rm Gavani nanr Let ltW 11 DEFINITION 028 NEws 630 NBC NEWS IN CONCERT CBS NEWS ABC NEWS NEWS PARTY GAME PILGRIM 645 Ill READALONG 655 III WRITE ONI 700 DATING GAME CROSS WITS TIC TAC DOUGH DONNA FARGO GONG SHOW PRICE IS RIGHT 730 MATCH GAME RESCUE SOUAD GONG SHOW GRAND OLD COUNTRY Guests Larry Gatlln Audie Henry Narvel Felts pOCEANs ALIVE MAGIC SHADOWS NEWLYWED GAME THE STATIONARY ARK NEWLYWED GAME THIS WEEK IN BASEBALL POLKA DOT DOOR ADVENTURES OF TIMOTHY MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW BOB NEWHART SHOW aa th examiner WodnudnyJono20 1979 teevision guide WEDNESDAY EVENING VIEWING 30 NEws HOLvaooo souanss 000 LAUGHIN THIS WEEK IN BASEBALL THE JEFFERSONS Goora noon Izaa over daCIann that could chanoa both his Illa and the life of someone vary spacial oaat The mutiny by Susan Joanna and Nancy continues at the Bradforda and Abbys paranta announce their shocking marital aatranoamant Repeat 60 VEGAS EIGHT Is ENOUGH INTROSPEC THE JEFFERSONS MOVIE DRAMA Va Glass Manaoarla ion 830 MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL clnnaII Rada vs Montreal Expos hrs GOOD TIMES JJ farreaching searchlordateoverlooksnneaqercandidata whotakaa somedanqeroua atepstoinsurethat ll never be forgotten again CINE TVOVerItesEtMensonges 1975 on Wallaa Parlons Cinema GOOD TIMEs 900 WEDNESDAY NIGHT AT THE MOVIESStranqeranurHouae197BStars Blair Carol Lawrence in ANNUAL CIRCUS OF THE STARS More than two dozen of the most popular stars of televrsion stage motion pic tures and aportstarnporarily abandontheir car earatobecomedaringcircusperlormers Laur en Bacall Sammy Davrs Jr Jerry Lewis Anth onyNewleyandBernadettePetarsarerinomas the gala event Repeat hrs CHARLIESANGELSInasiaie of amnesia after escaping from crazed killer Kris wanders into beach area where she is lkad by her attacker Re eat 60 mins Ill MOVIE COME HID 1972 MIXED DOUBLES canadas story Queen Victoria Saw Great Canadian Progress Playboy Prince William who became King William IV died on June 20 1837 When he was captain of the frigate Pegasus he had women in every rt from Halifax to Montreal He had at least dozen il egitimate children but left no one to succeed him That need was supplied Edward another son of King George III who also had ose connections with Canada He commanded the garrisons at Quebec and Halifax until his death in 1820 So it was Edwards daughter Victoria who succeeded King William and reigned until 1901 She saw Britain become the greatest nation in the world with an Empire on which the sun never set She never came to Canada but she ke in close touch with developments which led to Cana becoming the strongest member of her Commonwealth few months after becomin Queen she had to cope with the rebellions in Lower an Upper Canada for which her uncle William had been partly responsible He would not agree to reforms that were recommended by his ministers Then there was the Act of Union followed by the granting of responsible government to Canada In 1861 there was nearly war between Britain and the US over the Trent affair and Canada would have been the battleground Victorias husband Albert helped to overcome that crisis She sent her son Edward Prince of Wales on the first royal tour of the British North American colonies in 1860 and between then and Confederation met number of the men who made Confederation possible Macdonald Brown Tupper Tilley Galt McGee and others Later she made Donald Smith Lord Strathcona and knighted Sir Wilfrid Laurier on this day in 1897 Her daughter Princess Louise spent five years Canada as wife of the Governor General the Marquis of Lorne The province of Alberta was named for her Alberta was one of her names Queen Victoria saw Canada take over the Northwest from the Hudsons Bay Company the building of the CPR the Northwest rebellion the beginning of the huge immigration drive that brought settlers to the Prairies and Canadas part in the Boer War Queen Victoria saw more of the development of Canada than did Sir John Macdonald OTHER EVENTS ON JUNE 20 1704 New England force attacked Minas Basin area of NS 1875 University of Manitoba was established 1877 Canadas first telephone exchange opened at Hamilton 1877 Fire in Saint John NB destroyed 1600 homes 1882 Conservatives won general election 13971 1942 Japanese submarine shelled Estevan BC 1959 Storm off Prince Edward Island drowned 35 fishermen Kilt keeps him cool Mailman Harry Fonfara draws wolf whistle from fellow carrier Cheryl Mc Quilkin as he tries out the kilt hes wearing this week to promote drum corps competition in Welland Ont Fonfara is organizing the event being held Saturday as part of the Welland Rose Festival CP Photo 1000 VEGASDan aata outtoraacuaabavyot beautiful young IIOVOIIII snatched by llam boyanl while slave merchant for aala ovaraaaa Guaat aiara Grog MOIIIB Cuar Romero paat 60mins ONE CANADA NEWS UPDATE NEWS 1001 aILLv GRAHAM CRUSADE 1030 In UGANDA SPECIAL 100 NEWS CTV NEWS ID CBC NEWS EDUCATION OF MIKE MCMANus MOVIE 1120 NEws NEWS NEws 1125 1127 130 THE TONIGHTSHOWHosI Johnny on Guest Lola Falana 90 nuns CBSLATEMOVIEswncn CaseOt The Purlomed CaseALas Veoescomadian InvolvesPeteandMacinamurderandblackmail