Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 30 May 1979, p. 4

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The Examiner isa member ol The Canadian Press iCPt and Audit Bureau oi circulations ABC Only the Canadian Press may re publish news stories in this newspaper credited to CF The Assooated Press Reuters or Aqence France Presse and local news stories published in The minor EDITORS Craig Elson managing editor Ian Mulgrew city editor ADVERTISING Len Sevick manager SALES Aden Smith Bert Stevens Wayne Hay Steve Skinner Barb Boulton COMPOSING ROOM Jack Kerney toreman Glenn Kwan asst loreman Don Saunders Lorne Wass susm Ess Marian Gough accountant Delva Mills Vikki Grant Brenda Woods Published daily except Sunday and statutory holidays WEEKLY by carrier will Cadngan 909 CIRCULATtON StanWray YEARLYby carrier Bill Halkes manager Raynor $4680 Steve White assistant manager Ea Allenbv BY AIL Barrie Andy Haughton Janie Hamel $4680 Alva LaPiante Susan Kikhen CLASSIFIED Lisa Warry Ronald SIMCOE COUNTY Peggy Chane supervise Elaine Porter gamma 3mg $3900 Freda Shinner Cheryl Aiken MOTOR THROW OFF Dana Homewood PRESSROOM ulmayear Janice Morton Don Near toreman Fred Prince asst loreman ELSEWHERE IN CANADA Harris Blanrnard $4100ayear Brian Marr Bill McFarlane wire editor NEWSROOM Dave Fuller Claudia Krause Stephen Nicholls Dennis Lanthier Nancy Figueroa Lori Cohen Richard Thomas Stephen Gaucr Gary Forbes Betty Armer Terry Field Peter Hsu the eXaminer serving borrie and simcoe county The Examiner claims copyright on all original news and advertisino material created by its employees and published in this newspaper Wednesday May 30 1979 Copyright registration number 7038B rcclister it Published by Canadian Newspapers Company Limited 16 Baylield Street Barrie Ontario L4M 4T6 Bruce Rowland publisher ADVERTISING CLASSIFIEDS 7266537 7282414 National advertising ollices as Queen St Toronto 864 1710 640 Cathcart St Montreal The advertiser agrees that the publisher shall not be liable lor damages arts ing out at errors in advertisements beyond the amount paid tor the space ac tually occupied by that portion ot the advertisement in which the error oc curred whether such error is due to the negligence at its servants or other yvise and there shall be no liability lor non insertion of any advertisement beyond the amount paid tor such advertisement NEWSROOM 7266537 CIICUIATION 7266539 BUSINESS 7266537 0613qu got From the Set standards for university The Ontario ministry of colleges and education is studying plan that would bring back provincewide testing of grade 13 students planning to enter university The action is welcome attempt to restore common stan dards for university admission It can also be seen as part of needed effort to redefine what Ontarios education system is all about When Ontario abandoned university entrance exams in 1967 it was the beginning of tremendous change in the educa tion system Many of those changes have caused major problems over the past decade After 1967 universities expanded rapidly some say too rapidly With no provincewide standards and no university entrance exams many underqualified students found their way into colleges and universities At the high school level the core curriculum broke down and was replaced with do your own thing mentality series of reports were released about tremendous dif ferences in standards between high school boards and even between schools within individual boards The guidelines for education became so broad that educators and administrators were left to wonder about what was required for their students The students of course were affected most After universi ty too many found out the saying your degree means nothing was very real The swing now is back to common standards to core cur riculum andhopefully to school system that truly works Thats not step backwards Its what we call building on strong foundation barrie landmarks Built in I87I by Thomas Oily Tom McConkey MLA for Slmcoe North and prominent Liberal bagman the hotel was flrst occupied by Joshua Clarkson two storey verandah was added in I872 but much of the facade is un changed As lumbering and railroad town Barrie was known for Its hard drinking and many taverns It was condemned by the YMCA in I875 as the worst town east of Winnipeg Drawing courtesy LACAC committee Your business By VINCENT EGAN Business and onsumcr Affairs Analyst Thomson News Service Lawrence Welk it seems is right Older people as the veteran danceband maestro has discovered constitute large expanding and relatively prosperous market The plight of the over65 struggling to survive on Canada Pension Plan and Old Age Security benefits is certainly cause for concern But that person isnt as typical of that age group as is the person who has managed to at tain more comfortable standard of living Welk who has built