Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 19 Jun 1979, p. 14

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14 examiner Tuadaylum 10 1979 Dooth Nolc Engogom SPECS115$ on 0rd of Thanks um minimum 40 words additional words cents per word Births In Momorlom no voru $600 $6 Von per Count lino extra 23 cents CominEvonto OIIHII Mondays Child is lair ol lace Tuesdays Child is lulI ol grace Wednesdays Child is lull ol woe Thursdays Child has far to go Fridays Child is loving and giving Saturdays Child works hard for its living And child that is born on the Sab bath Day Is lalr and wise and good and gay Children hearing this verse by Counter Cullen always want to know which day at the week was their birth date Keep this and other Important information for your childs luture An Examiner Birth Announcement will include the name at your child the day at the week month and year ol birth the weight and other vital inlormation printed message can become permanent record in Babys Book or Family Albums The rate for an Examiner Birth Notice is only $5 50 PHONE 728 21 LANGMUIR Martin and Francine nee Beaudry are happy to announce the birth ol their son William Matthew on Sunday June 17th at St Josephs Hospital North Bay Proud grand parents are Bill and MaryJane Langmuir ol Shanty Bay and Marie Beaudry ot sturgeon Falls at coming events THE DOWNTOWN CENTRE no DunbpStWBorrIo presents ANTIQUES AT THE CENTRE Juno 22 9309 Sot June 23 92306 Admission free Ju2l STRAWBERRY SUPPER um Illtl 20th CONTINUES FROM TO PM ADULTS $500 CHILDREN 10 AND UNDER $250 PRESCHOOLERS FREE mum unnro CHURCH THORNTON Iu91315l9 Mrs Campbell 4381 084 The regular Pot Luck Lun cheon of Stroud Senior Citizens was held on Tuesday at 1230 craft display of winters handiwork was the chief item on the program Various crafts included quilts art needle point wall hangings afghans crochet items stitchery pic tures ceramics cushions hooked rugs and items made from wood short singsong was follow ed by two humorous readings by Margaret and Don Marlyn Cards were then enjoyed Thrcc bus trips are being planned For information con tact lack McCullough 4363339 The annual picnic at Centen nial Park will be on July 17 and thc Oshawa tour takes place on June 13 The annual conference at Kingston was discussed Mr and Mrs Herbert Nor man attended the graduation exercises at Wilfrid Laurier University Waterloo on Sun day May 27 when their son Rick graduated with his honors BA in history Congratulations Twenty of our ladies of St James UCW went to Sandy Cove CWA meetings at the Hub pot luck luncheon was served and the Sandy Cove ladies out did themselves with the variety of casseroles and desserts Mrs Florence Hall played the piano while the tables were being clearcd Grace was said followed by hymn and scripture reading Mrs Barbara Henry spoke on her trip to the Holy Land Our IlCW Church Service is on Jilly and Sandy Cove ladies were invited to participate in the service The ladies were invited to at tend Camp Simpresca on September 11 and 12 at cost of $5 Bring lunch Please notify Mrs Bell of Nottawa if you are going We were asked to lend our Child of the Year Banner to thc Oro Fair in September and there is to be Us Presi dents Tea at Mincsing Church on Junc 13 at oclock successful Nearly New sale was hold on June The Offering and Benediction followed Lakclands Senior Citizens Club 285 meet every Wednesday afternoon at 130 at Lakeside Hall Alcona Beach Our presi dent is Bud Parker and we have an average of ninety people at meeting Our club took bus trip to Yorkdalc Shopping Mall and we are looking forward to going to the races on June 28 Our annual picnic will be held in lnnisfil Park on July 25 at 10 oclock and to wind up ac tivities for the summer we are having dinner and dance on June 29 at Golf Haven Trips are planned to Molsons in the late summer Mr and Mrs Rob Paddle members of our club are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary on June 15 at Lakeside Hall Mrs Bartholomew presented petition for members to sign asking that Provincial Lottery neighborly news 8343 or column