Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 13 Jun 1979, p. 21

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WEDNESDAY EVENING VIEWING 80 NEWS HOLLYWOOD SOUAREs DEFINITION FOLKA DOT DOOR 628 NEWS 030 Hsc NEWS IN CONCERT Conway Twitty CBS NEWS ABC NEWS NEWS PARTY GAME ADVENTURES OF TIMOTHY PILGRIM 645 ID READALONG 655 WRITE ONI 700 DATING GAME CROSS WITS MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW TIC TAC DOUGH DONNA FARGO NEWLYWED GAME THE STATIONARY ARK GONG SHOW PRICE IS RIGHT 730 MATCH GAME RESCUE SOUAD NEWLYWED GAME MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL nta Braves vs Montreal Expos hrs GONG SHOW GRAND OLD COUNTRY Guests Oak Ridge Boys Janie Fricke Whiskey River peat OCEANS ALIVE ID MAGIC SHADOWS EB BOB NEWHART snow For me sake nt 10 marriage as well as Emilys mas ter GPQHI and Bob hcéivy work schedule the Hartloys r11wrtrgtrhal II would be best It they look up srpnratr rosmlences 800 LAUGHIN THIS WEEK IN BASEBALL THE JEFFERSONS Georges at tempts to nialu points WIII local banker are Irustralrd hy Allan attempts to makrr pornls thi hanknr dauqhtor Repeal EIGHT IS ENOUGH Jiiannie Susan and Nancy robot squirm iholr Iaihoro stodgy plrontal rulrlcllono and move into their own rtmonl Conclusion 00 min VEGA EIGHT I8 ENOUGH INTROSPEC THE JEFFERSONS George soon lxu over dICIalon that could change both his nd the lite OI someono very special MOVIE DRAMA Glen Menegorle 19183 MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL his Bravos vs Montreal Expos his GOOD TIMES Floridas aanOus leerchloredoctor turnstosngarwnenthaonly one She funds In too busy to be Interested in her blam CINE TVO SauteMa VillD NewsFrom 51 Parlons Cinema ALICE Alice takes secondicb Singing telegrams to help put her son through school and Mel IIreS har Ior being late Ior work 900 WEDNESDAY NIGHT AT THE MOVIESZumaBsaCh19785lars Suzanne era Mark Wheeler WEDNESDAY NIGHT MOVIE PaperMoon 1973 Stars Ryan ONaalTaturn TN Ill CHARLIESANGELSAsmooin talking embezzlar marks Kelly Garrett lor murder and Kellys best friend whos In love wrth the man unwrtlingly sets the scena lor the dly encounter Repeal 60 mins MOVIE COMEDY gnaw Moon 1973 EWS UPDATE 9201 en MAGIC ATTHE Roxv sm iascmai Ing Illusmnists and loremosl magic acts lrom TokyoCanadatheNethertandsandtheUniled States descend on the Roxy Theater tor dis play ol legardemain 1000 VEGASDanTai DUIShISIlIeOnIheIIfle when he takes on the mob and retired Crime boss In IrantiC search tor huge quantity Ol aine Repeatso mms III LIVE AT THE FORUM NEWS UPDATE NEWS 1030 THIS WEEK IN BASEBALL NASL SOCCER Seattle Sounders vs Toronto Blizzard 1100 NEWS CBC NEWS CTV NEWS EDUCATION OF MIKE MANUC MOVIE Swul Subllitulo 1120 NEWS 1125 NEWS 1127 NEWS 1130 ITHE TONIGHT SHOWHosl Johnny son Guest Buddy Rich 90 mins YOURTURNLETTERSTOCBS NEWS IMOVIEDRAMAm By Love sued 1961 STREET TALK NIGHTMUSIC Peter Mathieson and Melissa Pedersen 1145 WESTERN ROUNDUP cOmancne Territory 1950 Maureen OHara Macdonald Carey 1200 MOVIE Kiiiazei CBSLATEMOVlESWITCH BrgDeal In Paradisa The syndicate is ripped for SI millionandtheythinkPeteandMacareresponsu bla Repeal KOJAK Summer Madness mm Tally Sayalas Kevrn Dobson Repeat MEDICAL CENTER 1210 It CARTER COUNTRY 1240 STOCKARD CHANNING IN JUST FRIENDS 1245 68 ALL THAT GLITTERS 100 TOMORROW Host Tom snyde Guests Durk Pearson and Jerry Pournell lutur Repeat 60 Rims MARCUS WELBY MD PTL CLUBTALK AND VARIETY 110 fiMOVIEDRAMAP Two Lane Blacktop 1911 130 MOVIE ADVENTURE vi aaygalsGlory 1944 145 MERv GRIFFIN 310 TROUBLE WITH TRACY historically speaking canadas story Etienne Brule Was Eaten By Hurons One of the shadowy figures in Canadian history who deserves to be better known was Etienne Brule He was with Champlain at the founding of Quebec in 1608 and was given permission to accompany Algonquin Indians to their hunting grounds in the Ottawa River area Then he joined