20 therexamlner VVogqugelay lacy 23 1979 are station by Bessie Crawford 4873921 Friends were sorry to hear of the passing of Earl Walters who died recently in Mexico He was buried in Beamsville Earl and his wife were well known III this area and people were always glad to see his truck at ro Fair laden with peaches pears and grapes He will be missed by many friends We were also sorry to hear of the passing away of Mrs Naomi Brooks formerly of Shanty Bay Mrs Brooks was an aunt of Mr and Mrs Dave Woronka Euchre is being played at the omniunity entrc each Mon day night at in Winners on May 14 were first Mrs Isle Grand Lloyd Sehram second Mrs Em heatherstone Mrs Eunice Greenhalgh third Mrs Edith Nelson Mrs Muriel IIart low Mrs Hilda Gower Mrs Helen McKay May winners were high Mrs Lorna Gilchrist Bob Itehart second Mrs Jennie Fletcher Ellwood Reynolds third Mrs Helen rawford Lloyd Schrani low Mrs Iva Dellart Wilf Crawford travelling Mrs Elsie Bar tholomeu and Mrs Ilalen McKay lhe Marigold Jolly Elders Iiiet Iuesday May 13 at the ommunity entre for their potluck luncheon at pm lheir meeting was cancelled May 22 due to the voting being held at the omniunity Centre Iheir next meeting is planned for May at pin Note the change ot time evening in stead of afternoon ongratulations are in order for the Marigold Iolly Elders choir who won the trophy for the third time at the Kiwanis Festival held recently at St James Anglican Church rillia Included in their singing were Let the Rest of the World Go By and Ring ut the Sweet Message Sympathy is expressed to Mr and Mrs Lloyd Tonrad on the sudden passing of their son Richard Lee in New Westminster on May in his 27th year Funeral service was held on May 12 Dr and Mrs Douglas Rathbone ot Thunder Bay flew down and spent few lays with Mr and Mrs Douglas Picker ing and also accompanied Mr and Mrs Pickering to wed ding in Belleville on Saturday May 12 Congratulations are extended to Mr and Mrs Terry Iohnstone nee Eunice Beer who were married Saturday April in entral United Church Barrie Eunice is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Iohn Beer The Girl Guides Brownies and Scouts are still meeting at Guthrie School on Monday nights from to 830 The Guides are planning weekend camp in June and tentative date of June It has been set for the mother and daughter banquet for Guides and Brownies The Ladies Aid and WMS of St Andrews Presbyterian hurch held their meeting recently at the home of Mrs Morton Dale with good atten dance Mr lIelen rawford presid ed The devotion was given by Mrs IZleanor Mellardy and Scripture read by Mrs Gladys Me uaig Several people have donated money in memory of loved ones and hymn books have been purchased The hostess served lunch Church is held at 11ani with Rev Ken Ileron in charge Everyone welcome hillsdale by Ruth Lea 835231 Mrs Alvin Ilrennan attended the II SlXIlIltIII banquet held III the reemore Legion Ilall last Iuesday even ing May 15 tongratulations to Elizabeth and lerry Shakell tarleton Place on the birth of daughter born May It Iroud grandparents are Mr and MIS lloug Ronald and Mr and Mrs Shakell of Midland lhe Simcoe North District Annual was held at the Vasey Inited huich on May IT Those attending from lllllsdale were Mrs Blanche Douglas Mrs Mary Morrison Mrs Eva lmiiey and Mrs Ruth Lea Miss lira Rinubles music It put on recital at the IIiited Church on Ihursday Ivevennig Ma If We welcome to the village Mr and Mrs Walker They have bought property on Albert St and are going to build log house 0181 It lttltIl Ihonias IettersoII once de scribed the VhIte House as big enough tor to emperors one pope and the grand lama mo Clam BOOKLET Do you know What to do oflr on auto accident This booklet tells you imp in our lovocomportmont to Roma ENT 119 Grove St laid 09149 IDEAL FOR BARBECUE REGULAR GROUND BEEF 26 RINDLESS SLICED MARY MILES BREAKFAST BACON MARY MILES OR SWIFTS WIEIIEIIS CENTRE RIB END TENDERLOIN END FAMILY PACK LOIN LB PKG CHOPS QUARTERS SWIFTS MAPLE LEAF VACUUM glLIOEER SPECIAL SUGAR PLUM SPECIAL PACKED SWEET PICKLED SPECIAL ooxrn COTTAGE KANKED 13 98 IIAMS $248 nous 58 SWIFTS SWIFTS SPECIAL BROWNNSERVE SPECIAL SIENA SPECIAL STICK STATE ié129A8ATE 2851 29 PEPPEBONI $249 118 OUR REG PRICE 168 PRODUCE OF SOUTH AFRICA CANADA FANCY GRADE GRANNY SMITH PRODUCE OF USA GREEN ONIONS APPLES 3L5 68 Produce ot USA Canada No Grade Large Size The world is our garden TOMATOES lbs PRODUCE OF USA CANADA NO GRADE NEW POTATO ES 10 LB BAG CANADIAN QUEEN SLICED COOKED 332 LB AVGE TENDERLOIN END lOIN SWIFTS 333323 SPECIAL FROZENCELLO SPECIAL LAZYMAPLE SPECIAL BEEF OR HAOOOCK BOZEK PASTBAMI $136 FILLETS LB SAUSAGE ï¬ts QUARTER POUND SPECIAL FARMERSTYLE SPECIAL BONELESS COOKED SPECIAL SCHNEIOEBS BITTNERS FRANKFURTERS 169 BHATWORST CANADA NO GRADE COOKING ONIONS PRODUCE OF MEXICO PINEAPPLE CANADIAN QUEEN BREAKFAST SAUSAGES RICHMELLO BAKEO COOOS RICHMELLO CHOCOLATE CREAM OONOTS 118 100°o 60°o WHOLE WHEAT BICHMELLO BBEAO SORTE 3095 SPECIAL PARFAIT QESSEHTS e302 35 DRESSED SAUGERI RICHMELLO PEACH FROZEN SPECIAL SAND PICKEHEL BOVRIL SPECIAL 24 OZ 2202 PKG LOAF PM are II II hi3 2$129 AST SELLIESLIIELY SPECIAL SPECIAL KITCHEN SPECIAL NN UIKKI EARS 183 IIIEALIIIIIIIIAISSE 753159 AOUOBAGS 593 79 BLACK DIAMOND BRICK GOUDA KRAFT LIQUID ITALIAN MARBLE COLBY FARMERS OR OR THOUSAND ISLAND SPECIAL WHITE on RAINBOW SPECIAL CHEESE 225179 ISJAIESISIINC 59 052 129 EIESLSIEZEZOZEN SPECIAL ammo SPECIAL ALCANIT SPECIAL ALUMINUM FILLETS 159 IAIIIIERFLAKECE £9 FOILWRAP 02 279 FROZEN VAN CAMP BEANS Aw Ioo= MEAT on cauaxv ASSORTED VARIETIES SPECIAL PORK on sroxetv aw a5 SPECIAL STEW TOWN COUNTRY SPECIAL II IcIIIqusASNG 285119 59 331 259