successful country club near San Diego California geared to older people is only one of the most visible of the entrepreneurs who are tapping the grey market Lloyd Haincs retired specialist in the staging of trade shows has discovered so many other marketers aiming at older consumers that he has come out of retirement and is currently organizing FiftyPlus show to be held in Toronto June to 10 Exhibits and theatre programs will tows on financial planning occupations and sec ond careers accommodation travel recreation and health care The show is sponsored by the nonprofit Association of Canadian Pension Management NUMBERS RISING Projections by Statistics Canada put this we want your opinion Something on your mind Send Letter to the Editor Please make it on original copy and sign it The Examiner doesnt publish unsigned let ton but It you wish pen name will be used Include your telephone number and address as we have to verify letters Because of space limits public interest and good taste The Exomlner sometimes has to odt condense or reject letters Letters to the Editor are run every day on the editorial page Send your to letter the liter Thinbar MW on S70 unto TO Grey market power growing countrys over50 population at 5595000 or 233 per cent of the total by 1981 But 20 years later if the prOJectlons are correct the over50s will number 7837000 or 276 per cent of the population During the same 20year span the young adult group those between 20 and 34 are expected to decline from 6617000 to 3861000 or from 275 per cent to 207 per cent of the population Canadas total population will increase by 181 per cent to 28270000 from 24041000 be tween 1981 and 2001 according to the Statistics Canada projections survey carried out by the federal data gathering agency few years ago suggested that people in the ages between 45 and 64 had annual incomes 15 per cent above the average for the population as whole Consumers in this group 45 to 64 years are especially important to marketers of accommodation away from home household services and products and personalcare products OTHER INCOME As for those 65 or over federal govern ment analysis of 1976 tax returns shows that this group contrary to the popular im pression depends upon pcnsions for only 31 per cent of income Investments provide 39 per cent of their income including 18 per cent from bank interest while the remaining 30 per cent is income earned from work self cmploymcnt farming fishing and the like However fewer than onefifth of those citizens were liable for income tax in 1976 If this conveys the impression that the average Canadian of mature years is rolling in wealth that would be just as incorrect as the more widespread notion that the typical senior citizen is barely subsisting more balanced view is that large num bers of older Canadians have been prudent enough to save for their retirement and are in position to benefit from range of tax exemptions designed specifically for them plus other privileges such as free provincial health insurance and subsidized public trans portation to make budgeting easier But in an age of high and growing inflation theres no guarantee that they will remain as well off as recent statistics indicate Nor is there any guarantee that the diminishing proportion of workers in the population will pay the price of better pen stons for increasing numbers of retired people Hill By STEWART MacLEOD Ottawa Bureau Thomson News Service Prime Ministerclect Joe Clark and his senior MP5 keep repeating their deter mination to trim the public service by 60000 jobs over the next three years but it might be easier said than done Since there are some 580000 public ser vants employed directly by the federal government or through Crown corporations it might appear relatively simple to knock off 11 per cent over three years But once the new From city hall By DENNIS LANTHIER Of The Examiner You know its almost refreshing to see all of this bickering coming from city council lately True strength in any city can only come from questioning of long established policies and getting away from the party line For while thought the entire city would drown from sea of think positives which we heard too often from various aldermen Cases in point Well there have been many of late Annexation for one Ald Jim Shirley led delegation of five who tried to settle annexa tion behind councils back The attempts may not have solved anything but at least Barrie residents were finally able to hear positions fin the annexation dispute from elected of lc1a Were it not for this action considered ir responsible by some residents would still be in the dark about the entire procedure Years of incamera meetings had left the media and the public in the dark and the issue is just too important for that to have ever happened Another example How about the inquiry into the