knob OWN YOUR OWN TROPIK SUN FRUIT NUT FRANCHISE in GEORGIAN MALL Offering one of the largest selections of lreshly roasted nuts eundried fruit and fruit nut mixtures available under the sun Our successful business formula includes simplicity of operation and generates excellent profits We provide fully equipped kiosk training and an opportunity to be your own boss Minimum investment required $25000 Reply to CALIFORNIA SUNSHINE FRUIT It NUT ONT 505 Consumers Rd Suite 910 WNIOIGIIO Ontario N2 4V 4104970870 09 commercial OllllflllllSlll nu um nou Industrial Celluerdel for sale er Ieeee 7263422 Tr FOR LEASE In central Barrio It ln soon to be Oponrd do it yoursolt ien tre Already llRSld Electrical plumb Inq heatlng air cond carpet llrTnan Call7261439 1300 sq APPROXIMATELY 700 so It for small SELFSERVE GAS BAR AGENT Female or Mole Required for Barrie business Comprehensive training provided Minimum guarantee $750 monthly plus Minimum investment Write or phone SEARS 91 TIFFIN ST BARRIE 7267301 1flmm SUBLET two bedroom apartment near beach stores school and bus lease expires December 31 1979 Rent in cludes hydro heat sauna pool room and parking $306 50 737 3283 877W W104 ONE BEDROOM apartment Mulcaster street triage and stove all utilities in cluded $200 monthly Available im mediater Phone737 3221 BACHELOR APARTMENT $185 man thly one bedroom $230 Two bedroom $250 Dunlap Street West Telephone 72813293 ask Iar Larry BEDROOM ANGUS area $230 per month plus hydro utilities included Phone 72676271 alter pm CENTRAL bedroom apartment lower lloar Fridge and stove pay own uIil lties parking tor one car Possession Ju Iy alter pm 737 2966 ONE BEDROOM apartment with ap pliances Available August lst Central location Reterences and lease required Altiture adults prelerred 726 6383 TWO BEDROOM apartment with ap piiances Available August lst Central location Reterences and lease required Mature adults preterred 72646383 ONE BEDROOM apartment available June 15th towards Allandale Fridge stove heat and parking included $175 On bus line Telephone 728 3529 LARGE BEDROOM apartment close to downtown on bus route Available Ju ly lst Fridge stove laundry lacilities First and last months rent No pets Call alter 400 726 6725 AVAILABLE AUGUST lst bedroom apartment east end across lrom plaza intercom triage stove parking included Child welcome No pets 737 4643 alter 500 IN HILLSDALE One bedroom apart ment $160 per month plus utilities lree parking private entrance Sorry adult only Available immediately 835 2239 835 2296 no tall TWO BEDROOM adult apartment Stove lridge heat Married couple no children or pets $241 monthly plus hydro Available July lst Telephone TTND I4ltIeIIIe llomesl trailers 721318457 77 TWO BEDROOM apartment nice cen trai location available June 19 $280 per month includes all utilities and parklng First and last required 737 1585 THREE BEDROOM apartment in tri plex Heated relrigerator stove laun dry taciiities parking First and last months rent $285 monthly Available August No pets 728 7251 SDBLET Three bedroom model sOite available July Two baths Telephone 717 4625 THREE JONE bedrOom apartments rent $230 carpeted balcony adults only Available July Telephone 728 470167 TWO BEDROOMS plus kitchen living room and dining room in older home near corner at Little Avenue and Highway 11 $224 includes heat and Mobile Homes ltd SALERENT Ports and Service Exclusive Dealer for Bendix and Glendale Modular Homes Northlonders Travel Trailers Corsair Glendette Shamrock Terms Up T015 Years Highway 11 South olllcc or business l0dl1071 Duniop SI 170 Burton Ave 7259866 water 728 6340 near paint