scoreboard baseball football NORTHERN CONE ERENCE Orillia North Bay rugger Belgian takes $22000 prize Mospori no frou the examiner Monday June 419 bio for Ickx NATIONAL LEAGUE Toni suit Probable Pitchers 1mm MM mu Minnesota tErickson 05i at winpuuml Baltimore Flanagan 64 RichnAondHilzlsélNormBendalM OPSAAmulArumAL 310 2a 18 609 Tex trains in at Boston ChingtizasylZaggcfgredim Mdl ST anioronoi Philadzllphin 4i Torre Cobourg 13 DODVICIOllaVIIIOI VictoriaPark10Ytrfllilnral0 MOSPORT Om CP in en rouw to All second Vlc luckV dnver It eventual damaged free Of an maloraccdent5 Pittsburgh 25 22 i532 Kansas my 33 53 onmlallonfinal liarn Ionship Jacky Ickxs ability to av0id tor Secondplace Elliot Forbes the Sh0Ck absorbers and there Veteran George Follmer had Evening 25 72 lynxï¬eéwrgaï¬iuel al Olgagomldï¬némvleSZ Viclogggaerï¬bhgiglanm trouble Sunday vaulted him WlthOUl 13It Stop It WOUId Robinson drove his Spyder NF was JUSt Way We COUId run his Prophet in fourth place fol Wu Chicago Baumgarten 52 AmmfChngfacmy Bammvmssissaugm mtowctorï¬laneandtheSZZDOg hakve begnamuch closer race kl car pill FreemadnIiaul fasé 13o theracce lowed byAlHolbertofWarrtng Houston 12 23 5iiz WWW Hullman Ca BARItllZANIHHSTRNT Winners eque ort esecon X581 cwrnan en ry to secon ace is man 80 888 go ton Pa inaBusch Special and gincinnati 29 23 558 °3eelï¬aplpwfl 24 Oak sfiï¬miF time in three CanAm auto The fact remains however despite wheel problemsearlyin his privatelysponsored Chap Horst Kroll of Toronto the top Agglziisco 28 431 land though My Elma Jun races this year that while the 34yearold Can the race arral Lola into third place de paced Canadian in Km Diego Detroit iWilcox 42 at Seattle Qumg The WlIy Belgian veteran Am leader didnthave any me We lost wheel weight spite running most of the race Lola Atlanta 33 Honcym 25 ANAF credited his it crew withhold chanical problems With IllS about the third la and usi withoutafourth cap Howard Kelly of Kin Sm 365 Tursdm lumen Mw pmhursï¬d7Sa Texas at liosion ca mg him up only momentarily Chaparral Lola most of the couldn correct the problem Only three of the 19 cars that Ont drove his Lola RM to Philadefphia 6V saga of Minnesota Hammm Cpr while topping off his gas tank other contenders werent as said the La resenta Calif got off the starting grid com ninth place despite difficulties WW sallï¬akgilyalatChlfré0YoJrk mm mm plcted the full 60 laps around encountered with his front end Kl 40400 Bhll quclgfuisz 653052333 Tommo Callmm 823M 630 pm Wraisgeht Snowploughing Mmport 3Mk10mmro 243 Tm race5°e5 uh C9 Néw york lam is CIPWIand Hand SN ti vs Crissa Bakery Allandale Barrie mum road course tngoncy undmg brgg Houston Montreal Detrml at Stalllt nuLjllvj Minor Baseball Assmrationg Tba ICkX averaged H872 kIIO money IO almost $I mlIIIOn In Saturdny Result YORKSIMCDEMINON Sams metres an hourtlliltï¬ miles an 1979 continues next weekend Houslon Mom Hawkcstonc ll 630 pm Letitia Heights