llCRIA VIC RS biKRNEFF SPACIOUS and BEDROOM ALL UTILITIES INCLUDED LARGE BALCONIES OVERLOOKING BAY COLORED APPLIANCES STORAGE LOCKERS ENSUITE SAUNAS EXERCISE ROOM AND GAMES ROOM BILLIARD ROOM UNDER CONSTRUCTION TENNIS COURT CLOSE TO SIMCOE PLAZA PUBLIC BEACH YACHTICLUB year lease available RENTAL OFFICE HOURS 12 to pm weekdays 11 to pm weekends 7269580 37 JOHNSON STREET BARRIE 16tc to rent APARTMENT FOR RENT 86 Dunlop St $120 monthly 755 8686 am to pm 2610160 alter pm lONEBEDROOM TWO BEDROOM Apartment to let Fridge stove water and heat supplied Telephone 416 8594493 or 416 727 9857 ONE BEDROOM apartment lurnished broadloomed June Ist Central Barrie Close to to transportation $200 monthly Includes parking and utilities Aurora 4167273830 alter 7pm BACHELOR APARTMENT available Immediately furnished all utilities paid In Angus area $175 monthly Telephone 4245573 alter pm ONEIBEDRDOM broadloomed apart ment Coppertone stove and lridge Adults please Available June Ist One year lease required $212 monthly 7266283 BEAUTIFULLY DECORATED lully broadloomed bachelor apartment Downtown $190 monthly Fridge stove utilities parking included Telephone E62910 LARGE BEDROOM APARTMENT 8250 monthly Includes heat and hydro Located on Baylield Street Call 726 6633 ONEDEDROOM APARTMENT avail able Immediately $225 monthly couples ElynTeiephone 728 6929 HIGHPOINT APARTMENTS to sublet Large bedroom 1V2 washrooms lridge stove access to exercise room sauna laundry Immediate occupancy 8110 monthly plus hydro 726 7861 BEDROOM APARTMENT available May 1st 180 Dunlop St everything Included except hydro Telephone 72171421 TWO BEDROOM close to downtown Barrie Stove lridge laundry lacilities First and last months rent No pets Call flter pm 726 6725 THREE ROOMS with bath extra room available refrigerator stove heat hydro parking included miles north at Barrie on Highway 93 $165 monthly 728 7650 LARGE ONE BEDROOM APT 5190 in cluding lridge stove and utilities Prive entrance Downtown Available im mediately 7372647 Cosy BEDROOM downtown available Immediatiey or June 1st Telephone 7373019 BEDROOM APARTMENT available Immediately $325 monthly Fridge and stove hydro and heat included No pets Telephone 7287829 LARGE BEDROOM basement apart ment Near Highway 11 and Little Avenue 5196 Includes heat water lridge stove 728 6340 SMALL FURNISHED BACHELOR ETTE $35 per week Phone 726 6271 atter4pm 11bit to rant WOODS Little Ieyvicw Drive COUNTRY LIVING In BEDROOM TOWNHOMES WITH EARLY OCCUPANCY Gas fired forced air heating Sorne with ravine settings TennIs Court Adiocent Molson Park Rents from $300 per month HEADWAY CORPORATION 7373992 ThFSTF DRAND NEW Three bedroom homes for rent Immediate occupancy $325 monthly DEL REALTY 7370500 TF PUGET COURT PRESTIGE luxury bedroom townhouses Selective neighborhood References 275 Blake 7262361 to pm Evenings 7269682 TThSTF BEDROOM downtown with garage utilities and appliances not included 726 7676 alter Sp IT IS POSSIBLE Rent on new home can go towards your down payment For Inlormation call Mr Jarvis 726 6805 24 Hour Service TOWNHOUSE tor rent three bedrooms IV baths basement garage nicely decorated Close to school and shopping 726 4338 BAYFIELD AND CUNDLES and bedroom semi detached homes lor rent Broadloom garage one year lease Utilities extra First and last monthsd rent requrred $325 monthly Call Marlene Knowles representing Murray warsh Realty Ltd 728 9636 or 737 2351 THREE BEDROOM house laundry room and garage Duckworth Street Fully broadloomed $350 monthly in cludes heat and hydro Available im mediately with ot without lease 737 2699 BEDROOM HOME Angus ms per month Phone 726 7704 alter NEW BEDROOM house completely broadloomed lor rent Sunken living room with partially linished basement Also garage Telephone 726 3257 Bayfield and Cundles Four bedrooms two washrooms attach ed garage available immediately $325 monthly Barrie 728 0130 or 416 453 7991 SPACIOUS HOME tor rent tour bedrooms two bathrooms tireplace garage lovely large lot downtown Bar rie close to schools and shopping $375 monthly plus utilities lridge and stove Included 728 9567 BUNGALOW bedroom lakelront Highway 93 at Orr Lake All conve niences Suit single person or business couple No pets $180 monthly L416 2310429 weekends 22 mo FOUR BEDROOM farm house