This inquisitive bundle of fur is looking for home The Barrie branch of the Ontario Humane Society says this cat would make an ideal pet and will have had its needles before adoption it youre interested in learning more about adopting this animal or any other in the societys care drop in at 9f Patter son Rd Examiner Photo Master plan approved for recreatio need VDENMSLANTHIER Formal acceptance of the fIhoExmninor plan will come after the coin llairie general committee has recommended approval for 370000 master plan to service the Barrie area The committee accepted report Monday from Bill Paulin chairman of the rccra tion planning committee who said the study was warranted laulin said the study would provide an assessment of the recreational needs of the city ith the help of an outside conr sultant lhe l1 was opposed by three Barrie alderiiien in cluding Dorian Parker ltoss Step ens and Bill Knowles Ald Stephens whose request lat week brought the matter back for further discussion said the city should not think of spending more money at this time The alderman said he would prefer to see the money used to providing jobs for city residents The recreational needs of the city are already known said Ald Stephens and further study is not needed Ald Ed lhompson said the study on the contrary would be tremendously important He said fact finding long term plan was needed for the city IIIIIIIONE Ald Dorian Parker said it was the wrong time to put the matter in front of Barrie tax payers We cant afford it its too much for our blood she said Residents wont think much of It if we proceed Ald Fred ltuemper said it was important to the city to show resident that the money as being spent wisely compreliensire needs study would satisfy that goal said Ald ltuemper Hut laulin said difficulties would arise if the city had to reinoye two of its staff members to conduct study He said loss of the men could have serious impct on the department In addition an outside eon sultant would be better equip ped to take long range lt mittce has selected firm to undertake the study RENT 1979 $900 Per day Plus mileage DAILY RENTAL Free Pickup and Delivery all l979 models and makes of carsl Ask about special weekend rates vMWM Barrie DriveaCar 43 Essa Rd Barrie 7266474 MATigREss BOX éiiRING Twin Size ONLY $86 At lnnisfil Beach Park the examiner Tuscany Jun 19 1919 Erosion could cost $70000 to stop By STEPHEN NIIIIIS Of The Examiner BARCLAY Innisfil Beach Park shoreline is eroding away at two to three feet year and it may cost $213 to $403 metre of shoreline to stop it councd planning and development committee was told Monday Mike Pullen Don Mills con sulting firm project engineer presented working paper on ways to correct the erosion problem at special committee meeting Pullen suggested the used section of the north beach be given priority because erosion is worst there His proposed phase one to protect that 170 metres of beach would cost from $37000 to $70000 depen the waves which eat away the shoreline said Pullen Silt eroded from the north shore area of the park is swept around the point and deposited in the southern park beach area Shoreine protection methods are described in the report prepared for Council and the South Lake Simcoe Conserva tion Authority who will share project costs with lnnisfil Off shore measure such as constructing breakwater bar rier parallel to shore or placing wall or line of fill out from shore to stop the sand would be HayesDana profit up to $82 million HayesDana Ltd Thorold car and truck parts manufac turer soon to open an 38 million plant in Barrie reports nine month pofit of $82 million Woody Morcock ex ecutive vicepresident and general manager said demand for the companies products has become so great that expanson ding on methods used Compared With Prom of $56 t0 Barrie was necessary to keep Grant Andrade deputy reeve million for the same period one up with orders said the firm Marshall year ago Macklin and Monaghan Con sulting Engineers prepared the paper to show councillors dif ferent methods of controlling erosion When Council decides which method is best the engineer will prepare final detailed report The working paper says 450 to 820 tonnes of soil are erod ed from the park shoreline each year Winds from the east and nor theast of 25 to 30 kmhr cause Company sales during the nine month period which ended May 31 increased to $1671 million from $1045 million one year ago The companys new Barric plant which will produce heavy duty axle truck housing is be ing constructed on Itsacre site in souheas Barrie It is expected to produce 200 jobs initially and 800 jobs by 1985 During meeting in October with the Barrie Rotary Club Victoria Wood is back in Barrie with all new all brick 1979 single family Classics With price value and QUOIiIYSO 9999 youll think youre We have had to virtually double production capability for our light truck frames in cluding second assembly line he said This area has great growth potential and thats where our expansion to Barrie comes in Morcock sid the company was impressed with the number of skilled people Barrie Other factors in Barries favor were its proximity to ma jor market and good in dustrial site he said solution The rocks too expensive says the report BUILDERSSLGGESTEI The paper suggests the shore be protected with boulders con crete slabs or wall of steel or cast concrete Pullen said placing boulders along the shore may be the best if well place would prevent erosion and would haye natural ap pearance Boulders located in the township could be used for the project and would probably be less expensive than buying con crete or steel products sloped concrete wall could be used for access to the water or gaps of and beach could be left open between strips of boulders line of boulders Dunlap St at riepatew uh an Inn at summer omfon llASPIl SlIT STORE FOR MEN libraries placed about 10 metres from shore would protect the sandy areas he said Pullen said ice might move or damage the wall it would not cost much to repair it in spring He said no cost estimates were made for boulder work because he did not know how much material was available in the township and work would be done by township employees wall of interlocking con crete blocks would cost $213 to $328 metre of shoreline he said concrete cast wall would cost $328 metre and steel sheet piling $403 metre 12 PRICE SALE AT THE GINGHAM DOOR 74 MAPLE AVE JUNEI9t023 Tues to Fri I030 to 430 Sat 1030 to 200 18 ft master bedrooms ALL CLAY BRICK EXTERIORS ogrand loyers opatio walkouts 0coloured bath fixtures colonial mahogany interior trim roughin central AC The Barrington From $61250 with car garage Artist Conceptior dreaming So actnowand avoid oroughin centralvacuum oseparatelivingdining rooms WGE SELECTION AT TERRIFIC SAVINGS and would probably do better job said lauliii The city is eligible for 30 per cent grant from the ministry ol culture and reereat ion 30 36 39 48 54 60 78 the stampede Choose from bedrooms or 23 ft family rooms main floor laundry centres and bathsen suite masters 50 110 fully sodded lots or car garages standard PLUS the classiest exterior destgns for the money youve ever seen But dont wait At these low pre o21ttgourmetkitchens omain tloormud rooms as pemOdeHYpe breakfast rooms construction prices well be sold The committee decided to outin days Probably hours tender the siiidy fake Hwy 400 nonh to Hwy 2627 Baytield St north to Cundles Rd Turn left on Cundles to Lillian Crescent and right on Lillian to sales centre SALES CENTRE OPEN Sat and Sun 10 AM to PM Mon to thurs 12 noon to PM Closed Friday Phone 7371437 Barrie 8835666 Toronto Committee thwarts Thompson ii attempt by Ald lId Thompson to stop public meeting concerned with the Widening of Blake street was Bed frame Headboards 18 47 with rig rulers mm aliaorucric smuowu nos thwarted by Burrw geiitlill mmncmic roAMrosruumrun noon nos committee Monday The public works committee lam 09 LIKED recoinmeiidml public meeting be called for public input on the AND BEDROOM INTERIORS proposed widening of Dunlop tlItJtt lilak tiu Dunlop 7289922 But ld lhompsoii sid it was Domevii Barrio an amusing turn ot etents FREE DELIVERY He said holding another public meeting would be like going ocr the same route one more time gt