Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 26 May 1979, p. 18

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VV to the examiner Saturday May 20 1979 1minute SOLICITORS We are looking for good mm on YOUR AD IN THEDAILY RUN 9to9 SIIAMPOOER POLISNER Ask for free home demonstration today ELECTROLIIX MONDAY IO FRIDAY MANUFACTURER telephone solicitors Training PROVIDING PARTS will be available For in VIA 11737 1903 AIeSERVICE TO tomewco 77 MONEfiA popsychgcdinancrart giggling DANM MY26 sa ve jefSgweed help Just look over the ads below The ad gygtignrfidazehane72313317 77 Autcmwul AND sum MO mom to 77 vertisers listed are experts in their field and will assure you $3322f53f8飰 35821 IIDUSTRIAL MARKETS you 099935 00 you want to quit thats ours Call any time love meeting people and enjoy beautiful working atmosphere Do you like to of thefinest iob possible 72824 mm 104 POSITIONS PROCESS ENGINEERS RIDINGTNSTRUCTIONTIndoor arena Horses boarded Barrie tive minutes Windy Haugh Farm 7726 0192 JAMES 5Pskihjcieader7l=ri9ate con Responsible for manufacturing methods tooling make 315000325000 year ffalifsl°éafisfirmgfi afraThfigg machinery gauging advise on line and plant layout or more in commission Do 737 4300 77 77 77 7777 Technical college graduates or equwalent ex you have car Call me only If HOME IMPROVEMENTS PAVING RELAXVIIONI THERAPY FUN MK perience Senior Design background minimum of your answer is yes No ex Hot Tubs from Northern White Pine IcommucnomHounmmngOW s1 PEan Pvmc pAULS HOT Tuesor°la7 36m years In pracessmg nstruct eSIgners perlence necessary on Ml SHORT RUN OFFSET dotlonl renovations additions Phone GENERAL com EPITAINT CETTEEQMHBWAE tautea tradesmen and operators and parttime people are spruce up your home wtth COPYPRINTING 4362955 artroam ACTING when you get them Call Lori Cohen Exr mlcome For interview call our new line of DAYMOND vinyl NORTHERN CARPENTRY Specializing in in no Aflflmh aminer reporter at 7266537 and tell her I09 PHOTO COPIES do Wm It mo Huh bum what you think ot them 7371902 between 11 am1 siding TYPING hm Pammn nihwork 726m mmimul mDUSTRIAl Responslble for establtshlng labour time standards ands 9p WI 40 year guarantee neuter rum erlech with AU methods Improvement ofthIenCV standards My or KAISER aluminum siding DUP ICATING renovations cedar decks bathroom tiling EP Littles Hill Players are holding audi estimating labour machine time and efficiency stan SOFFIT FASCIA TROUGH SE Plll Im 23215 LizifeiimNSnNéaigéfilSi 29 dords for new Products and PTOC°$5°S MNDOWS DOORS SHUTTEvRS VICES ANY TYPE WORK Monday May 28 and Tuesday May 29 0° For more inlormation call Jim Brown at EREE ESTIMATES 7260955 Ant6 IRONINGPickod up and delivered Mon mum 776 emf Responsible for design of lists fixtures gauges and FOR WORK VOW 6° wdmd °d Hm 325° Poo MEETING mm the investi atin related rablems Must have com botkotcttnonnmusavole CARPENTRYrougilfhisllod TRANSPORTATION tor the Present yourself the 4361830 PHYSICALLY DISABLED on May 29m at 730 pm Sunnidale Community Cen tre March at Dimes and Association lor the pleted recognized tool design apprenticeship or professional way with one of equwalent experlence ROOFING TREE SERVICE our individually prepared mtmum madm 24 hour onke 7267145 SPEAKERS trorn The Ontaro ELECTROLUX Canada DRESSES Md by JOSE AQUlNo s2 Physicauy DisabledAny interested per resumes slot and 5th om Loin mflgrfgtnfglxggfggm °° 1th chant $3 3327C0me F° he °m°° Responsible for coordlnatlon and scheduling of all COME IN and 59° l°r la MW To service With KfibgscqagL HbEKEY