the Hurons who lived around Georgian Bay As result Brule was the first white man to ascend the Ottawa River and also to see Georgian Bay Other accomplishments included being the first white man to cross Lake Ontario and he may ave been the first to see Lakes Superior and Michigan Champlain had reunion with Brule on June 13 1611 when he was exploring the Ottawa river and this meeting made it possible for Champlain to see Georgian Bay in 1615 The result was the opening of an important fur trade route to the west The story has sad ending corned In 1628 he helped the Kirke brothers as far as Brule is con get their ships up the St Lawrence and defeat French shi bringing supplies to Quebec The garrison practica starved durin the winter and was easily captured by the Kirkes the fol owing year Champlain was taken to England as an honored pris oner and was allowed to go on shore when the Kirkes stopped at Tadoussac There he recognized Brule although he looked like an Indian and learned that Brule had guided the English ships up the St Lawrence There was bitter scene between the two great explorers Brule then went back to the Huron country and lived with them again but somehow incurred their anger They killed him and ate his body Father Brebeuf learned what happened and wrote saw the spot where oor Etienne Brule was barbarously and brutally mur ered which made me think that perhaps someday they might treat met in the same manner He was tortured to death later but by Iro quois OTHER EVENTS ON JUNE 13 1673 Cadillac founded Cataraqui now Kingston Ont 1792 Captain George Vancouver discovered site of Vancouver BC 1799 The name Prince Edward Island was first used on an official document 1818 Richard Talbot brought 200 Irish immigrants to settle in London township 1853 Nortth Railroad between Toronto and Bradford was first in Upper Canada to use locomotive 18511 First sod was turned for railway between Halifax and Truro NS 1851 Gold was discovered at La Havre River NS 1886 Vancouver was destroyed by fire on the anniverlt sary of its discovery 1895 Canadian canal was Opened at Sault Ste Marie 1898 Yukon Territory was established with Dawson as its capital 1916 First express train began trip from Quebec to Winnipeg on Western National Railway Pause noted in EDMONTON itli IIcinors hit clothicrs snlcs of ficcs with the nch that last ycnrs jcains sales by San IIt1IILiSttthiIStd chi Strauss and hnd fnllcn nftcr years of grow 111 But at GWG Ltd the Edmonton bascd subsidiary of IAYI Strauss whosc tclcvl sron Ids hnvc tnnndinns hum Ining about bums In bluc dcnim only puusc III thc IIIuIkct was noch Marketing Innnngcr Art Hartman says that Instcnd of thc 30 to ltlpcrccnt gains corn IIIon ovcr lhc last cight years this ycnrs sales will bc only up about IO pcr ccnt lotnl projcctcd salcs for the your arc about STU million two thIrds from jeans thc rcst from jtitllSTtIaItd fashion clothes Its just tcinporary soften ing of thc jcniis markct Hart man says Salcs are projected to go up substantially next year DEMAND STILLTIIERE Already there has been turnaround in the United States and denim and corduroy suppliers are scrambling to keep pace with the demand for material AI Boyd president of the White Stag of Canada division of Warnaco of Canada says market Theyve been talking about dcnim pcaking for many years and it just doesnt seem to stop The large dcnim producers arc running full tilt and are sold tip more than year ahead and they tcll us thcrc is no sign of lctup in the future of denim Whitc Stag uscs dcnim of many hucs in blazers vests skirts and jackets The firm puts together designer jeans in tcndcd to be part of co ordinated package Hartman says response to GWGs bum bum advertis ing campaign created by Ed montons Bakcr Lovick Ltd advcrtising agency has been fantastic While he cannot point to definite change attributable to the ads there has