with barn close to Elmvale 5270 plus heal and hydro Telephone 322 2136 17 houses to rent BEDROOM white bungalow with nice lot Highway 90 at Utopia $250 per month First and last call 416 895 5207 alter6pm Urgently Needed Tenant for bedroom Allandale area Garage Finished rec room Broadloom ed Rent negotiable to reliable stable people Call Jo Harrington Canada Trust 726 3261 or 737 2382 ANGUS TWO bedroom house on large lot suit two adults partly lurnlshed Avaiable June Ist $175 monthly Telephone 4245595 any time THREE BEDROOM home lully broadloomed Iridge and stove utilities not included lirst and last months rent $325 monthly Telephone 7288192 TOWNHOUSE THREE bedrooms two baths four appliances garage Heal hydro and maintenance included $400 monthly Call collect mornings only 416 482 3779 THREE BEDROOM HOUSE Eastvlew area spotless lireplace linished base ment close to all schools $340 monthly Telephone 7268142 CLEAN BEDROOM HOME located at 158 Sanford Street $275 monthly plus all utilities Call Dave Scanian 7263422 or 7372493 rep OR DAmbrosio Realtor THREE BEDROOM HOME In Antel Mills available July broadloom rec room large lot two year lease available 726 8625 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE on Blake St stove and lridge $295 month Relerences required Call Simon Beekhuizen Rep Lou Goedemont Ltd 84067 FOUR BEDROOM HOUSE lor rent In village at Shanty Bay Available June Ist Phone 4285326 Stayner between and 10 pm THREE BEDROOM semi close to malls and schools rec room 131 Daphne Cres cent available June $325 monthly Telephone Mrs Penny 7283293 BEDROOM BUNGALOW electric heat broadloom garage fireplace 5325 month plus utilities Telephone 4362448 BEDROOM HOME completely flu nished12 baths Available June 25m to August 25111 7264820 F$€JW3W is APARTMENT WANTED Furnished ef ficiency IBR apt or small cottage In Barrie area required lor months Senior citizens and careful tenants Tel 7261256 and leave message 23 Rou LOOR in season ooart ment required in central location Call NEGRO779271 itthouseawentee rébl URGENT Young business man requires to bedroom home in good location close to schools Rent negotiable Phone 7280899 BEFORE 600 pm Iiimoms 9lef FURNISHED ROOM BradlordJohn St area Cable parking share kitchen liv ingroom Telephone73774886 or 7372427 LARGE FURNISHED lioiisékeépino room Central Laundry Suit one per son Telephone 7280755 FURNISHED BACHELOR apartment includes lridge and stove Linen changed weekly close to shopping Gentleman only Reasonable 726 3791 FURNISHED ROOM in two seaport apartment with lull use at apartment and lacilities 7372795 CLEAN FURNISHED ROOM lor rent Linens supplied and changed S20 week Iy centrally located Telephone 7268358 or 728 8484 alter pm 21rootn and board ROOM AND BOARD available in private home Also suitable home for senior citizens Telephone 7286182 RETIREMENT HOME residentialrset ting home cooking Registered nurse available Phone7265671737773930 23ollices stores lor rent 1200 SQ FT OFFICE SPACE 54F Maple St Available anytime 72B 1743 till 728 6899 atter7prn MODERN OFFICE space for lease small or large suites immediate oc cupancy short or long term 726 3400 Angeloll STORE FOR RENT 1200square leet parking lacilities lor more information call 728 I823 alter II am OFFICE SPACE for rent in attractive downtown building Individual ollices only Modest rent Free parking Re ceplion services and photo copying il re quired Telephone Miss Tubman 7269021 OFFICES 867 sq lt central air heat hydro block lrom Points Main lIoor sgso monthly 725 1771 Viau SMALL OFFICE SPACE on Dunlap Street Approximately 300 square leet 5150 per month includes heat Call Simon Beekhuizen representing Lou Goedemondt Real Estate Limited 7284067 BAYFIELD STREET DOWNTOWN ollice tor rent Newly painted Reasonable rent 737 2647 RENTANOFFICE Dovmovrtl unit Furnished or unfurnished staffed telephone answering nailing typing etc Various sized spaces now available street level walkin 7260988 My22 24space tor rent FOR LEASE 0R SALE industrial space and warehouse Telephone 726 3400 Angeloll WAREHOUSE SHOWROOM etc 108 Victoria Street 1590 square leet Gross lease everything included 5475 men thly Apply Stewart Wholesale 728 3051 PRIME INDUSTRIAL SPACE 1000 18000 so It lully sprinklered transport and light truck