the examiner ï¬fths01 My am Goodbye Colts Forbes Last years defeat not forgotten perSoni mght Su LANDOVER Md AP Ffid Bullets 114112 in overtime in varï¬vvvrwr cs ready for title bid And they think they can do it know were in tou spot But 8Dpxgit2igk method by which gash ii hwemtzï¬Ã©gggghenidam 12 abiding 19 mo SuperSonics are on We have been ï¬ghting off contest that featured so fouls 888i in thefinal rigging ngï¬ag we Gotham We mofoo moro°m on me amortisation mistrust is ï¬sgsisiiifliitemmo °°°5 om memes go mom or uremia Coach of theyCentral Ontaio Mia his $333333152 he wyould Just as soon call it newcogbh oeiomloéuit mg Vltï¬gecwjg tum Emerge mm be team 35 ever iii gritSatirxinmdievsgiyd DexIii ï¬elilitlegdodthgo ls mg ea In it wor champio ip come ck from 31 deficit in 33 gmmue Forbes flow said he did not know Emsï¬dcovbwmesddew rigging seven series with defending an NBA final the Bullets won gig mixer want to Set Emma lember What ha last Presldém H8 Haddwhewas eclitive eatTi ItTIistgrlgartllgttfgy What Plans he had next 0115for the COSChing job would mampionsuivgsnlpgttonnmluetsl ï¬mlesd Eat big boost threats 105 Win the Easb atealilras golbhgsnébftslgecmuy WashinUgtoiind werenlallaoxutrand can wrn err us ram em 388 in MB me already have coach when QC bgltadWLFd Ie ed mil June Basketball Association title third gitEight gyaiiignricgrthflié San Antomnlthpurl again the From now on we have to the court The Bullets went on Ind beena ntedat the time madvmmemntappeamdma In 01 ecoac Sjo closrng ate He said the club play wrth reckless abandon t0W1 thechampionshlp told him Hadden Id just Barrie new per saying the 0m 778 of the executive would robably 33 30° 03 It quilsi Forbes teamwasl in foracoach as Georga 333 Jumor mey Choose the new 903C at that league told The Examiner wen as or other meeting Hadden said he was disap mgemem positions The 775 have been Without pointed by Forbes choice not to Its like the gum Barrie regular 0080 Slltce Bob Amos apply for the coachs job and Minor Hock Associatimyn left the team In midseason said he did not know why he Hadden sai Each year made It coaches have to reapply One source of conflict bet madden postponed meeting ween Forbes and the Colts coaching committee was the orts Editor David Fuller72076537 of the coaching committee when some Imembers were Owens homerun beats Beatrice 20 Nick Owens tworun homer in the fourth inning gave BVayfieId Furniture all it need ed for 20 victory over Beatrice Foods Wednesday in the first interlocking game of the season at Queens Park In the other game at Queens Park Church Mobile Homes dumped its Barrie and District Senior Softball League oppo nent Elmvale Merchants 73 Bayfield pitcher Randy Con rad kept Beatrice off the scoreboard striking out eight batters and allowing only three hits Beatrice the senior squad committed two errors in the game one put Brian Hiltz on base prior to Owens homerun John Chalmers of Beatrice also allowed only three hits but struck out only four of the Bar rie and District Intermediate Fastball League teams bat ters Church scored its victory on eight hits against Elmvale pit cher Greg Giffen including five in the third inning resulting in five runs Church designatedhitter Murray Perry belted homerun and centrefielder Deitrick Guepko hit triple to power their clubs thirdinning attack Winning pitcher Bill Frechette struck out seven burns Merchants Fisher Stoves came up with five runs in the final two inn ings to defeat the Barrie Mer chants 52 Wednesday in Bar rie and District Intermediate Fastball League play at Mac Morrison Park In the other Intermediate contest Oro scored nine runs in the