vs San Francisco areï¬lhiclago gaarhacrgklnlgtgmfltNMtigkflm Shany Bay Gem393 Sporlsr Anandak BMBA hou for rdu hmh was uh the Mld hmracp Cincinnati Philadelphia Grcanlnss Bant 13ollingwoodri fkemvsonlgahmos San Diego Plllsburgh BarricPetwecs 14 Bordtlll glrf mmh 5° 4E55 VS 7m Atlanta New york HHHAIIOlSl mow Kneiggn amesas 85 BA Bamam St Louis 12 Ins Angelcs Trktlliiim Castoro ll Softball Tonights Probable rimm South rm ME pm fats Used Cars vs Red Montreal Lee 52i at Atlanta VI All rd Vir Roan ea Painswmk Diamond Innisfil ll77 ara 1i Menss lb Ill Los Angeles tSutcliffe 53 at SuprrlmMufllvr 0119 23 30 aRï¬agu Pittsburgh Rocker 24 LionsClub 026 4r Wm Sim Y5 Olympa New York Swan 44 Mllfanada 03 BARRIEAMililsTltuT Rï¬lfxqranté lfrgnswick Diamond In cinnati Scaver 24i StarrEIcclric ll 14 21 INTERMEDIATE ens 1499 Philadel iCh rdB dl 28 6r 53EI°°r°9Cark5lI armnsmr Ram HMS llaNiemalzrls ï¬gslunN ma million Slessorsrwmvr Transmissmm Co Op Queens Park Interlocking We maintain register of qualified people to 055ist employers Tuesday Ime Marrowlnsurance 134 2i BARRJLASDDISTHKT game are seath or ecthOI skHGd and managemem San Diego at Chicago GeorgianSporls 02415 RIIRMTMMI Elba personnel Montreal at Atlanta Marss Mechanical 30 2t SmC° 019 ion $500 In Baffle Floor and VS II Id Ik has My Pmeurgh Willamigms 0353 Optimists7CanplasIl Ar Transmission Queens Park am you wou to register please call or write us The New York at Cincinnati KirksKids 11931 ESPRANIMOR Mnmmcdatehwguo re iSer is com letel confi nt Philadil hia thr 020 lll TPts 700 pm Firefighters vs Mar Y°Ur ome be Gus AntenMills 010 chants Mac Morrison Barrie Mcns released anyone Wilhou YOUr PermiSSIODI dn lranusro at St lnuls Holll2lionsi vlrwfl rim Borden 10 Recreational Fastball League AMHtIt Ashlljnntilln Mann lllllmlm gang Grenfel 830 pm Fisher vs Molsons Mac Maiss 24 Kirks Kids 11 it WARD AN mums New York 28 24 531i Barrie BarrieStPaulsSchoolVcteran Mens Peronnel searcl and Employmen sences 229 2252 Sarhwpms mwï¬ghlSmMpl 23 ï¬gflnm stowhanLeague for technical sklledmnd management penonnal Soulhmvision glfrtltllldnd 23 27 450 HunsMasttrhTonys alpriiig transaction OYtIIOOoIt Dr RR No 215 19 Wonder Mufflerili chiln Aulollodyill Borne TM MW Mans Mcch flï¬rriilivtTcrtimics21 Telephone aliforiiitiy ii 22 535 solTiisimotLiptori 5pm BASEBALL Kansas my 30 22 577 HarritItedSnx13UrilliaMzijorsti Wa 14°83 anpmu 2H 21 New York VVankees place out cmcag 25 26 490 SUFFHAH cw Toronto fielder Reggie Jackson on the Seattle 20 34 370 ll 23 15day disabled Hand 35 340 I3 PHWF VFW wash ornia National League ington New Np yiriidqymltifggllsz withlizylrnltimu SATURDAY gand slzgnJgarggang SM Belgian Jacky Ickx drivmg Chaparral Lola leads George Foner of the mm anmm 30 I1 am NASI roormu US in Pro her durin CanAm race action Sunda of M05 ort Ont Ickx Km MI lNorth BtndalellShutterbugt Houston Vancouver Fl lmllnd Sy Ciahmrnigukét Atrilromgï¬gruéfoigï¬giéii gas Angeles