Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 13 Jun 1979, p. 25

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fl 7I outed DARTENDER Ila Monday Saturday Some experience preferred but will train right person Notiawasaaa Inn Highway 89 Alliston 458 9595 after 69 Ask for Mr Warzin PARTS PERSON tor marina on 50th and Lake SimcocI Stock control plea sent counter sales manner required Please send resume to Box A60 The Bar rie Examiner 72sales helpagents TOP COMMISSIONS Sell anywhere part timelull time sideline Calendars ad specialties printed labels tapes ball pens office supplies etc Our 27th year New catalogue available Alco Box 3777 Ottawa 73teachers wanted TEACHER REQUIRED For French nursery school Must be qualified in early childhood education and be fluent in French Phone 776 9915 afternoons 76employment wanted RELIABLE DAYCARE available Allandale area Large fenced in yard hot meals provided Phone 737 7875 BABYSITTING in the country Farm animals to pet pony rides for hllOItH well supervised good meals 436 5671 WILL BABYSIT Monday to Friday in 9000 location near school and parks Havechild TelephoncUI Jl78 77legal NOTICE TOCREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF RACHEL EVELYN MaclNNES late of the Township of Oro in the County of Simcoe Retired Secretary Widow who died on or about the 20th day of February I979 ALL PERSONS having claims against the above estate are required to send full particulars of such claims to the un dersigned Executor on or before the 20th day of June I979 after which date the estates assets will be distributed having regard only to such claims that have then been received DATED at Barrie this 30th day of May 1979 OWEN BURGAR Barristers Solicitors 26 Owen Street Barrie Ontario Solicitors for the Executor BRUCE ALAN OWEN My30Ju6I3 ERRORS AND CORRECTIONS All phone insertion orders are accepted as convenience to the advertisers Therefore the Classified Advertising Department re quires OdVIFIISBFS to kindly re check their odvrtisement immediately after first inser tion in order that any error or omission may be reported before in in order that some may be rectified for the following day publication The Examiner is responsible for only one incorrectly printed insertion ol any advertisement and than only to the extent of portion of ad that involves the misprint Er rats which do not lessen the value of the advertisement are not eligible for correc lions by make goods The Examiner reserves tharight to classify revise or relect any want ads Phone 7282414 78 tenders TENDERS FOR ROAD CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO 7908 SEALED TENDERS clearly marked as to contents and in envelopes supplied will be received by the County Engineer at his office in the County Administration Building Midhurst Ontario until I000 am local time on WEDNESDAY JUNE 27 I979 for the reconstruction of County Road No I4 through the Hamlet of Colgan and easterly to Road No I0 distance of ap proximately 22 miles The work includes grading drainage and granular base course construction with the following major quantities Earth Excavation 25500 cu yds Earth Borrow 14500 cu yds Granular 40600 Tons Granular I8000 Tons Plans Specifications Form of Tender and Tender envelopes may be obtained at the Simcoe County Engineers Office for the sum of twenty dollars $2000 which will not be refunded certified cheque not less than the amount specified in the Tender and Bonding requirements must accompany each tender and the successful bidder will be required to provide 50 Performance Bond and 50° Labor and Materials Bond upon execution of the contract agreement The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted Clark PEng Simcoe County Engineer County Administration Building ureter levels givr ndded wluhduy ymalilitp Large capacitydo added wash in each single load Heavyduty washer with permanentpress $389 motor is built for durability Prrmanrnl press llll for easy falirir rare Rugged electric dryer built for durability $l Quotations for the below listed items will be received by the undersigned until 430 pm Wednesday July I979 I979 Ton Pick Up Truck I979 Tractor Installation of washrooms at the South Innisfil Community Centre Installation of new lighting system at Innisfil Park ballfield Forms and detailed information are available at the Municipal