first three innings to thump the timist Club 93 Fis ers Rob Guy allowed six hits all singles and struck out four Merchants batters The Merchants allowed seven hits including sixthinning double by John Alexander Brad Rawson and Ed Piotrowski shared the win for Oro striking out two Optimists and alldwing three hits Optimists pitchers Jon Beauchesne and Jim Foulis struck out seven Oro batters and gave up three hits Roger McCuaig and Andy Clark each hit triples and Rusty Hastings added double for Oro Pete Whelen hit triple for the Optimists Airborne Area track and field athletes like this local triple umpon will take the last step towards an All Ontario title in todays regional championships in Niagara Falls The Georgian Bay Secondary Schools Athletic Association team is shooting for provincial finals June 810 in chance in the Walkers ecial 01d who Rye Hui illllii Etobicoke Examiner Photo by David Fuller III liiiu lllllliti scoreboard llini inonoomitwith ii iliillli llIlinmjjjllllï¬lllllllllllllllll ll AMERICAN LEAGUE baseba Baltimore 80 18 625 BEAT THE HIGH PRICE OF GASOLINE INTERLOCKING lit till llll 1th By THE CANADIAN PRESS Boston 26 19 578 22 Beatï¬cerdsoBayfieldPumiturez II Hmmonouniiï¬l NATIONAL LEAGUE New York 26 22 542 RECREATIONAL Ill ll Inn in till Eut mitwaitikee 27 2a 540 MercgptfllsFtisiOrgfo 1wlluï¬lrtlï¬umllllllllliElmIll Montiea GEL Clexland 2211 2261 an er V855 hum Ilwmflmww Philadelphia 27 I9 587 Toronto 12 37 245 18 DOLLARS on NEW iwl Hill It Speca hs st Louis 23 19 548 West ll xi Him handsomenew acka ewill Pittsburgh or 512 California so 19 612 VOLKSWAGEN 33 Illill ill rrrrrr llama Chicago 19 19an 28 19 596 Wm beavailable soon atyourquuorstore New York 15 27 372 Minnesota 26 19 578 Ill Went Kansas City 23 21 571 IlllillllllllllllllillIlllllllllllllllllllll Cincinnati 26 21 553 Chicago 24 24 500 52 El SENLORéEéEUEh lll WSW 23 59 0d 32 my ï¬ling is our mm HUI 004 llllllliililll mum San Francisco 25 25 500 22 Seattle 17 33 34° 13 or mm mm Wednesda Results Kolmar ANAF7 dlovullco on your Los Angeles 25 26 490 Coope CMW San Diego 23 29 442 52 Dem 70to 001 present our Atlanta la 30 375 at Oakland Minnesm Cleveland Chicago New York Milwaukee Texas Boston Kansas City Baltimore Wednesday Results Montreal Philadelphia Pitsburgh Chicago St Louis New York soccer Houston Cincinnati California Seattle ASL San Diego to Atlanta Tonights Probable Pitchers Vancouver Edmonton Los Angeles San Francisco Oakland Langford 16 at Seattle Atlanta Minnesota Hartzell 13 215 Tulsa San Diego Dallas Detroit New England Los Angeles Califomra Philadelphia Tampa Bay Memphis Tonights Probable Pitchers 10 New York Scott 10 at Detroit PUnderwood 00 at StLouis Syka 32 130 pm Toronto TUnderwood 06 730 Philadelphia Christensen 0ltl Pm at Montreal Sanderson 33 New York Tiant 11 at Mil l35 pm waukec Slaton 42 830 pm San Francisco Blue 65 at Boston Eckersley 43 at Los Angeles Sutton 53 pm Texas Matlack 32 835 pm RECREATIONAL LEAGUE Standings as of May 301979 these fabulous New Cars in stock 8i speed automatic Montreal at Houston Ivy Alliston Atlanta Matula 23 at San California Tanana 53 at Diego Rasmussen 15 pm Seattle Abbott 25 1035 pm agitggggrï¬mw transmussron Also limited number of speed Chicago Lamp 31 at Pitts Only games scheduled IR bbt BaxtcrIlames 114 lese Is ursh tBlyleven 12 735 pom PM Gm Americanriolel In Cincinnati Norman 24 at Chicago at New York H3 Tim 2012 Houston Williams 11 335 Boston Minnesom Mid mmdusmin Baltimore at Texas IgltzMIdIand 313 Hidy Gmes Mlwï¬ukl Kansas RobertosPizzaria 217 53 mnCISCO El Chicago Dam at Oaklarld Wednesdayresnlts AUTOMOBILES San Diego at Pittsburgh Cleveland mm