Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 13 Jun 1979, p. 4

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SIRE COMPOSNG ROOM The Examiner is member of The Cottagei Dress CF ammo BIJIQIUIM EDITORS ADVENTISING Ctrcuiations ADC only the Canadian ay repub news or es CrainIson managing editor Len Sevick manager Mn Kemeylmeman Pumsheddwyeuep this newspaper credited to CF Theda ilted Press Reuters or Aoence em M5 59 Wah 555 loreman 5mm FrancePresse and local sstorl in The Examiner gerc SLES Vikki Gram Don Saunders Statutory holidays Stratas2332 aremwm mwm artanarchismmatmzwm cum Hals mm in Jggmsz Jun anew 90 ms V1 igziliinmmuzaoms register 61 serwng barrie and simcoe county nepomens Steve Skinner am Re nbr YEARLY bycarrier 091 99 Carl De curse Barb Boullon Ed AIeynby $4680 Natlonai advertising oitice 65 Queen St Toronto 864 1710 640 Cathcart Stephen Nichoils Calvin Felepchuk cincuLnion lanie av MAIL Barrie St Montreal Dennis Lantnier am am manager am The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable for damages aris Uthhed byiconadon Newspapers CPmpanY Lmllfid Nancy Figueroa White assistant manager wgmghen SIMCOE COUNTY ing out of errors in advertisements beyond the amount paid tor the space ac 16 BOYIIGld Street Barrie Ontario LM 4T6 Lori Cohen chssinso Brad Howcrotl Nelly occupied by that portion at the advertisement in which the error no Richard Thomas peg chem supervisor Laplante same 59 650 curred whether such error is due to the negligence of its servants or other Bruce Rowland publisher Stephen oauer entertainment Fred Shim Us Wyn Sgfisjsnopm MOTOEJHROW OFF else Smitten snail no liarblllty tor nonitsertion at any advertisement Gary Forbes Dana Homewood Elaine Porter ea Oreman Yea yon amoun pa orsuc isernen NEWSROOM CIRCULATION ADVERTISING CWSIFIEDS BUSINESS petty rnisr camera operator Janice Morton ctieryi Aiken rattrggrssé foreman ELSEWHERE IN CANADA Th or er err ie car serreserves oeirevsecassy reeca av 7266537 7266539 7266537 7282414 7266537 an mm Do we need extra Royal Victoria Hospital trustees want to meet with ministry of health represc ntatives to get more grant money The ministry has allocated 45 per cent more money for the hospital than it did last year The trustees claim the hospitals operating costs have risen 65 per cent What these trustees say and what hospital officials across the province have been saying though make interesting reading From Doctors Hospital in Toronto Sensenbrenner to Memorial in Kapuskasing everyone is complaining about the government Since Premier Bill Davis and the Ontario legislature began listening to public demands about decreasing provincial spen ding the hospitals have complained No one it appears can live with small yearly increases of approximately 45 per cent The problem too is not restricted to health care For about the same length of time students have complained about the declining quality of education and elitism since that ministry began cutting grants to post secondary institutions The crux of the problem is money For some time now this province has lived beyond its means living on borrowed economic time and now the piper wants his due The govern ment is faced with raising taxes or cutting grants The public is not prepared to accept increased taxes so cutting grants is the only alternative Either way the government is damned But this dilemma should point out that maybe the time has come to clench our teeth little and pull in the belt little tighter Maybe the high priced services everyones used to arent necessary The problem is that everyone balks at sacrifice In Penetanguishenc they want new school for French students and their hospital in Midland they want their hospitals grants maintained too in Toronto and Barriethe story is exactly the same cut someone else not us were operating most efficiently Unfortunately efficiency alone is no longer an excuse for increased grants The criteria now must be need Do we need all of the services Do we need the high priced equip ment Do we need two hospitals within 20 miles of one another Do we need that extra two per cent If we dont lets do without Then places without the political clout of Simcoc County may get what they need not an extra frill but necessity There are after all places in On tario lacking necessities Dear Editor had occasion recently to visit Barrie hospital and while waiting for the bus for my return home as it was raining intended waiting in the bus shelter provided However must say it disgusted me It was filthy Garbage was all over the floor and piled in one corner Surely there could be garbage container placed near there mentioned this to the bus driver and understand from him this is the citys respon sibility know the city has lots on its mind but with so many people unemployed in Barrie there must be person available to clean and maintain these shelters There are people who would rather work in stead of collecting unemployment benefits