wvarvvwvrm 30 the oxamlner Wodnogdey June 1919 gtNeed help Just look over the ads below The ad vertisers listed are experts in their field and will assure you do ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd authorized Ies and SONICO Free Home Demonstra éns Alliance Blvd Unit 19 7203397 KENS CUSTOM CABINETS Specializing in Bedroom Suites Wall Units Tables Vanieties or any other mode to order item 7268158 DON FLEMING CARPENTR CONTRA VTING HOUSES SIDING ICOTTAGES SOFFITS GARAGES FACIAS ETC 3222806 JuIBMWF mm MANIERI PAVING rPATlOS SIDEWALKS fSTEPS CURBS GARAGE FLOORS Workmonship Guaranteed FREE ESTIMATES 7260081 SNAIIING DRESSES FIT II made by JOSIE AQUINO Specializing In pantsuns gowns and altera lions 42 Eugenia St PhroneZzAéAOLE all suXtuJss All Wsnao 81101 LN OFFSET 01 PRINTING PHOTO COPIES TYPING WDUPLICATING SERVICES 130 16 SUPERIOR EAVESTROUGHING SPECIALISTS Dating and rooflng repairs Sheet metal work MartIn Verstraten New Lowell 741956 Stewart Electronics Repairs to TELEVISION STEREO RADIO Other Electronic Equipment 74 PEEL ST 7209457 TF TIFFIN FENCE Fences supplies and install ed Specialiling in residential chain link Work guaranteed 726417311 HURONIA FENCING Chain link and wooden privacy fence For free estimates call 7785609 WORK GUARANTEED FIBREGLASS REPAIRS FIBREGLASS REPAIRS boats snowmobiles onythlng fiberglass Free estimates Low wmter roles Workmanship guaranteed of the finest iob possible VIC WATSON Fireplaces and masonry For free estIrnates phone CUSTOM BUILT and designDd Speciblï¬tg in natural stone and antique brick using bellfiras Workmanship guaranteed Peter Henstra 7372071 FIREWOOD 100 DRY MAPLE SEASONED YEARS 16 FACE CORD $30 FREE DELIVERY 4872113 REmVATlONS ADDITIONS rec roams etc For free estimates call alter pm 7371588 GEMRAL REPAIRS maintenance attics garages basements cleaned rubbish removed cash for used appliances Gard 4365414 SPRING CLEANUP Windows storms removed cleaned Home yard cleanup Rubbish removal small moving iobs Exterior painting repairs LOCAL 4873141 Ju7 HOME IMPROVEMENTS CONSTRUCTION House raising loun datios renovations additions Phone 43°29 after NORTHERN CARPENTRY spew terior work Rec rooms kitchens bath roams panellingrllmsh work 7269W2 CARPENTER FULLY EXPERIENCED with renovatIons cedar decks bathroom tiling rec rooms etc Telephone 7261271 RENOVATIONS FRAMING Bricklaylng plumbing yard work Reasonable prices Free estimates 7267093 Residential Industrial Cleaning To Service With AWomans Touch 20Yeors in Janitorial Business Specializing in All Fields 8352449 LANDSCAPING COCHRANE SOD FARMS High quality sod delivered or picked up in field 4241307 MWFJu15 LAWN CARE REICHEN LANDSCAPING ResidentialCommercial Industrial PRGE FERTILIZING weed spraying mowing sod EIHJZSELLEIEI 93517383293 Weed spra Ing fertilixing results taranteed Weed Man 7372721 FERTILIZING WEED SPRAYING mowing sodding seeding Also rec rooms finished 73777 MASONRY STAN KNICELY MASONRY Brick block and stone work chimney re 1r Fireplaces specialty Free estimate 705 4245158 GUITAR LESSONS Classical and Popular Macel Potvin Guitar Studio 7261489 ACCORDION guitar piano organ begin nar and advanced Two months trial instru ment loaned for home practice Canadian Acode classical popular and rock Two openings call GARY 7269098 iwm it PIANO LESSONSigiven by Anne Leeper ARCT Prepare Ior Royal Conservatory ex ams7371743 VELLINGA PAINTING and decorating In lerior exterior Work guaranteed Es tablished 30 years 7262225 BOOM PAULS PAINTING Paper hanging Murals Interior and exterior Free