loading docks drive in doors 14 ll 18 clear part at large ex panding industrial malt 726 7130 2000 SQUARE FEET Commercial Space available suitable for retail manufacturing or warehouseing Heat and hydro included $600 monthly On Baylield Street Telephone Oro Mobile YJ57008 STORAGE AVAILABLE Small or large units InniSIil St 011ch Terrace Shorter long term 737 1606424 1020 STORAGE SPACE tor rent In the Barrie area heated 950 so It Suitable for small shop Telephone 322 1397 RETAIL WAREHOUSE for lease 7100 sq It right on highway 11 near Orillia was Farmer Jacks Furniture Ware house call 4161742 4079 STORE 0R OFFICE lor rent 700sq It 84 Dunlop St Telephone 755 8686 to pm or 2610160 alter pm FORLEASE 3000Vsauare feet in an in austrial area in Barrie very reasonable rate per square tool 728 7641 259873995 ATTENTION TRUCKERSI Garage space to rent by the month for repairs washing storage etc Barrie area Call Ora Mobile YJS 7008 77cottages to rent PLANNING YOUR HOLIDAYS Quiet clean bedroom cottage Gravenhurst area Private sandy beach Relrig orator wood stove Suit persons Telephone 726 7734 AND BEDROOMS seasonal been inside conveniences marina lacilities trailer lots Oro 487 242714873827 LAKEFRONT housekeepi cottages Excellent swimming lishing Boats available Dunchurch Weekends tor 95 5115 weekly 436 2649 BEAUTIFUL LAKEFRONT Cottage private bedrooms acres wooded Sale sandy beach lireplace sundeck electricity Indoor toilet no running water 5100 per week 7268312 28cottages lor sale ORR LAKE Three bedroom cottage on 50 420 lakelront lot Inside plumbing oil heat artesian well $28000 Will rent $900 lor season 416 2310426 weekends 322 I280 LAKE SIMCOE bedroom cottage steps to beach and store 45 minutes north at Metro 5600 down Take over mortgage Large lot 7054365246 THREE BEDROOM COTTAGE 10th can of Oro immediate occupancy private location 400 lrom waterlront Please call will Vezeau RE Ltd 4246358 29Vcottages wanted COTTAGE WANTED to rent on Lake Couchiching or Slmcoe for month at August or September 1979 Preference lorOrillia areaCalI726 7441 Es5313 if CAMPGROUND HUNTSVILLE ALGONQUIN PK AREA 40 private sites 80 acres Excellent fishing swimming on 3000 ft shoreline Maintain own lot and pay only $100 per season Jarvis 7266805 M31 C01 TAGES trailer park Cecebe Burks Falls playground trampoline lishing beach Murray Valiquette 7260617 32ca rs tor sale Cadillac Eldorado 1974 Eldorado 2door V8 automatic power steering power brakes AMFM stereo cruise control lactory air power seats radlals linished In Arctic White matching leather interior vinyl roof dream car Licence HOS 382 ONLY $3475 international Automobile 100 Til lin Street 7269050 1973 DODGE SWINGER two door hard top new palnt iob certilied Asking $1500 firm Telephone 7263869 days 7286010 evenings AUTO INSURANCE and home in surance Competitive rates Call John Nelson Insurance 728957179 am p31 573 TOYOTA COROLLAdeque coupe 1600 speed AMFM track radio new radial tires mint condition 38000 miles Certilied $1350 or best otter Call 1233 ssmnvï¬ï¬wh 1975 AMC PACER six cylinder automatic power steering radial tires radial snows excellent condition cer tilied best otter 7283178 1977 GRAND PRIX SJ excellent condi tion 35000 miles many extras Best ol ter 4584000 days 4875466 evenings 1978 CORVETTE black with black In terior power steering power brakes automatic transmission most options no air 20000 highway miles Asking 512300 Serious enquiries only 7374521 1970 OLDSMOBILE 350 cubic Inch motor rebuilt 700 miles 5450 1973 Vega running condition complete set at new tires 5300 Telephone 728 1311 THE WEED MAN Fertilizing weed spraying Results guaranteed 7372721 197a CHEV IMPALA tour door conditioned $5000 Telephone 7262111 between830am 6pm 1975 CHARGER SE air cruiseAMFM well maintained certified Telephone 7262801 1969 OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS Two door hadtop Certilied $1000 lirm Call anytime 7284627 73 DODGE DART Excellent condition $1400 certilied Call alter pm 7288652 1973 DODGE CHARGER SE 318 automatic power steering power brakes mags radio 51200 or best alter Telephone 728 6081 1978 FORD FAIRMONT V8 automatic power steering power brakes radio gauges rear window delrost radial tires on polished aluminum mags Rustprool ed and perma shined 26000 