conconscious than women Men not nonchalam aboutL clothes the examiner Thursday May 17 979 2l Desegregation status varies EAST LANSING Mich southeastern comer showed Mens feelings abouttheir higher level of selfesteem bother and beauty Fun and APMenlongbelieved to that clothing is closely tied to jobs and sense of accom and were generally more their accomplishments were be nonchalant about their the way men feel about their plishment are closely related satisfied withlife less important to the women apparEl may actually be lives to their feelings about It also found large dif This seems to indicate WASHINGTON AP Atlanta The citys public schools were desegregated in boundaries and student ac more fashion conscious than The threemonth study de clothing said researcher ferences between what men thatwomen are not rejecting women according to Signed to find out what 482 SuzanneSontag recently published United schools 89 per cent black in 1973 But the citys schools have andwomenvalueinlife new freedom and at the Michigan State UniverSity men and women think about ceptance has improved States re rt on the status of 1978 have achieved limited in lost both blacks and whites to Little Rock Ark Teachers iThe recent push to ndress Men valued highiythetr ac same time are atso hanging school esegregation shows tegration through voluntary re private schools and students both black and stu the quality of their lives for success may have complishments having fun on toold values Ms Bubolz that progressm bnngmgblacks asmgnment Sixyearold Denver The citys schools white appear to get along well In fact men may feel centred on middleincome something to do with this and being free from bother said and whites together in the American Civ11LibertiesLinIon have lost 25000 pupils since since federal court deseg happier and more successful families All have schoolage because its not something and annoyances Lower on But on the subject orchil schoolroom varies greatly from suit demanding integration of 1970 partly because of its dc regation order in 1973 City they are dressed well Says Children you would expect to find their scales were love and dren most of the women and city to city SChoolS in the City and 115 sub segregation lan Enrolment schools are about 59 per cent the SurVey by three home The researchers said they added researcher Margaret effection and financial men questioned agreed Few Areport by the UZSCommis urbs hasnotbeendemded has stabilize at about 47 per black economists believe Oakland County was Bubolz security were quick to say that they sion on GM Rights sum Boston Under court order cent white 30 per cent His New york City The board The random sampling of representative of other The study also showed that Values at the top of the would not have children if marizes the Progress 01 SChOOl Sin081974ilhe CIUSSChOOlSYS Panic and more than 20 per of education has officially en families in Oakland County highly populated areas near men who saw clothes asa re womens list were love and they could choose all over integration in 47 school districts tem of 28000 blacks and 24600 cent black and Asian Many in Michigans populOUS largecities couraged integration since the flection of themselves hada affection freedom from again around thecountrySomeofthe whites has undergone gradual schools were integrated 19505 but actual integration findings desegregation About 150 through changes in attendance has been limited Since then It Propane Gas Barbecue tl Aerogreen 777 Fertilizer Firestone® YOUR ADVERTISEMENT CAN LAST WEEKS 44 APPEAR HERE Elocfrohomo Heavy duty chrome plated grill 272 sqfin For lawns gardens and flower beds 44 lb 20 cocking Spoce Stainless Steel bar type bag covers up to 3000 sq our Woowonh burner heats charcoal evenly Side shelves Regpricesg7 bag OIEO portable cart and gas tank included Our Irv jar Woolwcmh Reg Price $l99 each ours PM the examlner mmhmflfl OURSALE PRICE $2 ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT List$5995 l87 Aime Si 37 $499 95 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