estimates Low rates Fast service Satisfaction guaranteed 7371295 DONSIESLINO PROFESSIONAL PAINTING Interior exterior paper hanging custom work Satisfgction guaranteed 7266808 PAINTING PAPER hanging experienced Free estimates JACK RICHARDSON 7268841 UNIVERSITY PAINTING The organized student painters lTraIned staff ongomg superwsun and quality paintsl Backed with two year written guarantee Call 7370502 PAINTER FULLY EQUIPPED low rates satisfaction guaranteed Free estimates Telephone 7251232 BARKEY PAINTING Interior and exterior References available Free reasonable esti mates Telephone 7371087 csv PAVING ODRIVEWAYS mMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL OCONCRETE WORK Satisfaction Guaranteed Free Estimates BARRIE 7370179 ST PETERS PAVING GENERAL CONTRACTING LTD Hot Asphalt RESIDENTIAL INDUSTRIAL Olpllflll sealing Oparlting lots tennis courts ANY TYPE CONCRETE WORK patio floor otc MANIERI PA VING LTD ODrirtewats 0Parking Lots Tennis Courts Concre Work FREE ES MA TES WRITTEN UA RA TEE 7260081 Serving Simcoe County Since 961 TE PICTURE FRAMING OATES Dunlap St East Custom framing of all types We stock many sizes mnaazm ETIII GRAHAM ROOFING STOP Is your roof leaking dont take chances °Roofing Installed °Roofing repaired GRAHAM ROOFING 7286628 MWFJu11 RUBBER STAMPS RUBBER STAMPS Made To Order FAST SERVICE BILLS RUBBER STAMP SERVICE No SHANTY BAY ONT LOL 2L0 PHONE 4073035 MWF SIMEDE IEN Mind Displey om any Limited MANUFACTURERS OF PLEXIGLAS SIGNS STOHEFRDNT ft PLYLON SIGNS ILLUMINATEDNONILLUMINATED CUTOUT LETTERSLOGOS RENTALS AVAILABLE DESIGNED AND INSTALLED TO YOUR COMPLETE SATISFACTION 377 HURONIA ROAD UNIT 7374453 MWFTF MAKE YOUR IDEAS reality Custom carved wood signs and furniture Knocking On Wood 4875533 9mm pm TV AND RADIO REYNOLDS TV SERVICE Repairs to color black and white TV stereos etc All makes and models 4246181 4245602 777A Serving 50 Mile radius ovum PM PM Ks MPH CARPENTRY rougII finished OSODDING ormIlIzING WATER SERVICE NOTICE ROOFING TREE SERVICE 093mm to 4835mm th 24 726 45 SPECIALTY SWImmIng Pools Evergreens Rennie Above ground In Ground WM nun 52 Lawn Sod Watering Pm LAWN CARE ROTOTILLING Road Construction day previous PAINSWICK 7265666 Em 1355 $37 2227 2112 PM Needs noon Saturday MwFo26 LZ0CB Kobra Free estimates 7261059 Au25 £0 mlf fill£51 40articles for sale 41 boats and motors 44dogs and pots COMMERCIAL AIRCONDITIONER 10 ton 3phase water cooled with dualcompressor $1500 Cal JIM 7372432 TF ttlt RE Nltl FAT bluv $35 pnrtablt Lt VI talcuminn 19 Inch Il twvrhaulldl $185 t1l1 It thItu 5130 726 6667 ltl DmI ILlrttl Iun 10 lllllltLIistlir LalllTS Cor IIr Htswll litwtltw xhttv lnrattt Illa ultltmlttl 41 DIN Sponsorctt by tho ht Rm lt Cillzwls on slTUT 30 Ram 1311 amt 115 1rtIVttl Slrcfl xillllwctllllo1869 wuu rill mu 18 ntml 10 13 Ax lburlllnss drapes sqc Rival lttvr Phttlt XVI lt pIltx water Muslim MI months tllnlIt 381 AND Hith Vitals lll l1tlll mm It ItIl1lfaltll thholt xv nxrlltt to soa Lntllv rtv tlltll tut lIlIIlI Tlluplmnu hold it tnrtt Stml TITANIC TOSHIBA littledihle 50 month warranty Electronic tuning now $840 Order lonlte get tree 12 portable Under $7 wkly stalllvg August KRAZY KELLYS now hell to Menllvtnn Highway 90 Earn Join HS TF tL tvl Iu 111 53 ltllVllOth cm llm gt LAWN SALE Stttu intt Couttlxthnsl N9 11 Burnshrunk lathIto mw lnrti mas ponku rmI 550 yarmlmV Iltnt Insoethusvblltullrlln 11 KERS tl rtple head in TelephonesIS klCol In lt It Sn nt Finnor Dropsmt with Mr Excellent cone cm vFLlFIER 5300 466 Ham lftll mw tlnck sparkle bundle Telephone