inch BSdoliil HENDERSON Gordon at Royal Vic toria Hospital Barrie Sunday June 17 1979 Gordon Henderson beloved hus band at Florence Adams at Harding Avenue Barrie Dear lather ol Janet Mrs William MiIIS Sudbury brother of Grant at Florida and Marr ol Toronto Mourned by live grandchildren No visitation cremation Memorial service in the chapel at Jackson and Barnard Funeral Home 233 Larch Street Sud bury Wednesday evening at 730 Memorial gills may be given to the On tario Cancer Society or fund ol your choice il you so desire HUNT Margaret Ruthven At the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Sun day June 17 1979 Margaret Hunt in her 85th year beloved wile ot the late lsaac Hunt loving mother of Elizabeth Mrs Palka ol Angus Thomas of Van couver and Robert of Australia dear grandmother of seven grandchildren and IOgreat grandchildren Dear sister ol Thomas of Scotland Resting at the Jennett Funeral Home ISZ Bradford Street Barrie Visitation from Monday at pm Service in the chapel on Tues day June 19 at pm Interment Angus Union Cemetery LANGESON Ann At Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie on Monday June 18 I979 in her 86th year Wile of the late Chris Langeson mother at Mrs Groves Agnes ol Midhurst grand mother of Robert and Kathryn Groves Sister ol Mrs Alfred Burn Mary of Hamilton Ontario Friends may call at the Butler Funeral Home St Catharines Tuesday June 19 from pm till pm and lrom pm until pm Service to be held in the tuneral home chapel at 130 pm Wednesday June 20 Interment at Victoria Lawn Cemetery St Catharines Donations to the Canadian Cancer Society may be made in lieu ol llowers TRIEMSTRA Rhine The Lord has taken on to Himself dear husband father and grandlather on Monday June 18 1979 at the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrio Rhine Triernstra in his 68th year beloved husband at Nellie Gleysteen Dear lather ol Vic John and Nellie Mrs Romp Survived also by 12 grandchildren Friends may call at Steckley Funeral Home 30 Worstey Street Barrie Funeral service in First Christian Reformed Church St Vincent Street Barrie on Wednesday June 20 at pm Interment Barrie Union Cemetery NOTICE Deadline for classified word ads pm day previous noon Saturday funds go to the hospitals where they will do more good Our band is still entertaining along with the ladies known as the Cool Cats We had team of two for cribbage at Sandy Cove and Mr and Mrs Watkins got se cond prize hawkestone by Muriel Hart 4872030 Sincere sympathy is extend ed to Mrs Albert Shelswell and family in the loss of loving husband The Hawkestonc Womens In stitute are having bake sale on July Time and place to be announced later The Hawkestone Anglican Church Women are having bake sale at the Anglican Church on July 21 Mrs Hart was one of the hostesses at the WI Erland Lee Home at Stoney Creek for day last week The Hawkestone Brownies and Guides closed the season at the Hawkestone United Church on Tuesday June with ban quet for the girls leaders mothers and testers Badges were presented followed by fly up from Brownies to Guides Mrs Clarke Crawford went to Windsor last week to attendtthe graduating exercises of her granddaughter Debra Crawford Weekend visitors at the Doug Smiths were Mr and Mrs Ray Skeleton Lisa and Chad of Bar rie and Stanley Smton of Craighurst Mrs James Dickey was celebrating her birthday last week with relatives and friends attending from Stroud Barrie Orillia and other points Among the many gifts she received was silvercolored money tree loaded with $100 bills from her family Happy BirthdayJean Mr and Mrs Harold Pro phet Earl Scott Norma Leigh and Roberta Gray attended the funeral of the late William Cooper in Oshawa on June The United Church Women went to Collingwood on June to be entertained by the Coll ingwood United Church Women They had tour of the interesting places there follow ed by lovely supper and con cluded the outing with slides The Anniversary Service at the United Church on June 10 at 11 am was well attended Rev John McDonald of Orr Lake was the guest speaker The choir sang lovely an them and Mr and Mrs