WAcm ernrlï¬ gttnywl IY the examiner ruocday May 22 1079 Qews roundué Power outage hits hospitals BQSION AP Surgeons worked under emergency lighting and nurses carried green glow sticks through shadowy hospital corridors while utility crews worked to restore power after an outage plunged eight hospitals the Harvard Medical School and 40000 homes into darkness for five hours Power was restored early today The outage Monday night caused emergency cases to be diverted to other sections of the city Elevators stopped between floors trapping patients and visitors Lifersupport systems stopped temporarily and fire alarms were useless Boston Edison C0 the citys utility said the blackout was caused by an explosion and fire at an electical substation It was the second power failure in the city in as many months However hospitals reported no blackout related injuries and olice said there were no incidents of looting in the dark enc streets Loftario bonus number I3 TORONTO CPI Saturdays Lottario draw are five 22 24 35 38 and 39 The bonus number is 13 There were no winners in the jackpot pool which reached $50472910 This prize will be added to next weeks jackpot pool which will start the week with $50472910 and grow until someone wins The secondprize pool of $440380 awarded to those ticket holders whose tickets match five of the regular numbers drawn Saturday in any order plus the bonus number was shared by three ticket holders who will each receive $1813460 The winning tickets were purchased in Vanier Ottawa and Burlington Those ticket holders who match five or four of the regular winning numbers in any order will each receive $310990 or $5440 respectively while those players matching three of the regular winning numbers in any order will receive $5 There were 34141 prize winners in Saturdays draw Total prize money available was $93729440 Flood aftermath hardest time FIELD Ont tCPi The flood waters may be receding but for residents of this northern hamlet the hardest time is just beginning Field about 55 kilometres northwest of North Bay suf fered the most severe damage when the swollen Sturgeon River flooded two townships and forced 200 people from their homes three weeks ago The estimated uninsured loss for the area is $3 million residential and $7 million commercial More than 150 people were evacuated from 75 flooddamaged buildings in Field Tobalt Mayor Bruce Lonsdale says the flood was worse than the fire that destroyed most of his town two years ago Lonsdalc who was brought here to coordinate disaster re lief said the fire at least was clean break allowing the people in Cobalt aided by relief funds to start anew Kidnapped industrialist freed MILAN AP Wealthy Italian industrialist Claudio Gi gante 65 who was kidnapped month ago was found wandering blindfolded on the outskirts of Milan at dawn Monday His family said no ransom was paid Gigante was one of 21 persons kidnapped in Italv this vear Police probe derailment We speak with stronger voice NIPIGON Ont tCPl Po lice have sent broken rail from the site of the derailment of freight train to Toronto for ex amination spokesman at the Nipigon detachment of the Ontario Pro vincial Police said the step was taken because of recent sabor tage of rail lines in Fort Frances and Dryden regions west of here No one was injured when the 20cm 3P Rail train carrying general merchandise left the westbound tracks about 35 kilo metres east of here Saturday contributes so much to Canadas total exports it helps to make our country world and therefore an important voice in international affairs In Ontario mining matter to all of us Ontario Mining Association wvrn The six regular winning numbers in Because our mining industry major trader throughout the Suspect escapes Suspected FALN terrorist William Guillermo Morales who lost most of both hands when his bomb factory exploded escaped Monday from the Bellevue Hospital prison ward in New York Correction Department spokesman said Police handout shows Morales prior to the fac tory explosion AP Photo CHILDREN INVENTEI BIRMINGHAM England CPI Neimat Zafar 47 ad mitted in court recently that the 49 children which qualified him for $113000 in government welfare handouts were figments of his imagination ymmmnz $5047 2910 GROWING Sat May 19 EM WATCH FOR NEW LOCATION OF BARRIE LICENCE BUREAU DOWNTOWN CENTREv ABOVE REGULAR NUMBERS WIN IN ANY ORDER writings PRIZE VALUE $504 729 PRIZES 2nd PRIZE out of plus bonus 3rd PRIZE out ot6 $l8l3460 4th PRIZE 5th PRIZE out of 32103 $500 $93729440 Next Draw Sat May 26 GRAND OPENING FRIDAY MAY 18th Fully Licenced Dining Lounge NORTH AMERICAS