Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 25 May 1979, p. 12

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Wins 12 the oxamlner Friday May 25 1970 EVENING 600 II NEWS HOLLYWOOD SQUARES DEFINITION POLKA DOT DOOR 830 Nsc NEWS MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW CBS NEWS ABC NEWS NEWS PARTY GAME MATH PATROL 645 READALONG 855 WRITE 0N1 700 DATING GAME EIGHT IS ENOUGH TOM AND JERRY AND FRIENDS so MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW TIC TAC DOUGH DELTA HOUSE NEWLYWED GAME ALMOST HOME GONG SHOW PRICE Is RIGHT 730 DANCE FEVER NEWLYWED GAME EVENING OUT HOLLYWOOD SOUARES CIRCUS Guests The Les Barons trapeze Balancmg Act The Fornasari Troupe The Rolling Diamonds The Droguettes Jug Act III WHAT is TRUTH $9 MAGIC SHADOWS if BOB NEWHART SHOW 800 It DIFFRENT STROKES mutant cousin comes to Visit Arnold and Winn and decides shes not going to be so distant ALL IN THE FAMILY Practical mker Pinkys best or worst gag aver leaves hie with some ver stran bedtellows THE INCRE IBL HULK David fannner helps and the hostilities between young couple seeking revenge and the Lornpany which the husband thinks is rupon for his fathers death 80 mine 33 WELCOME BACK KOTTER when Horshack learns his mother has married again and he will have to move leaving the moathoga behind he decides to take his own 01 step to the altar 60 mins I5 INCREDIBLE HULK OLYMPIC PROFILES new wnwflt YEARS Killing ot Eagles his documentary looks back after thirty years on the biggest serial battles ever taught and television guide contains some 01 the beat authentic combat legumes ever tinned over Eurocpe MOVIE DRAMA rIrlIe Boas 1074 830 HELLO LARRY some by her lather to go by plane train or bus to beach party in Los Angeles with her boytriend Diana remembers that he didnt say anything ut hitatiking FRONT PAGE HALLE NGE PLANET OF MAN 000 on THE ROCKFORD FILEs Rockford becomes romantically involved with client blind and beautiful psychologist who is being harrsssed by mysterious hrs THE ASTONISHING ODYS SEY The Montreal Symphony Orchestra is conducted by Michel Legrand Theres spectacular laser and light show staged at Montreals Olympic Stadium complete with intergalactic special ettects and fireworks to the space theme music trom Star Wars Close Encounters of the Third Kind and 2001 ace 0d ssay 80 mins THE DUKEs OF HA22ARD Bo and Luke pick up pretty hitchhiker to add to their woes while trying to escape the highway rot in moonshiners car 80 mins FRIDAY NIGHT MOVIE MOVIE WESTERN Billy mo Hats 197d COUNTRY MATTERS The Simple Lite In this story by HE States woman who is martyr to her husbands passion for primitive cottage turns to alcohol to escape her miseries Then local boy fives on the scene THE LOVE BOAT 1000 STARSKY AND HUTCH DALLAS severe Ihunder storm forces the Ewing plane with Bobby and JR as sole passengers to crash into swamp 60 mine PROGRAM UNANNOUNCED THE MIGHTY CONTINENT World to Win Program With the growth of the industrial revolution new proletariat was emerging and beginning to formulate new demands The first decade produced the violent upsurge of all those who had in the ds ot Karl Marx world to win NEWS UPDATE NEWS 1001 MERV GRIFFIN 1030 KOWALSKiLOEB REPORT 1100 NEWS CBC NEws CTV NEws ID EDUCATION OF MIKE MC MANUS MOVIE SUSPENSE is Night Visitor 1971 1120 NEWS 127 NEWS 130 THE TONIGHT SHOW Host Johnny Carson Guests Steve Lawrence Gille Ie David Horowitl 90 mins if GETSp LATE MOVIE THE mam STALKER The Varnpire Reporter Kolchsk convrncea his managing editor that he should cover the series at murders that began in Les Vegas and led to Los Angeles RUBY Stars Pl er Laurie Stuart Whitman MOVI DRAMA Legend Ot Lizzie Borden STREET TALK NIGHTMUSIC Nlncy WhIIO 1145 THE PROFESSIONALS Cowley is astonished and alarmed to receive Intorma tion that notorious spy has abandoned his tits at retirement in Moscow and is on his way back to England alter 20 years at absence 50 MOVIE TITLE UNANNOUNCEDI 1200 MOVIE SUSPENSE htCl 1117a OVIE BRAMA Scare crow 1913 1210 ROCKFORD FILES 1245 MOVIE MUSICAL ma Honolulu 10310 THE MIDNICHT SPECIAL PTL CLUBTALK AND VARIETY 110 MOVIE DRAMA Mean Streets 1973 130 NEWS 200 MOVIE COMEDY Call mr Mom 1072 MEDICAL CENTER 225 69 MOVIE ADVENTUREMYSTERY Foreign Intrigue 1056 00 MARCUS WELBY MD 315 MOVIE MYSTERY is Midnight Man3131674 MOVIE CRIMEDRAMA You Only LII 851cc 1937 to BEWITCHED today in histog May 25119711 The last Fenian raid on vfanada ended 109 years ago to lay in ltflo when the in vaders led by Fenian president John ONeill retreated to the Unith States after being fired upon at Eccles Hill inQuebecs Eastern Townshipslhe Fe nian raids begariin 1866 in sym pathy with the Irish fight for in dependence from Britain By 1871 the Roman Catholic Church had condemned the movements Violence and sup port withered away in Canada An indirect result of the Fenian raids on New Brunswick in 1866 was the colonys application to join Confederation 1801 