éfigfiyI maintenance related to plant and equipment Super reosénome and PTOIGSSWWI serVIce IOOKKEEPING EAVESTROUGNING Awomans Touch 3212315207 BgdkfixgpzsfiaglsLSerpns Vision of related skilled trades both Internal and °° °V°° Tile Secretarial Bureau BARRE BOOKKEEPING SUPERIOR EAVESTROUGHING SPECIALISTS 20Y90rs in Janitorial Business Ea 9° 99IE99T9F93 roofing and rooting rpalu Shut motel Specializing In AllFleIds atva 69instructions SKILLED TRADES WHEN AND 55 EWAYS DU OP SI WOSI work Martin Verslraten New Low kk 7263822 Hm Rt Duulop E7 llli WWWde mm no cum mm qgasonabb price LAWN CARE INSTRUCTION 4mm and updated by glam539 woodvsPrToyina my ad 5°fe° mso °Wd°ss°9° 121 MACHINE REPAIR GENERALS Block mJ ngetc ic riemstra7 909 jumping no essons Fronchis ow Ehmonk Weed spra ing Iartilizing results reasonable rates ner aranteed Th 26 PM Lw wM°7° Ilo METALLURGICAL lAB TECNNICIANS TELEVISION FERTILIZING WEED SPRAYING mowing sodd 26J 2916 STEREORADIO 7172I7lil7s Amncmomlmlsh Candidates for the above skilled trades positions must have Other Electronic Equipment completed recognized apprenticeship in their trade or have RepOrting to the accountant WORD PROCESSING 74 PEEL ST proof of adequate equivalent experience the successful candidate will NEWS LETTERS 7289457 STAN KNICELY MASONRY prick block and This is an opportunity to grow with an expanding company have responsibilities in all BROCHURES MAGAZINES TF mamfgglmlxgr 73gsgz75gg7 Drivewa Parkm Lots Acomprehensive benefit program fully paid by the company general accounting functions PHOTOGRAPHY Tennis Courts Submit your resume Immediately Identify code and position prior to fInonCIal statement TgAcEEQT7gsltgtJIAS tlllREGlASS REPAIRS 1W Concrete Work °°Y °° °l 32ml $33332 should have FIOREGLASS REPAIRS boo bII GUITAR LESSONS Cl MAILING LISTS PREPARED anything fiberglass FreonsilmleTso L2 MarcalPotvin GuitarSYIIdIET72abrIlg9clpu or minimum of years ox FOR EDP 92802NI w°rkm°mhlp guaranld ACCORDION guitar piano organ begin perience with manufac DIRECTORIES CONVERTED FOR fliiigflfilfiditmnglliillétllfllaa 7260081 48 OWEN STREET turing firm COMPUTER PROCESSING REPLACE AcodemyaiMuslcl21Boyfield728I799 Serving Simwe Cmmty Interested applicants should RROPESSIONALGUITARIST too cuhlon VIC WATSON Fireplaces and masonry Fat classical popular and rarkllilllogazzllizéskj Since 196 send resume confidence tree estimates phone 7281599 call GARY 7263098 KOOLATRON BEST KNOWN NAME IN L4M 3B2 Closing date June 1979 COMMUNICATIONS 7370125 CUSTOM BUILT and designed Specializing In rloturol stone and antique brick using belllires Workmonship guaranteed Peter Henstra 737287I PIANO LESSONS given by Anne leeper ARCT Prepare for Royal Conservatory ex ams 7371743 INDUSTRIES mm 230 IAYVIEW OR PLASTER REPAIR Fancy moulds artistic 369 My28 ceilingshdecorativ malls pply on almost My26 AIII omlo any su ace rd ree estimates lN43 XElthGA PAINTINVS and decorotlerég Ens nwénl axter or or guarante Iablished30 ears72622257269002 100 ORV MAPLE YnfifiT m0 f2152°°53152233 SEASONED YEARS PAINTING everYwhere At present we We Do It All For You have openings for sales mm 16 PACE CORD $30 PoperhanganEMyrals aromaan representatives MANAGER CHIMNEY SWEEPS Frelgsefgjvnfgas and summer completion DBARRIE NOMess 4372113 Fastservice FREEESTMATES ORO TWP PUT YOUR BUSINESS NO FrtlESASSONABLE Satisfaction guaranteed lNNlSFlL TWP FLOS TWP 2663 72 GENERAL CONTRACTING 737 I295 77 TEXEUEEaSSRAY WASAGA BEACH JUDGEMENT TO WORK BYLAWENFORCEMENT TThs 3353 5225 $$271l°2li alltdtISlgrrtr mm TThSJuu TINY TWP The TownglfiFrlCElIDf