Phont 737 0641 lrortl TF BWAEHELOR Aï¬ARTMENT 3° stove and parking 40 McDonald Street Barrie Available immediatel 3221029 I2mortgoges IIng SPAclous beans apartment eaist IF YOU NEED MONEY Immediate 1st and 2nd Open Mortgage Loans Anywhere on all homes cottages farms vacation and commercial properties Wed love to help you 10 To consolidate debts low monthly payments Home improvements any worth reason To pay 011 existing or maturing mortgage Construction lunds lree adVIce try us We have ready cash to purchase mortgages I29 DUNLOP ST EAST BARRIE ONT 7260981 Member Ontario Mortgage Brokers Assoc presenting THE GRADUATED PAYMENT MORTGAGE V2 96 953 Firm VOIUO IO CMHC limits EXAMPI $35 at IT 30 yr repayment normally costs $33952 per mth with GRADUATED PAYMENT cost Is only $26077 per mth Coll KINZIE FINANCIAL SERVICES LTD to learn more about this significant new development in mortgage lending 7371881 101 DUNLOP MW lTF 15nursing homes APPLICATIONS NOW DPIHQ accepted tor lESldLllS In need DI rust homo arv 24 hour suporwsion Contact Jay Harri Nursing Home Coldwlttor 686 3107 16apartmentsrlor rent BRRIE ANNE GARDENS 259 Dunlap St smtes available Spacious Utilities included convenient location 7265771 TF ONE AND TWO Bedrooms 5165 to $195 monthly Totally repainted white Call Patrick728 2785 DOWNTOWN BARRIE lrldgc and stove lirst and last VPGUIrfd Telephone 737 4527 between 13 n1 NEWLY DECORATED bedroom apartment 1V4IILDIAllYTnTIflaTIly run trally located $240 plus hydro Call 7263257 SEVERAL ONE and TWO bedroom apartments avdlldLHE lltimedlatoiy rent ranging $80 $190 72° 1347 OALL UTILITIES INCLUDED COLORED APPLIANCES BILLIARD ROOM TENNIS COURT 12108p weekdays FUNDING 1N PLEASANT mUNTRY LOCATION 347 BAY ST 24 TORONTO our BEDROOM Um Pllone SerVIce 363342 PROM ilcludes water cllerge Fully broadloomed Gos fired forced air I6epteto rent healing CENTRAL ONTARIO FINEST IMPERIAL VVF RS SPACIOUS and BEDROOM LARGE BALCONIES OVERLOOKING BAY STORAGE LOCKERS ENSUITE SAUNAS EXERCISE ROOM AND GAMES ROOM CLOSE TO SIMCOE PLAZA PUBLIC BEACH YACHT CLUB year lease available IDEALFOR RETIRED PEOPLE RENTAL OFFICE HOURS 7269580 37 JOHNSON STREET BARRIE Aw end Stove and lridge $280 month in cludes heat Available July lst Call Simon Beekhuizen RLp Goedemondt Ltd 728 4067 BEDROOM central location $260 per month UlllllleS included Available now Phone 726 6271atter pm 17houses to rent TAMARACKV wooos little Boyview Drive NEW TOWN HOMES Eorly occupancy Tennis court Adiacent Molson Park Call 7373992 MTWTF WELLINGTON PLACE APARTMENTS 135 Wellington St Spacious 123 bedroom suites Convenient Clean building To view call 7263827 or 726 53 TOWNHOUSE tor rent three bedrooms TF baths basement garage nicely decorated Close to school and shopping 726 4338 FOUR bedroom thurse available im mediately in downtown area Rent $275 726 3257 AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY bedroom apartment in modern apart lTlllTI burldlnq Central location $255 monthly Includes heat water parking mono and stove Phone 737 2689 or FOUR BEDROOMS washrooms 43° 167 eat in kitchen three bedroom ONE AND TWO BEDROOM apartments bungalow lully braadloomed garage $237 to $261 monthly includes lridge stove heat new laundry room parking Bus stop location No pets 728 5816 eve From $325 monthly Virgo Realty Ltd 7371211 BAYFIELD AND CUNDLES Abedroom mm semi detached homes tor rent SPACIOUS BEDROOM apartment Braadloom garage one year lease 1110Ilrn kitchen carpeted Balcony Utilities extra First and last months yard parking Available June 15 $225 monthly Call Pat Carter 728 3603 SELF CONTAINED two rooms and hath heat parking lurnished