Barrie Police Commission asked for by Ald Gord Mills Remember the shock which came from older members of council and residents who questioned an inquiry into the character of Eldon Greer longtime citizen Ald Mills was so stunned about the reac tion that he told The Examiner he would like ly never run again for council SCOOPS IN BROAD PAYLlGlIT CONGREESMAN OF THE UNITED STATES I5 aimhm else for file redder government gets down to specific jobs the process wont be quite that simple The Conservatives wouldnt dare go through with this scheme says Ottawa Mayor Marion Deward The impact on Ot tawa she says would be devastating This particular issue was likely responsxble for the defeat in Ottawa of two topnotch Tory MPs in the recent federal election While the party was making inroads in other areas of Ontario both Jean Pigott in Ottawa Carieton and Bob de Cotret in Ottawa Centre were going down to defeat The two Council arguing has its place Can you blame the man Is it not possible to do anything little different in this city without being chastized for it from some quarters DONT ROCK THE BOAT Its one thing to disregard request because you feel it to be wrong factually Its quite another to try and back off from an in vestigation into possible conflict of interest so as not to rock the boat How progressive can any city he with attitudes like that Recently council has been in the news because of various remarks directed to Ed Jennings local developer Monday night Ald Dorian Parker demanded public apology from Ald Ernie Rotman who had called Kempenfelt Place fly by night development Ald Parker and Meg ODonal continue to be staunch opponents of the downtown im provement project again transition from the traditional party line can only hope the arguing back and forth will continue It will turn virtual teaparties which many previous council meetings were into sessions which can only become beneficial for the entire city Thinking positive is great if youre in the public relations business But without recognizing those negative elements any ci ty including Barrie will die premature death Hats off to the rabble rousers Without them there will be no Barrie to worry about in the future AND NOT ONE OF THESE DYJTAIlDERS WOULD LIFT FINGER TO HELP Parliament Trimmed down public service its easier said than done had spent most of the campaign trying to convince voters that no public servants would actually be fired The plan is to eliminate the 60000 jobs through attrition OTTAWA WORRIES It may be popular promise in other parts of Canada but Ottawa is still suffering from the mass transfer of public servants to Hull move that has created glut of office space on the Ontario side of the Ottawa River It the new government is able to eliminate 60000 jobs Ottawas work force could decline by another 20000 employees In report based on 1977 figures which now are outdated the Public Service Commission said it would be possible to cut the public service by some 55000 jobs over three years through attrition Even allowing for the two year revision the new government would appear close to realistic objective But implementing the policy without rip roaring repercussions will be something else During the last decade the Liberal govern ment has been implementing series of positive action programs to increase minoritygroup representations within thepublic service and if Conservative broadaxe is to fall these minority groups will get bigger wallop than the white male AngloSaxons who have traditionally dominated the bureaucracy Public service officials point out that minoritygroup em ployees tend to be concentrated in the relatively junior jobs that would probably be declared redundant And as one senior of ficial added you can just imagine the uproar if the government decides to protect minority groups and reduces the work force by 60000 white AngloSaxon Protestant males DELICATE BALANCE The most delicate area in the public service involves the ratio of Frenchand English speaking employees subject that has caused irritations on both sides over the last decade And any reduction in jobs is bound to cause more difficulties While the percentage of Frenchspeaking employees in the public service is only slightly below the countrys over all per centage of 256 it is generally acknowledged that the majority of these Frenchspeaking employees are clustered in the lower echelon where the reductions are likely to occur Senior and middlemanagement positions remain the stronghold of Englishspeaking employees For instance in the department of in dustry trade and commerce nearly 20 per cent of the employees are Frenchspeaking but in the executive category the percentage drops to 115 To complicate matters the ratio of Frenchand Englishspeaking em ployees is not evenly distributed throughout the public service creating additional dif ficulties for