Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 12 Jun 1979, p. 15

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IAAESL NO as IAIRIE ONT 705 7370879 NAIROBI Reuter The an cient Romans banned nocturnal chanot races under law enacted to help the citizen to enjoy sound nights sleep Noise pollution big health risk It produces marked body changes Blood pressure rises the heart pounds digestion stops and muscles contract Where noise level is con $900 But modern man says re sistently high it can contribute Per by tsv port by United Nations body to heart trouble and of course an NADAD sum is in danger of losing the battle deafness MAY Je I9 AJ SHARP Take Hwy II north towards OrIIIIa to Concesslon I4 Oro turn left one mile on left Consisting of 25acre pit and buildings screening plant wheel loaders bockhoes crawler tractors trucks highway tractors low bed trailers tandem dumps etc Consignments are now being taken for this sale If you have idle equipment let Auctioneers turn lt into cash in day For Iurther information call 7310879 Death Notices Engagements Cards of Thanks fSRECIAL NOTICES CASH RATES minimum 40 words additional words cents per word Births In Memoriam no verse Verse per count line extra 28 cents 0° Events BIbhhs Mondays Child is lair at lace Tuesdays Child is lull of grace Wednesdays Child islult ot wee Thursdays Child has lar to go Fridays Child is loving and givmg Saturdays Child works hard for Its living And child that is born on the Sab bath Day Islair and wise and good and gay Children hearing this verse by Counter Cullen always want to know which day of the week was their birth date Keep HS and other Important Inlormation tor your childs tuture An Examiner Birth Announcement Wlll Include the name at your child the day ol the week month and year at berh the weight and other vital inlormalion printed message can become permanent record in Babys Book or Famin Albums The rate lor an Examiner Birth Notice Is only $5 $0 PHONE 778 7A $600 $600 $343 per column inch BL Osnl 0t thanks MCDONALD The lamin oi the late Margaret Ethel McDonald wish to ex press sincere thanks to their relatives friends and neighbors for their many acts cit kindness tloral tributes memorial donations and cards received during the recent loss at dear mother grandmother and great grandmother Special thanks to our good lrIends who prepared and served lunch Dr Harold Smith Rev Don Rice and the Steckley Funeral Home 87 ii ThemedIns HAMILTON In loving memory at clear husband and lather Paul Hamilton who passed away June I978 In our hearts we saw you sinking We watched you lade away Our hearts were almost broken You taught so hard to stay But when we saw you sleeping Solreely tram pain We could not wish you back Storm damage Firefighters and PUC crews check cars buried by branches or wires alter violent storm struck late Sunday afternoon This is the St James street area between Richmond and St George streets in London Ont CP Photo Begin Clark discuss OTTAWA lCPt Israeli Premier Mcnachcm Bcgin dis cussed the controversial Jerusalem issue with Prime Minister Clark in telephone convcrsatIon last wcck an aide to Clark said today The aidc said Begin telephon ed Clark on Wednesday to con gratulate him on his victory in the May 22 federal election but the prime minister was out of the office Clark returned the call the following day and the two men talked about thc Progressivc Conservative governments plan to move the Canadian cm bassy in Israel to Jerusalem from Tel Aviv The proposal has prompted angry Arab reac tion and thrcats of rclaliation The Clark aidc said tbc primc minister told Bcgin that Canada intends to go ahead with the move but not right away There were number of pressing issues such as the Tokyo August which ranked ahead of the embassy transfer She said Begin did not press Clark to move more quickly on CUT FROM CANADA GRADE Jerusalem over phone the embassy plan which Begin has warmly welcomed On Jordanian newspapers cconomic summit in proposal for Arab support of Quebec independence if the em bassy is moved the Clark aide said the prime minister has no comment against the din which he him self creates Noise pollution at least in de veloped countries poses health risks which range from in somnia to heart trouble It affects the rich who sleep in quiet suburb but travel by plane and cruise by motorboat just as much as the poor who must live next to highway or railway or near an airport run way writes Dr Mostafa Tolba director of the UN Envi ronment Program UNEP The agency based in Kenya was set up in 1972 as doomwatch body assigned to monitor environmental threats to mankind So worried is Tolba about noise that he devotes chapter of his 1979 annual re