been tremendous public relations feedback ON SPREAD OlT While GWGs parent corn pany has diversified widely with the Levi name now on belts shoes and athletic clothing as well as jeans GWGs focus will be narrower There would be some diver sification into active wear ski wear and running apparel Hartman says But we have determined broad strategy that will keep us in icons or jeansrelated barries stag Junc 13 1959 For 331 hours the city of Bar ric was without hydroelectric power the longest break the community had suffered for over four years freak gust of wind brokc off the top sections of hydro poles at the junction of Anne and Dunlop streets and at Bradford and High streets Gasoline station operators on Highway 11 north of Barrie cut prices sharply claiming gasoline price war in Toronto and in the Orillia area had cut their sales in half Prices at number of star lions dipped to 349 cents gallon from bctwecn 455 and 465 cents Ncarly 500 Collier Strcct United church goers filcd through the church hall on trancc to say farevvcll to Rev Lewis who had served them for 10 years Barrie public school board was considering joining up with the city in plan to provide pcnsions for the mcmbcrs of its nonteaching staff Undcr tho schcmc five per ccnt would be deductcd from the employccs salary and an equal amount would be paid by the board The chief issue at thc mecting of Simcoc County Council was to bc the extension of thc coun tys building At its Novembcr session Council authorized thc County Property committccto engage an architect to preparc plans for new council chamber to be built on thc ex isting sitc at the corner of Worslcy and Mulcaster strccts Joy Armstrong of Barrio was the winner for thc day at the an Iiual Simcoe County business girls golf tourncy hcld at thc Couchichiiig Golf Club in Orillizi ieons clothes We just feel GWG is better off staying in market we know After keeping consumers born during the postwar baby boom in jeans through high school and university GWG is not about to let them go now Jeans will bc adapted for thc more maturc 2535 year age group who are spreading out in the middle and need better fit Boyd says specialization in coordinated items is one of the main reasons why White Stag is able to compete with foreign manufacturers But Hartman says the Cana dian clothing industry could not survive without high tariff walls for protection FILM DEER PROGRAM TORONTO ICPI Ontarios natural rcsourccs minister has produced two films to cduczitc thc public about proposcd changcs in thc dccr mannch Incnt program Onc film dcfincs problems associated with thc program and offers DOSSIDIC solutions Thc othcr dcscrihcs habitat deterioration habitat rcquircmcnts possiblc corrective actions and ways In which the public can aid tnc ministry In tho program The Doctor Soys Use wine sensibly By PALI RCBLE MD Dear Dr Ruble Your column turned up in the bottom of box my daughter usedto send me some tulip bulbs he used her local newspaper for wrapping Just thought youd like to know how ran across your article on gout Anyway she is now saving the column regularly and ships it to me without tulip bulbs and enjoy it My question is about gout and wine It is true that wine is bad for gout paticnI What about diet in general Ill look for your answer in the next mail from my daughter Mrs Ti You would be surprised to know how many packing box fans have For some reason the temptation to read news papers that are used to pack objects to IrIESIStabIC As to your question wines arc not ad visable especially champagnc and the heavy wincs However since newer medicines have been developed to treat most forms of gout effectively diet is no longer considered great factor Foods such as organ meats or wines for that matter can be used in sensible amounts by most gout patients Diet can be part of program to reduce the amount of uric acid the body