BRAMPTON tint fPi 77 Now claiming to have 60000 members across Canada Wonten Against Rising Iriees is taking aim at no natne beef in its latest boycott iroup spokestiian Marie Secklcr said Tuesday that many novnamc steaks are more expensive thaii highrquality sirloinsteak While sirloin costs $318 pound fiverounce nonanie steaks selling for $129 actually cost $413 pound said Mrs Seckler thcr disadvantages are that they cannot be refroen and are imported from Aus tralia atid New Zealand when they could be bought frotn nadian farmers she said Mrs Secklet said the full ef feet of papaya juice as mari nating agent is not known and all the spices ptit Ill noname meat arc ttot listed on the label Also on the boycott list for the next two weeks because of high prices are oranges bananas canned fish imported cheese instant coffee fruit drinks and frozen vegetables Mrs Secklcr said the group has asked for meeting with Frank litca lntario minister of consumer and commercial relat ions to discuss consumers concerns The group intends to comr plain about pricing errors ex pirablc rain checks oii specials and the law that allows small grocery stores to sell only fresh produce on Sunday she said Dismissed women answer charges ltlltthlO itli Two women who were fired from their jobs at Toronto to lac tory one year ago have brought their tttiion before the Ontario Labor Relations Board to an swer charges of not fighting to regain their jobs for them Rosa Zannino lT atid Rita Sannulo Bil said they were tired iii May 1978 for circulat mg petition among fellow etn ployees of lam Brothers loys Itd demanding that union oftir cers start doing better job of protectmgtlieit rights Amtkits Mi NT Dont Blame Your Age For Poor Hearing Chicago lllA free offer of special interest to those who hear but do not understand words has been announced by Beltane nonoperating model of the smallest Beltone aid of its kind will be given at solutety free to anyone answer ing this advertisement Send for this model put it on and wear it in the privacy of your own home While many people with hearing loss will not receive any significant benefit from any hearing aid this free model will show you how tiny hearing help can be It is not real hearing aid and its yours to keep free The ac tual aid weighs less than third of an ounce and its all at car level in one unit These models are free so we suggest you write for yours now Again we repeat there is no cost and certainly no obli gation Thousands havealrcady been mailed so write today to Dept 2955 Beltone Elec tronics 4201 Victoria St Chicago Illinois 60646 ii Dinghy sailor Paul Parsons 30yearold Air Canada baggage handler in London plans to leave Halifax before June I6 aboard the sailequipped dinghy to attempt transAtlantic crossing If he succeeds he will be the first to have com pleted the voyage The last attempt in l977 ended several hundred kilometres off the irish coast when the craft overturned CP Photo Noname costs more womens group claims comm DENTU RE THERAPY CLINIC FORMERIY aAitqu DENTURE cumc 7264721 149A DUHLOP ST BARRIE MEMBER DENTU RIST SOCIETY NOTICE OF APPLICATION to the Ontario Municipal Board by The Corporation of the City of Barrie for approval of bylaw to regulate land use passed pursuant to Section 35 of The Planning Act TAKE NOTICE that the Council of The Corporation of the City of Barrie intends to apply to the Ontario Municipal Board pursuant to the provisions of Section 35 of The Planning Act for approval of ByIaw 7959 passed on the 9th day of April 1979 copy of the bylaw is furnished herewith note giving an explanation of the purpose and effect of the bylaw and stating the lands affected thereby is also furnished herewith ANY PERSON INTERESTED may within twentyone 21 days after the date of this notice send by registered mail or deliver to the Clerk of the City of Barrie notice of obiection to approval of the said bylaw or any part thereof and shall indicate that if hearing is held the objector or an agent will attend at the hearing to state the obiection ANY PERSON WISHING to support the application for approval of the bylaw may within twentyone days after the date of this notice send by registered mail or deliver to the Clerk of the City of Barrie notice of his support of approval of the said bylow together with request for notice any hearing that may be held giving also the name and address to which such notice should be given THE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD may approve of the said by law but before doing so it may appoint time and place when any objection to the bylaw will be considered Notice of any hearing that may be held will be given only to persons who have filed an objection or notice of support and who have left with or delivered to the Clerk undersigned the address to which notice of hearing is to be sent THE LAST DATE FOR FILING OBJECTIONS WILL BE June 28 I979 DATED at the City of Barrie this June I979 Straughan AMCT CMC City Clerk Box 400 84 Collier Street BARRIE Ontario LAM 4T5 PURPOSE AND EFFECT OF BYLAW 7959 The purpose and effect of ByIaw 7959 is to amend Restricted Area ByIaw 6933 to permit the use of bus