or on Iulrtisilcd Telephone 726 7488 FURNISHED one and two bedroom apartments available Central Adults only 726 0988 weekdays TWO BEDROOM apartment available Immediately $220 monthly Telephone 728 6929 TWO BEDROOM apartment close to downtown Spacious grounds stove and tridgo parking and heal included $225 monthly Call 728 8631 or 737 2784 MODERN TWO bedroom relrlgerator stove heat and cable $255 monthly Call 7371130 alter NEWLY DECORATED one bedroom apartment central downtown location rent required $325 monthly Call Marlene Knowles representing Murray Warsh Realty Ltd 728 9636 THREE BEDROOM home at 206 Brad lord St Fridge and stove included Close to dawmown Large yard and garage $318 per month Avallable immediately Calli 416 2941672 AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY townhouse Letitia Heights bedrooms lully broadloomed stove and retrigerator included One year lease re quired $325 monthly utilities not includ ed 728 8192 between ands IT IS POSSIBLE Rent on new home can go towards your down payment For inlormation call Mr Jarvis 726 6805 24 Hour Service 101 COLLIER STREET $240 One year lease Was decorated throughout Out Slde Will be painted Electrical equip dml DIOUDIO leences requred merit available Adults no pets no vala immediately Telephone 72° 67 bvween am and pm drinking Rclcrcnces 7263206 alter pm 416 741 5301 Toronto FOUR BEDROOM house central $400 monthly plus utilities Available im mediately Telephone 737 0901 between and Monday to Friday weekdays SUBLET One bedroom apartment in modern budding available July un derground parking lease runs till 0c labor 1979 Call 726 4002 days or 726 2536 evenings THREE BEDROOM HOUSE torrent in TWO BEDROOM apanmem cemrm Bell Ewart area steps to Lake Slmcoe School bus at door Available July Telephone 416 775 7365 THREE BEDROOM large tented yard garden landscaped references requir ed 5280 per month AVallaLL August lst Telephone 424 0523 after in LARGE FOUR bedroom house on good sized lot in Shanty Bay arca Telephone 1428 5326 Stayner ANGUS TWO BEDROOM semi detached $200 monthly includes heat hrs and last required available July call 124 5977alter4 30p NEW BRICK BUNGALOW Crecmore tlnished rec room With fireplace lully broadloomcd complete with live ap plialtcos Daily bus service to Toronto Commuter Service to Base Borden 5325 CV month Serious applications only 1466 31321466 7648 TOWNHOUSE Three bedrooms baths near schools and bus $320 per month available June 28 garage and swnnmlng pool 726 5612 or 726 9438 FOUR BEDROOM house available 1m 11100181er two driveways sun deck located near toth public and high school northl $325 monthly Lease available an rquOSt 726 1391 CIXURV bedroom townhousu tor rent Attract voly decorated Largo enclosed backyard Excellent area close to all Lortvoniences Available July 28m Rixtirpncosreqmred Phone7281265 THREE BEDROOM townhouse tiahs basement garage $320 monthly Call Richard Loes728 6562 alter6D THREE BEDROOM bungalow electric heat broadloom Ilreplaco garden$300 location Fridge stove parking Includ ed $235 monthly plus hydro Available imnledlately NO pets Telephone 737 0901 Monday to Friday 51 HILLSDALE 15 11le north at Barrie Charming bedroom apartment Tastotully decorated pine lloors oak KIICIIEH cupboards 416 727 9495 collect altcra 00p 727 4981 by KRNEFF plus utllttcs immediate possession Telephone 436 2448 FROM JULY AUGUST 19 threc bedroom lurnlshod large backyard vegetable garden close to downtown and lake S400tor everything 726 876l 20rooms to let CLEAN MODERN Iurmshed rooms central kitchen bath and Iiylng room parking available downtown Hamilton Realty 7371000 