Vespra interior exterior paper hanging custom work Satisfaction guaranteed 7266808 PAINTING PAPER hanging experienced Phone today and find out how easy it is to get started Highest requires Bylaw Enforcement Officer This position is on For quality work call John 7280841 AND RADIO We are seeking dynamic individual DRIVEWAYSIPATIOSI llrwiilfm JACK RICHARDSON 5530haswmesfyfjogngtfAfi223 commission With maturity who can assume parttime basis and car is SIDEWALKS ETC 0M1 managerial position Candidates must have requirement fitfifihumélgmgf$423 UNIVERSITY PAINTING the ability to meet the public and have Interested persons are invited Also All ANDYMAN removed cash forused appliances Gard The organized smdentpalmers Avon you make me SMILE com me undersigned for AND REPAIR WORK Ilmlnedstallungoingsupervison Tr Sensmmy customer needs furtherinfbrmotion anqualiw paints Backed with Ex osure to fast food erations or retail DENNIS WILSON Wills Iw WATER SERVICE eW rm ovearwnnenguarantee expenence Is helpful but not necessary Clerk ow 7370502 SPECIAL SWmmng P°°l5 Midhurst Ontario TThSTF removed cleaned JuH Above ground In Ground PROMOTION Salary commensurate Wlth ability 7234734 Home ard cleanu FW Lawn 50d Watering My26 MANIERI PAVING oRubbishlIemoval smzll mill °°°° Ch°9° wepmdea complete flaming program siltAd PATOS SDEWALK moving iobs DBARKEVPAINTINGIntariorandextorior £21183 gZCIZZspzszzmodw Icerbzl For confldentla mterwew coma APPRENTICE STEPs CURBS Exerior ainfin 87 ReforencelsaxailoblaFreerasonableesti Barry Kelly owneroperator at the Mc MECHANIC °GARAGE FLOORS re amp °T °°737°°7 fififgfofnson esloczl Donalds Restaurant on First St in Must be am llou nea an workmanshP Guaraneed PICTURE FRAMING Remunmfion based on Collmgwood Or telephone 4455232 to dean in 9mm ESTIMATES LOCAL 487 314i pp an ALLENS WINDOW CLEANING Commercial have arrange an 1nteereW OATES 82 Dunlop St East Custom Warning lYPN Od many sizes and Residential Free estimates Telephone 7260031 Ju7 Phone 7233770 new experience Must automobile Tell me about yourself in your working habits References required Wages com mensurate with experience 449 It Just Received SRme of Exciting Kitchen Suites Sm At speedometer72674191atterSpm 5e ptlc sun deck furnace good fishing 1976 REINELL 20 cuddy I95 In replace all missmg seal around sonltory $3500 Tetephone 728 my Wotan IlOIns disability Iti bdardautboard mint condition Telephonens 9539 shmgles PPes 57llvestocktor sale ml Im l8 MAHOGTlANYi MASONTMTn seal d°wn 00 seal around alrvents packaged policies We offer an WANTED DEAD or crlppled arm ooardlomboard vowo lm my equ m9 95 seal mlid ChmeY animals tor tree removal Call anytime stbl ory Barrie oed Top and side curlaln excellent con seal or repair flashings flashings collect 705 326 9243 Simcoe Recycling gym rttltonsl300Estatesale72810107 HOéSES BdARDED Oftdormersr Iisecure loose nails my °I 47artlcles wanted Track trails daily turn outs Just out r990 9e 12 check for blocked side Barrie46 5624 respects INII moduli 391 20 oLFER1ZJSRE¢2°3 COPS downspouts EIGHT YEAR OLD standard bred shod bushes film and an Slls plC re air damn ed thoroughbred gelding 16 hands high Ilflflnomfhu ms Pm 950 lems 728 8234 13 secvre all 0059 has been shown successtully at CH$A CANADIAN SfILVEgR CONle bletore 767 valleys ilashings approved shows oood mover bold QUALIFICATIONS TIIO person should Amrcan be are 64 co ec Ion oo lardelor small Canadian stamps old clean seal remove any 113135 SEWER tor sale due May SHOW hi good Wafilness £21532ng lewemry 77 63 eavesmugh damaging 96 bTOCh95 18Irom