14 th onmlnor Thundly Jun 21 1019 Trumpeter Al Mote leads his stage bond in high powered version of the Rocky theme during the Where is that bandshelll bandleader Al Mote asked the audience halfway through Tuesday nights stage band concert at Sunnidale Park Mote is right to ask the quesr tion Barrie does need band shell and the titrminute concert of big band music successful as it was provided proof why haiidshell is needed for sum mer music concerts in Barrie parks Betty sound and bigger sound proper showcase for the performers lhats only fair to the musi cians who volunteer their time to entertain an audience In any case the first public performance by Motcs band was an unqualified success Mote organized the 16piece band in January and its obi vious that lot of preparation and rehearsal went into Tues days performance And for band thats only been playing together for six months Motes group has achieved remarkably smooth and professional sound With strong backing from the rhythm section 77 Ralph Knapp on drums Marg rr on bass and Marcel Potvin on rhythm guitar 77 Mote led the band concert held Tuesday at Sunnidale Park The 16 plece band performs second park concert June 28 at Centennial Park Examiner Photo First concert knockout through dozen tunes ranging from the Rocky theme to swing classics by Count Basie Mote plays trumpet with style strong and clear in the upper register always sw inging and always energetic His solo in the Rocky theme vir tually duplicated the excite ment of the original Hes fine trumpeter who deserves much greater local recognition than hcs received The crowd of about 100 people was appreciative but band of this quality deserves an au dienee five times that size When the weather is beautiful Toronto actress stars In first Gryphon The education of Iowdy girl in the art of attracting man and leading him to the altar Is the material for the romantic comedy The Rainmaker which is the opening production of the Iryphon Theatres tenth season on July Vernon Chapman artistic director of the theatre will direct the play which runs through to July at Georgian ol lege Theatre Samantha Langevin stars as Lizze Curry discouraged wallflower facing spinsterhood on ranch in the southwest new life opens to her with the arrival of promoter nam ed Starbuck played by Pierre Ietrault Starhuck is glib con man who tries to sell his serr Canada Post vices as rainmakcr Even though hes eventually explosed as homelss tramp Starbuck transforms the plain Lizzie into blushing belle winning her heart before the final curtain Also featured in the play are Jack Mather John Brodych Michael Millar Dan Hennesey and Ron Hastings Miss Langevin trained at the Carnegie Institute of Technology in Pittsburgh She studied in New York City with Uta Hagen Lee Strasbcrg and the Martha Graham School Gryphon theatre tickets are available at the box office at Georgian College at the Bayfield Ticket Centre in the Bayficld Mall at Jacksons Grill on Dunlop St and at Sam the Record Man Postes Canada lay at SAMANTHA LANGEVIN plays Lizzie urry The weight steps are new basic rates are the same litfcctivc July 19 the Post Ofï¬ce is metric HRHINH1Y1 tIIkl up II gt SH gums liIIIIcIl ltltl Illti gitclingI tiitlsiiiiiitlgiIiiis Other countries tlt iglllll Illtl lcilcis up II Jilgiaiiis ll lllI ilt iIiliIIIimlII Iii plcec tlltlllllt Ittlli IDttIII II Iilll lltlltl iitst tilllt cciils LIIIllII1lfIIITIIIIIIIISQIIIIIIHINIUIIKIIOIIIi viitiigigwiii not ccLL11ctiIiAILLLthiitLI titttttttftii as it was Tuesday night the lure of good music in park setting should be irresistible And with band like Motes performing an audience can be guaranteed that the music will be worth the drive to the park Even without bandshell The stage band has everything to of fer from Basic swing tunes to Beatles medley to theme music from films like Star Wars and the concert is free What more can Barrie au dience ask for Mote and his band perform their next park concert June 28 at Centennial Park at pm Dont miss it 86 Barrie inspires Toronto poets work By STEPHEN iAlER Of The Examiner One of the poems In the new collection of work Nancy Gay Rotstein esoribes families in Milan greeting children at the airport The relatives embrace the children then leave animated ador ingalive If that final line of the poem describes the Italian families it also describes Mrs Rotstein Toronto poet whose second book Taking Off has just been published by Longman Mrs Rotstein has been writing poetry since childhood her first published work ap peared in Chatelaine when she was just but for many years poetry was secret pur suit That changed in 1975 with the publication of Through The Eyes Of Woman her first col lection The first book sold so well It went into second printing The new book promises to be just as popular SPECIAL PLACE Barrie is special place for Mrs Rotstein because shes spent and continues to spend great deal of time here As girl she spent summers in the Barrie area now as wife poet and mother of three