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING units available immediately Telephone 7361531 LARGE ROOMS sortable tor Zpeople also single rooms Shared kltchen Tele phone 726 6393 FURNISHED BEDROOM central private use of kitchen Teephone 11 106p weekends 737 310° ALLANDALE On bus route Private bedroom With tulI use at kvtchm Igtv no room and tour piece bath Completely tarnished all utilities separate en trance RESPONSIBLE EMPLOYED GENTEMAN ONLY Please apply at 68 Cumberland evemngs or call 728 8010 28reeeletelet FURNISHED ROOM Centre kitchen bath Private entrance Central location Young working men preferred Phone nilam 23oltices lstores tor rent 1200 so FT OFFICE SPACE 54F mustard Maple St Available anytime 72611743 till pm 7286899 alter pm MODERN OFFICE space tor lease small or large suites Immediate oc cupancy short or long term 7263400 Angelolt STORE FOR RENT 1200 square leet parking Iacilities tor more inlormation call728 1823 alter 11 am OFFICE SPACE tor rent so Collier Street carpeted Parking available Telephone Peter Archibald at 7264511 1000 SQUARE FEET airrconditioned allice space tor rent with parking spots available immediately Telephone 7130 To RENT we square leet downtovIFi location suitable tor altice of small store $150 Telephone 7267366 To RENT 250 square leet downtown location suitable tor ollice including utilities $150 Telephone 726 7366 gitspace for rent FOR LEASE OR SALE industrial space and warehouse Telephone 7263400 Angelolt WAREHOUSE SHOWROOM etc 108 Victoria Street 1590 square leet Gross lease everything included $475 man thly Apply Stewart Wholesale 728 3051 PRIME INDUSTRIAL SPACE 1000 18000 sq tt lully sprinklered transport and light truck loading docks drive in doors 14 It 18 it clear part at large ex panding industrial mall 7267130 2000 SQUARE FEET Commercial Space available suitable for retail manulacturing or warehouseing Heat and hydro included $600 monthly On Baylieid Street Telephone Ora Mobile YJ57008 STORAGE AVAILABLE Small or large units Innislil StJacobs Terrace Short or long term 737 1606424 1020 SPACE FOR RENT 450 sq ft fronting on Bell Farm Road can be Iinished tor otlice or warehousing Available imr mediately Call 728 2210 COMMERCIAL SPACE FOR RENT on main street Cookstown Phone 458 9294 or458 9620 LOT FOR RENT 210 Shanty Bay Road 80 250 depth Asking $100 monthly Telephone 519 4514619 Gordon Scanlon 1481 Limberlost Rd No London On tario COMMERCIAL RETAIL or OFFICE space available very visible location at Highway 11 and Little Avenue Building improvement and new construction planned Lots oi parking Units trom 1000 5000 square feet available Low rim 728673£777 iiiï¬iflwm v77Â¥ 25 rages ATTENTION TRUCKERS Garage space to rent by the month tor repairs washing storage etc Barrie area Call OroMobile YJ57008 26accommodations to share HOUSE TO SHARE own bathroom Allandale area Call 7370965 alter pm 27ï¬7coï¬ttages to rent COTTAGES trailer park Cecebe Burks Falls playground trampoline tishing beach Murray Valiquette 726 0617 FURNISHED SUMMER Cottage Lake Simcoe Telephone 48772320 0R0 TWO bedrooms ONE bedroom Inside conveniences lurnish ed sand beach Also trailer lot $700 for season4872427or48773827 28cottages tor sale PROPERTY WITH small cottage 120 245 close to lake Oak Street lnnisfil area Telephone 14162515390 160 FRONTAGE 0N beautiful treed lot north at Parry Sound Sale swimming boating fishing and hunting Completely insulated panelled and furnished All marina lacilities OPP patroied 7389997 mccwflccicc 31summer properties for sale LAKE SIMCOE Access Breckin resort area building lots lrom $12300 33 ACRES Havelock