American poet Ralph Waldo Emerson was born 1848 Vienna was torn by canadas stag Borden Invited Laurier to Join Union Government Occasionally debates in the House of Commons become so heated that members pear to bitter enemies Ac tually the rivalry is more Ii that among athletes They often have great respect and even friendship for their opponents One of the most eloquent tributes ever heard in the House of Commons was expressd by Sir Wilfrid Laurier following the death of Sir John Macdonald Laurier and Sir Robert Borden were also rivals but there has never been greater respect between two politi cal leaders During the conscription crisis in 1917 Borden decided that he would invite Laurier to form Union government of Conservatives and Liberals Some of his Cabinet ministers were opposed but he told them they were free to resign He and Laurier held preliminary meetin on May 25 at Bordens home Borden told the Liberal leader that he would form Cabinet equally of Conservatives and Liberals Later he told Laurier the he would even give him the right to appoint the Conservative ministers and veto Bordens own nominations Laurier considered the proposal for nearly two weeks but finally rejected it He believed there should first be plebiscite or general election on the issue Borden rejected this because it would take too much time and also divide the nation at time when the greatest unity was needed Laurier did say that he could not join conscriptionist government but if conscription became law he would urge all Canadians to Support it However number of leading Liberals sadly disagreed with their leaders stand and agree to join Union government The conscription act was introduced in the House of Commons on June 11 and later the Union govcrnmcnt won general election OTHER EVENTS ON MAY 25 1666 Scnacas signed peace treaty at Quebec 1750 Acadians were denied permission to leave Nova Scotia 1831 Russians boarded Hudsons Bay Company ship entering Stikinc River BC 1849 Postage stamps were engraved to prevent forg ery 1870 Fenians raided Eastern Townships Quebec 1882 Royal Society of Canada was formed 1883 Grand Trunk and Great Western Railways wcre amalgamated 1905 Pctcrborough Ont was incorporated t927Canada followed Britains example and ended trade with Russia 1951 Canadians were in action in Korea for the first time as brigade riots 1882 TheRoyal Society of Canada was formed 1949 Communist Chinese troops entered Shanghai as Na tionalist forces fled to the sea 1958 The first direct distance telephone dialling system in Canada was installed in Toronto barries stag May 25 1953 The Coronation of Queen Elizabeth and the Centennial of Barrie were gloriously ex emplified in song and pageant as dual themes for the fifth Festival Concert of the Barrie Public Schools held at the arena Under the direction of Lloyd Tufford the program was produced by the principals and teachers of the four Barrie public schools assisted by the Barrie Collegiate Concert band under Fisher Ronald Butler son of Mr and Mrs Jack Butler of Owen Street in Barrie was chosen as one of 24 boy scouts from Canada to attend an American Scout Jamboree which was to be held at Santa Anna Califor nia the next July Simcoe County which was on the fringe of the southwestern area struck by hog cholera had one case reported and farmers concerned by the appearance of sickness in their livestock were asked to immediately contact the Department of Agriculture in Barrie The Department of Agriculture had imposed ban on the outward movement of all hogs in southwestern Ontario Mrs Evylina Kinsella of Anne Street in Barrie was the only woman entrant in the Chamber of Commerce Fish Derby to land fish She receiv ed prize for her lb oz lake trout The Examiner Trophy awarded to the angler com peting in the Fish Derby who landed the largest aggregate catch went that year to Duke Wilson of Georgetown who was spending the weekend with his soninlaw Elwood Webb of Stroud The CKBB Trophy went to Edward Turnblom of Toronto for the largest catch of the day lake trout weighing exactly lbs Some ready to go to war over spelling of name AUSTIN Tcx AP Resi Ilcnts of small community cast of Dallas have gone to thc statc to court and some sccm ready to go to war ovcr lllt spclling of their towns IIaInc Is it Doughcrty or Daug licrty Rcmcmhcr famin pridc and religion is at stake as wcll as historical accuracy likc McKann of the General Land Office is the states invcs tigator in thc casc The account that follows was based on pa pch in his pOSSCSSion and tclcphonc intcrvicw with him The US Ecological Survcy rcccttlly discovcrcd an ap parcnt discrepancy III the towns spelling as It was working on topographical map of Rains County part of st atcwidc projcct Statc highway signs identify tlic town to IIIOIOIISIS as Doug hcrty But church sign near the highway reads Daugherty Baptist Church The US Board on Geo graphic Names sought thc ad vice of the land office