Wmw 3i its Bessie mechanical bovine 22+ the examlnor Wodmday May 23 11370 RANKIN INLET NWT CP The last animal you might expect to encounter in this Arctic community would beacow Perhaps more of surprise would be finding cow made of metal nuts and bolts We call her Bessie says Bob Snyder business manage ment officer in charge of the artificial milk producer that has just recently began manufacturing milk from powder water and butter Shes just about as good as 10 Jerseys on dairy farm he says The mechanical cow is ac tually combination mixer ho mogenizer cooler and holding vat The in edients are mixed pasteurize homogenized and cooled at exact temperatures and times There are still some prob lems but were optimistic about success Snyder says it GOVERNMENT PROJECT tr The cow is pilot project of the territorial governments re gional department of economic development and tourism It is Tracks ravaged by floodwaters Newsmen examine execution room in to rovide the reside FleWOlerS and WOVG from Winds than 0552an gamgge ï¬fkskazdzeds gyxegewatin district with Newsmen examine the site of the execution of of l977 Gilmore sat in the chair and was ex twisted this section of Canadian National ma 0° ver UiUOUS Pmduct at an econom are at the Utah State Prison in January ecuted bya firing squad AP PhoO Railways track near Morris CNR officials say Valleymls sprngcpph°0 icalprice Gary Admits students slain but young adults From ATLREUTER between eight and 16 were special government com KIGALI Rwanda cp killed in the rioting he said mtlttee has just been setup and Emperor Bokassa acknow They were not children but is investigating in every school edged today that scores of stu dents wcre killed in last months riots in the Central Af rican Empire but insisted they were grownup youths rather than children The emperor in Rwanda for FrancoAfrican summit meeting said in an interview the riots were Marxistled and organized by an unspecified foreign power in an attempt to overthrow his government Commenting on report by the humanrights organization Amnesty International that be tween 50 and 100 children aged grownups youths The emperor added can certify that only 13 died in the January riots But am not in position at present to say pre cisely how many died last month He said student leader whom he refused to identify had been arrested and jailed in Bangui the capital He is Marxist revolution ary leader the emperor said The fact that riots took place simultaneously in seven of the empires major cities tend to show it was carefully planned action in the empire and will Soon re port to me as to the number of missing pupils The emperor admittedpthat the riots and the Amnesty International report have strained relations with France and French President Valery Giscard dEstaing who until recently was frequent visitor to the empires biggame re serves French government officials confirmed today that French aid to Central African Empire is being suspended until the re sults of inquiries into the stu dent riots can be assessed Enter the Dominion PePsi Cola Niagara Falls Canada musmgtmy You could win aWhale of Da this summer at um Marlneland Niagara Falls an Dominion and PepslCola will take you thereabsoluy free WM You could win one of 60 GRAND PRIZE Summer FunTrips to Marineland Each Summer FunTrip consists of Philip goes asailing Prince Philip was hand and crewmember to Prince Henrik left of Den Free passes for20to Marineland mark when the Danish prince during the weekend won the trials for the Lunch for you and 19 of your Danish Team to the world championship in knarrboats The third friends crewmember is friend Lars Moller Nielsen AP Photo Plus return bus transportation Duke Wayne honored wronmosBANeum DANCES MEETINGS by striking of medal mow WASllthilUN tAPi John War II and the hearts of Wayne who brought law or thousands of us across the dcr to the US West single countryandtheworld IllM 34 This Weeks SPECIAL FEATURE of passes to Marmeland See the exciting Killer Whales Kandu and Nootka handcdly who fought and won Maureen OHara actress for RETURNABLE BOTTLE 750 mi VISIT the friendly deer in the Deer Park the Second World War dozens of 39 years friend of Wayne and times is taking ongress with his costar in The Quiet Man out astrugglc said Few people are given the To the people of the world title Thc Representative Barry Goldwater Jr was say ing lhcrcs The president The Pope The Queen and The Duke John Wayne the Duke 71 in hospital for treatment of can cer is going to have congrcs sional gold medal struck in his honor The Senate already has ap proved the idea and the House of Representatives is certain to do the same Stxcitically the legislation would authorize the president to present the gold medal to Wayne and authorize the treasury department to strike bronze replicas for sale to the public HONOR LIMITED Only Ki ITS tlllItlS have been so honored And most of them ticorgc Iashington and Andrew Jackson to name two didnt make movies about wars and the West They lived them House banking subcom mittce met Monday to consider the idea of medal for Wayne lrestdent Carter in letter to Representative Frank An nunzio Dem Illi subcom mittee chairman said John Waynes true grit helped win the West World John Wayne is not just an actor and very fine actor RIVIERA SCHOOL OF ODELLHV SELF IMPR YEMEN Never before have Iodios styles been so fashionable Can you picture yourself in TV com mercials magazines and runway modelling If so call for free interview and evaluation 7264723 SPECIAL COURSE FOR LADIES 25 VER FORMING QAIN POISE CONFIDENCE THROUGH SELFIMPROVEMENT 25 PLUS 25 DEPOSIT OUR REG PRICE 49 24 SAVING Values effective until Tues May 29 1979 WMALE OF DAY AT HARONELAND CONTEST RULES lo we provou nine nary no anode nummr on an mi we flu wry nur amme at participating DOIIIVU starts and deposit me any 3025 plume Nc mucus W553 Caites ulS tvon stow opening May 23 97 605 business Me 10 979 On My i99 swooping Dermo slot mm enlfllb all 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Mew Promo m1 Manned ins tree wry hams mune i50 panic mg Dennis slow to Anusvw Mm v1 8mm Brampton Bunttwc ElyFamine Bur quer Oleander Curran cabow Dumas tumor MWHDH mum London Mr Mu vague Manama Niagara hits Jamie Own Pewborouoh Pmnng Pu Comet St Catrunms items Statuqu Sutton 5mm inomhlr lnmnto Wauroo Wetland WM wooasloo CONTEST EXPIRY DATE SATURDAV JUNE 30 1979 PICK UP AND DEPOSIT YOUR COIMETED INTI FOR AT TOUR LOCAL PARTICIPATING DOHINDON STORE DOMINION STORES UMITED