hardwood meadow hydro year round road $13900 MUSKOKA ROAD acres treed cottage lot $6900 $100 down MANITOULIN acres $1900 Terms 416 267 8203 32ca rs for sale CHECK RUST WITH RUST CHECK SEVEN workin chemicals in specially formulate OIL BASE Complete job for ANY AGE vehicle was $4950 By appointment only Business 4873220 wa II 5th Lille between Into It Orllle MWFAuIO MERCURY CAPRI 1973 Capri two door coupe 2000 CD four cylinder automatic radio interior decor sun roof radial tires 53000 miles one owner carefully maintained Finished in candy red black Vinyl in terior Sporty economical car Lic DOS835 ONLY$I695 INTERNATIONAL AUTOMOBILE IOUTIlflnStreet 7269050 Ju14 1974 PONTIAC STATION WAGON one owner good condition $1100 or best of leVrr728 7863 AUTO INSURANCE and home in surance Competitive rates Call John Nelson Insurance 7278357179am pm 1977 FIREBIRD FORMULA loaded Can be seen at Ferris Lane 726 1982 1967 MUSTANG va automatic Body and motor In very good condition $999 Telephone 726 0466 72 FORD PINTOVRuinabout sheen good condition $595 Can be certilied 728 7267 76 HONDA CIVIC With radio newrpaint $2495 certified 728 0901 68 OLDS CUTLAssconvertiole Good condition Certified $1200 or otter Telephone 456 3967 1977 HONDA CIVIC standard drive Telephone 728 0787 alter pm CONVERTIBLE 1968 Odlsmobile Cutlass power win dows power top excellent all around condition Asking $1800 certified Telephonc737 4629 1975 OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS tour door vinyl top excellent conditlon best otter certilied Telephone 737 4629 1975 BUICK LASABRE lor sale Cer titled excellent condition 350 engine auto Telephone 436 15847 1976 GRANADA power steering power brakes radial tires radio in excellent condition Asklng $3600 or best otter Telephone 728 8125 1970 VW BUG outstanding running con dltlon needs body work to certlly ex ceiieni tor dune buggy $150 1976 Born oardler Moped like new $250 Evenings 728 0840 1671 OLDsMoélCé Delta 136 needs some body work mechanically A1 $450 or otter Telephone 728 5650 1968 FORD FAIRLANE cylinder 900d condltlon $400 or best otter new tires 78 13 ply Ior Dodge Dart asking $100 set New snow tire 78 x14 and rim tor Ford $50 Ford custom radio with aerial $25 Call 487 3627 LIKE NEW 1978 Pontiac ParISIenne Brougham tone beigebrown air power many extras 21000miies $7500 Certilied Telephone 728 35i6 days alter 500 728 5222 1974 VOLVO 264 Slx cylinder am Sun root stereo cassette etc Very good shape certilled Best otter Telephone 72375972 1976 CORDOBA excellent condition every optlon avallable low mileage black with burgundy velour Interior Bestcash otter 726 2064 alter nuelereb ORV HARDY 82welelede Takes The Risk Out Of Buying Used Car If after visiting our used car supermart you feel you did not receive the courtesy 006 EM °W csttomeoéelwer the 99 Lmlirepresented you will always find me available for your consultation OPEN LETTER TO USED CAR BUYERS FROM product has been In any wayk ORV HARDY MOTORS LIMITED 176 Bradford St Phone 72BJ 272 Dear Used pr Buyers We at ORV HARDYMOTORS feél se to Million bu too little song war 9mm littleu P°Y big of gym everything because the car you bought was incapa unwise to Wednesday June 137 pay toirihush 941 11493 you A059 Tab it was supposed to do The commonlaw of business balance prohibits paying little and getting lot it cant be done If you deal with the lowest bidder it is well to hold something for the risk you take And if you do that you will have enough to pay for something belle Doyourself favor before you buy any car Come in and iust look at our merchandise Putting you behind the wheel of the best used