wwamam mew man the examiner Thursday May 1979 EVENING NEws HOLLYWOOD SQUARES DEFINITION POLKA DOT DOOR 630 Nsc NEWS MARV TVLER MOORE snow ces NEws ABC NEws NEws PARTY GAME FISH TALEs 645 READALONG 655 ID WRITE ONI 700 DATING GAME CHIPa TOM AND JERRY AND FRIENDS MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW TIC TAC DOUGH PROGRAM UNANNOUNCED NEWLYWED GAME DR WHO GONG SHOW PRICE IS RIGHT 730 BONKERS NEWLYWED GAME FAMILY FEUD STARSONICEGuestchsFolliesstar Karen Kresge award winning precision team LeaaideLazersskaterLindaTaskerendAllen Carson singer Gloria Loring Irene and Harold 5198 BEAUTY CONTEST MAGIC SHADOWS aoe NEWHART snow 800 HIZZONNER MeyorCooperisjeelous when his attractive secretary whom he had antor rantedbsgina datin his son MOIIE DRAMA is Los ables 191a ly falls in love with the new Waltons Mountain ministerwhomistakenlythinksitisErinwhohas crush on him Repeat 80 mine DRACULA BBC production of Bram Stokers Count Dracula This particular story focuses on middleclaas British family tor mented by the presence of the evil and elusive Count StarringLouieJourdanBoacOHOgan3 it MORK AND MiNoV ltsan out ofthis world vacation when Mork borrows Exidora mountaincabintorarestfulweekendwithMindy peat CHERYL LADD SPECIAL Guests Waylon Jenningsand Montanas Mission Moun THEWALTONSEliubethsecret television guide THURSDAY EVENING VIEWING Woodaand COPE WHATS HAPPENING MOVIE SPECTACULAR Last Days Of goargpell 1960 FACULTY LOUNGE Panic looms among an alreadydiaergenixed high school teachingatattwhentheirmsekchielunionnegd tiator announces that all bargaining for pay raise has collapsed and they are now officially on strike Stars Arte Johnson Nanette ray ANGIE DIGI Jane Fonda WELCOME BACK KOTTER 900 III THE iNNOCENT AND THE DAMNED The sirhour drama follows the development of the sensational trial Of gigolo accused of murder in glamorous skiresort its effect on the citizens Otths town as well as the preesureabroughttobearbyinlightingbetween real estate and ecological groups Stars Perry King Sam Elliott Pt of livepar1 series MOVIE Testimony of Two Men Part II David Birney Barbara Perkins Taylor Cald wella bestselling novel of doctors and their passions the work that drove them and the en who needed them hrs INFLATION THE FIRE THAT WONT GO OUT LIVE IT UP Items include Microwave Ovens the songwriting of Denitill circumcision the usstion of surgery I3 IERGUSON SHORT AND ROSS re CODE 1078 930 SOAP DannyhearsfromEIaineskidnap pers Tim heersabout Corinnee pregnancy detectiveslanslookinglorChesterandDennis for we to at Jody back again at CELEERITY cooxs Guest Vic Franklyn 1000 2020 BARNABY JONES JR is caught on the horns of violent dilemma when his former high school sweetheart turns to him lor help when threatened by her former husband peat 60mins LA OUALITE DE LAVENIR NEws UPDATE in NEWS 1001 MERv GRIFFIN 1100 NEws CBC NEws CTV NEws ID EDUCATION OF MIKE MCMANus c1 MOVIE COMEDY to Kiss Me Stupid 1954 1120 NEws 1125 NEWS NEws 1130 arHE TONIGHTSHOWHosiJonnnv son 90mins 33 cos LATE MOVIE ASH the Gun Acolonelwhohasbeenseriouslyiniuredin etankaccidentchecksintothehospitalwithhis prize possession rare old Colt 45 which is stored for safekeeping Repeat MCCLOUD TheSOlidGodewinpersStarsDennisWeaver nne Pettet Re est MOVIE RAMA Tell Bern Willie Bo Is Here 1969 STREET TA NIGHTMUI1C4wgiiiie Bennet THRILLER AIKiller In Every Corner Three psychology students become the unwit tingguineapigsinthsexperimentsolabrilliant butmad scientistinrelormingmassmurderers 80 mine 1155 MOVIECOMEDY Double Dynamite 1951 1200 MOVIE DRAMA Nero lte MOVIE HORROR Curse Of Bigfoot 1072 1210 THE DUKES OF HAZZARD 100 TOMORROW 110 MOVIE DRAMA Pickup On 101 1973 1127 130 MOVIE DRAMA is Red one 1953 NEWS PTL CLUBTALK AND VARIETY 145 MOVIE HORROR Us Tomb of ngela 1965 200 MEDICAL CENTER 300 to MARcus WELBY MD 400 In BEWITCHED historically speaking today in histog By THE CANADIAN PRESS May 1979 The Peace of Vereeniging brought the South African War to an end 77 years ago today in 1902 The war the result of years of friction between Brit ain and independent Dutch speaking states also caused serious controversy in Canada Except for the Nile expedition of 1884 where Canadians took part only as individuals it was the first time Canada had to de cide whether to support the mother country during war In the end 5200 Canadians saw action with Britain in the Battle of Paardeberg and Relief of Mafeking The Boers surren dered and were granted limited independence in exchange for declaring themselves subjects of the king On the same day in 1961 South Africa formally was declared republic 1669 Samuel Pepys ended his