kilometres Asking $4500 Certified 4589291 T977 ASPEN power steering power brakes vinyl roof radio Telephone 4246011 1976 CAPRICE airconditioned Vinyl rool power locks etc 32750 Telephone 7284554 1976 CORONET tour door sedan V8 automatic power steering power brakes radio excellent condition Call Elmvale AutoSupply3221111 I975 GREMLIN MX six cylinder automatic excellent condition low mileage Call Elmvale Auto Supply 3321111 THUNDERBIRD V8 automatic purer steering power brakes radio deluxe Interior burgundy with matching interior Cali Elmvale Auto Supply 322 1111 1968 MUSTANG needs minor work S200 Telephone 728 0823 1977 DODGE VAN tradesmen 100 slant engine brown like new speed over drive 19000 miles rustprooled asking $4500 Call alter pm 73704924 1976 TOYOTA COROLLA 1200 cc Good condition Will certily Telephone 737 I602 alter 500 pm 70 MAVERICK two door cylinder automatic radio good condition 5495 Can be certilied 728 7267 I970MUSTANG CONVERTIBLEseIIas is or completely rebuilt 1969 Mustang good motor lenders and seats Call 7269888 1978 LTD II BROUGH two door air con ditioning and many options 30000 kilometres 56500 or best oller Phone 728 5968 alter6pm 1974 PINTO SQUIRE WAGON automatic root rack new radial tires extra clean Only 47000 miles Certilied $1900 or beSI otler MUST SELL Call 728 5182 1976 PLYMOUTH FURY white white vinyl roof power steering power brakes tinted windows 318 excellent condition 30000 miles new tires Price $4000 Telephone 776 1789 72 EL DORADo as is $2100 or best of ler Easily certilied lully equipped 728 6577 I977 PINTO standard 21000 miles AMFM radio 8track snow tires on rims 52500 or best oller Telephone 424 9450 alter pm 1959 FORD SKYLINER hardtop conver tible V8 automatic power steering radio lender skirts restored Very rare no rust Certilied 53000 436 2313 alter Joe 1966 CORVAIR CORSA door hardtop Radio 140hp 4carb needs seat repair good condition S725 436 2313 alter Joe 1957 CHEV BEL AIR 283 V8 4barrel dual exhaust door sedan tinted glass new radial tires Z28 mag wheels radio electric wipers no rust lrom Arizona Certilied $2900 436 2313 alter pm Joe 1976 VEGA door hatchback rustprool ed automatic radio original white linish with red interior Certilted $1995 429 3636 1971 DUSTER V8 automatic power steering radio relinished in lemon lime with black interior Very clean condition throughout Certilied51395 429 3636 1974 OLDSMOBILE 98 REGENCY Ex cellent condition private sale certilied lully equipped $4200 Collingwood 445 5335 1974 PLYMOUTH CRICKET good con dition 44000 miles certilied 51000 Telephone 737 1263 alter 1969 DODGE DART Swmger 340 engine lactory hurst tour speed good condition needs minor work 51200 lirm Telephone alter 322 2182 I975 CHEV IMPALA 4dool hardtop automatic air Asking 51795 Call 726 4752 52welde tzmtwdu CREDIT PROBLEMS We accept anyone with Previous credit problems °Bonkruptcies New in country 018 years and older Low Down Payments MODEL 1973 Chev Impala 1973 GMC Pickup certified 1974 Ford Courier ton pickup with cap 1971Ford ton with cup 1968 MUM Fastback 1911 mflbuConvcrtltle 1973 Ford LTD air conditioned 1972 Chrysler new paint 1973 Ford Wagon special price 1974 Chev Intpelu 1973 Chev Vega auto 27 1973 Mazda 808 new tire track 1972 Volvo 144 certified 1974 Detsun 8210 1973 Plymouth Wagon 1973 Mercury Wagon air conditioning SALE 886 2595 955 645 995 695 655 999 395 995 795 875 1995 995 695 695 000 miles Al curs uncertth except as noted 10 INTEREST AVAILABLE TRY NORTHERN SUBARU 453 Dunlop St bIlts of Continental Inn 7263767 HF azmtorulo AS IS 1966 FORDRebuilt 289 engine and BSPD alum transmission Dual ex haust good chrome and good tires Many extras Needs bodywork Asking 3500 Phone 32640518tter 30 78 GREMLI litre Eyl sp stick AMFM stereo highway driven ex cellent condition clean Snow tires in cluded $2700 Phone 686 7854 after 1977 MONTE CARLO redwhite vinyl rool V8 automatic power steering brakesalr conditioningexcellentcondi tlon $5300 Can be seen at Rons Tex aco Essa Rd 1975 MONTE CARLO Landau roof air power steering and brakes tilt wheel swivel buckets 51665 miles track stereo Certilied Call 7373236 1970 CUTLASS uncertilied 5900 72181054 LLALW AL 1973 MGB 2speed overdrive new paint excellent condition Telephone 7372280 alter pm 1973 PONTIAC VENTURA door custom