children she continues to visit the city and find inspiration for her poetry here Many of my poems have direct Barrie theme she says From onethird to half of the poems in the new book specificially about Barrie its very much part of us Also part of Mrs Rotsteins career as poet is the influence of Irving Layton whos im pressed by the economy and precision of the new book My contact with Layton has had tremendous impact par ticularly his emphasis on craft Poetry is like the other arts it takes great amount of work to master the craft Mrs Rotstein says the hallmark of her poetry is readability write for people who like poetry and for those who have nevor read poetry before Just as important is her crea tion of an original voice as poet Its better to be an original NancyGay Hotstein than copy of Robert Frost was able to find that as Layton said to me You have your own voice and you are your own per son MORE COMPLEX The poems in the new book are more complex more sophisticated and more highly crafted than her earlier work The language sparser more compact as though the poet has stripped away as much ex cess fat as she can Her poetry has gained power It challen es the reader in way the earl er poems do not The new book has deeper quality the style is the same but the poems have more teeth more depth The first section is sampling of poems written over threeyear period while was travelling abroad The se cond section uses the country as backdrop for human emo tions And the third section Homeward Journey was writ ten here in Barrie Poetry has been freed from restrictions now and so its harder to write In earlier days you could hide behind form now you have to have your sense of rhythm and style and say something to the reader To bea NANCY and you get all the credit Which is exactly as it should be Because when youre planning sales meetingvhosting wedding or committee luncheon or running this year office party you want to look good and have no hassles Talk to us Because thats our business Holiday Inns handle more social and business functions every yearthan anyone else in Ianada Well handle all the problems and preparation and youll be the one theyll thank when its SUCCESS £09k SM Hwy 400 on Iairview Rd Telephone 7286191 115 guestrooms functionmeeting rooms Meeting facilities to 450 the work must do somet mg to the reader ROTSTEIN popular poet KRAZY KELLYiS MAD MAD MADNESS SALE MANY NEW USED DEMOS ONE OF ATKIND THE FIRST TIME IN OUR HISTORY OUR INVENTORY IS KRAZY KELLYS IS THE 20 ll I00 SERVICE RENT TO ow KRAZYS RENTATO OWN KELLYS RENT TO OWN KRAZYS RENT TO OWN KELLYS RENT TO PIONEER MARANTZ JVC TOSHIBA JVC TOSHIBA SONY JVC 70 WATT IMS RECEIVE OIEY DRIVE TURNYAILE WAY SPEAIEIS RENT TO OWN KRAZYS RENT TO OWN KELLY SONY RECEIVER FULL SIZE CHANGER BUILTIN CASSETTE SPEAKERS 25 QUASAR FULLY AUTOMATIC RECEIVERS AM FM TURNTABLE BTRACK SPEAKERS FOR MAD MAD MADNESS SALE and Saturday to WAY OUT OF WACK PLACE TO BE POLICY EXTRA 26 RCA LOWBOY REMOTE CONTROL 50 WATTS RMS 40 WATTS RMS $223 70 WATTS RMS $399 IOOWATTS RMS $529 120 WATTS RMS $699 so WATTS $449 SONY IVC JVC $399 50 $59 or 515ulty SONY STEREO PACKAGE 379 3630 Weekly Rental Purchase 26 GXI 00 lOWBOY FULLY AUTOMATIC HEAVYDUTY TUNER or just $623 weekly $973 weekly Rent to own $610 weekly Rent to Own 3690 weekly Rental Purchase TOSHIBA TOSHIBA TOSHIBA 30W RMS RECEIVER 2x2 WAY SPEAKERS THATS RIGHTI KRAZY KELLYS AT 46 DUNLOP ST BARRIE IS OPEN FOR 33 CONTINUOUS HOURS Thursday to Friday to WITH SOME SCRATCHED DENTED FLOOR MODELS OR NEW IN BOXES OUT ALL DRASTICALLY REDUCED SO IF YOURE IN THE MAR KET FOR TV COLOR BLACK AND WHITE OR STEREO AS559 trade $593 trade 26 RCA COLORTRAK THE CADILLAC 0F RCA ELECTRONIC TUNING 26 RCA XLIOO TRADITIONAL CABINET AS993 A9649 Irma TURNTABLES DIRECT DRIVE $189 BELT DRIVE $1 I9 DIRECT DRIVE 99 DIRECT DRIVE $235 $249 $299 DIRECT DRIVE 449 SUPER VALUE You Wont Buy Them For Any Less in US Thu is not an brand Set but the latest RCA I979 Solid State Portable 20 ZENITH CHROMACOLOR II 19 QUASAR 20 TOSHIBA 17 SONY TOSHIBA VIDEO CASSETTE RECORDER FULLY FEATURED Now Only $993 or Rent to Own $9 EXTRAORDINARY 50MONTH WARRANTY SUPER TRINITRON IF IT ISNT XLlOO I4 RCA XL100 20 CE GXIOO 14 TOSHIBA NO MONEY DOWN IT ISNT RCA at $466 ICXPn SOLID STATE ONE ONLY FREE DELIVERY NO PAYMENTS TILL AUG79 N0 CREDIT APPLICATION REFUSED CALL NOW DELVERY NOW CASSETTE TAPE DECKS mom LOAD Douav TOSHIBA AKAI JVC JVC PIONEER IVC 410 vooin WAY SHAKE TOSHIBA STEREO PACKAGE ORECEIVER TURNTABLE SPEAKERS $677 FULLY FEATURED DOLBY KDAI $229 DOLBY$168 RENT TO OWN NO MONEY DOWN 20 MTT INS IKEIVII WIIH GRAPHIC EOUAlIlEl DIECT OIIVI TUINTAIU WAY mm NORESCO ACCOSOUND TOSHIBA AURA CANNON $293 $199 WAY IRA 50 WATT WAY Some Marked Some New DRASTICALLY ONY PROFESSIONAL SYSTEM SONY RECEIVER 220 WATTS SONY CASSETTE FRONT s295 LOAD LIQUID CRYSTAL SONY TURN TABLE DIRECT DRIVE WITH CARTRIDGE TWO 3WAY SPEAKERS Knsz KELLYS Hiivv 90 AT FERNDALE WEll BEAT ANYIOOYS PIKE 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