In Hr Is 3753 Rwy 19 nrmrs TDD carstic 72 lt wldhs THTVVT dlu lgt 5w au LADIES DRESSES evening dresses Sluts slack suits blouses and skirts size 12 almost now must be seem to bc ap precrated Reasonable Telephone 728 2205 LIVINGROOM SUITE conSIsting of couch chairs and ottoman beige with gold and brown Also 12 gold shag rug Good condition Telephone 726 5208 evenings CLOTHES DRYER white also gas stow harvest gold Both in excellent condition Telephone 728 6691 GARAGE SALE Saturday June 33 and 35 Sylvia Street off Grove near Duckworth loam to4pm Furniture appliances books material TVs ClOfITllTgEIC RaindateJuneIO IENITH 20 PORTABLE COLOR 100 solid stata only $598 Under $6 wkly Starting August 79 Order tonite get tree 12 black and white One hour delivery KRAZY KELLYS now next door to Meatrnan Highway 90 Ferndale 7371182 TF LAWN SALE Furniture antiques clothing books and lots more 10 Ashdalo Court Saturday and Sunday June 9111 and 10th starting at INDOOR SHOWROOM lull sized pools display Come in today or call 726 4606 for Ittt 32 page booklet of inground and abovv mound pools Pioneer Pools Baymarl Plaza 41 boats and motors BOAT REPAIRS AND SUPPLIES aood and fibreglass TOLLENDAL MARINA 7264950 BARRIE Jy7H CANOES or Painted Stern Kevlar Fibreglass Royslex Canvas Aluminum Kyak Complete stock of accessories Trades ecceplod HOLLAND BOATS LTD Orillia Ontario 705 3255141 530 Sailing Supplies Rhltt tIlrIlwdru riggIng Prtnqle MM lit 438 host St north Orllia 125 l7ll 17 ll BAYLINER mutiny 1975 75 hp Iohnwll stlnaer 1976 less than 20 hours shots room condition 55 000 Wm 48 0800r 7351616 17 STARCRAFT With 80 hp Morurr motor and trailer plus acressorios Telephoneflo 8635 16 Kennedy Ski Boat common Metal Iltrfd qola Tack 590000 tctor Fas end stable lbrealass boa $1000 26 1191 alters 309 15 FlBREGLASS BOAT lb tr lor 40 Johnson mccr 30 nt rm Ask maSl OOL Call IV45D good structural I975 WILKER 20 Full galley CB radio depth finder full camper top plus 1975 115 MERCURY Outboard with power trim $7500 or best offer 1976 SILVERLINE 22 Day Cruiser full camper top head 233 MERCURY 10 with power trim tape deck like new $12000 or lust offer Cal 7204737 or 7209390 afters00 Jul2 14 FOOT FIBREGLASS Boat 40 hp Scott motor and trailer Good condition Phone 436 5708 DORAL 147 BOAT Wlllt full canvas top 60 outboard Evinrude motor Complete with trailer like new Telephone 726 8484 after pm HOUSEBOAT PONTOONS 30 ft 22 ms 30 ms deep marine plywood with bulkheads includes fibreglas to completely cover $650 pair Texaco Sell Serve 118 Little Avenue 726 9231 SPRINGBOK 12 aluminum boat A1 condition S250tirm Telephone 424 5737 42articles wanted CANADIAN SILVER COINSbeforeI967 American before 1964 No collection too large or small Canadian stamps old watches postcards icwcllery 7261663 evenings 726 3162 WILL BUY house contents or any useful Items or Will trade Telephone 7281311 WATER SOFTENER wanted In operating condition Telephone 728 8212 CASH FOR OLD FURNTURE books dishes old pictures clocks odds and ends Pro 1950 limits 728 811 riddogs and pets BARRIE POODLE Salon Shampoomg and clippmg of all breeds Sophia StrcelEasl 7264111 POODLE TRIMMING professmnal QTCOTITIHQ all breeds pick up and d9 livery 776 3798 PctSlurtIO TROPICAL FISH Best selection In town Aquariums dll $1205 at unbeatable prccs Evennos and weekends Edge hillAQuarta IAJAroathoaa 726 0091 SIAMESE leTENS blue point weeksoln Tulophmwl 116 729 2357 MAV POODLE PARLOR Prolcs Slonal clipping and uroOmImI Charge accepted Phone 726 0061 COCKER SPANIEL Pups for sale blondcs