FINEST BARBECUED RIBS CHICKEN DAILY SPECIALS At Clifton Hotel 257 Bradford St Barrie TAKE OUT AND DELIVERY 7370733 Open am am Sunday Dining PM arr1 Executions set for Wednesday Two condemned murderers await fate STARKE Fla AP Two condemned murderers their pleas for life rejected by Flor idas courts placed their hopes Gold hits new peak LONDON APJ The gold rush continued on the bullion markets today with the price reaching new peak of 3265375 troy ounce at midmoming rise of $10 in week and nearly $19 since the start of the month The dollar dipped Both London and Zurich bull ion prices were $265375 top ping the records set only the day before of $26325 in London and $26252 in Zurich on federal judges in Tampa and New Orleans as they began what may be their last full morning alive John Arthur Spenkelink 30 and Willie Jasper Darden 45 are to die in Floridas electric chair at am and am re spectively on Wednesday un less there is lastminute inter vention today Requests for stay of execu tion for Spenkelink were schedr uled in New Orleans before the 5th US Circuit Court of Ape peals Lawyers for Darden planned to go before US Dis trict Court in Tampa Meanwhile in Tallahassee police said 15 to 20 antideath penalty protesters were keeping vigil outside the mansion of Gov Bob Graham vowing to stay until he grants reprieves Graham who signed the death warrants Friday said the protesters can stay as long as their action does not infringe on other peoples legitimate rights VISITS SON Lois Spenkelink 67 visited her son in prison Monday Friends said she cried after the visit and when she met report ers she read brief comment and did not answer questions have in no way given up hope that therell be an inter vention her statement said Spenkelink California prison escapee when he came to Florida was sentenced to die for the murder of Joseph Syz mankiewicz 45 of Detroit an Ohio parole violator who was travelling with Spenkelink when slain in Tallahassee motel in 1973 Darden was sentenced to death for the murder of James Turman who surprised Darden during robbery of Turmans furniture store in Lakeland ï¬rgiruKffq vxly4yy5w The prisoners chances to es cape the electric chair at Flor ida State prison were dimin ished considerably Monday when the state Supreme Court rejected appeals on behalf of both condemned men PLEA REJECTED The court unanimously re jected an argument that prose cutors didnt give Spenkelinks lawyers proper notice about points the state raised in his murder trial It was the fourth Spenkelink plea turned down by the state Supreme Court The court also denied to an argument by Dardens law yers to the effect that the North Carolina native was denied due process under Floridas cle mency procedure in which the governor and cabinet review case before death warrant is signed Spenkelink and Darden lost in other courts too Tallahassee federal judge refused to stay Spenkelinks execution and the trial judge in Bartow who had sentenced Darden denied re hearing lithe execution goes forward Spenkelink and Darden would be the first men executed in the United States since Gary Gil more died before Utah firing squad in 1977 Unlike Gilmore who chose not to fight execution if the alternative was to be life in prison Spenkelink and Dar den have been exercising all their legal options The men would be the first executed in Florida since 1964 Home Auto Life Bus mess sarjeant Gr Insurance IOOBeII Farm Rd Borne Om 6000 BTU air conditioner for doublehung windows 422 Deluxe features 3speed fan deicer covered controls and Woodgrain panelled front With way air direction and air exhaust Dehumidifies ll Simpsons$ears Ltd Reg and Was refer to simpsonsSears Ltd prices Store address 509 Bayfield St Georgian Mali Barrie Mon Tues Sat 930 am to 5c Wed Thurs Fri 930 am to 930 See pg 44 Sears Mid Season Sale Charge it Enjoy it now Use your All Purpose Account 432 US pints in 24 hours For windows 221238 wide 131116 high minimum 477 479 600 8000 BTU model4way air direction comfort sensor thermostat Windows 2011536 13516 hmin 477 479 800 Reg $37998 $35498 10000 BTU model as above Minimum 256 40 17 477 479100 Reg$44998 $41498 Prices In effect until Saturday May 26 or while quantities last tï¬weï¬‚ï¬ Buy now and pay less for your Kenmore dehumidifier 184m Removes up to 20 US pints of moisture from the air in 24hour period Automatic shutoftprevents overflow Deicer controlprevents coils from icing up and compressor from stalling Automatic humidistatmaintains presel elected humidity level Warning lightindicates when pan needs to be drained 477 489 200 Guarantee Satisfaction or money refunded