Blank looks Bob Hope accustomed to double takes from fans is getting mostly blank looks on the street during his visit to Peking AP Photo Caravan Festival opens on TORONTO CPI All over town volunteers have been busy cooking huge quantities of cabbage rolls stuffing peppers making haggises and ordering bottles of saki and slivovitz Joe Franken signpainter from Holland has put the fin ishing touches on his copy of giant Rembrandt which he de scribes as the biggest art forg ery in the world Russian artists have com pleted large matrushka doll the famous dolls which enease series of progressively smaller dolls And hardyEnglish oarsmen launched their racing shells ready to restage the Oxford ainbridge boat race on Lake Ontario Almost since the doors closed last year Toronto has been pre paring for this years Metro In ternational Caravan its annual international multicultural festival that starts its nineday run on June 22 INTEREST KEENER In its 11 years Caravan has grown into the biggest cultural festival of its kind in North America Last year more than two million visitors crammed into the 50odd pavilions and or ganizers say that interest this year is keener than ever Television crews from Peking and Tokyo are filming the event and other journalists are coming from Britain and parts of the United States as far away as Texas Caravan organizer and founder Zena Kossar believes that she is one of the few who have ever visited all of the pa vilions which are spread out throughout the metropolitan area dont think any visitor has Friday made it yet but some of them have covered 40 she says Were thinking of presenting an award to anyone who covers the whole route The pavilions each named for city range from Sydney Auckland to Novgorod to Daw son City and St Johns Nfld Each provides food drink en tertainment and arts and crafts of the 50 cultural communities represented Many have outgrown the tiny halls they started in in 1969 and now are housed in large arenas The entertainment has evolved from the simple folk songs and dances into fullscale productions that some commu nities spend up to whole year rehearsing This year the Toronto pavi lion operated by the Canadian Opera Company will perform The Magic Mozart new musi cal by Mavor Moore about the composers life The Perth pavilion has an elaborate production depicting in song dance and poetry the life of the Scottish bard Robert SAVE on repairs to TVs Radios and Stereos For Quick Service Call STEWART ELECTRONICS 7289457 74 Peel St Brennans Selected for 2+ GRADE RED BEEF BARBECUE ROASTS All Wintario Tickets April To Sept 30th Each Wintario ticket will be worth 50 with maximum of tickets for total discount of $2 to be applied against the purchase of any eligible Canadian recording with retail price of 395 or more CLAUDIA BARRY Wanna Bo and STrack 0r LPs ouch Cassette on 599 699 ll flu In WV BURTON CUMMINGS Droam or Child STrack Or Cassette 00 699 IONA BOYD The Guitar BTraclt 0r uh Coachmen 599 699 GODDO Act Of Goddo 8Track Or Cassette ea 699 lPs each 1599 AUCHLAN was til MURRAY MclAUCHlAN Whispering Rain k0 lPsoach 599 699 NW GOOD BROTHERS Doin The Wrong Things Right 8Track Or Cassette ea 699 lPs each 599 lPs each 599 Cassette ea 599 PAUL MKAS lPs oach 599 GINETTE RENO 30 of Ginotto Rono 8Trach Or Cassette ea 699 lPs each 599 JERRY DOUCETTE Douce Is 0036 BTraclt Or Cassette ea 699 Just Game P5 each 8Traclt 0r Cassette ea 699 not airs ht PAUI ANKA 21 Golden Hits BTraclt or 033 ea 699 00 599 th oxamlnor Wednesday Jun 20 1910 or Great Canadian Recording Stars All Your Favorite BigName Recording Artists On lP Cassette or 8Track Iowa uP Storm 8Traclt Or 36 CC lP8 each 599 CARROEEHUAKER lf It Wasnt F9 you 3Trlck of caseflel OI 699 TEREART eavon sTrack oommc um Frot Fovor 499 CTrach Or ammo 0a 699 iGth SUVTTYTI GINO SOCCIO Ootlino lPs ouch BTMCR Or 499 GORDON uourrom Endlass Win for your shopping convenience 61234 5678 901 CLAIRE ROY DAN MAS ml 10 rrozen In The may DAl BElLO Gli or Pro Girls sqmck or OICII rack 0r Wm Mn msu lPs ouch mum on 599 Cassem oa lPs each Trudi or DON MESSER sotte ea In V071 0f Don Masser 699 599 69 599 MINCED 699 EB BAG lPs each 599 aTraclu out 799 Prices Effective While Quantities last 91 no CHARGE 6m EVERY NIGIIT gimtouuo 5676 BAYFIEED ST DOWNTOWN BARRIE iflgffzblgM Mle ML sumac19 Ilse These Cards in Woolworthsmres Across Canada CLAIRE ROY