cylinder automatic power steering 72000 miles As Is 5875 Call 7371363 1971 MUSTANG as is best Leiephone 7265704 alter pm 1967 MUSTANG cyl automatic new paint excellent condition $1395 Telephone 7260466 anytime otter 1973 DODGE POLARA door power steering and brakes 1969 PONTIAC Stratochiel door power steering and brakes Both certilied Call 7286675 alter 12 noon 1973 TOYOTA PICKUP Very good con dition AM radio eight track Insulated cap call 14663108 alter 630 pm I974 ROAD RUNNER 360 V8 automatic power steering power brakes dark green 52200 or best oller Telephone 728 2975 alter pm Cutlass Supreme 1974 Olds Cutlass Supreme 2door hard top V8 automatic power steering power brakes radio bucket seats and console mag wheels radials linished in silver metallic black vinyl Interior halo root Well maintained Immaculate car Licence Hut 407 Only 52475 Interna tional Automobile 100 Tillin Street 7269050 1972 FORD MUSTANG 302 V8 auto PSPB Also 1973 Pontiac Laurentian door hardtop V8 auto PSPB radio certified and 1974 Ford 350 one ton pickup 360 V8 4speed radio certilied Phane4249820 1974 PLYMOUTH FURY one owner door hardtop vinyl roof matching in terior radio power steeringbrakes very clean 7289365 1973 CHEV BEL AIR 4door cylinder power steeringbrakes very good condi tion certilied 51595 flone 7372177 W77 TRANS AM brown tan Interior 44000 miles extras $7000 or best otler 7281860 1977 BLUE BUICK Le Sabre Custom op tional items Include airconditioning AMFM stereo cruise control split front seat electric windows door locks and trunk release Telephone 728 0656 Elfcars wantedto Duy COLE BROS Cars and trucksWANTED lor wrecking Fast pickup Phone 4356322 days 4245949 evenings SCRAP CARS WANTED $30 lull size picked up $40 lull size brought In Bonus tor extra heavy 7281136 7261553 JUNK CARS WANTED Highest prices paid Same day pickup Holt Auto Wreckers 7268711 TOP PRICE for top cars Toke Motors Limited 119 Bradlord Street Barrie 7288111 TRACY WANTS cars and trucks for wrecking and parts top prices paid Free pickup Telephone 7268487 SPRING SPECIAL Tracy wants cars Full size cars $30 picked up Full size 540 brought In Bonus for extra large cars 7268487 WANTED Clean used cars Barrie Hon da Auto Sales17 Gowan 517266488 SCRAP VEHICLES WANTEDX Top prices paid Free immediate pickup any 99 PEEQL ifs LE LE 347mm and Wailers SIMCOE COUNTY FOUR WHEEL DRIVE CLUB For inlormation call John Nelson 728 9571 ï¬ssurER CAB FORD ton pick up as is 51300 or nearest oller Telephone 7266292 1977 DODGE KARY VAN 10000 lbs gross weight 12 It lg It wd Box lul Iy Insulated PS PB auto radio ex cellent condition 30000 km Complete with industrial hitch $9100 or best otter Call 859 0471 Schomberg 1978 JATON FORD PICKUP dark blue 48000 kilometres step up bumper 351 engine V8 power steering power brakes radio poor rubber 10000 miles Ielt 55950 728 6421 alter pm 1976 MODEL F100 FORD Explorer cap fully equipped 46000 miles moon rool Can be certilied Asking 53500 Telephone 7263103 1974 DODGE SPORTSMAN window van automatic original owner 35000 miles excellent condition power steering power brakes air conditioned under coated $3500 or best oller 835 2308 17776 oMcVAN Dï¬ATotle sfooéinilés 3monthsoldMus Phone48 33097 117711 CVAN Dot76661 miles like new condition asking price $4800 or best otter Telephone 7260259 or EIEBELLAL 1973 CHEVY VAN lor sale insulated and custom linished $1700 telephone 726 7284 alter pm FOUR BRAND NEW while spoked rims 215 215 10 tor Chev lug never used Asking $150 Call 4363755 alter pm Ask for Dave I9717FORD tan cylinderrstsndard radio cap certilied 510951429 3636 73 FORD WINDOW VANVery clean AMFM stereo radio certilied 51700 or best otter 726 5721 1975 DATSUN PICKUP AMFM radio deluxe camper cap excellent condition safety certilied Call Elmvale Auto Sup Dly at3221111 74 CHEV ECONOLINE good condition Phone 728 5048 during day evenings 28 4570 22x8 wide INSULATED VAN BODY Roll up rear door and swing out curbside door In very good condition 51500 728 2372 34week and tailor CAMPER VAN 1972 Ford Econollne high top stove sink three way lridge bed and table 55000 miles Excellent condition Asking $3600 Call 3258478 363 uto accessories FOR SALE Ford 289 cu In V8 bored honed 0m Crctklheft ground balanced wltli 40 Schoiffer steel flywheel TRW 126 to