any jobreduction program WE RECOGNIZED YOU BUT THOUGHT YOU WERE JUST QUIBBLIIIG OVER legislature Tories in joyful mood By DEREK NELSON Queens Park Bureau Thomson News Service TORONTO The powderblue victory carnations on lapels were nice touch by the Conservatives as they took their seats the first day the legislature resumed after Joe Clarks federal triumph last week But even better was Tory chief whip Bud Gregorys entrance 35 minutes later during question period Coming through the centre doors and strolling in full View of everyone between the government and opposition benches at first glance he could have been mistaken for walking barber pole White jacket with red sleeves white pants with red trimming white shoes blue vest and blue lapels Conservative House leader Bob Welch was damning the federal Liberals in response to question from opposition leader Stuart Smith when Gregory entered He bowed to the inevitable and waited until laughter ceased and Gregory was seated before finishing N0 GRITS On point of privilege Gregory told the House he could get similiar suit for anyone who wanted one with the proceeds to go to laving that endangered species called Liber For the first time since Confederation no Liberal is represented in any government in this country which says something about how the party has unravelled throughout the Trudeau years Welchs comments were less charitable than Gregorys It is obvious that the people of Canada elected Joe Clark and his people because they were tired of an arrogant insensitive Pierre Trudeau and his administration The jury had finally decided they had had enough of that man and those associated with him And say thank goodness thank goodness for that Welch concluded N0 COMMENT But the Tories were more magnaminous little later in question period when Smith said word of tribute to Trudeau for serving his country at some considerable personal sacrifice and serving it very well for the last 11 years Most of the Conservatives thumped their desks in polite acceptance of Smiths remarks Smith also associated himself with remarks by Premier William Davis that wished prime ministerelect Clark well in the future The Liberals thumped their desks in agreement Noticeable by their absence in this camradcric were almost all the New Democrats who were liker still hurting from their federal losses in Ontario MUST CHANGE But Government Services minister Lorne Henderson probably said the last word on the federal Liberals when he responded to an opposition question about the delay in building an Ottawa courthouse suggested to this honorable member back few weeks ago that May 22 would correct the big obstruction we had For five months the federal government has delayed responding to provincial request for property for the courthouse he said Hendersons attack will likely be one of the last chances the Tories have to kick around the federal Liberals for their failures not to mention attempting to identify the provincial Liberals with those errors From now the Conservatives will be the party with kissing cousins in Ottawa Interpreting the news EgyptIsrael work at peace WASHINGTON CPI Egypt and Israel have proclaimed their border open to each others travellers in celebration of peace played out against worrisome backdrop of increasing Arab isolation for Anwar Sadat As US State Secretary Cyrus Vance joined the Egyptian president and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin in the border ceremony two US delegations prepared for visits this week to Morocco and Sudan countries that have been sympathetic to Sadats efforts to make peace with Israel President Carters decision to send the delegations at time when negotiators are taking on the difficult task of arranging for Palestinian selfgovernment underscores the concern here about the hostility the Arab world has been showing Sadat The visit to Morocco by Deputydefence Secretary Charles Duncan was apparently arranged following suggestion from the Moroccans that talks would be welcome now reports indicate Moroccos King Hassan supporter of the EgyptianIsraeli peace drive has been caught in the middle of the polarization of the Middle East created by the Egyptianvlsraeli treaty and the negotiations that led up to it As other Arab states stepped up their criticism of Sadat Hassan is reported to have muted his support for the Egyptian leader He recently acted as host of an Islamic foreign ministers conference that refused to seat an Egyptian delegation EGYPT REPLTDIATEI That type of repudiation of Egypt is in creasmgly common After Sadat signed the treaty with Israel at glittering ceremony here in March 18 Arab states agreed to cut ties with Egypt and to impose sanctions The head uarters of the Arab League was pulled out Cairo and Saudi Arabian aid to Egypt was cut off

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