port to it Outside of noisy factories road traffic is the worst of fender By 1980 Tolba predicts 300 million vehicles will be crowding the worlds roads three times as many as in 1960 And the effects of sudden noise CUT FROM CANADA GRADE BEEF FROM THE CHUCK BONELESS That noise has psychological effects is un doubted Tolba says citing irritability moodiness and insomnia The old and the sickly and children aged from four to six are most likely to be bot hered Regulations in Canada and the United States limit the per mitted noise level in factories to 90 decibels over an eight hour stretch And the report contends one worker in five will end up suf fering some deafness STEEL DELow iN VARIOUS SPECS NRsCR BARS Wm STRUCTURALS FOR SSET HRPGO CRGALV PM BOOKLET PIPE TUBING H55 EXPANDED METALS GRATING DRlL ROD THREADED ROD ALUMINUM REeAR MESH RAIL STAIMAN STEEL SooisCoTzoAD RExDALE ONTARIO 4106757720 IMMEDIATE DAILY RENTAL Free Pickup and Delivery all l979 models and makes of cars Ask about special weekend rates Barrie DriveOCor fljssa Rd Barrie 7266474 NAME BRAND QUALITY PRODUCTS AT NO FRILL PRICES CIGARETTES NEW CROP FANCY DOG BEEF CHUCKS BLADE AND Eiiiiiis 39 BREAD 40¢ SUPER FRESH PARTLY SKIMMED BIG 24 OZ LOAF EXCLUDING MILK SUGAR EGGS CIGARETTES CALIFORNIA RED CANADA No PLUMS Tosulterthatagain Ever loved and remembered by wile Elsie and lamily Brenda Bonnie Deb bie Darren and Don MORGASONTIFFIN Mr and Mrs SPENCER °V9 emWy dear husband lather and grandlather Ch Morgason om sumo are happy Charles who passed away June I978 to announce the torthcoming marriage at their daughter Penny Eleanor to Hs memory IsanearOdaY Asinthe hour he passed away Had Regnad 50 Mr and Mrs rSadly missed by wile Annie son Ron Titlin ol Stroud The wedding to take daugmerMYma andamilies place Saturday July 14th I979 at the First Baptist Church BarrIe at 30 PACELLO John In lovmg memory of dear husband lather and grandfather John Pacello who passed away June l2 OSdeetbs 1m Surrounded by triends we are GORRINGE Arthur At Guelph on lonesome Friday June 8th t979 Arthur Gorringe In the midst at our ioys we are blue in his 59th year beloved husband 01 With smile on our face weve heart Same Lane Dear lather ot Bria of acne Guelph and Susan Mrs James Pratt Longing dear Johntor you EDMONTON lCPl Theslo Barrie Adored graodlaher of Jason and Always remembered and sadly missed Shanmn GONWG and Jettrcv Garnet by wife Ruby sons John Bryan and gan bus bethr has it Pratt families quired special meaning for the residents of the Wetaskiwin and Leduc counties of central Albetta Wildlife officers farmers and trappcrs of the region dis covered that they had to work even harder than the beavers in order to slow to manageable levels the growth of the ALL BRANDS REG 85 CARTONS no KING 795 COMBINATION GROUND NIEAT If BEEF PORK is CHICKEN PRODUCT HOT DOG GROUND PACK NO lIMIT to CANADA GRADE LARGE CARTON FRESHLY MINCED REGULAR EGGS GROUND InclMTE 49 330 STEAKS is HAMBURGER AND Beavefi dogan 59 CANADA NO LARGE JUMBO USA CANADA No CHERRIES 29u FANCY GEORGIA FANCY 59 CUCUMBERS CAN NO PEACHES NO LIMIT ONE PER I000 PURCHASE EXCLUDING MILK SUGAR D01 500 FURCNASE EGGS CIGARETTES LIMIT 001m NO llMlT rodents population ATLANTIC WHITE KG Buy ONTARIO BUY FRESHIY MINCED CIIIOUITA FANCY The numbcrof beavers Inthis GMNULATED FRESH GRADE arca reached damaging lcvcls ll in the summer and fall of 1978 At that time Gary Miorton GEORGIA USA No chief fish and wildlife off cer in the region stated that the MP Loo mums EXCLUDING MM we BELOW 85 completely out of Guam Ann was NO lB N0 ED I5 AV In building dams to create morcof their favorite habitat MAPLE LEAF GRADE SWIFT DIAMOND FANCY USA RD BEE BURGER water they caused wide FROZEN EVISERATED YOUNG BOX spread damage to many road ibCLIM culverts private trees and IT some hay and grain fields The damage total rose quickly dur WHILE SUPPLY STORE PACK BLACK RIBIER ing the summer months despitc efforts of wildlife officers to dc BELOW lBs LASTS N0 lIMlT 01 SIZE stray the most offending dams CUT FROM CANADA tt$LIIIfi233 mum Gm 555 FRESH RAINBOW mu increasing rapidly lhc counties AVAILABLE AT All All USA No lARGE resorted to stronger Incasurcs BLADE OUT THURSDAY AND FRIDAY RED SLICERS 1i SHORT RIB AND DIRECT FROM GEORGIAN BAY Ad eI lIS mt nts urgIng EMF no Staff IttiliiZi3iof CHUCK ROAST mu four trappcrs were hired by the counties at salary of $987 month Morton attributed the dra matic increase in the beaver population in thc last year to three factors Bcavcr pclts were selling for as low as $30 giving little incentive for trapp ing farmers who fomicrly cn gang in trapping activities were more prosperous and less inclined to trap in thc winter and the art of trapping was be coming less