Would also like to say word of praise for our local bus drivers It has been my experience to find them all very pleasant and helpful Some of course more than others By VINCENT EGAN Business and onsumcr Affairs Analyst Thomson News Scrv icc Shopping for an air conditioncr is one of those chores that can make you as hot and bothered as summer heat wavc givcn the variety of prices and featurcs youll find decision about the bcst room air coir ditionei or cvcn whether to own onc at all is ncccssarily personal and subjectivc How hot docs your home bccomc What is your tolcrancc for heat It may be that window fan or an attic fan will do an adequate job in your circunr stances If so your initial cost and operating expenses will be considerably lower than in the case of room air conditioner Should your circumstanccs dictatc thc choice of room air LOlldlllmltl liowcvcr Considcr all thc factors involvcd As with other major appliances this is an asset lllill you will usc for many ycaxs to COIIIt so dont settle for just any machine that dclivcrs blast of frigid air ENERGY lllFllE One factor to take into account is ihc energy efficiency ration BER of the unit figure that runs from about six to 10 The higher the figure the less energy it consumes relative to its cooling capability but dont concentrate on operating economy and cf ficicncy to the exclusion of thc initial pur chasing pricc of thc air conditioncr Thc cooling power of air conditionch is expressed in British thermal units 1811 conditioner with rated cooling power of 6000 BTU iould bc about right for it typical mom measuring 16 fch by 12 fch although the number of windows the direction in Especially on the Letitia route as this is the one travel most like our drivers and thank them for be ing so helpful must say too that enjoy very much living in Letitia Heights have heard people saying it is not friendly place But must con tradict that statement have wonderful neighbours and am very happy to be living here walk lot and always have someone say Hi or remark on the weather maybe just smile It might be that if the people who find this area unfriend 1y would try to get out more if they cannot walk they could sit out on their front lawn It really does take at least two to strike up friendly conversationil And of course there is nothing which makes the eyes light up so fast as that smile Sincerely Ms Ann Bleakley Letitia Heights Barrie Air conditioner to beat the heat which they facc thc amount of insulation and similar cbarzictcristics of the room have to be taken into account Pay spccial attention to the noisv leve Even the quictcst air conditioner makes noise that can bothcr some people sound lcvcl rating of 16 would be good 18 average and 20 loud Ihc moSt important control on an air conditioner is the therm0slat dial which regulates tlic cooling level Trial and error will lcad you to the most comfortable setting Settings such as l0 cool and hi cool are dcccptivc sincc they merely change the fan speed and thtis affect the cooling capacity only indirectly The higher the setting the noisier will be the operation of the con ditioncr Many conditionch have setting for fan only so that you can circulate the air without cooling it In unit without such setting the sainc result can be achieved by turning the thermostat dial to its lowest setting Since thc filtcr must be washed from timc to time check before yoti buy to ensure that the filter can bc rcmoved fairly readily installing an air conditioner at the beginning of the summer and removing it in the fall isnt easy Room units are all heavy enough to require the labor of two pcoplc They are designed for doublehung windows and have to be in stalch with slight downward tilt toward the outdoors ll possiblc mount the conditioner in such way that its outside will be in the shade De pending upon the sizc of the unit and the design of the house good spot to cool both upstairs and downstairs might be on stairway landing between the two floors Hill By STEWART MacliEOD Ottawa Bureau Thomson News Service The fact that Robert Rene dc Cotret is our minister of industry trade and commerce along with being minister of state for economic development may not send shock waves from one end of Canada to the other From city hall By DENNIS LANTIIIER Of The Examiner If there are some of you who have been in the dark about the proposed new municipal airport take heart Members of the media are in exactly the same position have been covering council since the beginning of August and during my term here the airport advisory committee has been meeting on regular basis to discuss the mat ter If Graydon Richardson committee chair man has been totally uncopcrative in my at tempts to get any information from him con cerning the goingon at the session The media apparently is looked upon as some form of vulture that would scuttle any at tempts to get an airport on stream along with member of the local radio station tried to get