pmland British olumhia Lions sign won the race handily while Follmer placed fourth CP Loserphoto all Jose Memphis uarterback Loaï¬ng ll $321121 Portredit7Penetang5 Philadelphia Detroit qToronto Argesiits hiign wide Texas Ilullimorv Tampa Bay seam recelver Mike Nipirlak loroiitiaIurgï¬ltlzumh Don Vivmrimï¬ikflAmmhurys Buffalo BillfFlsign on gt pr rzllMlRKrIT NIHHSTI Mm mm BaryIEsIOfSIIlIlIIlIIzilliugti Premicrlmvision Jon Borehardlv Em and Tom Dru fklmd Glcnficld10HniceWchlti BarrlecnylvawWHSilgal Flaulad and cornerback Fall hg Ork CratghurslKlcnctangti Firstlivisiun We Kansas ity Milwaukee Amoshurymnnckwm BarrieCanadianKCollingwoodl UN JP sg hhc itilltimiiri Texas Glonï¬oldguarri Richardsoncnp Gordy bprattler and tackle tiliforiiili Iovclzind Amcshurvchlaighursl Klejnburglganie Canadian4 519V Sybeldon average pump FASHION QUALITY LOW LOW PRICES COMPLETE ERAME UNIOYAL Wheel Alignment raceway results lENSES FROM $1 995 Sllltlllf 11070 PETEPUTNEY 050 640 Flllsllfli MILE1500 DEllmERszt 940 KAWARTHA NEEDLE 630 510 350 TIME2ll wrziiiriil 070 590 ALSO KEiTHs ATTORNEY STEADY MUGGINS 4i0 MAC MCGRiIW our SCRUBS any If your front tires are showmg Signs TIME 207 KAWARTHAEA1 30 DUNLDP ST 737064 Aiso ii ii Anns DELU SUNNY EXACTOR on paid 104 70 Ol Premature wear YOUr Here what we do SHELL IiASSIIZS IlOIl HOPIIEI BLUE NINTIICLM llIIIIIF5550 steering wheel pulls your front lllll SJINNY EASTERN NOEXNWR Adjust Caster Camber QCIHTCIIFIItitIFRSRUCKFT Whees prObaby need reallgmng and Toein Settings iiifirzjlhklTtTINgl11321502 QUICK smnv 290 240 Get the most out of your tires With HIEIANICATHY 340 BltiNltlllZITY 350 200 Tumor profeSSional wheel alignment at Centre Sleemg Whee LETTASGIRL 260 ALSO PRIMA BOUQUET BARKLEN TIME m4 enmesnnmnno HANOVER cool Unroyal Cheek Sleermg Alsti CHESTER HARM ACE Tic RiallvaARWAVE Components Check Shocks Tires and Tire Pressures Road Test Vehicles LAWRENtE liltioN SNIP CAPE PINE luiNAmos mAclIS PRIDE Exmunn paid it 70 DAILY litlil1 76 paid 15 iii SRATHICI MAY FLY AWAY Tllllll llN PACE llll $700 EASTWOODGENIIS 1590 870 570 GlFTtARI 70 510 DARKY SllthlZ an axncron 12 paid 2170 TENTH IM PACE MILE Stitlll rounw FLIGHT 070 400 350 comu sox 390 10 HILLToPcouNT 360 TIME 207 ALSO ROB RON LOUIE llAT TIME REJECT CENTENNlAI BltAl HILLTOP HOWARD ALL FISHERMEN FIELD STREAM SPORTING GOODS ANNOUNCES Ask ltir thch Jamili features before you order any pump MOST DOMESTIC CARS llMll mi SCRATCHEIM1NIK1N A150 KEle my ML um Gm TRIACTUR paid 93 TorSIon Bar Adlustment Extra if requued NEVER HRlSllEli hilt Join BYltl Axum Ofler oxplres June 1979 One piece injector SCreWS out for DANNY MlTiI IItlmltilt paid mi StRAltlllZli AlTAlN BYRI FUIItTII lI III 8600 Rtil ASllllrllt 2130 40 Hii TTIINI In MNNOWS WORMS LEECHES ETC easy cleaning No need to take GUARANTEED FRESH pump apart to clean injector militia ggypgggmrparlour Brass impeller that wont melt like 33nganrifi TIMI212 1n ALSO Timur MMK llllZY med5Itl