scheme Repeat KOJAK By Silence Bey trayed Stars Telly Savalas Dan Frazer apï¬owe COMEDYMUSICAL Cover Girl 1944 STREET TALK IE NIGHTMUSIC 1145 WESTERN ROUNDup Drums Across The River 1954 Audie Murphy Lisa Gaye 1200 MOVIE MEDICAL cENTER historically speaking barries stog June 20 1964 Because individual municipalities in Simcoe Coun ty had shown insufficient in terest in such project the Simcoe County Tourist and In dustrial Committee had done nothing on suggestion that an industrial commissioner for the whole of the county be ap pointed The liveliest discussion dur ing that sitting of Simcoe Coun ty Council in Barrie came when Reeve Greer of Barrie accused council of pushing through the report of County Assessor Eric Simp son Commenting on the decision to accept the county assessors report Warden Smith Campbell said that he felt it might be more parliamentary and democratic if there was further discussion on the report Probably the biggest headache facing the Childrens Aid Society of Simcoe County was that due to difficulty in fin ding housing in Toronto and the surrounding suburban areas many families were moving in to Simcoe County and taking over abandoned isolated far mhouses or residences original ly built for summer use only This was reported at ses sion of County Council when report from the CAS was presented His Worship Warden Smith Campbell entertained large gathering of Simcoe County councillors officials and friends for the annual outing and picnic at Spr ingwater Park Midhurst That Sunday was to mark high point in the history of St Andrews Presbyterian Church In Barrie when the completion of extensive renovations to the church would be observed by rededication service The Doctor Says Radiation response By PAUL RUBLE MD Dear Dr Ruble Recently CW asked about radiation treatment You doctor an swered that over the years radiation treatments were used for many noncancer medical problems including arthritis of the spine bursitis thymus gland enlargement etc You said these threatments are no longer done because of thyroid gland problems My question In what way was the thyroid gland affected Mrs 1P This subject has been given much publicity in recent years but it is imptrtant to touch on it now and then because lot of people still around who were treatt this way The thyroid is expecially se sitive to Xray treatment Sev erai decades ago Xray was considered good for the thymus gland lymph nodt sinus trouble tonsil and adenoid en largement and skin problems Thyroidlcancer is relatively un common so when the number of people develdping it rose the profession was alerted The common denominator was found to be previOus Xray treatment The cancer is more prevalent infemales than males and odds increase with age Re searchers studied 1000 people who received treatments as children and found 60 cases of cancer If you suspect you had such treatments report it to your doctor and have your thyroid examined Special seaming tests or biopsy of the gland might be necessary You should be checked every two years thereafter even if the gland is normal If there is cancer re moval cures it in most cases Thyroid hormone is needed afterward Dear Dr Ruble What exactly is lietzes syndrome and what are the sumptoms am female 37 and very often have pains around my ribs upper back and chest They Will last anywhere from few days to two weeks It prevents deep breathing and is painful to even move have had this off and on for four years and it seems to be getting worse and more frequent am getting very discouraged couldnt describe the symptoms of Tietzes ITEET sees syndrome any better than you have in your letter Ive touched on this before The cause is swelling of bone cartilage in the chest near the breast bone sternum It is usually onesided and dis appears with time Occasion ally patients have recurrence of pain Its variable and pain may last for long periods as yours has The most troublesome aspect of this is misinterpretation of the pain as being heartrelated Conversely there may be ten dency to ascribe chest pains to Tietzes when it is heartre lated Proper diagnosis is im portant Aspirins heat rest and other arthritistype medicines usually bring relief In stubborn cases and you seem to fit that cetegory local injections of painrelieving medicine or cortisone drugs may be needed The syndrome is named for Alexander Tietzc Breslau surgeon 18644927 who first described the symptoms For Mr CG Mr LK has tip for you that might ease your embarrassment urine dribbling He says he uses jockey shorts and pad which holds in place nicely and avoids lot of embarrassment for him BRIDGE Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag Card reading predicts win NORIII +Q84 vJIn OQIIISZ 4K85 EAST own v32 1873 9109643 sourn +92 VAQflali AK4 AJZ Vulnerable Both Dealer South tiJtl WEST QAKJTSII 0105 07 West North East South Pass Pass Pass Pass Opening lead OK By Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag The late Charles 10 chridge was famous both for the speed of his dummy play and good results he had achieved when the hand was finished West cashed the ace and king of spades and led third