black and tans reasonable prices to Good homes Boskma kennels 72B 363 LHASA A950 puppies CkC registered champlon bacxgrouna shots and de wormed make loving pets for children and adults 458 9111 FREE TO GOOD HOME Australan Terrier purbred lemale spayed years old Unable to keep In apartment TelephoneU 2918 AMERICAN ESkIMO SPIT Huskies weeks Old no papers male andfemale Telephone 7371817 alter FREE TO GOOD country home Eight year old male Irish Setter well behaved and mature Ownsrs moving to town Telephone 835 5787 notoll afterépm TOIGIVE AWAY One year old cat Neutered and needled Good disposition Telephone 737 2966 FREE to good home live puppies six weeksold Telephone 728 2173 DAFFON KENNELS Specializing In Boarding for Big Dogs Coulson On tario Telephone 7705 835 5223 45sta ps and coins WANTED Stamp Collections and ac cumulations purchased at top prices Telephone 416 447 9306 collect 1000 am to lOOOpm 50garden supplies CHOICE TOP SOIL Evening and Satur day delivery Phone 726 3928 or 7267 1117 SITservice and repair TELEVISION REPAIRS also repairs to stereos etc Quick efficient guaranteed service within 30 mile radius of Barrie call STEWART ELECTRONICS 728 9457 REPAIRING AND SERVICING Small engines such as outboard motors lawn mowers snowmobiles etc Call 728 9797 or 728 1481 after 55construction machinery 1978 7E INTERNATIONAL timer way blade and raps canopy Like new Only 300 hours Phone 705 342 5801 1966 CHEV TRACTOR with 10 ton float as is Telephone 728 9340 SIScamping equipment TRAILER RENTALS Hardtrop and cabin models by week or longer Scotts Gulf Service Centre Victoria St Alliston 705 435 4641 4341 1973 LIONEL HARDTOP camper sleeps burner gas stove Ice box excellent condition $1500 or best offer Telephone 726 9814 or 737 3382 FOR RENT New 1979 Vantastlc motor home crUIsc control sleeps tour Newmarkotl 416 8951437 1974 SEARS TENT TRAILER sleeps four good conditionsaso ALSO JAYCO caplortonprckup$150 1975 20 FOOT PROWLER TRAILER sleeps Stove with oven fridge and freezer 3piece bath $45000r best offer Call 728 4669 after 00p 19768ELLEVUE Hardtop Camporinex celleht condition sleeps eight with triage stove smk turnace and closet Best after 728 6077 1973 HOLIDAY travel trailer 18 model very good condition fridge stove toilet awning and mirrors Telephone 737 1241 FAMILY CAMPING UNIT to lit Ford van slides In sleeps image sink and table 5200 Telephone 436 3897 evenings 24 CITATION 1969 excellent COnOllOn must sell complete with reefe head and equalizer bars 53650 456 3226 TRAILER ACCESSORIES Part McKesh doluxe trailer mirrors cost new $65 for $25 Brand new Carttree sewer drain hose 10 fl S9 00 plus mat ching elbows sponge bushings $1 each Coleman model 5121 propane lantern SS pair Reese die cast stabilizer iacks SS 75 ft high pressure water hose SS 487 2812 64farm machinery 56 about 71 beb 22 MASTERCOACH sleeps six stove oven furnace electric loos refrigerator complete with canopy screened in add room TV antennae electric litt two 7121 tender mirrors four lacks electric brake and Wire connection reese hitch with dust cam sway central $4395 mom MCDOITIICS 10 I976 MIDAS FROLIC trailer sleeps five stave triage oven toilet shower fully carpeted $4500 or near alter Telephone 737 0550 after IMO VAN complete with triage stove sink and TV three double beds Telephone 424 6320 57Iivestock for sale EIGHT YEAR 0L standard bred thoroughbred gelding 16 hands high has been shown successfully at approved shows good mover bald lumpor7261581 HOLSTEIN HEIFER for sale duo May 18tromltslcd herd Telephone 