into an advisory commit tee meeting earlier in the year We werw told however that property ac quisition might be discussed at that par ticular meeting Isnt that wonderful On the one hand we are consistently asked to support the airport concept yet are never given any sort of in formation about it In fact if it hadnt been for Mayor Ross Archer there would have been absolutely no information released on it at Were told Barrie and area needs new air port Were told that by pilots who would obA viously have special interests of their own in the matter WASNT ASKED The secrecy point has been brought home by Don Fish local operator of the present air port who has not been asked for input by the advisory committee Great eh Fish is the one man who deals constantly with pilots in the area on daily th These phone place to ground but the appointment seems to be rattling Ot tawa With the possible exception of the uproar over the promised relocation of our embassy in Israel the de Cotret promotion was un doubtedly the most controversial develop ment during Joe Clarks first few days as prime minister Apart from de Cotret and Why the secrecy over airport basis but is left out in the cold by the com mittee Monday night council approved feasibili ty study on the airport with intentions of go ing ahead with it the media did not get copy of the report from the committee given to council members It does not commit the city yet to any ex penditure for the airport That final decision will be made in the fall Theres going to have to be lot more in formation beforc Barrie taxpayers should be saddled with new airport This is not an antiairport comment for those of you who may be interpreting it that way But Barrie residents dont deserve the secrecy which has been persistent in advisory committee meetings NEED ANSWERS We need answers Were told new airport will help industry out here But no statistics am aware of have been presented to suggcst industries are not being serviced adequately by the Barrie airport or by the other airports in the area What about the airports location pro posed location in Cm township so Im told by an area resident could be too close to many subdivisions The resident says he is speaking for the silent majority many persons of which have not even moved in as yet Before the city decides to go ahead with the airport we need more answers then we havc now Only then will we be able to adequately judge whether Barrie really needs new air rl pOTho city would bc wise to call public meeting into the issuc before making any decisions one way or the othcr How about some open discussion on the matter for change illegal breakins opening mail to en ou have that renowned RCMP tr ition and expertise to aloof burn the Parliament De Cotret appointment seems to be rattling Ottawa probably his immediate family it is difficult to find anyone outside the Clark household who favors the appointment The 34yearold economist entered Parliament last October after easily winning the Ottawa Centre riding in byelection To do this he had merely to knock off former Liberal cabinet minister Bryce Mackasey who had parachuted into the constituency from Montreal expecting to breeze back into Parliament on the basis of his past glories Mackasey ran an ineffectual campaign and de Cotret who seems to enjoy being billed as one of Canadas top economists became freshman MP FAST CLIMB Prior to entering politics de Cotret had headed the Conference Board in Canada an independent economicaforecasting organization that generally has solid reputation In fact de Cotret had dabbled in economic forecasting all over the place including stint as an adviser to former US president Richard Nixon Clark and other Tories regarded his acquisition as great coup Unlike other new MPs de Cotret never did occupy back row seat in the Commons He entered the House just one row behind Clark while everyone around him predicted he would be likely become finance minister in any Tory government Without being unkind it would seem fair to say that de Cotret seldom rose above the ordinary during his brief stint in the Com mons And his proposals for stimulative deficit did little to make life easier for fellow Tories during the election campaign It should also be pointed out that majority of Conservative MPs have healthy skepticism for economists who are long on theories and short on hardheaded business experience This skepticism goes right back to the Dicfenbakcr era But as an elected MP de Cotret was given full rein in caucus to expound his economic viewpoints which he did with some relish POOR CAMPAIGN Then came the general election And since dc Cotret had knocked off Mackasey so easily and since his new opponent John Evans was noted mainly for his un familiarity it was assumed that Tory vic tory was mere formality Even his sup porters acknowledge that de Cotret ran lacklustre campaign and as result he was soundly defeated Now there are all sorts of precedents