if the examiner Wednesday May 23 1979 Canadian lobsters friendly compared to British cousins iiAiiEixiin anadian lobster arent exactly sooiable but compared with their surly British cousins they are downright friendly The Canadian and British varieties look and taste alike but wellknown lobster han dlei in London says they have different characteristics that require different handling and more important different cooking Gladys Hines whose 21 years in tho business havo earned her reputation as Britains lob stor quotn says anadian Headway against mental illness ST JOHNS Nllil Ili lhorr aro definiti signs that anada is making headway in the treatment and cure of men tal illness says Dr David lloi boriiiaii professor at psychiatry at Memorial Tiiivorsity ol Nowtoundlanil But despite some iinpiovo meat in recent yoars loilior man says now anailiaiis Ill die in 1075 as result of mental illnesses Another lIllHlIltl lll boadniit ted to psychiatric units and 3011000 will iooiiyr troatnionl iniloolors ollicos lieiborman said in recent speech that one tllll iit every six hilltlls born in tho country ends up Ill hospital for psychiatric tioatinoiit at some point in his lilo It is likely that mental health is the number one prob loin iniauatla LUWUN LISI uo ol the biggest problems in treating mental illness is ig iioranoo he says We would like to got more ooiniiiuiiity health in volvonioiit Mental health projects are al ways low on the list oi priorities audit isditticult logotliolp He says some progress is beingJ made in tinding ways to treat and cure disorders In tho past tioatiuoiit ltllttl on tliora peutic and physical methods Since then tlioio has been more knowledge gathered about what loads to mental disturbances Leilierniaii says he would not go so far as to say that treat iiiont is always successful But the number oi persons able to Ioavo institutions and got back into their coiiiiuunitios is in creasing lobsters have softer shells than their British counterparts tend to grow larger and thrive on cold water which the British lobsters shun Mrs Bines has been hired by Clearwater Lobster Pounds of Nova Scotia to help handle the lobsters it has begun exporting in large quantities to England Clearwater has taken over large warehouse whose six tanks can store total of five ions of live lobster at time flearwater flies loads of live lobster from all four Atlantic provinces on airfreight fligth from Halifax to Londons Heat hrow Airport so that they re in the tanks within 12 hours of leaving Canada ARE LESS AGGRESSIVE Mrs Hines who works on the receiving end of the operation says Canadian lobsters are much less agressive than those from Scotland which alon with Cornwall produces most Britains lobsters can take liberties handling the Canadian lobsters would never dare with the Scottish variety She says the Canadian lobster is very much community lob ster When you put them in water they tend to group together The Scottish lobsters are very much individualists They will seek out deserted corner or vacant spot in the lobster pond to be by themselves Nor does it pay to mix the two species 7265333 IIAl FASHION and VICTORBEAUTY SALON Short and Curly SHORT CURLY Go Carefree this summer Let the professionals at Victor Beauty Salon cut and style your hair PS We have the knowhow to give your guy new curly look BARRIE GEORGIAN MAll WW PO 0L5 Phone In Britains severe winter temperatures this year drop ping as Iow as 45 number of Scottish lobsters died beneath the ice of the storage pounds but the Canadian lobsters thrived Another ditterence between the species is important for British cooks to know The softer shell of the Canadian lob ster requires only about half the cooking time of the British variety 100 COTTON OOROUROY BLACK $266 45 PONGEE POLYESTER $298 In 60 STRETCH DENIM $349 In 39 TSHiRT KNIT $1 98 45 PRINTED NYLON CHIFFON CREPE $1 98 LARGE SELECTION AT FAVORABLE PRICES Summer YES WE ARE DOWNTOWN MORE CONVENIENT BETTER PRICES 726938 llll m0llll ii OVER 1000 YARDS OF KITCHEN CARPET IN STOCK Scotch Guarded Reg 895 sq yd At Girards WHITE TICKET SPECIAL 100 REMNAN REMNAN TS REMN AN TS FREE With the purchase of any carpet or rem nant except rubberbacked we will supply l2 foam underpadding FREE at no charge Reg 195 sq yd 95 Sq Yd CLEARANCE 3500 PARIS NYLONSAXONY FREE DELIVERY GUARANTEED INSTALLATION 95 Sq Yd colors with permapad 900 yds in stock Reg 1295 sq yd 7280899 rs Wed Thurs Fri 99 Mon Tues Sat 96 100 YDS EAST HWY 48 DALTON RDPARK AVE 0N HW 47 7228489