must handle Moderate winc consumption Is not bad but alcohol abuse can cause an attack Bet you have some lovely tulips Dear Dr Rublc Pleasc tell me about heart palpitations My family physician and heart doctor dont tell me anything except to go home and lie down have had three EKGS one while having palpitation They tell mc they see people with the Exciting tourn NORTH trill 10 10 WEST EAST 10 1964 SOUTH 10 Vulnerable NorthSouth Dealer East West North East South NT Pass NT Pass Pass NT Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Opening lead WW By Oswald IllltII and Alan Sontag I£III Sontag will Iiscribi this hand lIIltIl Ilt plriycd in the London Times Invitation same thing every day and that it will not kill me Is there cure for this have kept diaries of my diet and physical activities for two years but can find no pattern to the attacks JM wish had nickel for ev ery heart palpitator who usually writes me in almost the same words you use You and could retire Sooner or later most of us will have some heart symptom bit of flutter now and again They are harmless quirks usually related to some outsidc factor anxiety or stimulant such as coffee or cola You did the correct thing You reported to your doctor and were checked by him for any possible serious heart ailments as well as by heart specialist What more do you want The tests showed you are in good health With all of the modern medical tools available today even in an ordinary doc tors office hints of any serious heart problem can be readily picked up Dont worry yourself into real problem Dcar Dr Ruble My husband had mumps when he was seven years old How could this affect his ability to have children BSP It is rare to have the testicles involved in mumps before pu berty If they are involved in 70 per cent of cases it is only one side that is involved Evcn then only half of such cases rc sult in permanent damage In the final analysis less than 10 per cent of such persons are sterile sperm test will tell Dear Dr Rublc Does cocoa butter encourage facial hair 011a woman AK No nor will it on man BRIDGE Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag ament play Optlllllt showid somc sort of IIIIIIllI suit hziiid without cIIotIuh hiuh cards for 21 normal opening hid My thrcc clubs showcd majors and Ictcr WcltIlsrI who showcd Inc no IIILICV Blzickwondcd to sovcirl htiIIISI coursc ILttl wzis crititlcd to think that might hHVt slightly morc satis factory hand But Iilziik wood had IIIéItIt mc tIlc dc clarcr and hc lovcs to Illilkt Inc suffcr thought Ii whllcbcforc Itiltilllll to tllk two Ihcii plziycd IIIIIIIIiys thtcn of trumps cht illllt thc king of spades and it trump lczid to my Itt ncxt izishcd my acc of spziilcs discarding club from diIIiiIIIy thii IIeist IlStéIltItfI club was homc with my lucky grand slum lcd my Itll of spzidcs and ruffcil IftiI Vcst crcd with the jack and fol lowcd by rIIffing it club with my king of trumps Ilél Inond £IIII Ii IlII Vtlt IIS ZIIItI on my last two spzidcs IlIt poor Wcst Ilzirl to follow lhcri ItII I18 mom to Illllllll EItt IIIIIIttI Wests Inst trump inil toIIIIIIIIIIcnt IItlt Is his tliiiiiioil ItSCIIlHIOIl Whnt took on so long Iiizists twoAnotIIIIIip iiskcil ItItI daily crossword ACROSS 52 rwnch 59mm Ancwii tn Previous Puzzle mu Stone 53 111 of shoe Dead heat 54 Light tan Propels with 55 Words ol llll oars derstanding 12 Repeat wdsl 13 Compass 56 Belonging to pornt the thing 14 State Fr 57 German 15 New York City negative stadium 58 Spanks 16 Choler 59 Rug l7 Baletul 60 Lees l8 Pulling rope 20 Beginning DOWN 21 MW 20 Eggs 37 Egyptian 22 possess Relax 22 George Geish cross conti Eight Sol Win brother 39 Repem Emili bird Bite 23 Toothpaste 40 Most 31 our AUSIIdIIdIl ani mummy SagaClOUS holes mal 33 Cooled lava Winds 24 cross 44 Rewse 34 chgnon Concerning inscription 45 Short Dlavlet 35 Beer wds Lat 25 Of equa 46 Small