Offices MORROW Director Parks Recreation Stroud Ontario JuI3 IS of tag TENDER CONTRACT 797II Sealed tenders Will be received by the undersrgned in tender envelopes provided up to 200 pm on Tuesday July l7 I979 wtth Tender Opening at IS pm on July I7 I979 for the operation maintenance and housing of I3 City owned buses on full time and porlvtimo routes for the years I980 l98l and I982 Specifications and tender envelopes may be obtained for $500 nonrefundable few at the City Clerks Office 84 COIIIOI Street Box 400 Barrie OIIIOIIO LJM 1T5 The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted Strouglion AMCT CMC MIDHURST Ontario City Clerk LOLIXO Barrio Ontaiio Jul3 My30 Jul37 78fondon 78tcnders Ontario Government Tender GENERAL CONTRACTORS Replace Siding and Repaint Exterior Trim on Various Bmldings at the Adult Occupational Centre EDGAR Ont CM66943 Renovations to the Interior of the OP Detachment on Highway I8 HUNTSVILLE Ont 5067050 Separate Individual Sealed Tenders will be received until Impm local time on Friday July I979 Combined Tenders will not be accepted Tender Documents may be obtained from the Ontario Ministry of Government Services Georgian Bay Regional Office 24 James Street East PO Box 790 Orillio Ontario L3V 6K7 NOTE For further information regarding the Tenders please call Mr 75 3257403 Viclsaac at the above address Telephone No The lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted Ministry of Government Servrces 79 auction sales 79 auction sales Graham Allen AUCTIONEER Farm Estate Consignment Auctions 7265055 7372491 BARBIE ONTARIO Rain or Shine under The Big Top AUCTION SALE for MRS ARTHUR McLEAN 54 PEEL STREET BARRIE SATURDAY JUNE lb I979 IO am INCLUSIONS FROM THE ESTATE OF SARAH MERRITT Victorian Sofa 1800s Brass fender pc Walnut Dining Room Suite solid infant crib bookcase 72x60 stained glass win dows lawyers desk pine I00 yrs old table w2 drawers treadle sewing machine wardrobe drawers on side Brass curtain rods rings hall tree chest butter churn fireplace mantel Maple Leaf design stereo wexterior speaker Brass firescreen kitchen table benches many books I2xI5 Wilton wool rug blue l2xl8 Wilton wool rug rose RCA air con ditioner 6000 BTU Walnut settee cherry dresser INCLUSIONS banquet lamps Aladdin lamp clear base shade Sick bay lamp Pr Courting lamps green Greek key lamp red base lamp wall hanging lamp Hummell figurines Fry Tuck bank salt pepper Monk Glass Limoges Kendal Royal Doulton Bristol Cobalt Opalescent Hob Nail Denby Tiffiri Satin Depression Boheman End of Day Pickle cruet dresser sets tea sets Cardinal toby mug perfume bottles shaving cup ginger iar Chinese Cranberry Epherne China head dolls old tin banks iron banks Coca cola ad vertisement pcs wooden barrel pump working swing mirror butter boats brass keys on ring Moon Stars fruit dish nappies revered painted snuff bottle flow blue plates insert for brides basket Picture of Queen Victoria Family burner carbide lamp with shade I898 calendar I9II calendar I944 Barrie phone book I920 Eaton catalogue pcs of Ruby Flash souvenir type LADIES AND GENTLEMEN Mrs McLean is moving so there will be additional pieces offered for sale but unknown at the time of listing JuIS Qualified Recognized Authority AUCTIONEERAPPRAISER FARM SALES FURNITURE ESTATES ANTIQUES REAL ESTATE 26 8904 SELLING succasrut ma smcr I957 SATURDAY JUNE 16 at I2 noon for Mrs Heather Bowers located at 521 Sunnidalo Road approx miles west of Barrie Sale of modern and antique furniture etc Columbia solid state stereo speakers and stand small FM stereo Singer sewing machine small Philco TV Westinghouse automatic washer dryer Chesterfield surtes lamp tables Childs antique pine desk school desks antique hall rack mirror pc Colonial dinette suite corner china cabinet card table suite solid oak bar pine washstond dresser mirror swag lamps bar and all accessories including glass aluminum step ladders GE electric lawnmower good bicycles Adding machine wall murals x4 mail box electric broom chests of drawers office equtpment fireplace rock baby scales several wicker head boards for beds picnic table lawn benches wicker chair GE vacuum cleaners large quantity of miscellaneous kitchen cookware garden tools etc Terms cash or cheque identification day of sale Home sold Jul3 Read The Examiner To Buy Buy The Examiner To Read Rugged