CtéilSEDc the examiner Wednesday May 23 1979 Garden Notes No need to rush planting garden By JEAN ABLE Barrie Horticultural Society This is the week when most people feel they should get their gardens planted and if not planted at least get their plants they intend to transplant bought from the nursery There is no great rush We have had killing frosts on June and at the price plants are you can hardly take chances When you pick your annual plants bigger does not mean better small plant with sturdy stem and good healthyrooking leaves will root lot faster and come along quicker than plant with long stem that will likely wilt or bend over Petunias that are not in bloom will do better than those already in bloom People always pick the box of plants with the most blooms but think of the strength the plant mtgï¬put into tha bloom when you want it to develop goo root system to do the season Pinch off the blooms and leave only the buds There should be name on all your boxrplants and usually picture on the label or among thenutsery stock showing what the variety looks like Always moisten your plants before removing them from their boxes Disturb their root system as little as possible It is good idea to water the ground where you are going to plant the night before you plant Then of course water well By CLAUDIA KRALSE Of The Examiner Bob Stutt says he always has more energy following his puppet shows than when he begins Children breathe energy into his shows The delight children ex press during his shows rewards the efforts of this professional puppeteer on tour with the Georgian Bay Regional Library System On Friday Stutt was at the childrens annex to Barrie Public Library to perform for kindergarten and Grade pupils They howled and shouted at the episodes of the dragon who was meant to be the kings supper but instead became the chef Health unit holding polio clinic for adults Simcoe County Health Unit will hold clinics tonight Thurs day and Friday to 930 pm at Bayfield Mall in Barrie for adults who have notthad polio innoculations in the last five years Field trip planned to area creek Brereton Field Naturalists Club offers special invitation to members and other in terested persons to join in field trip to Matheson Creek area near Midhurst Hon Mills chairman of the Save Our Streams project will Every group of children reacts differently to his shows Stutt says In spontaneous unison Fri days group shouted warn ings to the unsuspecting pup pets Dont eat it they all called to the friendly dragon They seemed terrified at what might happen to him Stutt literally wears his stage Its tied to his waist with belt while hes covered with draping fabric As he manipulates his pup pets the stage can walk around and even bend over toward the audience Stutt is the only fulltime puppeteer for Torontos Frog Travelling puppeteer delights children Print Theatre which has 10 apprentices who put on shows He is also studying toward Masters degree in Library Scence He says his puppeteering career was launched at Halifax Public Library when he decided to begin using puppets held in storage His growing interest led him to the National Puppet Festival in the United States He later studied with Nikki Tilroe His audience now includes children at libraries and schools in Ontario and Young Peoples Theatre in Toronto This week hes at Ontario Place His shows are also broadcast on TV Ontario Jody Draper displays mixed feelings about the dragon canine VPQ The dragon escapes the kings plans If to olwmtk Special Purchase an Sunny Garden Furniture Special purchase Save l357 on this durable bpc outdoor furniture set and relax in style For patio balcony or garden cottage home or apartment its iust the thing for family fun and entertaining ease The set consists of 6tt Polyester Viscose Rayon unbrello with manual crank plastic folding chairs and 27in plastic umbrella table with an lBgauge Steel frame And when summer comes to an end it stores easiiy until next year Multicolor um brella white furniture Our Woolworth Reg Price 1352 set as soon as your plant Be sure the earth is pressed down well conduct tour through the around each plant leaving no air pockets area Never plant on indy day or when the sun is hot Early Three students under morning or evening are the best times to plant Soaking peas and beans in water will hasten their sprouting Keep the spent blooms on all your plants cut off so the strength of the plant does not go into seed With tulips just cut off the steam where the tulips were just where the steam joins the plant In the rock garden thin out each plant as it finishes its bloom so there is room for the next display to look good Be sure to stake dahlias when you plant them and also tie up your peonys before they all flop over Keep an eye open for caterpillars and destroy them at once The same goes for tarnish bugs if you can spare the time SOCIETY NEWS Thursday May 24 is the spring show at Sunnidale Centre Entries will be received from to pm Art Toles is evening speaker Convencrs are Anne Huitema at 72o 6906 or Sylvia Ward at 7370794 Saturday May 26 is the spring plant sale at the market building Donations welcome Call Harold Hyne at 7268107 or Anne Huitema at 7266906 Saturday May 26 is also the tour to Mennonite relief sale Call bookers at 7283873 7266798 or 7288248 Forty seven members of Barrie Horticultural Society had wonderful fourAday tour to lltrankenmouth and Holland Mich and Greenfield Village Four days of marvelling at nature as it makes its spring show It was most happy event All members and many people in Barrie and Innisfil will mourn the passing of Marjorie Yeates who was the societys booker for tours for 12 years and who has given liftime of service to many people in many ways She will be missed She died May 17 vi Young Canada Works program began 15week erosion control program last week Stream conservation and wetland management will be pointed out The group meets at Center nial Iark Barrie at 745 am Please bring your own lunch Fore more information call Ron Mills at 7283203 WI elects new officers New officers for Simcoe South District Womens In stitute were elected at the 77th annual meeting held at Bond Head community hall recently The district has 11 branches and about 315 members Mrs Donald Monkman of Cookstown is president while Mrs Paul Tipping of Tot tenham is past president Other officers are Mrs James Steers first vicepresident Mrs William Kell second vice president Mrs William Stur dy secretarytreasurer and Mrs Don Stephenson public relations officer Melissa Miller of Barrie correctly identified last weeks photo in The Newsmakers Contest as Constable David McCly aid and won Big mont demonstrating first Meal at McDonalds If you know the story behind this weeks photo send your name address telephone number with your entry to Newsmakers Contest The Examiner Box 370 Barrie L4M 4T6 Winners will be notified by mail Winners are selected by random draw of all cor rect answers Examiner Photo RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL CARPETING ALL BRAND NAMES BALES OF CARPET TO CHOOSE FROM STOP IN FOR COFFEE BROWSE LOTS OF FREE PARKING OPENING MAY llth BUYS Matching coda OUTDOOR FURNITURE 17700 Annnapu nun annnnnnu DDDA U0 ï¬nnnnaonau Dunbuunauuua Unattan gum Hanna noun MBRELLA CHILDS CANVAS FOLDING CHAIR lt our managers personal choice Inctdii hum We th um re t0 ewit cover uar ee rame WI matching lawn chairs plastic arm rests in floral or BTU oqllsmble l°UVeV By Torcan metal frame with padded sets only Our animal patterns Our on hormnml Wmdow plastic grill front back Woolworth Reg Price 22358 Woolworth Reg Price 644 warranty on compresor blade fan QUr Woolworm ST 513 each cools up to 306 sq it Our Regpricey each OUR SALE PRICE OUR SALE PRICE 477 SAVE 4658 SAVE 167 Cruise Lounge at 3500 Woolworth Reg Price 26995 ea 23900 Our Woolworth Sale Price 0000 BTU 3SPEED AIR CONDITlONER TORCAN 20 2SPEED FAN OUR SALE PRICE 2200 SAVE 577 OUR SAlE PRICE SAVE 3095 mana mm run 99 ï¬Lï¬ï¬‚éï¬n 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