diarv canadas stag Thomas Spence Created Republic of Manitoba Louis Riel gets most of the credit for Manitoba being made province in 1870 even the name The federal government had plannedto call it Assiniboia However there was another character Thomas Spence who played an amazing role He has gone down in history as screwball but he later became Clerk of the legislative Council and ended his career as large landowner in Edmonton Specnce was an early supporter for Canada to acquire the Northwest from the Hudsons Bay Company As aa publicity stunt he wrote letter on birchbark to the Prince of Wales and inVited him to visit the Prairies and hunt bear and buffalo He opened store in Portage la Prairie and decided to create the Republic of Manitoba which he proclaimed on May 31 1868 Its boundaries seemed to extend from the Red River to the Rockies and he was thepresident Hc appointed some of his friends to join him in the government but they also had to be taxc0llcxctors Settlers began to suspect that their taxes were being spent of whicskey for the and there came members of the government day when shoemaker McPherson refused to pay He was taken to jail and put on trial that night In Spcnccs store with Spence acting as judge and prosecutor Some of McPhersons friends invaded the courtroom and manhandled policeman who tried to throw them out There was skirmish in which the lights went out and shot was fired When the lamps were lit again Spence was found under table pleading for mercy because his wife and family needed him So the republic came to an abrupt end but Riel used some of Spcnces ideas when he negotiated with Canada one year later 1578 Martin lrobishcr bcgan voyage in which he disco vered Hudson Strait 1774 English speaking merchants in Quebec asked for new laws 1862 Bank of British Columbia received royal charter 1866 Fenians invaded Niagara area 1877 Brantford ntario was incorporated as city 1902 Boer War ended Nearly 8000 Canadians were involved and cost to Canada was $2 million 1928 Nova Scotia abolished Legislative Council 1943 EC Manning succeeded William Abcrhart as pre mier of Alberta 1958Jean Lesagc became leader of party Quebec Liberal l962Plans were announced for Trent lnivcrsity at Ictcrborough ntario oro station by Bessie Crawford 4873921 On Sunday May 20 at St An drews Presbyterian Church little William David Ellis son of Mr and Mrs David Shels well was christened at the mar ning service He wore his great grandmothers christening dress Many family members at tended includinga greatgreat great uncle who represented two generations Following the service rela tives from both sides of the family met at the home of Nan cy and David for buffet lun cheon Sympathy is expressed to Mrs John Currie on the death of her husband in Royal Vic toria Hospital Saturday May 19 Funeral service was held on Monday afternoon Rev Ken Heron conducted the service and burial took place in Knox Cemetery Our sympathy goes also to son Bob and his wife Janet daughter Barbara and her hus band Lewis Stoddart and another daughter Diane and her husband John Scarlett The ladies from St Andrews Presbyterian Church held successful Bake Sale and Bazaar at the church hall on Saturday May 19 Proceeds go to the building fund of the church hall On Sunday May 27 at the 11 am service at St Andrews Presbyterian Church there will be an ordination of the two new 1916 The naval Battle of Jutland began 1947 ProCommunist Lajos Dinnyes became premier of Hungary 1948 state of emergency was declared in British Colum bia as the Fraser River flooded and left 2400 families homeless 1976 Habitat the United Nations conference on human settlements opened in Van couver barries stog May 31 1954 Negotiations had been com pleted for the erection of new $400000 offices and housing scheme for the Ontario Provin cial Police District Head quarters in Barrie Bibby an alderman in the previous years counncil had done great deal of work assisting the Chamber of Com merce Industrial Committee to keep the OPP headquarters located in Barrie Housing or the lack of ade quate housing in the low income group was the cause of the ma jority of complaints through poor construction insufficient size to adequately accom modate the occupants and un satisfactory water supplies and sewage disposal systems com mented Dr Scott direc tor Simcoe County Health Unit in his report for April total of 14 Ladies Aux iliaries to the Canadian Legion took part in special zone rally held in Barrie The Delegates took part in parade through the town to the Cenotaph led by the Barrie Citizens Band Barrie Canada Drys received brilliant