car your budget can afford is our business You rs truly ORV HARDY MOTORS LIMITED DESCRIPTION EQUIPMENT LIC HBBBBU PRICE 79 GMC 16 ton WM BA P8 PB Cap Char 9295 78 Datsun F111 44 spd MAE57B Red 4495 Toyota Corolla 2dr 44 spd Fl MXXl42 Silver 4495 77 Chev Camero BA PS PB Fl MEJ734 Silver 6295 76 Pontiac Catalina BA PS PB AIC KFXB4B Red 3495 Chrysler dr BA PS PB KTPSIB Brown 3995 Pontiac Catalina slw PS PB NC KLS451 Brown 3795 Chev impala PS PB KHH832 Silver 3995 Volare PS Fl LHLBlB Green 3795 Bids Cutlass Supreme PS PB Fl HTHZBG Burg 4295 Valiant Duster dr KHKBll Blue 3495 75 Ford LTD dr PS PB HTRBBB Brown 3595 Maverick dr PS JHKZBB Brown 2895 Dodge Van PS PB E42489 Orange 2495 Mustang II 4std F1 KFPSBU Green 2795 Chev dr Belair BA PS PB Fl JLF317 Blue 2995 74 Buick Luxus dr PS PB FRK459 Bronze 2995 Charger BA PS PB Fl HVWltB79 Brown 2795 Volks Beetle HIDBS4 Red 2495 Plymouth Saielite PS HTP194 Beige 2495 Pontiac Laurentian slw PS PB NFBBZS Burg 2495 Dodge Swinger dr PS PB JCCB43 Brown 2795 Pontiac Lemans BA PS PB HZB261 Beige 2795 Chev Monte Carlo BA PS PB NC DMD758 White 3495 73 Buick LeSabre dr PS PB MMK558 Green 2495 Ford Pinto 44 spd DUC055 Red 1295 Pontiac Ventura dr PS FCM555 Gold 2395 Pontiac Lemans dr BA PS PB FKT276 Yellow 2495 Ford LTD BA P8 PB ADD576 Copper 1895 72 Bids Cutlass dr PS PB Fl Black 595 Nova dr PS BTY7B7 Brown 1995 Ford Galaxie 500 BA PS HTMBBB Brown 1795 Pontiac Lemans 4dr PS FCTgtBB7 Brown 1995 71 Chevelle dr AWW7Bl Green 895 70 Pontiac Lemans dr PS PB BHNDBB Brown 1695 Plymouth dr slw BA PS PB F1 FCP647 Green 895 BB Olds Convertible BA PS PB PW AMIFM AMMG44 Gray 2595 Bids dr BA PS PB Fl FLP700 Maroon 895 Dlds Cutlass BA PS PB DWTBG7 Green 1295 I76 BRADFORD ST BARBIE Thehome of driving mans car at thinking mans pricei 1213 1322024532Mocltï¬leél $31335 331111 and trillion MERCURY COMET 1972 Comet two door sedan six cylinder automatic radio original 34000 miles one Finished in Sahara matching interior Immaculate condition Lic BMB931 ONLY $1275 INTERNATIONAL AUTOMOBILE TOOTIWNISTFOOI 7269050 owner blue Ju14 1972 DODGE DEMON door hardtop six cylinder automatic radio Lic No FEB 332331000 miles Certified $2000 726 1494 1974 COUGAR XR7 excellent condition 50000 miles Will certity $2600 Phone 726 4887 1978 PINTO STATION WAGON cylinder automatic power steering power brakes radio root rack electric rear Windows detrost Lic MTJ 528 21000 miles $4000 certilied 726 1494 1972 COUGAR 351 Cleveland barrel headers 51000 miles radials and slotted mags needs body work In good running condition Telephone 726 4553 alter 1977 GREMLIN 35000 miles power steering Telephone alter 726 3852 1973 CHEV TON six cylinder stan dard transmission cap 32000 original miles excellent condition Telephone 728 7871 I973 OLDS DELTA 88 Rayaie door power steering Dower brakes air ex celient condltlon New radials $1600 or best after 436 4589 evenings all weekend 7577MONZA cylinder overhead cam standard radials $1700 or best otter Phone alter 6009 728 8298 1972 VW BUG good condition certilicd Call alter6 00 737 3281 1972 PONTIAC LARUENTIAN con dition 400 motor owner TransmisSion cooler rims with snows $1500 or best alter Call 726 2995 alter 1971 DODGE DEMON really good canal tion very Clean must sell saoo or Des cash otter Call alter or all day weekends 424 5217 69 PLYMOUTH FURY 318 automatic door snow tlres and wheels included Best oller as 15 Call alter 728 0471 1972 BLUE FORD GALAXIE 500 V8 351 automatic power steering power brakes Moor Vinyl root Excellentcon dltion Certilled $1200 7286868 alter 1972 pONTIAc PARISIANNE tor sale good condltion as is $500 Telephone 728 6776 alter 