spade East ruffed and Charley oveiruffed Then he entered duniriiy with the king of clubs illld lost trump finesse to Wests king Hatk came trump and hzitlcy proceeded to run off the rest of the tricks without any pause for appar ent thought West asked Did you sec my queen of clubs Not at all rcplicd har toy just knew your part ncr didlnot have it and since you had only been dealt two clubs your queen was sure to drop How did Charley know It was simple matter of counting East followed to two spades and had shown up with exactly two trumps East was forced to make three discards on hearts and all were clubs Then after he had played out all his trumps discard ing the five of clubs from dummy on the last one Charley played aceking and four of diamonds to dummys queen West showed out so East was down to the jack of dia monds and club He played it lthe 10 spot when the eight was led from dummy sharing that West daily crossword ACROSS 39 tassoed Answer to Previous Puzzle 42 Jaint bone Storage box 45 Origin of Garment speech protector 47 Mobs Two times 5i Mere taste I0 Shoots holeIri 52 Territory one 54 Siamese 12 Measure of language land 55 Sandwrch 14 Baseballer type abbr Gehrig 56 Isnt sl IS College 57 Transmitted official 58 Fifth zodiac 16 Native of Sign Glas er Inmagra 80 Go to court 38 Engage in 18 Manor Cracks Winter sport 20 L05 Angeies DOWN I3 state FI 4O Scull ea 19 Small bird Bluiclies 22 Allspice Greeted 21 Busriy clump 43 College 24 Brilliance Applies Bill athletic grOup 26 Arabian ship frosting 23 Valuable fur 44 Welld 30 OVBISlled TdY 24 Place 45 lgnOmlillOUS 31 Enchanted Baseball 25 Homew 46 Dweuor 32 Imam abm players 27 Bee home PIEIIllngcr possess commerce 28 Latin poet 48 At what time COnIr agency labbr 29 Skml 49 33 Moray Color Jutland name 34 That thing Stigma 30 50 WNW 35 Wine Fr Chmged 35 Bdfuquc 5i Barrel iatibry 37 Men pamcles musrc 33 Noun Suffix nun an cYOIir Birthday June 21 1979 This coming year you could find yourself With several dII Ierenl kinds of amblllOUS enter prises where youll put down all your chips and play to win Your efforts Wlll be rewarded CANCER June 21July 22 Be cause you have great determi nation today you could expect others to feel the same as you do They dont so dont push too hard LEO July 23Aug 22 Oppo Winthrop TDLD MY TEACHER WA5 BEING Short Ribs nenls wont bluft you today Anything they can do you can and will do better However dont bowl over those who arent In your way VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 You wont want to waste your lime with small stuff today espe cially in adventuresome Sllua tlons Take care however that you dOnt become reckless LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 This could be good day to work on any problems connected wnh your commercial atlairs You have the confidence and drive to straighten things out SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 Team effort is called for today so no matter how energetic or industrious you feel make cer tain that you work In harmony ACCOPDING To THE DRAGON THE FOREST IS FLLI or HUNTERS GUIDETHE FOREST WITCHES OGIZES GIANTS CIZIMEQArE DISTRICT MEADOW IS THE SEST PLACE lO LOOK yoqu am To BE KIDDING gm Mawu in Wizard of Id GRIFCINS AND ASSORTED MONSTERS ai SUCK HEeTIND THKOV CLT Trig email with your counterpart SAGITIARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 Tackle all those difficult chores today Your stamina is at high pOint Youll have plenty of it to give to all that needsto be done CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan 19 If you dont have any plans for entertainment today better make some pronto You need the change and wont be satis tIed unless you do something pleasurable AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 In family dealings today yOu may come On bit stronger than is necessary Walk softly espe cially if y0ure carrying big stick PISCES Feb 20March 20 There will be no mincing of Ni ITS THE HIGH EST now OME You RAISED THE ASSESSMENT 0N Bugs Bunny in MADE mPyELNEVIENTG CLYDE WOULD 55 GREAT COMPANY FER YA WITH THE SOUUD NORTH ER STATIONERY 29 Dunlop St 7378860 7w more IS OUT OF sxicciig at AL axislbw MY You HQ FLtji kTFWE P3P ccittlt MAKE HER fiMiLE KNOWWE NEVIS KNEW HAD House Bernice Bede Osol words with you Where hor mally you Imth hold your tongue today youll tell others exactly how y0u teal ARIES March 21Aprll 10 Its good to be aggressive but anything extreme can be bad It youre not careful you could appear too grabby causing others to think youre selfish TAURUS April 20May 20 If things dont go your way today youre liable to overreact with great force Itll be quite shock to those who are used to your gentle ways GEMINI May 21June 20 Y0ure not normally One given to fits of emotionalism but today something could be smoldering in5ide you that will bring about this reaction LETS CHECK OUT nIIS thiEs CECEJMTWTE gt um am GOOD DAY 5112 WERE COLLECTING DONATIONS FoR INCURABLE OPTIMUM WHO WOULD You LIKE THE REcEIPl IVIApE OUI YOUR WWSW ui HR am uota Sn Sea 11 To Ewe 616 Es GETIIN TO BE VERVDULL COMPANY Your wedding invitations Announcements Headquarters We provide loanout service