listed nerd Telephonena 1297 W10 MM CIT VL litILL UY house contentsor any useful seal around remove Old TV an THREE Year 05mm Arabian WI 59 limb K0011 Items or will trade Telephone 728 13711 sntokestocks mnnos gelalng Sound no Vices must sell Ask In Profnflond All wood construct slats of dresser draw Chest footboord spring mattress ion con mirror headboard wooden sldas vanity 41 and motors 47 llama Improvements 23 It hardtop DELCRAFT CRUISER 13 it FIDRE GLASS BOATfSteerlng wheel and speedometer told dawn bucket seats Ideal tor water skiing WANTéouseoALUMINUAXCANOE Telephone77287777479alter57p7m 77 lo KENNEDY SKI BOAT good struc lural condition Will accept 150 hp motor Metal llecked gold Tach RESTORE for residenti SILVER COINS wanted pay S3100 tor every 51 Telephone 726 4085 WANTED TO BUY house trailer and time must both be in good condition and wasonably priced 726 6365 BABYS BASSINETTE or cradle in good condition 7281376 a4dogs and pets MAYS POODLE PARLOR Protes Slonal clipping and grooming Chargex accepted Phone 726 0061 DAFFON KENNELS Specializing in Boarding lor Big Dogs Coulson 0n tario Telephone 705 835 5223 BARRIE POODLE Salon Shampooing and clipping at all breeds Sophla StreetEast726 4141 POODLE TRIMMING prolessional mounting all breeds pick up and de ltvery 726 8798 Pet Studio OLD ENGLISH SHEEPDOG pups ex collenl breeding CKC registered Tolephonei 416 775 3063 Bradlord $95 CGT OF NEW ROOFING SYST LOOK FOR COMMER 50 garden supplas Heres what we will do for your roof 7263896 ALL lAIOllR MATERIAL GUARANTEED or tour RESTOREAROOE IS rum OEOOCTEO ERONI TNE ALUMINUM SIDING CEDAR SHINGLES SPECIALISTS RESTOREAROOF COMING SOON 47 home improvements ING SYSTEMS AROOE al homes complete ALSO TIIE COST EM SNOULO YOU EVER NEED CIAL INDUSTRIAL TThSJu5 $6 camping equipment TRAILER RENTALS Hardtrop and cabln models by week or longer Scotts i976 PARADISE CAMPER VAN fully 56 camth equipment equipped excellent condition complete dition 250 cc Asking $1200 726 7391 aiterspm T975 GLENDALE TRAILER tandem I977 BELLEVUE HARDTOP CAMPER sleeps eight with triage stove Iurnace closet and sink In excellent condition Telephone 728 6077 LAKE ST JOHN Orillia 30 trailer ing 51100487 3141 REGISTERED HACKNEY PONY mare trained to drive $200 yr old dark bay thoroughbred stallion 16 $1500 tirm Telephone 436 5125 alter Sitlivestock wa nted WANTED DEAD OR CRIPPLED FARM ANIMALS $500 paid for any animal over 400 lbs 24 hours day upon request days week We also buy hides SIMCOE RECYCLING resume Apply in writing to BOX A45 iuII ed Head stove ihiesige boll Terrill sounder 2rway ly sellcontalned 18000 miles7l7 radio tape deck new rugs back seat 38500 1973 fiQLAnggoldegoléc ex and Evinwde EMT It INTRODUCES Ltlfe°nfyé$n£laf°3 as REPRESENTATIVE 72 233wlh lander HONDA ODYSSEY ATVexcelIentcon SALARY $12000 PLUS COM ton axle 17 sleeps six equipped excellent very SUBSTANTIAL INCOME good 8f3317375 Teepmne Mk condition Asking $3600 Telephone LWL 436 gm citIce far advallcamsnt broad YOU CAN EARN EXTRA MONEV AND WIN PRIZES TOO EXAMINER ROUIES ARE NOW AVAILABLE IN THESE AREAS PENETANG MULCASTER ST AREA SOPHIA WORSLEY OWEN ST AREA RODNEY MOUNTBATTEN ST AREA 7373742 My26 MARKETING MSSIONS on dl sales BONUS and dos contests This amounts to conpany benefits and paid pension litl an Included TNE POSITION Tile san oi penord heretics products fh casualty dash for management Experience not necessary In our field Please submit resume to Box A35 The Examiner Barrie My14l92126 TEACHERS Business and marketing background Parttime 7269574 UR NEEDMONEY Fuller Brush Company