McDonald and children sang several pieces Everyone who wished to go is invited to Guthrie United Church on Sunday July at 12 noon to meet the new minister Miss Snow Bring sandwich Tea and coffee will be provided Mrs Hart had the misfor tune to fall and break her wrist this past week while babysit ting Happy belated birthday wishes to Dr Roger Green and twoyearold Jake Noble who were celebrating on June Also to twins Melissa and Jason Cuppage who were one yearold on May 28 Amy in whirl Amy Carter IOyearold daughter of American President Carter drives bumpercar In the Vienna amusement park Prater Sunday afternoon with an unidentified girl from the US Embassy staff AP Photo Toughest drug laws repealed in New York ALBANY NY AP Six years ago thenGov Nelson Rockefeller declared war on pushers and rammed through the New York state legislature some of the toughest drug laws in the United States providing mandatory life sentences on conviction of selling even small amounts of hard drugs But now the legislature has voted to repeal the key features of those lawsEven former proponents of the 1973 measures say the repeal is frank admission that the measures didnt work The senate and assembly last week passed bill to reduce penalties for many types of hard drug sales and sharply re duce the use of lifetime prison and parole sentences The legislation which Gov Hugh Carey is expected to sign into law may also mean re duced sentences for about 1500 convicts The states drug problem has not diminished Critics blame the Rockefeller drug laws for court backlogs because plea bargaining was sharply restricted and more de fendants faced with stiffer penalties chose to stand trial One result was an increase in the prison population But the critics note that few of these prisoners were largescale dealers Fewer than 200 con victions were for sale of an ounce or possession of two ounces of an illegal substance TRAFFICKING UP Federal officials say traffick ing in cocaine and some hallu cinogens in New York state has risen sharply since 1973 And state officials say heroin use has increased since the laws were passed The new bill repeals outright the most publicized aspects of the 1973 laws the mandatory lifetime prisonparole sen tences for those convicted of selling any amount of heroin cocaine morphine or other hard drugs Currently an individual con HlGlI CAREY New York governor CIA dumps securHy officer WASHINGTON AP The CIA has fired one of its security officers after he sorted through sensitive files of the US House of Representatives assassina tions committcc an agency Spokesman has confirmed Herbert lictu thc spokesman said Sunday night that Regis Blahut was dismissed from his job after III was found to have picked up files on the commiltccs Ill vestigation of President John Kennedys assassination He saw the committees files and picked them up WIIIIII was dumb Hctu said Blahut was assigned to guard CIA documents being Used by the committee in its intmngn tion of Kennedys death After an internal IA llllsll gation of the incident IIttu said we were totally cull vinced Blahut as not cncour aged front outside or insidi the CIA to examine the docu ments STOP ME IIIISl€l VIIINNAICIr AnAustrian newspaper carried thc following advertisement Young man bent on marrying seeks experienced older gen tlcman who will be able to talk him out of it victed of possessing as little as two ounces of heroin must be sentenced to at least 15 years in prison Once released he must be placed on parole for the rest of his life CANADA PACKERS SMOKED PORK PICNIC SHOULDER is NO LIMIT WHILE SUPPLY LASTS EMPIRE AND JUBILEE SLICED SIDE BACON LB VAC PAK LB BEEF FROM THE SHOULDER FRESH SHOULDER CHOPS BREAD SUPER FRESH BIG 24 OZ LOAF NO LIMIT WHILE SUPPLY OT PITCHER PAK PARTLY SKIMMED MILK ONE PER I000 PURCHASE MCCAIN FROIEN FANCY PEAS LB PKG EA BLUEWATER THRIFT PAK FISH CHIPS 32 oz Pits on Pilot AND WHITE I2 01 tm FROZEN COHCENTRATED lEMONADE KENT FROIEN I2 01 TIN CONCENTRATED ORANGE JUICE MCCAIN om AND omCIoUS PEPPERONI I4 01 PIZZA LITRE IS FLAVORS ICE CREAM MAPLE LEAF GRADE TURKEYS ON SIlES IN