Rglltombplftlyeoirflie 321 lpeners If your pump loses GEORGE HIJI CHAIN re use IS ur ac RELANIIS MISTER BRICN1 MM brds have nested NAME BRAND Convertible from shallow well to bumper of giant diesel 10 RODS REELS GARClA DIAWA zsaco EXAtltJil paid 301 EIlllltl TiloTMiiiItioo deep well use in case at some future comotive The delay is costing STACEY RAIGLIZAtruthfth Ml 331i mecommm $1 imam QUICKRYOBI date you have to deepen your well $5fllgfr 39 Tank that won waterlog 0r reqtiire ALSO MtiNlrlIltllANli iAYlkiltill itiiiiiiziis iiikiz KlIY JIM UNI NEWLOCATONO WWNRIGGER58 Pretharglllg LITTLElllllIliliEll BARRIE LICENCE 1f mm gas g0 ysprlngsar thatlearntu BUREAU WWW up AllitllATlAHllIllILLE 7a 300 150 DOWNTOWNCENTRE GorciORivl°r°83i9 Jon ttiliNTEsslllHADlA 050 450 HODWIOPSLW 7283361 No movmg parts in the well AVALON liA 510 T1MlZ 2001 No leak mechanical 3931 MS ESAMY DREAM KITTY NAME BRAND TACKLE Extended motor shaft for noiseless vibrationless operation lwinPak or HydroPair fit almost SIIIAWAY it RAIL RIPLET ht irril itiP Exiwron it paid iui 70 SEVENTH DV mu MILE 3900 KIAUIIA Kl I4 40 Tll BARRIES BEST SELECTION OF NAME BRAND LURES SAVE iiiinirziivinnl 600 320 on repoirsto ln iwhere Abt 28 20 it 11 230 Towed our NEWlOCATION mm ulm gas imtallat gh litil ALSO ANASTA HAL msmllr OMSQWOS 33 ESSA RD IARRIE El requtres lurllitiriANiiiiovrAiiii ForQuick Service 72693 gt minimum of hookup EXAtltilt lpiiid 6120 tziiiiiriicrinlcrntiiizsiso Coll STORE HOURS MlllNltiIll IAlllxl 13110 60 7t ow on suuolys STEWART ELECTRONICS 7209457 74 Feel St 700 AM 100 PM MONERI 900900 SAT kilo600 HUGERS IUIlIAll NEW YORK AP L05 An gcles Dodgers who last year became the first major league baseball team in history to draw three million fans at home have attracted 1106242 fails at Dodger Stadium through games of May 31 it was announced Friday It marked the earliest date the million mark has ever been surpassed Last season the Dodgers passed the million mark Julie 12 en route to an all Basic Iump1 Reg $17200 Al Homestead we know pumps As licensed plumbers we repair service and sell them Tiger Paw time hi season total of ed Rib 3347345g 833 Be ead pms Big bold looks COm Spony wde with good mileage ome in today tor demonstration bber on the bme WIIITOUI obligation Demonstrations end June 23 1979 road for Cool running Draw will be held on July 10 1979 Possible winners must correctly answer skill testing question Homelite ST100 will be awarded in each of 49 Ontario Quebec and the Maritimes The approxi mate retail value of ST100 is $17495 Victoria Wood BARBIE 7371300 Extra light lbs most advanced gasoline powered string trimmer ever made Full 20 cutting path Idleline 1M exclusive automatic string advancing system is back OPENING SATURDAY JUNE 9th AT l000 AMl llD BEADORD BE THEREV Rockwell Small Engines Partridge Tractor Service your Unlroyal Centre at Kmaqvood Alcono ma air RR No Smut om um 0m BRADFORD ST 4361744 1232752 BARBIE 7285965