twohit pitching from Johnny Bowman to trounce Creemore Red Sox 132 at Agricultural Park and take over first place in the North Simcoe baseball standings Defending champions of the Barrie district senior softball group Barrie Legion steam rolled to their second straight victory at Queens Park as they downed Bradford 105 The winners supported winn ing pitcher Mel Melville with 13hit attack which included home runs from Doug Kettle Gefusia and Card Perry Kettle also slammed double in the sixth which gave him perfect evening at the plate elders Mrs Eleanor McHardy and Norman Shelswell At the 10 am service at Ccn tral Presbyterian Church two new elders will be ordained Mrs Helen McKay and Mrs Phillis Walter Hutchinson Roy Hastings and Norman Campbell will also be ordained at the Guthrie Presbyterian Church Rev Ken Heron will bring the message at these three chur ches Joseph Letcher has returned home from the hospital but is improving rather slowly We wish him better health Several from here attended the 40th anniversary for Mr and Mrs Mel Jamieson held at the Guthrie Arena on Saturday We wish for Marian and Mel many more happy years together The Doctor Says Body immunity against VD weak By PAUL RUBLE MD Dear Dr Ruble Why doesnt the body develop some sort of immunity to gonorrhea and sy philis It seems that modern science should be able to come up with some vaccine to wipe this out PP The body does develop some very weak immunity and medical researchers are in deed working to find ways to strengthen it In fact it has been one of the leading goals of immunology research for many years Efforts have been in tensified recently because of the nearepidemic proportions of the problem in the young At medical meeting at tended recently researcher in the field told me it is hoped to have satisfactory antigonorr heal vaccine in use within decade Thats but tick of the clock compared to the countless thousands of years the problem has been around to plague man Development of vaccines is more complicated than you might believe Weve been able to detect the presence of cer tain natural antibodies against the gonorrhea germ in bodies of infected persons But its not nearly potent enough to prOVide any effective degree of protec tion against reinfection Thus the germ can be contracted time after time with roughly the same unpleasant effects each time Syphilis is an entirely differ ent and more difficult matter It can produce some mild im munity at the cell level over many years Its very slow process and in the meantime new infections can occur espe cially of the skin The nagging problem in development of any vaccine is that injection of an organism may cause full fledged case of the disease it is intended to fight off Immu nities to various organisms vary in amount depending on which is involved Some pro duce high levels while others produce hardly any Dear Dr Ruble read several months ago in your column how menopause can cause troublesome vaginal itching and dryness which leads to irritation and infection Can this happen with other skin on the body of woman at menopause DLV No Youll recall said the problem is related to hormones specifically to the reduction in estrogen production at that time in womans life The chief effects if there are to be any at all are in the socalled target organs breasts uterus or any that are dependent on the hormone supply The cause of the dryness is change in cell tissue there and it is real problem for many menopausal women Many write asking about it If the symptoms are severe and pose threat of complications such as in fection or interference with sexual intercourse major concern local application of estrogen creams can be used sparingly for brief periods Dear Dr Ruble very good friend of mine told me he has had half of vasectomy Ques tion Is it possible for man to have only half vasectomy personally believe he is telling me lie It is important to know if there is to be any fu ture for us BK No surgeon would do half vasectomy cutting or tying single sperm duct for the pur poses of birth control That would be like closng barn door halfway Now it is possible to have single tube vas deferens tied because of lo cal infection or with certain prostate gland problems You would have to give this gentle man the benefit of that possi bility Otherwise would won der what else he is telling you WT TOswaldiJacoby and Alan Sontag Avoiding the obvious play NORTH AKJ VA108763 O2 KQ9 EAST $9543 V9 OK10754 01073 Vulnerable Both Dealer North West North East South Pass Pass Pass NT Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass 4r Pass Pass Pass Opening