prowdes Hermie hours Iield support vanity seat You have to so It TWROPICAL VFISH 41 Best paralegal ifillsosr7veAfierggfggflcIorla St Serving iuu Thtfarmvr JERNlCK ROSLYN RD AREA willmmsm cameron Boll tobeileve It 51WEUVZ4213215633 Edge MERIT HARbTOP Camper sleeps 3269243 Call collect QUEEN BERCZY ST AREA LEGAL SECRETARY required to work IIAQUBTIBI3 Ardagnfioad 7769094 GARDEN CENTRE burner Coleman stove inCluded TF lelenphoizatlauFlgglgmdmltfreelIlliegrile 50 Oil sill IAMESE KITTENS blue pomt Good Condition S650 Telephone 726 98 pie at 726 4511 or apply in person at 53 WKSOIT ETzlEpgonilExpllenSlblack 93 1977JJLIJOINEL HARDTOP cam er slee 59flp°UllryCthKS comm $1 LaEDEaldsor Retriever tor sale Price Fertilizers Bulbs Seeds burner gas stove Ice boxYexcellelhl DEKALB READY to lay pullet Farm TAXI DRIVERS wameo drive even We also pay top dollar for used Furniture and Appliances NO MONEY negotiable Proven hunter and tamin r109 Three yearsold Call726 5560 Female purebred OLD ENGLISH SHEEPDOG12 yearsold 575 Moving must sell Telephone 424 9786 REGISTERED POMERANIAN pup Berries Fruit trees Evergreens Shade trees Roses Shrubs Perennials Box plants 75 day dellyery Phone 726 3928 or 726 1117 Condition $1500 or best otter Telephone 726 9814 or 737 3382 25 MOTOR HOME class spotless Iully equipped sleeps SIX tor the low price at $11900 certltled Telephone 726 3238 3221111 Iresh eggs Laying cages lor sale Craig Hunter Poultry Farms 43¢ tall 64Iarm machinery 12 BOLENS tractor with mower snow blower and garden tiller $1500 $500 Telephone 728 1831 after Route lngs Must be mature neat appearance good drlvmg record Telephone 728 6288 alter GENERAL ASISISTANT reoutrédlor denturt clinic Appllrdms should have general knowledge at laboratory pro on 714296 ceaures pertainma to denture construc pies red and blondsalsoone toy poodle 1971 NIMROD HARDTOP TENT Telephone7281311 ne Carrer tlon Experience an asset but not 7051756 2272 TRAILER three burner stove sink ALUSCHALMERS mode es re in orma Ion Cu an XOnH necesstty Reply stating experience and 457Samps and coins CHOICE Top SOIL Evenmg and Sat 9x12 kitchenette sleeps six 3695 hp PTO and draw bar good rcicnglrtig 0U Salary expected to Box A42 Barrie Ex amtner QENOVATIONS FRAMING Bricklay TRUCK CAMPER sleeps six com FOR SALE NYERNANONAL Supp BASS PLAYER required fer weakend no plumbing yard work All at 54serviceand repair pletc wrlh 3way triage stove turnace tractor and 5mm In good condilon CouniryRock group Must sing reasonable prices Free esltmates and bathroom 7264636 Phone mo 726 no v36 7093 TELEVISION REFAIRSaIsorepairsto 1974 20 FROWLER tandem whee BABYSHTER REQUIRED in Ta mmempovements 235232Sif258miléiflbifiififiié mms flm i°°°°° stove not water healerlurnacebu1 in LECAR to In erences re IN vuomw REPMRS and small mo STEWART ELECTRONCS radio and tape deck excellent condition mined L8 nlgnhdyrlggEgflrfgfeigg aimed Reply to Box A43 The Ex 728 2950 atterSp aminer 005 Teevhmma GENERAL commcr wear an con 79anyllme Cllp and send to The Examiner Box 370 Some LAM 4T6 EXAMINER tract or management be custom I973 SUN CAMPER hardtop trailer in BIRTH CONTROL INFonMartog 56 EXPERIENCED AUTO BODY repairer WANT ADS homes stores ollices rec rodms ilUGESv burner SIOVE SW NW ICP DOx Mary Street Open Monday 3m Tupsdayy required mmedmrety busy shop good alterations and renovations Telephone sleeps excellent Condtlon Ca 00 30pm and Thursday630 30 Wages steadr employment Call M97639 PHONE 7282414 7371954 1466 3108 737 726 9300 Ext no 776 0601

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