plutons rings bearings Crane solid lifter camshaft CW llfteru springs retainers 351 Windsor heads completely redone competition valve lob new IOOlI Studs StewartWarner electric fuel pump Holley 750 double pumper oarb All brand new Never been used Partially assembled 81200 7268994 alter6prn My 1974 MAVERICH coach for parts 1973 Vega motor and body lair lor parts 5100 complete lor each or sell parts separate ly Distributor carburator and gas tank gar I19168 plymouth all new Telephone 22 302 FORD MOTOR A1 condition heard running $175 4barrel and Intake lor small black Chev 45 Mike 7374433 37motorcycles 1978 KAWASAKI K1650 very low mileage like new Call Elmvale Auto Supply3221111 1974 YAMAHA 500 cc valve 13000 miles lair condition 7283555 alter pm 1979 HONDA XLsoos 5700 kilometre Must sell Asking 51795 Phone 7265023 1977 YAMAHA 250 Enduro 1977 250 Can Am Mx2 asking $1200 each or best ol ler Both In excellent condition Telephone 4589933 1972 ca 350 HOTIDA good condiiIoF handles easily Call alter pm 7371503 Asking $425 1976 SUZUKI 500 GT excellent condi tion 5000 miles extras Included $1100 or best otter Telephone 7289973 alter pm 76 YAMAHA xr 500 Enduro Very good condition Will certily Moving must sell 51250 7261127 BOX REPLIES While every endeavor will be made to forward replies to box numbers of the advertiser as soon as possible we accept no liability In respect of loss er damage alledged to arise through either failure or delay In forwarding such replies however other wise IF EXAMINER WANT ADS 7282414 37 motorcycles the examlmr Thursday May 17 1979 15 SEINeed help Just look over the ads below The ad vertisers listed are experts in their field and will assure you of thefinest lob possible 728241 ALUMINUM mucx ALUMINUM Will Spruce up your home with our new line of DAYMOND vinyl siding with 40 year guarantee or KAISER aluminum siding SOFFIT FASCIA TROUGH WINDOWS DOORS SHUTTERS FREE ESTIMATES 4361830 TThSTF APPLIANCES ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd authorized SolI and Service Free Home Demonctro no 18 Alliance Ilvd Unit 19 7203392 BOOKKEEPING BARRE BOOKKEEPING 55 Dunlop St West 7263822 Bookkeeping and payroll Reasonable prices Owned and operated by Block Franchise Owner TThSMy26 DUSINESS AIDS WORD PROCESSING NEWS LETTERS BROCHURES MAGAZINES PHOTOGRAPHY CREATION OF BUSINESS TRADE CONSUMER GROUPS MAILING LISTS PREPARED FOR EDP DIRECTORIES CONVERTED FOR COMPUTER PROCESSING DB CORPORATE COMMUNICATIONS 7370125 My28 CARPET INSTALLATION MILLER IROADLOOM NSTALLATION and SorvlcuWork renteedF II mug2 gua roan me or CHIMNEY CLEANING ALUET CHIMNEY SWEEPS No MESS No FUSS REASONABLE 7267693 or 7263820 TTh$ imm DRIVEWAYS PATIOS SIDEWALKS ETC ALSO ALL HANDYMAN AND REPAIR WORK CALI PODEWILS 7269559 TThSTF MANIERI PAVING PATIOS SIDEWALK STEPS 9CURBS GARAGE FLOORS Workmanship Guaranteed FRI ESTIMATES 7260081 DUPLICATING SHORT UN OFFSET COPYPRINTHVG PHOTO COPIES TYPING WDUPLICATING SERVICES 7260955 DRESSMAKING DRESSES FIT It made by JOSE AOUNO Specializing In pantwits gowns and altere tlone 42 to 51 Phone 7266m EAVESTROUGHING SUPERIOR EAVESTROUGHING SPECIALISTS roofing and rooting repairs Sheet metal work Martin Verutraten New Lowell 4241956 ELECTRONICS Stewart Electronics Repairs to TELEVISION STEREO RADIO Other Electronic Equipment 74 Fill ST 7289457 TF CHAN LINK FENCING for free estimate Dell 7287829 FIBREGLASS REPAIRS FIBREGLASS REPAIRS booth Inawmobllel mything fiberglass Free estimates Lo winter rates Workmanhip guaranteed 42452 REPLACES VIC WATSON FIreplacec and masonry For free estlmates phone 7281599 CUSTOM BUILT and designed Specializing In natural stone and antique brick using beIIfIru Workmonshlp guaranteed Peter Henctra 7372871 FIREWOOD 100 DRY MAPLE SEASONED YEARS 16 FACE CORD $30 FFREE DELIVERY 4872113 ERAL CONTRACTING chCliSmelDAA BUILDERS ZODOVTIIOHI additions ey repaln rywa all mason needs For uali work call John 7280841y CUSTOM BUILDERS Renovations additions chimney repairs well all masonry needs For guality wo Call John 7280841 GARDENING OLD MANURE DELIVERED TELEPHONE 7371935 M25 GEMRAL REPAIRS maintenance attics garages basements cleaned rubbish removed cash for used appliancel Gard 4365414 SPRING CLEANUP 9Windows storms removed cleaned °Home yard cleanup 9Rubbish removal small moving