and thc land officc asked for informa tion from six statc agencies the East Texas Council of Govern mcnts thc Rains County judgc and the Rains County Historical Commission THE BATTLE BEGINS Those rcqucsts said McKann arc whcrc thc vorSUS controversy starch boiling McKann did two days of on thesccnc research and recalled how the pastoral sctting bcautiful county with cattle grazing bclicd thc simmering emotions of jealousy pride and hatrcd He estimated the town popu lation at 75 but said residents were spread out Thcrc are no real nextdoor neighbors An irate Leo Dougherty greatgreatgrandson of the towns founder wrote the land office Although it seems in conceivable that anyone should have nothing more constructive to do than contemplate and plot the misspelling of the names of people and places nevertheless there exists in the community an officious cabal of nonDoug hertys which periodically instigatcs drive to subvert the official spelling of the commu nitys name to DAUGHERTY with an instead of an Emlcy Doughcrty Saffel and Rick Doughcrty wrote in sup port of the spelling They con tended that the community was named after James Doughcrty who paid $150 in 1850 for 610 acres of land and acquired thc headright to the community Mrs Saffcl is James Doug hertys greatgranddaughter The Doctor Says Can get data on psoriasis By PAUL RUBIE MD Dear Dr Ruble Im victim of psoriasis and have it badly on my hips and legs have not been helped by my doctors My latest doctor is giving me cream diprosone to use three times day its not doing any good cannot wear dress be cause of the appearance You are my last resort would ap preciate any new information you have on this problem which assume many others have According to statistics from the National Psoriasis Foundation to per cent of the population has psoriasis The problem as you probably know is rapid growth of the cells of the outer skin Normal skin cells mature and shed in about month With psoriasis the process takes only from six to eight days and the skin cells never really do mature but form scales instead plaques Psoriasis has plagued man kind since ancient times The traditional treatment for many years has been tar and ultravio let light Many variations of this have been tried For ex ample newer drugs help by making the skin more sensitive to ultraviolet light Other drugs have been tried to slow down cell growth Cortisone in plastic wraps have helped some patients Your diprosone beta methasone diproprionate is one of the newer steroid drugs being tried Research continues thanks in part to efforts of the National Psoriasis Foundation That or ganization has been immensely helpful to many psoriasis patients in researching new treatments offering tips and providing general information about the problem You can write them at the following ad dress 6415 SW Canyon Ct Suite 200 Portland Ore 97221 The first time the foundations address was given here they got 2000 letters in one day in dicating both the extent of the problem and just how serious patients are in wanting to know more about it As matter of fact the total mail response was so high they movcd into new larger quarters They didntmind To answer the most often asked question about psoriasis no it is not contagious Dear Dr Ruble My mouth and throat get so dry espe ctally at night to the point where it hurts when swallow What can one do ltE You tell me very little good point to begin is with room humidifier An arid envi ronment can be troublesome especially for elderly folks The hot dry air of winter mouth breathing medication and other medical problems can be Involved Dear Dr Ruble have read that pregnant women should not take aspirins for headaches am pregnant and do get many headaches so what may do safely to relieve the pain None of the articles read offers any alternatives There are nonaspirin headache relievers acetominophen for example which do not interfere with clotting Report your headaches to your doctor High blood pressure may cause headaches and in pregnancy pressure should be kept under careful control Avoiding aspi rin or any medicine not pre scribed by your doctor during pregnancy is good rule to fol low BRIDGE Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag Counting points pays Off Vulnerable Both Dealer South West North East South NT Pass NT Pass Pass Pass Opening lead By Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag Nice try said West in his most magnanimous tone West could afford to be nice He had just found the one way to beat Souths threenotrump contract At trick One South had risen with dummys jack of hearts East had played the deuce and South had over taken dummys jack with his own king South had to knock out the ace of diamonds and he wanted his opponents to lead another heart Unfortunately for South West was an alert and suspi cious player He had counted points and cards when he saw dummy There were just 20 points for South and East