728 1297 WANTED DEAD or crippled farm animals for tree removal Call anytime trim1005i 326 924351mroc Rec ycllnq McDONALDS RESTAURANT IAYFIELD STREET BARRIE requires 1530 pertthe staff Benefits include uniforms supplied food discount paid breaks fourday week 35 hours daily scheduled pay reviews com plete training Candidates should apply In person at McDONALDS RESTAURANT Iaytisld St Barrie ACGED SHAVINGS for sale 51 50 ntr bag drlivornd Telephone 1416 I259 HORSES BOARDED Excrllcnt care Track trails IflllV turn outs Just out Slot Barrio 436 5624 Sitlivestock wanted WANTED DEAD OR CRIPPLED FARM ANIMALS $500 paid for any animal over 400 lbs 24 hours day TOOL DIE MAKER Tottenham metal stamping plant requires tool and die maker for maintenance to produce progression dles Top hourly rate and benefits offered Afternoon shlft 330 pmt012 midnight For Interview call 14169364245 INJECTION MOLDING SHIFT FOREPERSON We are looking for an experienced Ioreperson to assume responsibilities for shift of 610 people The successful in cumbent should have supervisory and Infection molding ex perience The company is located In the Barrie area Please forward resume or contact Personnel Department CANPLAS IND LTD P0 Box 667 Barrio Ont L4M 4Y5 7263361 upon request days week We also buy hides SIMCOE RECYCLING SrIrina You Tlt lrlrmor 3269243 Call collect TF 59poultrychicks DEKALB READY to lay pullets Farm fresh eggs Laying cages for sale Craig Hunter Poultry Farms 4361811 60feedseedgrain STANDING HAY Edonvale 10 acres alfalfa mix 10 acres pasture land Telephone 726 0947 62pasture to rent PASTURE for rent 100 acres plenty of water Telephone 728 9417 SECRETARIAL OPENINGS Our Barrie office Is in the process of expanding and as result we require the following skilled persons OFFICE SECRETARY Secretarial skills will include 65 wpm typing previous dictaphone experience and switchboard knowledge The successful candidate will have on above average organizational ability and enjoy working in busy office environment PARTTIME RECEPTIONISTTYPIST Good typing skills 55 wpm plus and switchboard experience are essential Other duties will include making client appointments and maintaining brief clerical reports We offer congenial work environment with competitive starting salaries Interested candidates may contact MISS PAT SZEP EMPLOYMENT SERVICES 416 4814233 EXT 256 HEIDELBERG FARM GATES wire 16 S65 tube 581 20 bale thrower racks $71516flatracks$345424 5108 MCCORMACK FARMALL TRACTOR model in good running condition Snow bucket and chains included Call 436 1830 ONE GEO WHITE hay and grain elevator on rubber tires complete with motor Apply Ed Starr RR No Oro Station Telephone 487 5833 SMALL FARM TRACTOR front end loader and double disc Make offer Weed spraying equipment on 1968 Inter national truck May be sold separately Farm trailer electric fencer battery fencer AI Dempster 7280196 lspersonals Ask for free home demonstration today ELECTROLUX 1233392 WTF BIRTH CONTROL INFORMATION 56 Mary Street Open Monday and Tuesday 100 430 pm and Thursday 630930 pm 7374222 726 9300 Ext 236 ALEOHOLIcs ANONYMOUS7286581II you drink thats your business If you want to quit thats ours Call anytime RIDING INSTRUCTION Indoor arena Horses boarded Barrie five minutes Windy Haugh Farm 726 0192 RELAXATION THERAPY FUN Mr Hot Tubs fr Northern white Pine PAULSHOT UBSlOro4873612 TELECARE Why light your problem alone Let friend help Call Telecare 726 7922 anytime LADY 64 interested in meeting refined unattached gentleman 65 681 for social activities Reply to