for appointing nonelected representatives to cabinet but it has invariably been stopgap measure until the candidate can be tested at the polls Appointing someone who has just been rejected by the voters is quite another matter But Clark decided that the outstanding ability of de Cotret should not be lost to the government ALLEGED BRlTlSil ATROClTlES AGAINST THE IRISH WHAT RUBfiLiH l$ THE HONORAELE MEMBER REFERRlNG TO THE ALLEGATIONS OR TO THE lRlSH From the legislature Martel charge serious matter By DEREK NELSON Queens Park Bureau Thomson News Services TORONTO You could sense it in the quietness of the members and in the absence of interjections and wisecracks This was serious MPP Bob Nixon LBrantOxfordNorfolk former party leader was demanding that MPP Eli Martel NDPSudbury East withdraw from the record his charge that Nixon was liar To the world outside it was minor matter one politician accusing another of lying It happens all the time doesnt it Not in the legislature Standing rule 10 says no member can charge another with uttering deliberate falsehood To accuse is not only to slur members character but breaches necessary parlia mentary assumption that all MPPs are honorable gentlemen performing their duties in civilized manner Martel in fact apologized for making everyone feel uncomfortable because he had broken the great rules this place operates by NOT USUAL Normally when the Speaker draws at tention to members breaking that rule the person in question retracts the use of the offending word But not this time Martel maintaining the truth was more important Nixon had accused the NDP and Tories of voting to postpone an item before legislative committee which stung an ex asperated Martel to interject he was tired of this guys lies Actually as in many political disagreements reading of the record in dicates case could be made for both the Nixon and Martel views of what transpired at the committee Martel hung tough on his accusation even after Liberal warnings they werent taking the matter lightly his last words being that would prefer to be kicked out every day than to withdraw CHANGE MINI Yet exactly an hour later while the House was on another topic he rose briefly to repeat that while Nixons comments were inac curate and think wrong out of consideration for all my colleagues in the House want to withdraw the use of the word liar Martel and Nixon are along with Con servative deputy premier Bob Welch House Leaders for their respective parties They are in charge of ordering the dayto day business of the legislature making sure things run as efficiently as possible Usually it works quite well but usually one of the three isnt calling another liar Nixon warned publicly that it would be extremely difficult for us in this House to carry on with business as we should if the word wasnt taken back MONKEY WRENCH And if the work of the legislature slowed down that could have thrown monkey wrench into plans for June 22 recess and the passage beforehand of important legislation such as rent control Reinforcing the threat Nixon apparently told Welch privately he was resigning as Liberal House Leader and the implication was plain no other Liberal was likely to volunteer to work with Martel either That may have been the lever Welch superb politician needed to convince Martel again privately to later withdraw the word liar For man of Martels pride that must have been hard and does him credit Yet he should clearly understand his position was wrong The principle is glarineg obvious If lawmakers wont obcy their own rules why should the general public An American Iegend John Wayne they remember HOLLYWOOD AP He was and is an American institution Charlton Heston said of John Wayne who died Mon day after five decades of filmmaking Its hard to believe that John Wayne the most durable of all film actors is gone said Heston But its not surprising that to the end Duke gave an example of courage that made him more than an actor and friend Actor Jack Lemmon said Wayne was bigger than life but he never abused it He always gave more than he got Comedian Bob Hope said Wayne was jumbo in this business He was patriot someone who spoke out for America who would help you out if you had worthy cause Hope once joined Wayne at the White House to greet returning prisoners of war during the Vietnam war More of Waynes colleagues contributed personal memories to the stream of tribute GOT WAYNE STARTED put him in pictures 50 years ago and he was very fine man real good American said Raoul Walsh who directed Waynes first major picture The Big Trail in 1930 He enjoyed life lot working with the crew and the cast and stuff said Walsh He was always on time paid good atten tion to his work and everybody loved him Actor Lloyd Nolan recalled rugged John Wayne who lived on his yacht The Wild Goose while both were shooting the 1964 film Circus World in the south of Spain

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