South needed 16 for his notrump East could not have more than four If he had four it would surely be an ace If it were the ace of clubs declarer was going to make lot of tricks If it were the ace of spades declarer was going to be in for shock West led spade and wisely picked the only one that could lead to four spade tricks He led the king second spade went to Easts ace and the jacknine took the next two By the way Souths heart false card might well have boomeranged Easts play of the deuce had indicated that he East held only three hearts daily crossword ACROSS 47 Almost alike 51 Gold plated Labor group statuette Indefinite per 55 Poems sons 56 Beloved Preposmon 58 Equme 12 Three prefix 59 Mixture 13 Prod 60 Annoy 14 Busmess 61 Warm up agreement motor 15 Male turkey 62 Volunteer t6 Angered state abbr l7 Tragic 63 Novelist 18 Shadow Lat Bagnold 20 CalIfornIa crty 64 Spile 22 Broke bread 24 Negation DOWN 25 Dozen and four Aleutian 29 Misanthrope Island 33 Hideous giant Of 34 Italian resort Appendage 36 Esaus wife Narcotic 37 Hawaiian Negative volcano c0njunction Mauna Squeezes out 38 Christiania Car model 39 Artless Rare thing 40 Wizen German 42 In large negative numbers 10 AnCIent Irish 44 Short sleep capital 46 Little child 11 Cheers Sp Answer to Prevtous Puzzle EB EBB HEIDI BEBE BEBE Eli 19 Evaluate 38 Iridescent 21 Western weed gem 23 Skinny fish 39 Horse food 25 Auctioneers 41 Accord word 43 Docked 26 Composer 45 Chaplain Stravmsky 47 City dirt 27 Aid In diagnos 48 Unemployed ing comp 49 My Ger wd 50 Bridle part 28 Egypttan river 52 Dining room 30 Snoozes furniture 31 Roman date 53 On the bony 32 Whip 54 lnvttation rev 35 Negative sponse abbr command 57 Turkish name Bernice Bede Osol cYour Birthday May 26 1979 change in your social life is about to take place this coming year when several new per sons enter your tife However make certain you dOnt forsake old and loyal allies GEMINI May 21June 20 You might experience some un comIOrtable moments today because you are bit too touchy Focus your attention on being nice to others and forget yoursgll CANCER June 21July 22 This Nizard of Id is not get something tor nothing kind of day The only way you will get what you want is to expend the necessary ellort LEO July 23Aug 22 Although you might think it is kinder to disguise the truth from pal it will not work out to either yours or your Iriends benefit Tell the truth VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 Lack of faith in yourself will be your biggest enemy today It you allow selldoubts to influence you you will lose out on marvelous Opportunity LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 Take care not to be influenced by what Others think today Should you feel changes in your plans are in order follow ID LIFE FLQWERs For MY FAIRMAIDEN 6HALL we 9T0 FOR OUR NOON TIME REPAST ANYTHING SPECAP NAMES BY ASSOCIATING THEM WITH NUMBERS Short Ribs SIRE IT SAVED THE BY TURNING AN INVADING ARMY INTO FROGS lNTD GOI Frank and Ernest EVERY DAY BEING BIT NOR 7373860 XVE JUST ABOUT HADI WITH THIS 5TO9 JOB THINK OURE HASTY ALICE HERN STATIONERY 29 Dunlop St Your wedding invitations Announcements Headquarters We provide loanout service through on y0ur reasoning SCORPIO Oct 2NOV 22 Its nice to be good guy and help out your fellow man but dont pull anothers Chestnuts out Of the fire at your own expense SAOITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 Stumbling blocks might be thrown in your path today by one who is jealous Of your accomplishments It you can share little of your glory with this person do SO CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan 19 COworkers might need few pats on the back in order to get done what needs to be accom plished little encouragement will go long way AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 Stop and think before you react Ct at mum Bros tr in as PM 0v WAS WHO BALANCED THE BUDGET SOLVED THE ENERGY VIN TPAW RTAGE BY HYPNOTIZING KINGDOM By WEA IilglANTAND HITCHING HIM to gossip or hearsay informa tion Youll realize its worth it you take the time to study what was said PISCES Feb 20Msrch 20 Ex pecting more from Others than they are able to give will disap point you today Be realistic Youll accomplish great deal in unison with them ARIES March 21Aprll 19 Be careful what you say and how you say it today Retracting your words and trying to ex plain your intent will be lot harder than you think TAURUS April 20May 20 Something of value could be lost if you dont get your head out ol clouds today It would be shame to Sulter this loss from carelessness Iris WORTH Error EXTRA HE LITTLE NICETIE9 OF LIFE AravéTRW 525 4M 579FP NOT WE HAVE YOU TOLD ME YOU LOVE ME IFVaJ WMIND ID RATHER Nor HEAR THE REfiTOF lT LIKE THE CHEcK PLEASEAND FIFTEENMINUTE HEAD START him an IN am It 9110 TNAVES 54 IISlJémEE Teams BEIPGTIEDAMAN M65 SAMEASBEING TIEoToA MEAN 5AM TO9PM

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