Box A53 The Ex aminer Barrie KINETTE CLUB OF BARRIE wishes to announce the winner of their 5050 draw 15 Carol Dobson Phelpston Ontario NIONECA psychic and card reading counselling Days and evenings Monday through Friday Phone 728 88687 70lost and found CHILD SIZED TRAIN HAT with five badges attached lost in Shear Park Call 724 2377 71 Ilelp wants AVOII 71 Ilalp wanted LOOKING FOR WORK Present yourself the professional way with one of our individually prepared resumes COME IN and see us for fast reasonable and professional service The Secretarial Bureau DuPucAnIIG AND TYPING SERVIC s9 DUNLOP BARRIE 7289819 MWFJy9 71 help wanted It am ESTATE AGENTS WANTED MA Consider company that is small personal and friendly An active broker means that he understands your problems and is in close touch with the market Add to this well rounded ongoing training program and you have good basis for success For personal interview coll Ron at 7269933 Ron Jones Realty Ltd 180 Dunlap St Ju29 TELEPHONE ARE rou DISABLED sucII soucnon AS ARTHRITIS POLIO ETC We have full and parttime positions available Pleasant telephone work hourly rate plus bonus No experience necessary 7374778 EPILEPSY PARTTIME experienced Work from your home Salary plus commission Please leave your name address and phone number at 7311368 Ju689H TAXI DRIVERS full time Must have good driving record and neat ap pearance Apply in person only United Taxi Maple Avenue Barrie JuI2 SELL THE BEST KNOWN NAME IN BEAUTY Avons top quality products find receptive customers everywhere At present we have openings for sales representatives in BARRIE ORO TWP INNISFIL TWP OFLOS TWP WASAGA BEACH TINY TWP Phone today and find out how easy it is to get started Highest commission Call 7289652 Avon you make me SMILE YOU CAN EARN EXTRA TF SALES REPRESENTATIVE CERTANIUM ALLOYS AND DAVIDSON ST RESEARCH CO EXAMINER ROUTES MULCASTER 51 Our high quality welding alloys solders and fluxes have been ARE NOW AVAILABLE designed specifically for the RODNEYMOUNTBATTEN ST AREA maiptenanie welder Our ROSLYN RD AREA mar et inc udes industry in CUMBERLAND 5T stitutions wszat°l Film 726 653 mumwe high income potential local CLAPPERTON ST AREA territory available for the TlFFIN ST aggressive mechanicallyincl ARDAGH RD ined salesperson Excellent product and field training Draw and advance programs High commissions Advancement opportunity OFamily assistance programs If youre successful SOIGSPerson or welder with ROUIG sales gbility you owe it to yourse to contact us Call collect ADDRESS PHONE GLASSIERG mwwm PARENT SIGNATURE lutlU and Clip and send to The Examiner Box 370 Barrie LAM 4T6 015 alrl to pm J67 AND WIN PRIZES T00 SOPHIA WORSLEY OWEN ST AREA IIIHumid THE SIMCOE couutv BOARD or EDUCATION requires for September 1979 MILLWRIGIIT To organise and Implement program for the overhaul and repair of machines in the various Technical Shops in the Secondary Schools of the County Written applications will be received to June 15 1979 by Mr Maxwell Superintendent of Planning The Slmcoe County Board of Education 99 Ferris Lane Barrie Ontario L4M 2Y2 June I979 JuB TEACHERS Business and marketing background Parttime 7269574 NEEDMONEY Fuller Brush Company provides flexible hours field support top commission Cameron Bower 7769725 MAG CARD TYPIST required by Bell Temple Law Firm Please telephone Peter Archibald at 726 4511 or apply in person at 58 Collier Street LIVE IN HOUSEVEEPER to work in convalescent home in Biq Bay Paint arcls Must like elderly people Must be mature and rcIuablr Telephone 