heavyduty BRAND NEW bpiece Kitchen Suites non 0qu WE ALSO HAVE 30 AND 24 STOVES ALSO REFRIGERATORS In the new colon Including almond DISHWASHERS APARTMENT SIZE WASHERS ALSO SCRATCHED AND DENTED MODELS FOR EVEN LESS 79 auction sales HOUSEHOLD ANTIQUE AUCTION SALE SatJune I6 I979 II am for Mrs Sybil Stansfield in Bell Ewart at 334 Ewart Street east at Church Hill on Highway II to Lefroy and Killarney Beach Road to Ewart Street Watch for sale arrows day of sale Sale of home furnishings antique and old furniture and articles including pine sideboard chest of drawers open washstand some refinished drop leaf table four ladderback type chairs handmade large cedar blanket box wicker blanket boxes oak bookcase gateleg table picture frames window mirror 24 aluminum extension ladder many unknown treasures from the storerooms Useful items for the antique enthusiast homemaker or cottage owner Terms cash cheques accepted with ID Home sold owner moving Nothing to be removed until settled for Allen Horner Auctioneer 7054584589 SCL Jul 8l3H AUCTION SALE of furniture household articles tools electric lawnmower dishes linens etc for BOB SRIGLEY of Sandy Cove Acres to be held Monday evening June 18th commencing at pm in the Stroud Curling Rink Hwy No II and Con I0 Innisfil Terms cash Vernon Ayres Auctioneer RR Stroud Ju8l3 80 puIiIIc notice beforethe meeting st pauls by Mrs Pratt 4361667 St Pauls Anglican Church Fltll Market llll ho held in the hurch grounds on June 23 Anyone having any donations please contact members or Norman Richardson 43672145 St Pauls Anglican Church was tilled with pttrishoners for the annqu emctory Service Canon Walter 110 preuchrd it very moving sermon on liv in and flying with Hope and Ir Ethel Ludo and Harry NOTICE ANNUAL MEETING I979 Royal Victoria Hospital Incorporated TUESDAY JUNE 19th pm AT THE HOSPITAL cumm For the purpose of receiving reports election of directors amendments of bylaws and such other business as may come CAMERON Secretary Board of Directors nghborly news SOME ITEMS SIMILAR TO ILLUSTRATION the oxumlnair Wednesday June 1979 21 FRIEND BRAND EASY BUDGET TERMS THESE BEAUTIFUL BEDS COME IN NYLON HERCULONS 8i COTTON DIFFERENT STYLES COLOR COMBINATIONS STARTING AT ONLY $21 311 544 BAYFIELD Death Notices Engagements Cards of Thanks $600 ANNOUNCEMENTS sip2cmciicesfrcasnwas minimum 40 words additional words II cents per word Births In Memoriam no verse $600 $600 Verse per count line extra 23 cents Coming Events SIIIHIII MondaysChildislairoftace Tuesdays Child isfullofgrace Wednesdays Child is fUll of woe Thursdays Child hasfar to go Fridays Child is loving and giving Saturdays Child works hard for its living And child that is born on the Sab bath Day lstair and wise and good and gay Children hearing this verse by Counter Cullen always want to know which day at the week was their birth date Keep this and other important information for your childs future An Examiner Birth Announcement will include the name of your child the day of the week month and year of birth the weight and other vital information printed message can become permanent record in Babys Book or Family Albums The rate for an Examiner Birth Notice is only 5550 PHONE 726 MM GOOD NEWS STORY When you an nounce the birth at your child in The Ex aminer clippings of the notice are available for Babys Book Family Tree Records and to mail your friends and relatives in those far away places Place an announcement after birth Call The Examiner Classified 728 NH DOBSON Andrea is happy to an naunce the arrival of her sister Jennifer Elaine on Sunday June IO 1979 Weight lbs 10 01 Proud parents are Bob and Darlene PEARSON Robert and Kathy are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter Laura Kathleen on June IO I979 Sister for Kimberley Robin granddaughter for Mr and Mrs Douglas Watson Owen Sound and Mr and Mrs Edward Pearson of Kitchener Holdcroft sang zt duct After the sorvicv anon Lee the choir and parishonors walk ed to the cemetery for prayer and all sang the old hymn Oh God Our Help in Ages Past Fashion Show Sandy riii Acres Eat your heart out Yves St Laurent and Christian DIOI fashion Show presented by th Spokeside Ladies Iub Sewing Group in the Spuka TIVLllllfl your Paris showings The Spoke was beautifully decorated with outstandinu hooking lllilnld by the Sand 00 Happy Hnnkers and