ItalianSpoitsmen2Americanrrote12 Nï¬vlv leorIllt at Atlanta Toronto at Same Midlandlndusmin2Robertoso in ep ia at Cincinnati Los Angeles at St Louis SOUTHSIMCOE LEAGUE Biifirsiiali2ii$lm° 00 Rd Leafs win late opener IVY Ivy Leafs won their home opening game 72 Wednesday over Alliston Canucks The game was postponed from Sunday Ralph Grassmeyer struck out 10 batters to lead Ivy to the win Greg Campbell took the loss for Alliston Wayne Gethons and Gord Jackson hit homerun each for Ivy MOVE UP TO COIL ORTOFON MOVING COIL PICK UP CARTRIDGES SUPER SPECIALS SL20E REG s190 399 MG Reg 3170 s115 SL20Q Reg 250 3995 Mnwiih the turn of key You could win° one often 1979 MercedesBenz 240D sedans available to be won j95rbyopgn 13g your ï¬rst Royal Trust Savings or Chequing account Simply visit your local Royal Trust Savings Branch open either 21 Savings or 21 And enter the Grand Prize Sweepstakes You could win both MercedesBenz 45081 roadster and MercedesBenz 240D sedan just bymaking ltlposirs into your Royal Trust Savings or Chequing account Each time you deposit $100 into either account your teller will give you an ofï¬cial Grand Prize entry form maximum of 50 entry forms per deposit is allowed Simply ï¬ll our the entry form and deposit it into the ballot box located in Royal Trusr Savings Branch Ifyour entry is selected in the Grand Prize draw and you hold both Royal Trusr Savings account and Royal Trust Chequing account with balance ofar least $100 in each on August 2nd 1979 youll win the 45051 roadster and the 240D sedan approximate retail value $63150ij for saving and chequing at Royal Tmsr lfyour entry is selected in the Grand Prize draw and you only hold Royal Trust Savings account or only Chequing account showing balance on August 1979 of at least $100 youll win° the fabulous 45081 roadster approximate retail value $42400 Come in today This promotion closes on june 30 I979 The Grand Prize draw will be held on or about August 1979 SubKCI Io you correctly WWEHHB limelimited skillrearing question Camdlan silver dollar contain 100 nickel MOVE OVER BOYS Janet Anderson Americas 1978 female golf rookie of the year played on the mens team at Slippery Rock State College STERLING Illusr CORPORATION APPOINTMENT Allllourlculn Chequing account with minimum deposit of $100 and youre eligible to try key in the two prize locks on display Open both Savings and Chequing ac count and your teller will give you second key to try in the locks If your key opens the Mercedes lock youll win 240D sedan approximate retail value $20750 If your key opens the Silver Dollar lock it will be redeemed by the teller for Canadian silver dollar Your key is guaranteed to open one of the locks ust Savin and Che byat Roygl mist Egg Thucomtuuopcnroindivdunh Hymnalgrandad CornplntduulsmvuhbkfromyowmloyllTnmSuvmgllnnch MmlOvtmupgkzysanmg aunidlomhrn050Wtvchemdmrihur¢dm0mdunmhoidsmd100000mlvuhbkin Royal TM Smog landn Boyfield Moll Barrie 7288581 mV orrofon accuracy in sound David EJnItII Sterling Trust Corporation is pleased to announce the appointment of David Smith as Manager of their Transformer Reg 70 $4995 SIMILAR SAVINGS ON OTHER ORTOFON CARTRIDGES AUDIOCORNER 66 Dunlop St Branch at 331 Baytiold Street Barrio Mr Smith comes to this position with extensive banking and trust company experience and will be ac tivoly Involved in business development Sterlings flayfiold Street brmch is opened Monday to Wednesday from am to 500 pm Thursday and Friday from 900 am to 500 pm and Saturday 900 am to 300 pm In addition the DriveIn Tollor is open Monday to Wednesday 900 am to 71 pm Thursday and Friday 900 am to 800 pm aid Saturday 900 am to 300 pm