4216 3252 SUPERINTENDENT wanted to ad minister modern apartment in Barrie Retired couplr with handyman ex perience ideal Telephone 436 1467 DISTRIBUTION MANAGER Earn $800 $1200 monthly part time from your home will train no investment For In terview cell 705 429 5596 after EXPE IE NCE BAR WaitressWaiter required legal age part time leading to full time Apply in person only after 30 Firenze Restaurant 54F Maple Avenue Barrie ARE YOU LOOKING for extra income We are looking for ambitious people parttime No experience necessary Training is provided For further infor mation call evenings alter 700 pm 737 4841 MEDICAL OFFICE ASSISTANT re quired to work approximately 20 25 hours per week in Barrie GP oflice Maturity common sense personality neat appearance all very important Medical experience helpful but not necessary Ideal iob for ex RN who is bored at home but doesnt wish to re train Apply Box A54 Barrie Examiner glvingresume and references MEDICAL RECEPTIONIST required for doctors office in Barrie Full time Applicants must be mature sensible have outstanding personality and good sense of humor Apply Box A54 Barrie Examiner giving resume and reference EXPERIENCED AUTO BODY repair person top wages for right person Must have at least four years experience Some painting required Call 705 435 5981 or 435 4605 atter6pm Contlnental Inn Barrie WAITRESSESWAITERS for lounge and coffee shop Must be well groomed experience not necessary will train right persons Please apply in person or phone for appointment 726 1834 LIVEIN COMPANION wanted for elderly lady Some housekeeping duties involved and cooking One day all week ly Call 7285723 to arrange an appoint ment MATURE PERSON to act as housekeepercompanion for elderly lady Must be willing to live in Weekends are free Friday noon to Sun day at Pleasant well kept home Cleaning lady available Reply to Box A52 The Examiner Barrie stating salary expected and giving references TYPEWRITER TECHNICIAN required for the BarrieOrillia area Must be ex perienced on element machines elec tranics an asset Send resume to the at tention of Mr Baker 62 Colbourne St E0ri1ia or phone 705 326 7332 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION REBUILDER needed in Orillia Should have experience all makes and do mechanical work on cars as well Call 3258704 ask for Gary SUPERINTENDENT REQUIRED for 11suite adult apartment building on Kempentelt Bay Preference will be given to mature live in handy person Telephone 416 742 4079 after 700 pm Public Accounting Ofï¬ce in Barrie requires TYPISTRECEP TlONIST Financial statement ex perience preferred ACCOUNTING CLERK for bookkeeping auditing and general office duties Reply in writing to Box A55 The Examiner Barrie BOOKKEEFERRECEPTIONIST for firm in downtown Barrie Accuracy in typing an asset Position open im mediately Send resume to Box A56 Bar rie Examiner BABYSITTER REQUIRED in Tall Trees area to care for one child Monday toFriday8amto$pmReterencesre quired Reply to Box A43 The Ex aminer MONEY AREA Yes would like more information about an Examiner Carrier 72ldes all agents TOP COMMISSIONS Sell anywhere part timefull time sldcllne Calendars ad speclalties printed labels tapes ball pens office supplies etc Our 27th year New catalogue available Alco Box 3772 Ottawa 73teachers wanted TEACHER REQUIRED For French nursery school Must be qualified in early childhood education and be fluent in French Phone 7269913 afternoons if 76employment wanted GIRL LOOKING for cleaning or babysnling too by day or week Telephone 728 4254 