liXUl ly grown lIliICN on tho triblix $343 per column inch 86 card of THIan CURRIE The family of the late John Currie thank friends and relatives for their many expressions of sympathy floral tributes charitable donations and the many acts of kindness of Guthrie neighbours during the loss of husband and father 88 coming events flv STRAWBERRY SUPPER WED JUNE 20th CONTINUES FROM TO PM ADULTS $500 CHILDREN IO AND UNDER $250 PRESCHOOLERS FREE TRINITY UNITED CHURCH THORNTON Ju913ISI9 EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 72824I4 HNGO KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS EVERY THURSDAY PM EARLY BIRDS 730 BARRIE IEGION IIAll sr vmcrtrr AND CIIlIDl ROAD MARGARET 0005 was one of the many winners at the regular Thursday night of Bingo held every Thursday at Canadian Legion Hall Barrie THIS WEEK FULL CARD JACKPOT SAID $200 MUST GO NUMBER IACKPOT $225 IN 55 NUMBERS 45TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY The famlly of DR MABEL McKELVEY of BEETON are holding OPEN HOUSE In honor of their 45TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY on Sunday June I7 from 2430 at TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Centre St BEETON BEST WISHES ONLY NEW Custom COLONIAL SLEEPER SALE Shop Compare 4PC LIVING ROOM SUITES In lovely Herculon or exciting nylon febrlcc AII Four Piece $329 DELIVERED TERMS ARRANGED Ilkflfill ST NORTH PHONE 7262900 Out of town custdmers call collect 88 coming events AIR FORCE BINGO EVERY THURSDAY Doors open 630 Early Bird 730 REGULAR GAMES PM JACKPOT $200 Hwy 90 25 lilornctru WEST of CONTINENTAL INN WTF DECORATION DAY SERVICE Angus Union Cemetery Sunday June I7 Placing of Flowers pm Service at 230 pm luI3 rink in hereby im iiii riir IARRI comm ASSOCIATION irrIIl bu It ANNUAL irrrriiic on Tuesday de IO I979 II 730 pm it the Mn cf CON SUMIRS GAS COMPANY I65 Ferric Ilia Darla Ontdc JuIB SMOKERS PLFFON The per capita consumption of Cigarettes for Americans over the age of 18 was 4095 in I975 Soup kitchen days over TORONTO WIN The days of the traditional soup kitchen are over Todays skid marl missions in downtown Toronto still serve daily meals but the centres have undergone radical changes replacing the singfor yoursuppor bread lines with career counselling mr ployment agencies farms daycare centres and youth clubs The Fred Victor mission do cided to overhaul its program to provide the basic securities its men lack home friends and money It started 41 zi nonprofit agency after it found that many employment agencies made high profits from the mens low wages 4LT gives the men the bulk of the income The Single Displaced Persons project was begun with help from churches hospitals and social agencies to work with men who want to change offer ing them individqu help Our focus is to help guy set realistic goals and then use available resources to try to re ztlizo them says Larry Peter son the projects director lvdont raise false hopes SIIARIC EVENTS Ihv Yongc Street mission holds two dinners at week at which staff and men share indi vidual problems and successes Ihr mission also sponsors camp and an alcoholics group The skid marl person is nameless factloss rootlcss says director lim Wilson The old soup line added to his anonymity We want to break that down by making our Olt people IOUhlll so that real closeness can develop real break from tradition is the missirins work with women Single parents families and children The Scott mission offers mealsvonwheels program support group for ultlfr wiimin and group with daycare for younger women with hlSlOrllS of family llllllll Nurseries ztiirl summrr camps are Olllrld by othrr missions For some mission staff the attempts to spark fundamental change in the lives of people have special SIgIIIflLEInIf Scott mission has it personal meaning for mo says one staff member started coming born when Iwassiven for groceries LNION TRAINS IOIIIJZSS ISIIIION iAIt About 6551i JOllllhs or unllri employed Allllrltfillh will haw lhr rhzinri l0 become up prenticv carpenter under an AFIAIIO training program IanlTlILfl by labor department grant The lniterl Brotherhood of farprntrrs and JOlnlr program will opirrite in 32 states SITICI WIT thi union has IflUIlfI about 33900 prriplr for training uiidir similar labor drpartmint mntrarts it

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