815 am and5pm 7266411 1977 RENAULT T530 V76 power win dows sunrool steering brakes $4500 firm Telephone 735 2442 no toll even ings 1971 M0 TEG brakes six cylinder automatic tilled $650 or trade 424 5949 evenings 1973 GREMLIN standara 178 bucket seats radio clean car Certilied $995 or trade 1435 6322 days7424 5949evenings 1976 OLDS CUTLASS Supreme automatic balackhurgundy interior hatch root air AMFM track stereo factory mags excellent condition Cer tilled Must be seen 7370860 days 72675664 evenings have tee cer 435 6322 days 1974 CHEV BELAIR tour door 350 automatic power steering power brakes Rustprooled $2000 certified Phone 728 1764 alter F974 TOYOTA CORONA automatic radials almost new head have receipts for all work done $2000 Telephone 7239381 76 HONDACIVIC Hatchback Standard transmission lront wheel drive power brakes tinted glass radio side body moldings Silver with black interior and redblack super stripe Lic No KTP 016 Reduced to $2595 BARR IE HONDA AUTO SALE17 Gawan St 726 6488 33cars wantedto URGENTLY REQUIRED Good clean late model automobiles TOP CASH PAID IMMEDIATELY ORV HARDY MOTORS 176 BRADFORD ST 7284272 MWFTF TOP PRICE tor top cars Toke Motors Limited 119 Bradlord Street Barrie 728 8111 TRACVYVWANTS cars and trucks tor Wrecking and parts top prlces paid Free pickup Telephone 726 8487 WANTED Clean used cars Barrie Hon da Auto Sates17 Gowan St 726 6488 SCRAP VEHICLES WANTED Top prices paid Free immediate pick up any time 436 2900 COLE BROS Cars Bndtrlicks WANTED tor wrecking Fast pickup Phone 435 6322 days 424 5949evenings JUNK CAlisWANTED Highest prices paid Same day pickup Holt Auto Wsflflimflll CELL WANTADS PHONE7282414 1976 FORD ECONOLINE 100 mag rims and tires 50000 miles lully customized inside Asking $7000 Telephone 726 1682 1978 374 TON FORD PICKUP dark blue 48000 kilometres stepup bumper 351 engine V8 power steering power brakes radio poor rubber 10000 miles lett $5950 7286421 after pm 1975 Folio F250 Club Cab vs toll speed new motor with 14000 miles Cer tilied Asking $2800 Telephone 737 0818 BUSES for sale 1959 Fargo and 1958 Chev 48 passenger Sell or trade tor truck Telephone 436 5779 between and 6orlater 75 FORD WiNDOW VAN Very clean certified $1295 or best after 726 5721 197a FoRVDFSSé 37 ton 40000 miles helper springs to ply tires Good original condition $4150 Phone 723 9582 1966 FARGO dump truck 600 model two speed axle Asking $300 424 5595 tour speed transmission uncertitied Telephone NORTHERN SURPLUS SALVAGE FOR SALE 86 eeeeeeerle ONE COTVFEEE ï¬berglass mile bogey body plus VW parts asking 8700 7263898 SIX TIRES 1115 CatTrack llve Keystone spoke rims 9x15 llt Dodge 4x4 Eat s7oo WIII sell $110 As new 45642459 roy mavens 1973 SUZUKI Tm 134 miles ex cellent condition New tires gears and chain Serious otters only 726M13 am loSpm ask loerke 1970 450 HONDA tor sale or trade tor beat Ca1172lr7713 1972 KAWASKAI 350 new top end new rear tire low mileage good condition best oller Telephone 7284086 1974 HONDA street bike 125 cc very good condition Asking $400 Telephone 4245595 1974 HONDA ELSINORE CR 125 in good condition SSW Telephone 7204647 1976 KAWASAKI 400 tour stroke electric start excellent conditon $1000 must be Mb SISmend warranty Clem Milo new 8049 Order lenlte 00 tree 12 Under MIN WAuwelW KRAZY KELLYS lnextteAAeetrnen Highwaylfem Bum1m FREEZERS Woods chest Freezers lull warranty Special tow pricing on all sizes Limited quantity Trades accepted Delivery lree Financing available Call or visit Simcoe CoOp 259 innlslli 7266531 SLEEPING BAG Polar eiderdown robe SS Holden In retail over S43 asking $175 7204959 AUSTRALIABOUND Selling