophisticated nightclub enterr tainment Sam Nitsopoulos owner of the Continental Inn thinks so Hesjust completed new hotel lounge that will feature show acts six nights week The new loungecalled the Mark ORilliA THEAT ENEVA IOWEST st 3266331 SHOWS AT PM 48722luor 3331 lhad its official opening Wednesday night as King Eric and his Knights began 10day engagement at the Continental The new lounge is im pressive The furnishings cont pare with some of the posher Toronto clubs Theres full length bar at the rear of the lounge and total seating for about 400 people The drop cel ing above the stage area is built of stained glass panels lit from behind Just as impressive is the calibre of the entertainment King Eric and his Knights put on an excellent floor show that combines music dance and comedy The group is Bahav mian and manages good balance between island music and wellknown pop standards like Feelings My Way and Help Me Make It Through The Night IOIII DANCERS Four dancers were featured in the groups ensemble routines performing some energetic numbers in colorful costumes The dancers add that oun SECOND FEATURE LIFEGUARD HEAR THE MOVIE ON YOUR AM CAR RADIO NO SPEAKERS BROADCASTING OH 835 KHZ 6000 GUYS WEAR BLACK LE Chuck Norris is John Booker and Booker is fighting back HELD OVER SECOND WEEK Imam uaisncE Shel Thu 700 900 RECOMMENDED AS ADULT ENTERTAINMENT group extra amount of excitement and variety that makes the show nonstop crowdpleaser from start to finish Two solo lance numbers deserve mention tire lance routine by one of the female performers and combined juggling and limbo routine by Eddie Edwards Edwards like the other jxrforiiiers in the knows how to manipulate an audience to good effect exaggerating the drama of his act and keeping the jokes and patter flowing GOOD SIN Its good show The group has been together for 24 years and in the last five years theyve built up following in Ontario during their tours here The first show on Wednesday offered proof that King Eric and his Knights can wake the city in the next 10 days as one performer put it The group performs two shows night Monday to Saturday through to June 30 The Continental is charging cover of $5 Thursday to Satur day and $3 Monday to Wednes day Nitsopoulos is gambling that Barries ready for more sophisticated type of live enter tainment than has previously been available King Erics show should turn that gamble into sure thing Bright future seen for Canadian films LOS ANGELES tCP Ca nadian efforts to encourage film production may help move the country in behind the US and Britain as leading inter national motion picture centre says producer who has worked in all three countries Sandy Howard who has Co produced three films in Canada and plans at least four more says that with Canadas favor able tax system resulting in surge in production creative and technical skills are im proving on monthly basis Even if the tax situation lis sipates there is no reason why there shouldnt be increased production in Canada says Howard whose most recent Ca nadian coproduction City on Fire was bought for television byCBS forS265million Harold Greenberg president of Astral Bellevue Pathe of Montreal the Canadian pro ducer of the film says the price was the highest ever paid by television network for rights to aCanadian film The film which stars Can Susan Clark and was filmed in Montreal last sumv mer will be released in CHINESE FOOD WANT QUICK SERVICE Try our bot fast delivery Free on orders over S9OO in Barrie Free delivery limits l0 Discounton PickUp Orders over $900 Phone 72888 405 BAYFIELD sr BARRIE For your convenience The GRYPHON THEATRE Of Barrie BOX OFFICE IS NOW OPEN At Georgian College Theatre BARBIE OPEN Monday to Saturday IOarn to 6pm phone theatres prior to its television showing While some major studio pro ductions are made in Canada simply because of the countrys scenery what attracts Ameri can filmmakers like Howard is tax system that allows in vestors to defer paying taxes on money they put into film that meets Canadiancontent regu lations FUNDS AVAILABLE The Canadian Film Develop ment Corp also provides funds for Canadian film projects And at this years Cannes Film Fes tival the agency engaged in an aggressive promotion cam paign for new Canadian movies The tax system revised in 1976 uses point system to de termine the Canadian content of film Canadian writers or directors are worth two points to film producer while each Canadian performer used in starring role is worth one Canadian film editors cine matographers art directors or film editors are each worth one point To qualify as Canadian film must have Canadian pro ducer at six points Artist feels shes still student EDMONTON CW It all started with the sketches Esther Skaar Freeman did of her favorite movie stars Humphrey Bogart Susan Hayward and Dana Andrews which as teenager she sold to friends for 25 cents Today at age so she is comr missioned to paint portraits and spends four weeks year in Albertas Rockies painting landscapes which have been sold worldwide For few days each Iune she also stays with band of ree Indians painting portraits and camp scenes Born in Grande Prairie Alta Mrs Freeman lived Bohemian life moving from town to town in the Peace River country The GRYPHON Opens its GALA 10m Anniversary Season with iv rRAl 7979 JULY 27 77 Richard Nash Starring Samantha Longevin and Pierre Tetrault At Georgian College Theatre Hwy 400 At Duckworth St Barrie Evenings at 830 50 and $7 00 Matinee at Wed Thurs $4 00 SUBSCRIPTIONS STILL AVAILABLE Subscribe NOW and SAVE $1100 or Great Professional Shows Call 728473