MARRIED MAN wanting factory work or to do yard work around house or anything that needs doing By day or week Telephone 728 4254 LAWNS cur Call 726 vosebetween 600 and 00 pm DAY CARE available by reliable mother in my home Innisfil Beach Road and Highway 400 Call Linda 4362733 anytime WILL BABYSIT in my home weekdays Any age Cundles Rd area 7281507 or 737 4596 anytime 114 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF RACHEL EVELYN MaclNNES late of the Township of Ora in the County of Simcoe Retired Secretary Widow who died on or about the 20th day of February 1979 ALL PERSONS having claims against the above estate are required to send full particulars of such claims to the un dersigned Executor on or before the 20lh day of June 1979 after which date the estates assets will be distributed having regard only to such claims that have then been received DATED at Barrie this 30th day ofMayAD1979 OWEN BURGAR Barristers Solicitors 26 Owen Street Barrie Ontario Solicitors for the Executor BRUCE ALAN OWEN My30Ju613 79 auction sales AUCTION SALE for MRS BILL JORDAN Lot Con Nottowasaga Twp DIRECTIONS Take Airport Rd north of Avening about mile or south of Coshtown Corners about mile to County Rd 42 turn west about mile to farm south of Creemore on SATURDAY JUNE at 10 am The sale offers Ford model gas tractor wIoader tillage 8i haying equip garden roto tiller Matamower hp brush shredder new condition large No of tools incl carpenters mechanics plumbers shop household furniture modern antique lge amount small antiques primitives collec tibles etc etc 1951 Ford Iton truck wracks running as is SAPT scrap iron many articles too numerous to mention TERMS Cash day of sale Cheques wID ACCIDENTS Neither the owner nor the auctioneers will be responsible for accidents or property loss Ernie Bob Severn Auctioneers Tel 705 4354878 SCL No 10 70 My30Ju6 EVENING HOUSEHOLD ANTIQUE AUCTION SALE Wed June 679 at 530 pm for Ed Burton Sale to be held at The Allene Farms Country Auction Centre RR Bradford miles from Bradford on Hwy 88 to sideroad north to sale Con 10 Watch for sale arrows on Hwy 8827 Sale includes Leroy small kitchen stoves washstands dressers Victorian couch beds oak library table quantity of 78 records hard cover books brass candle holders lanterns set wooden block planes counter scales butter print picture frames power hand tools NS single ox yokes school bell no dinger iron pots granite ware typewriter etc with unknown treasures from the storeroom interesting items for the antique enthusiast Many of these items have been procured in Simcoe County area Terms Cash cheques with ID Nothing to be removed until settled for Allen Horner Auctioneer 7054584589 SCL No Ju6 AUCTION SALE For the Estate of DELMAR JOHNSTON M30 Con 3E Muhur Tip Directions miles east of Honeywood or miles west of Airport Road on Dufferin County Road 21 north on 3rd Con about mile to form south and west of Creemore on FRIDAYJUNEI at 12 noon The sale offers 15 brood cows Hereford and BWF due July and August blood tested 15 mixed steers heifers from SID700 lbs 90 Leghorn hens tractors MF model 245 diesel like new only 445 hrs MF model 50 gas tractor Ford Jubilee tractors Cockshutt model 70 tractor tillage haying and harvesting equipment miscellaneous equipment household items and antiques Farm has been rented Terms Cash day of Cheques with 10 Accidents Neither the estate nor the auctioneer will be responsible for accidents or property loss Ernie Severn Auctioneer RR No IAlllston Telephone 4354878 SCL No 10 wmtxos PHONE1282414