iobs 9Exterior painting repairs LOCAL 4873141 Ju7 HOME IMPROVEMENTS CONSTRUCTION House raking loun datlons renovations additionl Phone 4362955 after pm FORTHERN CAIPENTRY Specializing In In terior work Rec rooms kitchens bath rparm panelling finish work 72690m CARPENTER FULLY EXPERIENCED with NMOHOIII cedar decks bathroom tlIIng rec rooms etc Telephone 7261 771 HTCWINGPicked up and delivered Mon day Wednesday and Friday 8250 30 basket Call anfllmo 4589618 JANITORIAL Residential Industrial Cleaning To Service With AWomans Touch ST PETFRS PAVING GENERAL CONTRACTING Hot Asphalt RESIDENTIAL INDUSTRIAL 20 Years In Janitorial Business Oaspheit PIOIHII Specializing In All Fields 0th Ion Otgnnlg courts 514 ANY TYPE CONCRETE WORK NDSCAPING P0110 00 rxuimitto pend pool on mm REICIIEII LANDSCAPING mm 24 hour service 7261451 Specluhhlg 111 osooottic ormutzmc OHwa tic rotehhtg wdc utnt cm cornnutter mwns musvncx 7265666 mm Mwpo26 Al Work Guaranteed COCHRANE Free Estimates soD FARMS High quality sod delivered or picked up In field 4241307 MWFJu15 FERTKIZING weed spraying mowing sod dlm seeding etc Vic Trlomstra 7282909 Weed Ipra ing fertilizing results muted eWeed Man 7372721 FENTILIZING WEED SPRAYING mowing cradling seeding Aluo rec rooms finish 7377717 STAN KNICELY MASONRY Brick block and stone work chimney repair Fireplaces IpeclalQ Free estimate 05 4245158 MUSIC INSTRUCTIONS GUTAR LESSONS Classical and Popular Maul Patvln Guitar Studio 7261409 ACCORDION guitar piano organ begin ner and advanced Two months trial Instru ment loaned for home practice Canadian Academy of Muck 121 Bayfield 7281799 PRGESSIONAL GUITARIST giving lessons In classical popular and rock Two oponlngt coll GARY 7269090 PIANO LESSONS given by Anne Leeper ARCT Prepare for Royal Conservatory ex 7371743 VELLNGA PAINTING and decorating In tenor exterior Work uaranteed ES tablIIhed 30 years 726422 7269002 PAULS PAINTING Paper hanging Murals Interior and exterior Free estimates Low rates Fast service Satisfaction guaranteed 7371295 TF DON SIESLING PROFESSIONAL PAINTING Interior exterior paper hanging custom work Satisfaction guaranteed 7266808 PAINTING PAPER hanging experienced Free utimatu JACK RICHARDSON 7268341 UNIVERSITY PAINTING The organized student painters Trained staff ongoing supervison and quality paints BMACKED WITH TWO YEAR WRITTEN GUARANTEE 117370502 Ju14 PANTER FULLY EOUIPPED low rates satisfaction aranteed Free estimates Telzphone 72 4232 BARKEY PAINTING Inle or and exterior References available Free reasonable esti mates Telephone 7371087 7370179 ET CETERA PHOTO SERVICES WEDDINGS ANTIQUES for 1115 Purposes VARIOUS OTHER Free Lance Assignments 7370049 4292576 TThSMy 22 ilrtl li PICTURE FRAMING OATES 82 Dunlop St Ealt Custom framing of all types We stock man oi ea 100972841270 PLASTER REPAIR Fancy moulds artistic ceIlIngs decorative walls apply on almost any surface Kobro Free utlmatoa 7264612 ROTOTILLING BEAT INFLATION plant garden Rota Mgand up also lawns cut Telephont STUCCO II typos 9INTERIOR EXTERIOR ORDER for spring and summer completion FREE ESTIMATES RUSSELL TEXTURE SPRAY int4312 uI4 TV AND RAD REYNOLDS TV SERVICE Repairs to color black and white TV stereos etc All makes USE VACUUMS 815 to $60 All makes and models MASTER VACUUM SALES SER VIQ 16 Mulcastor Street 7267102 ALLENS WINDOW CLEANING Commercial and Residential Free eSIImateS Telephone 7261914 31 unmet BARRIE MOTOCROSS CENTRE LTD 51 58011 Street Behind Georgian Pcnthc nut to Tully Leather Telephone 7264112 CANAM MOTORCYCLES 1919 Qualifier Fnduroc 175 cc List Price $164900 OUR PRICE $149500 250 cc List Price $194900 OUR PRICE $175000 370 cc List Price $219900 OUR PRICE $199500 1979 tax5 MoteCrosser 250 cc List Price $199900 OUR PRICE $179500 Sorry Ho 370s loft AI Sold Out Still Some new 78 In Stock 3175ccCcnArnTNTEnduroc $119500 175 cc ConAm Qualifier Enduroc $139500 250 cc ConAnt Ottlllfler Induro $150000 Sotup Tex litre en II the above notorcycfu Used 8810 l978CenAn125000deu81150ITII 1978 Ynde 400 IT Indore $1595 end Tax 1975 Ilucquarnc 250 MoteCm $595 and Tu Also other cud MetaCroce II In clock THIS WEEKS SPECIALS GP MoteCross Boots from Sweden 58995 only prs left Knobbies for the price of 400 18 Knobby and 300 21 Knobby BOTH for only $4000 and Tax Installation extra