20 the examiner MW 30 979 RUDOLPHS SLICED GAY LEA ASSORTED VARIETIEs AT 680 IMIT2PURCIIASES REGULAR PRICE PKG FERcusmMER 175 TUB AT CUR REGULAR PRICE EACH Graduates Officer Cadet Douglas Smith received Bachelor of Engineering and Management degree during gradua tion ceremonies held at the Royal Military Col lege of Canada in Kingston 26 May I979 General AJGD de ticer Cadet Smith is the son at Mr and Mrs Smith of Stroud In i970 he graduated from Eastview Secondary School in Barrie and in ing Plan for Men to com Management During The degree was CUT FROM CANADA GRADE BEEF MACARONI CHEESE CHICKEN LOAF Chastelain CD Com 975 he enrolled at RMC aete his derree in AT OUR LB REGULAR PRICE red by Brigadier mandant of RMC Ot In the University Train Engineering and OUR REG PRICE 2Is LB the Graduation Parade Otticer Cadet Smith was presented with the Department of Engineering and Management Medal whtch IS awarded an uciiy in each Honours and Engineering degree cause at study to the cadet standing highest hIs class in Fourth Year and receiving degree with First Class Hanours The recipient must have maintained minimum averall academic average at Seccmd Class Honours without failures or con ditions in his Third Year atStudy oro station by 385558 CanOTd FROZEN NEW ZEALAND 4873921 Ilnr swathr was ideal tor thv tmumrks lltltl here at the onr than fvntrv on Frlday May it llw warning started with Lar and réitts for the il llEIn 12 wmll and Iauhn Imk mm at Iharut the kIHIHn and nl hm Imus roller and put wI tonsumIrl hf thtx laILII rmxtl that attondvd Dan oronka Ias In thargt of tlw warning assIstHl by many olInts II lltlllllIIlIl IIII inghhght III II tIL vm thv great IIspIay l3 IIrIxxtIrks Ihw pla school mothvrs ll In IlIarLI the IIIIk talIlI Marilyn IIIIhIs IIIIIII oronka IlliIl lrawtortl and LB Illltl 4IhlttIHI1IIll Illtplti Uwic LillllLl to lllt Community Imn FROZEN NEW ZEALAND SPECIAL SLICED WAX SPECIAL FROZEN OLD MILL BREAKFAST SAUSAGE 118 OUR REG PRICE L28 LB WIrIIII yirgi usultltéldtnightt hunat II Ii IIIII Station LB LB tnlw nlnnlwr IJJt Stl1I SWIFTS VACUUM PACKED Hm tI III to III Mai OVEN ROAST SPECML BURNS lll llllllllllitll iltthlwlltlltl thrill on to Itouvrs RtXtIilIt LB 213K531 In This as panda IItokII Iar lonatml IIIII ivnvral SWIFTS FROZEN ECONOMICAL lorI BROWN SERVE SPECIAL TASTY SPECIAL IslI to thank all who gltiuwmms lIolIIIIl Illilht tho Iwoning mu OZ Omuu SAUSAGE PATTIES LB Mr and Mrs lon Ikasloy ASSORTED VARIETIES at Illl lnntirv on thutnshi BUDDIG SPECIAL FROZEN SPECIAL Itll IV on aInu soInv IIlaths alth trafnds At 302 24 02 ItlltIlllfd tron ISIIIIKt wtrv pKG pKG Mrs IIIIIII lIIIIIIIIott Mr and FROZEN MEATY SPECIAL Mrs tharlos IIUIItII Mr and SPECIAL Mill Mr and Mrs X202 tookslu lllltI Itontiarnvr allot loronto Murray lntnla ot Lon PKG LB Ilon also attended FROZEN It as woe to see them In BY THE PIECE SPECIAL BY THE PIECE SPECIAL FROZEN SAVARIN MAXWELL HOUSE INSTANT COFFEE 1002 JAR CARNATION COFFEE MATE BEEF TURKEY OR CHICKEN PIES Mrs Rah tonkslvy Todd and SHOPSY PASTRAMIOR It IIItlI no holm on the IU lakoshort The lost their other PM homo Irv this Intvr LB LB Smoral Wit tron how at AWSSORTED CUR REG PRICE 129 OUR 856 PRICE 159 50 PRICE 599 tInIlml tho Mcrylu Dolan QUARTER pOUND SPECIAL VARETES al Ill lllltlcll Iasll wvlI aIIdohjoirll LB 24 02 lllhhlglhllgold Jolly Elders of EKsf9 SAML Uro sang at one of thosvrvicos 60 SAVING soomoo WATT DOMINION annual $311355 llrtalxsrmh Vdues effect dosmg Tunduy Junesl 99 asï¬soRRETEo VARIETIES SPECIAL jLéï¬TalijsSéFï¬PS SPECIAL WTHITE SPECIAL wrv Mr and Mrs Jack Watt IlI ILrTf 350 I2 09 PKG PKG TIII Tuesday June 1979 Redeem Tlde SHAMPOO CON BANDAIDS OFso BULBS on m1 hm Ibutd It Inhlmttlï¬lf nltlnixr coupons on any brand at We powdered gggoglggo COLOURS SPECIAL SWORD MASTER SPECIAL ALLPURPOSE 3mm guests were Mr and Mrs oub Crawford Jennifer and Jet tery Mr and Mrs John Crawford JInImy and Joey and detergent available at Dominion with $2000 order excluding tobacco products FACIAL JCLIITII IIssuE €08 99 ToIIIELs tit96199 FEMININE NAPKINS 5010 Clzlltréxmailll lellilxmgr STAYFREE SPECIAL DISINFECTANT SPECIAL POWDEREO SPECIAL Toronto andMrI and Mrs Roy PKG OF nlme 6mg Iï¬sizttammy PADS om SOL com DETERGENT 30x LLAA