lead 92 The bidding is the sort that experts call scientific If you have another name for it we arent going to argue with dain crossword ACROSS 3h uni ii II All 2M 11 Alal Iv 11113 ll li 5w M41 iiirs It nl 19 Iiflillfidi liiwium ivli ii Viiilsvwril iiilvlIllii Dfillglv wrisl Purim ivy lumi 0w NW 20 It Ifjllllvtl 27 Twillflfrl iii Byway Eli 41jftflf Comedian Carva Comm Formal 32 Port awn Afldqt 3d anmg Mesdamw Substance iliiv latihw 35 Rashl i0 Morass 37 City iSlaci ll English mmv 39 Magnum 16 Motor 40 Appears vehicles 42 Drag in int 20 State Nil 411 Solil figure 21 UHS you about it In any event six clubs is fine contract but one which is going to fail unless South gives the hand very special play The simple play is to draw trumps and try to set up hearts with one ruff This play will fail if hearts are How about trying to ruff two diamonds in dummy This play looks awkward and will probably fail if hearts are 41 Can anything be done about 41 heart break South takes his king of hearts at trick two Then he plays all the spades to dis card his four of hearts Now he ruffs heart enters dummy with high trump ruffs another heart draws trumps stopping in dummy and eventually loses one dia mond This play works and is certainly ingenious but it has one slight flaw With hearts 32 and trumps 41 this line would fail because the defender with four trumps would wind up with the last trump Aivltir 53 12 it 45 17va WW 2€ 17Jls AlllsAlplg vgvv ll 43 win 26 wildguy 49 Ex cy 290W 52Caviits 11 iKiii if 30 QUUW 53C Mhmitm ANN DarL 54 Diary 33 Sum mm 36 Ch 55 Gradual firlvitmi Armani la it 38 Regewtn aim 11 Seam 56 Cum Bernice BedeOsol June 1979 This coming year number of oppOrtunities will be offered to you in areas of your work or career You might have prob lem trying to decude which ones to take advantage of GEMINI May 21June 20 It isnt likely youll get too many tasks done today Chances are youll yield to making yourself more comfortable than doing what needs to get done Wizard of Id CANCER June 21July 22 It isnt necessarily your fault but friendships could be tickle today The best thing you can do Dont bank too heavily on Others for your entertainment LEO July 23Aug 22 Dont be uncharacteristically envIOus of another because you feel he is getting the breaks that you think you should be getting Your day will come VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 Al though you normally are practi cal today your ideas arent apt to be of much use to you because they are based upon pipedreams LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 Today there is good chance you could be lured into buying an illusion rather than quality Be sure to look beneath the glitter SCORPIO Oct 2NOV 22 Your erratic behavior could cause complications in rela tionship that is important to you Try not to do things that throw Others into tizzy SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 Too many interruptions may hamper completion of things you had your heart set 0n getting done today Dont light what you cant control CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan 19 Outside interests could take up much more of your time than you had planned unless you budget your hours carefully AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19lf you dont meet your commit ments today your status could suffer Be responsible PISCES Feb 20March 20 Poor judgment or vagueness on your part could cause your plans to go awry today Make certain you think things out carefully ARIES March 21Aprll 19 For the pleasure of the moment you could go Overboard today and put giantsize hole in your budget Stop and think before you spend TAURUS April 20May 20 Youre not prone to sudden fits of anger but today an emo tional situation could get the best of you and you may let someone have it Earle THE HANOINOSIIZE ILL TAKE CARE UP HEKE HiweEE THE eAiAE BUSINESS new viiVII Short Ribs sou TALKING T0 DUNNO WHY BOTHER No 308 AS EVER SUITEDYOU You WHAT OWABOUT STARTIN YOUR OWN LITTLE BUSINESS NSL NORTH ER STATIONERY 29 Dirnlop St 7373860 WiNié ALL You WOIZK DOWN TH MANHOLE EEEK You AIIIMAL cow HAVE Beau NEKKED Ill me we DI ONT ELEEF HAGTEN TO 00 YOUR BIDDING THlNES 00 KIDDINO who ARE iTMUQT BE TOUGH TD gENPA MAN To THE WHAT l6 THE TIMEQ QQUARE aim DINEA in US FINE SHAPE FOR auY WHO OOEs To DOOIoR LIKE ME oimmau Inc in us on door LITTLE OVER His HEAD IN HEAVY CAME 0F TICTACTOE WOULD DU BELIEVE PILLADILLY ClRLUéZ ESPECIALLY WHEN THEY BUILD iT VIN 1M so am ni iii 134mg 510 IE 55115kale NEW THOUGHTS AS 1F THEY WERE IS INLAVVS Your wedding invitations Announcements Headquarters We provide loanout service