If required Dorrie MoteCross Centre Ltd 51 Ellen St Dorrie 72641 12 Mle 40 articles for rule SA 11011 SALE PRICED $299s f40Itltilu tonic 100 Barrie Fuvtï¬turc If IT flauntr It articles for sole GARAGE SALE At 67 William St Saturday May 19th am till pm Many uselul household items some anti ques SEHSATIOHAL NEW STORE 20 OK 100 While endgcta free 12 RCAXLIOO 2for1 Oliy 400 wirly starting Inc 79 One hour delivery KRAZY KELLYS that door to Mullen HIGHWAY 90 FERHDALE 461 DUNLOP 7571182 TF SWIMMING POOL MANUFACTURER has new 1978 Pools regular price $219000 now at our oil season special at 1135500 Pools come with walk around deck patio fencing pump motor and litter delivery arranged to your conve nience For best selection and inlorma tion call toll tree 1800 268 5970 SWIMMING POOLS TO RENT WiII lease and install lor homeowners lamin size aluminum swimming pools with patio Choice at styles meeting all lenc Ing regulations on one two or three year rental basis with option to own Try belore you buy Call toll tree 800 268 5970 PINE BARN BOARD slabs and log ends lor sale You load and haul Open Satur days BUILDING WITH LOGS LI MITED Snow Valley Road7261966 PINE FuRNITuREW customrriade solid wood lurniture reasonable rates Coltee tables dining room tables etc 737 1039 WHISPERING PINES Cement Statues variety OI lawn and garden or namenls Highway 93 mile south ol Craighurst PIANO BABY GRAND A1 throughout JéileEiWns€731119 BICYCLES TRICYCLES all types and sizes re conditioned re painted retzairs made 726 0850 MW TENT TRAILER Kaplun sleeps breglass top with laid out canvas sides excellent condition used two summers Very reasonable Telephone 116 3388 Mwtkluforulo PURPLE MARTIN HOUSES Various sizes Brochures available Vivian Bell RR Shanty Bay homing75283 UPRIGHT FREEZER 15 cu lt white completely overhauled 5200 Telephone 726 6667 WEDDING GOWN with veilsize11like new worn only once Telephone 737 3508 alter 5pm RAILWAY TIES for sale Wholesale price square or round Good quality long 737 0086 Gasoline AILey CERAMICS EQUIPMENT used moulds iob lot Kilns steel shelving wrought iron and glass display units pyrometer monoters up to kilns etc Telephone 1435 4505 SWIMMING POOL only deluxe 16 32 lnground Insulated aluminum vinyl liner diving board ladder lilter and 14 horsepower pump Completely installed good access Was 56500 now 35400 7374840 CLARKS HOME FURNISHINGS Warehouse Annex has great choice at used relrigerators lrom 569 Stoves lrom S49 Washers dryers etc used ap pliances reconditioned guaranteed 30 days Used furniture items include chesterlield sets chests dressers odd chairs kitchen sets 33 Baylield Street downtown THE WEED MAN Fertilizing weed spraying Resultsguaranteed 7372721 ROYAL DOULTON dinner service Ar cadia live piece settings extras Never used Present retail price 5497 plus tax Asking 5350 7371897 alter 50 OFF all parts used to repair your TV In your home during May Call now and saveI WVT LICENSED TECHNICIANS Call the professionals 88 Dunlap St 7184297 TThSJu5 USED 23 CHANNEL CB Hitachi good shape reasonable 7287267 PCE LIVING ROOM suite collee and end tables pottery lamps all in shades ol browns rust and gold months old reasonably priced telephone 4249318 alter SYLIST ZIGZAG Singer sewing machine in cabinet with llexi stitch discs and butlonhole maker Asking $250 728 4016 MW innII DIRECT FROM FACTORY SALE Discontinued HARDY GLENWOOD PRODUCTS IDII years pattemc TRAYS MUGS TUMBLERS ALL 41 V2 PRICE MAPLE LEAF PLACE MATS Mr $250 each WW ONLY $1 or for $5 GOURMET RECIPE BOOKS Regular $10 each non 01111 $395 elch FACTORY HOURS am to Mon to Fri 128 BROCK ST TThSJU9 Ill MATES BED in excellent condition solid hardwood Call 7281554 after 530 pm PRIVATE SALE Nearly nEw laoTes cloihing size 1012 good quality Call after500pm7261328 HAMMOND SOUNDER organ ex cellent condition Call 322 2644 alter pm 1974 GM ton 34000 miles owner 1972 Yamaha motorcycle excellent con dition Victrola gramphone wind up model in working condition Telephone 726 8014 TABLE SAW 12 in heavy construction hp 220 volt single phase motor 5650 also in iointer excellent condition 5325 Telephone 728 7451 am to 411 pm ER id IDAR REGR GE RATOR general electricstove Phone 7280124 HAND CARVED western saddle Like new 5200 or best otter Telephone 322 2544 rtl bill