antique bookcase desk bullet telephone table and chair hall tree etc 7284959 DINING ROOM SUITE early 19405 39 ld°w°w C3 Pal 957 walnut recently prolesslonally rellnlsh tapestry seals table 55x42 plus aves chairs china cabinet $2310 40utldes for Telephone 7371595 10 OFF LAVERYS OUTDOOR CENTRES lTD LANDSCAPING GARDEN CENTRE BOX PLANTS Corner of Blake Grove days 7289542 10 OFF if you mention this getacquainted season special on shade evergreen fruit flowering trees flowering shrubs ornamentuls hedging materials while they lost MWFJu18 REUPIIOLSERI SPECIAL 829900 reupholsters Chesterfield and chair Labour and Fabric included up to 15 yalds Yr guarantee on workmanship For lreeinhame 9513 call he to day service STONES UPHOLSTERY urinalmmwnmumwmunlmlunmtnmlnunnmm ETF in umltrlmmuulmumwmmm saris AT Barrie Flotilla It in th Colonial Loft I7 MUICISTOT SI DINING SUITE American ol Mar tinsville oak includes table two leaves eight chairs bullet hutch server less than one year old Retail over $6000 set ing at $3500 7284959 $AVE Reupholstering DRYER HEAVY DUTY white good working condition $75 Call or visit Simv Spa Coop259 lnnislil 7266531 WASHER HOOVER washer spin dryer in good working order $65 Call or visit SIMCOE COOP 259 innistll 7266531 Yourself Wide selection of discount fabrics Faam cushions Serutionol AMFM reclever cuetorn Vtumtoble $343 Get lree speakers Und Berl Etirtï¬lf Auguol779 KRAZY KELLYS now next door to Tools both amateur Mmm hour delivery Highway professional 9OBFerndole7371182 Needles threads lwines OButtans mode to order 0A complete line of upholstery supplies UPNOLSTERY SUPPLY SHOP Div of Fabric Drapery Mill outlet TF LONG GOWNS size 8710 ideal tor young person also white crochet cape wool winter coat mid call size 810 like new Reasonable 726 4867 STOVE 30 avocado in good condition $75 Call or visit SIMCOE COOP 259 In nistil 72676531 RAILROAD TIES FOR SALE Just north ol Georgian Moll 7371510 WTh TF SENSATIONAL NEW STORE DELIVERED 728I952 Ju13 SWIMMING POOLS To RENT Will lease and install lor homeowners lamlly size aluminum swimming pools with patio Choice ol styles meeting all tenc ing regulations on one two or three year rental basis with option to own Try belore you buy Call toll tree 800 268 5970 PIANO BABY GRAND A1 mm S1750 Telephone 41628171796 WHISPERING PINES CEMENT STATUES LAWN GARDEN ORNAMENT 20 GXIOO and get II free 12 RCA xuoo 2lor1 Oldy 400 wily sterling Hwy 931 mile south of Craighurst OPEN DAYS WEEK 7284909 MWFJ August 79 One lleur delivery KRAZY ELLYS Nut deer to Mention HIGHWAY 90 FERNDALE1L61700NLOP 94 71711 CEDAR POSTS Ior sale varied sizes Clothresiine poles lor sale 17 7262963 SWIMMING POOL MANUFACTURER has new 1978 Pools regular price $219000 now at our oil season special at $1355 00 Pools come with walkaround deck patio fencing pump motor and litter delivery arranged to your conve nience For best selection and lnlorma tian call toll tree 800 268 5970 VAN BENCH SEAT blue $35 portable EXERCISE BIKE with timer in very good condition Used very little $75 T£E2Sl37ll3 RCA color television 19 Inch BOYS LlGHT GREEN piece summer completely overhauled $185 sull size 14 worn twice Telephone Frigidaire dryer white $130 7266667 7374536 alter 430 pm 34 trucks and trailers 34 truch lld triers ONE STOP PLACE FOR EVERYTHING Cars trucks lorm vehicles highway tractors parts etc NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED BRAND NEW WORK GLOVES BRAND NEW SHOCKS end $200 WE BUY SCRAP METAL COPPER ALUMINUM STEEL OLD CARS om BATTERIES SELL NOW WHILE PRICES ARE HIGH USED STEEL FOR SALE NORTHERN SURPLUS 8i SALVAGE INC 438 DUNLOP ST 7372600 MWFJu25