stop and ticket selling facility within commercial zone This bylaw amends Section 72 of Bylaw 6933 in the following manner the nineth box under permitted uses will now include bus stop and ticket selling facilities and Section 72 will be amended further by adding the following 72 vi The permitted use in the Table Bus Stop and Ticket Selling Facility is only permitted on that Part of the West Half of Lot 24 Concession formerly in the Township of Vespra now in the City of Barrie occupied by the Continental Inn If you have any further questions concerning this application please contact the office of the Planning and Development Department or the City Clerks Office in the City Hall You may telephone either office by calling 7264242 Straughan AMCT CMC City Clerk 84 Collier Street BARRIE Ontario UM 4T5 BYLAW NUMBER 7959 Byaw of The Corporation of the City of Barrie to amend ByIaw Number 6933 WHEREAS it is deemed expedient to permit bus stop and ticket selling facility at the Continental Inn located on Part of the West Half of Lot 24 in the 6th Concession formerly in the Township of Vespra now in the City of Barrie NOW THEREFORE the Council of The Corporation of the City of Barrie enacts as follows THAT the Table of Permitted Uses in Section 72 of Bylow 6933 be and it is hereby amended by adding after DriveIn Restaurants in the nineth box under Commercial Uses Bus Stop and Ticket Selling Facility and adding thereafter vi THAT Section 72 of Bylaw 6933 be and it is hereby amend ed by adding before the Table of Permitted Uses the following 72 vi The permitted use in the Table Bus Stop and Ticket Selling Facility is only permitted on that Part of the West Half of Lot 24 Concession formerly in the Township of Vespra now in the City of Barrie oc cupied by the Continental Inn THIS BYLAW shall come into force and have effect immediate Iy upon the final passing thereof READ first second and third time and finally passed the 9th dayof April AD I979 THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF BARRIE Archer MAYOR Straughan CLERK Ottawa economist says Housewife pension unworkable TORONTO CP An 0t tawa economist says Progres sive Conservative romlse dur ing the federal eection cam ign to consider allowxng musewives to voluntarily con tribute to the Canada PenSIon Plan is unworkable Monica Townson said in an interview that the proposal which would ensure women some security in their old age is complicated Do We now asmgn mone tary value to housework so we can measure how much housewife should contribute Or do we decide her con tribution on the basis of her husbands salary That would discriminate ainst lowincome families 7265333 AVAILABLE BREAD ROLLS mom CRISSA Phone WHY PAY MORE FRESH BAKERY What happens if housewife drop out for year and doesnt What if woman just doesnt have the money to con tribute think we should be looking at other possibilities She thinks the government should be examining guaran teed annual incomes and ap proves of the passage last sum mer of refundable child tax credit Starting next year child credits will be indexed to the cost of living and will amount to $218 child Only families with yearly income of below 319620 will be entitled to the full credit amount This means for example that woman who had child 7261322 vtgt immerse PLUS DEPOSIT ORCHARD FRESH PRODUCE 534 Bayfield St arrie PPOSITE GEORGIAN MAIL tax credit of $400 but owed only 8350 in taxes will receive re fund cheque for 350 for the bal ance of the credit FINANCE CONCERN Ms Townson coauthor of the new book The Canadian Womens Guide to Money and former vicepresident of the Federal Advisory Council on the Status of Women said that during her twoyear stint she spoke across Canada on variety of womens concems ORilliA QENEVA liï¬eut NI MIC 0PM 645 ll MATT PM OPEN DA WEEK Our Experienced Management Team THE BEST PRICE QUALITY IN TOWN YOU BE THE JUDGE She repeatedly found that women were most interested in financial issues She said that despite passage of antidiscrimination laws the financial lot of working women in this decade has remained dismal The discrepancy be tween male and female wages has steadily increased In 1976 or example the av erage female salary in Canada was $8652 and the average male salary was $16292 wV léWEST ST 326633 QUART BAG PARTLY SKIMMED FLAVORS LIMIT BAGS their steamer ungo ï¬tset33ei While Supplies last We Reserve Right Tolimit Quantitietf Pnces Effective Until 600 PM Tues June I9 I979 HUMPTY DUMPTY CHIPS Bizi 63 45 Choose from over 38 floor plans in 2storey splitlevel split entry or ranch style with or bedrooms Theres no down payment and Muttart mortgage can be repaid in 15 or 20 years All you need is your own lot and you can build your home quickly and easily from complete simple instructions supplied Call collect to Mr Doug Miller at 705 7434472 visit our show model or mail in the coupon today for FREE BROCHURE To MUTTART HOMES 1460 Lansdowne Street West Box 534 Peterborough Ontario K9J 626 Name Address City Phone Ihave my own tot YES N0 El 55 Reamagreement wit ff WHY PAY MORE BRIGHTS PURE APPLE JUIC 3i it 48 OZ TIN HY PAY MORE 2m icons lB BAG 2w view 4L7 staineflwtiï¬ï¬ï¬‚iéaWc