well known as the number of trappcrs declined through attrition FRESII CHICKEN LIVERS CHICKEN LEGS CUTUP WHOLE gIICIfEN SPECIAL CANADA FANCY No GREEN BEANS 299 88 POTATOES All in good cause Cheryl Cope left and Chris Cancade examine some of the items for sale at the garage sale held Saturday on Toronto Street to raise money for The Association of Barrie Citizen local Citizens rights group Jamie Shaprio one of the five ABC directors said the sale raised close to $500 The money 9° Towards operaflng expenses and Another minor factor in the legal fees involved in the groups opposition to rise ofthc beaver numbers was the downtown redevelopmentscheme Examiner the more Of Idlllt Cl CALIFORNIA NO LONG WHITE NEw films 59 CANADA NO SCHNEIDERS BROKEN HAM TRILLIUNI 100 OIL SOFT TUBS MARGARINE EA Phoo thusiasts inxthc area sup Egaiitgigéofif mm SUNSPUN 725 oz RIO I0 01 TIN 01 mm CONCENTRATED ONIONS 99 eaver popu itipnmwas PIECES AND STEMS CALIFORNIA NO LARGE COI pU fer eIwor 3333 glgpiggm lggfndgyggt MACARON AND CANNED HEAD LEITUCE CHEESE DINNER SWIFTS I2 01 LUNCH MEAT through renewed interest in trapping Morton says this occurred be cause of the rise in thc price of bcavcr pelts In the last six months pelts have sold for as 49 9¢ for home safety CALGARY CPI new of the 120 test homes computertelephone network to Connected Ito an emer be installed in 120 Calgary gency computer control centre homes this fall offers one of the most advanced home security and Information retrieval sys tems in the world This is the communications system of the future says Lorne Darlington spokesman for Alberta Govemment Tele phones The communicatlons package has computerized medical and police assistance monitors automatic fire and through the telephone network and an inhousc pushbutton panel thn message is relayed to the centre the computer will analyse the information auto matically and dispatch the proper assistance ambur lance fire crews or police The system is activated when the homeowner pushes the button for the appropriate emergency service much as $80 each for good specimen Morton adds that the situation probably will remain under control as there are still number of trappcrs uctivc in tliearea He emphasizes that the pur pose of continued trapping is to keep the population within manageable limits not to wipe out the beavers entirely WHILESUPPLY CARNATION EVAP MILK 305 PART SKIM REGULAR TIN TOTAL LIMIT 39¢ EA 43s I2 01 BLUE TOILET BOWL CLEANER BANNER BITS I0 KG DOG FOOD 429 RASPBERRY MCCAIN 32 Ol STRAWBERRY PLUS 100s OF FEATURE ITEMS SHOP AT THE HOME I00 GUARANTEE ON EVERY ITEM SOLD PLUS I00s OF FEATURE ITEMS SPECIAL EFFECTIVE JUNE I3tII CANADA NO GREEN CABBAGE Us FROlEN I2 01 FINII OR WHITE LEMONADE burglar monitors remote OUTLINES RESIDENCE SHOP MASTER CHARGE utility reading devices energy The Fompute to TIIITRI MAI VIMLRVI FOR FREEZER MIArs AND AllISTONVICTORIA ST consumption monitors and cold authorities the type of home TORONTO ILPI Bstan MON TUES WED SAT 90 detectors the address and other vital ada Is replacing tight fittng BULK FOOD ORDERS Officials say similar systems information such as the number Plastic Wrap on newrecord al THURS FRIDAY am9 pm have been set up in Texas of residents and any SpecIal bumS With 10080 Ilitlllg p01y DETAILS AT STORE Florida and other parts of the United States but this is the first time such com prehensive system has been tried in Canada Our aim is to make fuller use of the telephone lInes which already exist explains Dar lington In most homes these phones are not used most of the day when people are out at work medical histories resident leaving the home can activate the alami system which will allow him 45 seconds to leave before the LIrcuit Is sci After that any doors or wIn dows bcing opcncd will SIgnal the computer to alert the authorities Retuming residents would have 45 seconds in which to de activate the alarm once they enter the home wrap to cut down on record dc fects Temperature cxtrcmcs may cause the tight wrapping to cithcr shrInk furtbcr or cs pand warping tbc Ilbum jacket and eventually thc record Itself 85 spokcsman says tbc problem dId not always txlrl but ncwcr lIght weight vinyls and cardboards used III album production now make the fInIshed product lcss resistant to varpagc WELCOME TO AM FOOD STORES ONE OF CANADA FINEST INDEPENDENT FOOD MARKETSWITH EVERY DAY LOW PRICE SAVINGS FOOD MARTS DISCOUNT We reserve the right to limit to everege temin needs WE DARE YOU TO COMRE ANYWHERE ANGUS 4454 ALLISTON 435518 ANGUS WEI COUNTY ROAD I0 AND HWY 90 DAILY9 am9 pm THURS FRIDAY amIO pm SUNDAY HOLIDAYS am7 pm BARRIE 4I ESSA RD DAILY9am6pm THURS FRI9am9pm BARRIE 726683

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