plateau 36 ElemC abby score 47 Break the seal Current iahhii Female sheep 27 Meme Minute 37 Tie COOIS sandwitl particle 38 Solthgoose American 28 ind Dem 49 Genus oi eat ers atriot 41 Broke bread to Silord With 39 Smm maples 42 Pine Imit silver or glass emmme so meat Lake II 5i Bl hi 43 General ll Printer 5L 93 n3 Eisenhower direction 32 Roamg mgan 45 Hit hard l9 queflan decade 53 COmEdar 48 so or Hagar besnwn 36 insecticor Conway to 1J1 07 La LO Lu 71 U1 LaJ LA Lo no r0 Bombs BodeOool cYour Birthday June 14 1979 You II have many opportunities to broaden your horizons this coming year which Will give you added sellcontinence and Widen your Chances lor suC cess GEMINI May 21June 20 You re not in the mood today to Sit idly by while someone tries to impose his ideas on others Chances are you have low chChosen words to say to this person CANCER June 21July 22 Be Ninthrop SNIFF saw L2 SNIFF ALITTLE rLgLAfiQ CG M21519 611 Short Ribs SIRE IM LIBEA AND ACCORDING IO FOR ME TO WHEN APE YOU wlNGZ DECLARE YQUI NET WORTH carelul who you Choose to tell conlidentlal inlormation to today Not everyone will hold their tongue like you will LEO July 23Aug 22 The very person who should be helping you out today isnt wholl step forward However therell be plenty OI other concerned pals to olIer their assrstance VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 Fol low the directives of others today and you have more success at getting what yOU want Your thinking could be little oilcenter LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 Your chances ol Succeeding today are very good it you are bold but not brash Little will be gained it you back down or behave tImIdIy HMM INFLATION MLléT BE EAEDING UP SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 You can keep firm handle on all situations today it you count to 10 first and dont lose your temper Others will end up being on your side SAOITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 Work in harmony with peo ple not against them today Coworkers will come up to your expectations it you give them hall chance CAPRICORN Dec ZZJen 19 Its your Choice today you can either spend your time working for money or blowing It Youll do it well no matter which course you take AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 Without being aware of it you make an extreme impression peer on your group today Theyll remember what you do Take care not to show them your bad side PISCES Feb 20Merch 211 Rise above tendoncy to over react to petty situations Others instigate Keep control by maintaining positive sell assured attitude ARIES March 21Apr1119 Dont think you have to spend lotto develop your plans today On the contrary things you do with your brain instead of your pocketbook prove the most successtul TAURUS April 2May 20 There are lot OI ways to pursue Objectives today that wont ap pear torcetul to Others Seek them out and there will be no reason to be pushy Ive maize IT TAKES THAT Lone To AgKEp THAT LONG LBouETInzzcvrriiié éETAWAYCAR FORt TO ADD iT TWOWEEK ALL UP EXTENéIONr It Qim HIruin TODAY WOULD BE BAD WHAT DOES ii sAv AND IESTING THE MY HOROSCOPE AND HUNT DRAGONS AT HOMEu Frank and Ernest HI PET SEE THE MCKENZIES ARE HAVIN DOUBLE GLALIN PUTINEH NORTH ERN 29 Dunlop St 7373860 out Illlllt IVE CaOT IOOWF OLHLOVEK STATIONERY AMTE IM MORE CONCERNED WdEEEIAI mi NORLI DO THEY iiIEREs NEVER DOLL MOMENT WHEN You TAKE JUST FEW FRIEND5 AND SHE NEVER WANTS 10 315 ME AGAIN THERES BEEN PIECE OF CARDBOARD UP AT THIS BACK BEDROOM WINDOW FORTHE FAST THREEYEARSl Your Wedding Invitations Announcements Headquarters We provide loanout service N0wHEKE5 ONE CAN GO OUT ABOUT your STAYlNG NEW PACK DOWN IN IlIE DUNGEON UNVEKSTANV WE STILL CANT DEGIDE wann SIMPLE wEDDiNG WITH now so ha r11 WI vsnlauuo Titer wEiaE ONLOAN To 60le BIOEHOT FKONI SOME

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