STOCK TROUT LADY SARA WHOLE AYLMER II 01 BOTTLE CATSUP RYDAY LOW SUPER BUY CIGARETTES All BRANDS REG 85 CARTONS KING 95 NO LIMIT CARNATION EVAP MILK 385 ML 39 it 43 PART SKIM REGULAR HOMOGINIIED hit TOTAL lIMlT 35 LB AV PACK FRESHLY MINCED MEDIUM GROUND FRESHLY MINCED COMBINATION MEAT IS BEEF PORK CHICKEN PRODUCTS EGGS SWIFTS PREMIUM NEW IMPROVED SWEET PICKLED CRYOVAC COTTAGE ROLLS RAINBOW FRESH EVERY THURSDAY FRIDAY STEMS PIECES MUSHROOMS SHOPPERS CHOICE 24 OZ JAR STRAWBERRY AND RASPBERRY 14 Ol TIN BEST PACK I9 01 TIN DULCET I9 01 TIN CUDNEY POTATOES LADY SARA AND AYLMER ANCY 48 OZ TIN 129 TORONTO CP Three Jamaican women ordered de ported this month because they did not tell immigration of ficers they had dependents in their homeland have been allowed back into Canada says Toronto civil rights lawyer Speaking Sunday to meeting of the Committee Against Racism Charles Roach said the women have been allowed back into Canada on permit from the federal minister of employment and immigration Lola Anderson Gloria Law rence and Rubina Whyte all of Toronto were among group of seven women who had lived in 7265333 NAME BRAND OUALITY PRODUCTS AT NO FRILL PRICES FRESHLY MINCED CUT FROM CANADA GRADE BEEF REGULAR GROUND DIRECT FROM GEORGIAN BAY TROUT FARMS CHOICE IO 01 TIN 99E PAK LIMIT 49 2l2 99 Jamaican women face deportation Canada for before several years proceedings were started against them in 1976 because they did not tell im migration officers about their dependent children when they applied for landed immigrant status Under the Immigration Act it is an offence to give false or misleading information when applying for immigration TERROR IN HOLD LONDON CP British Caledonian flight to Edinburgh recently was held up for four hours while staff recaptured an angry baboon that had escaped from cage in the hold 7261322 BBB SPECIAL AND BLADE STEAKS LARGE CHICKEN lIVERS HAM SLICES WHILE SUPPLY LASTS HEADCHEESE BACON LB VAC PACK oz BAG NAME BISCUITS MAPLE LEAF CHOCOLATE CHIP COKE PEPSI 7UP CRUSH 725 01 SUNSPUN MACARONI CHEESE DINNERS °WALL T0 WALL CARPETS SHOULDER I2 CUT FROM CANADA GRADE BEEF CANADA GRADE SCHNEIDERS I2 01 BOWLS 150 Ml LARGE BOTTLE yearold seeking to join her defector son in Sweden was arrested when she staged her third protest in as many days in Moscow relative said Antonina seized by plainclothesmen in Red Square on Saturday night and taken away after she raised onuos PROFESSIONALLY CLEANED Borrios First Commercially Oporotod Truck Mounted Corpot Cleaning Unit 79 DOl LIMIT WITH 500 PURCHASE DOI TOTAL LIMIT 39 99f SCHNEIDERS OZ PACK BROKEN 89 SWIFTS NO PREMIUM SLICED SIDE pkg CHOCOLATE Clth oatmeal WILSONS PRODUCTS PLUS DEPOSIT MARGARINE I6 01 TUBS WWDBURY 450 Ml SHAMPOO BUY ONE FOR GET ONE FREE FOOD TRILLIUM IOO°o OIL SOFT SUPER DISCOUNT MARTS We rourvo the right to limit to ovorogo family needs reading Carter Brezhnev Commercial Residential 59 99F in third protest MOSCOW AP 70 Help grandmother said similar Agapova was white banner ment FURNITURE 7284 761 FILL YOUR OWN BAG FROM THE CHUCK BONELESS BBQ ORANGES E2 in FILL YOUR OWN BAG JUMBO SIlE CALIFORNIA NO WHITE NEW POTATOES IO LB BAG GREEN ONIONS CANADA NO 38 USA FANCY 09 89¢ CELERY LARGE 24s GRANNY SMITH APPLES HLL YOUR OWN BAG RED DELICIOUS AmPYPLtS FILL YOUR OWN BAG ONTARIO H61 nous no cum CUKES STORE HOURS ALLISTOHVICTORIA sr MON TUES WED SAT am6 pm THURS FRIDAY om9 pm ANGUS MEI COUNTY ROAD I0 AND HWY 90 DAILY9 om9pm THURS FRIDAY amIO pm SUNDAY 81 HOLIDAYS II dm7 pm BARRIE 4i ESSA RD DAILY9am6pm THURS FRI am9 pm Reunite Family her daughterinlaw Mrs Agapova staged protest Square on Thursday Friday demonstrated outside the US Embassy Police detained her for sev eral hours Friday night then took her back to her apart SIM COE CARPE UPHOLSTER CLEANERS USA CANADA NO VINE RIPE TOMATOES 49 USA SUNKIST II3 SllE CANADA NO FRESH MUSHROOMS 99E CANDA NO LARGE are CANADA NO BUNCH 592¢ HERES 99 RED PLUMS an YOUR own BAG DAVIDS I4 I5 01 BISCUITS CAVALIER PRINCES no CANTELOUPE USA no FRESH 279 Agapovs in Red and JOHN DUPAIH 69 59 49 69E 895 st 59

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