10 tho examiner My May 17 1919 scoreboard Edmonton at Winnipeg SCIIINCESTLDENT 270 Edmonton Gretzky iilliu TIMIAZII hen Winnipeg Pram A150 EMBRY KID SIIOT 0N GOAL Barries MS race boosts fund total Detective Sarjeant Wayne Walkers Special 01d Rye Whisky Uneven bars Lisa Engelka IIAIIM AtII IIIIIIBARS FLAME DUV lllxll Houston ll Mills lite Mary Ann Graves 93 Debbie Bcckr QUESNE llANthClt ARICIIAI Anfltlt 11 13135 EASTWIN Iilthlllil dllieiml llllll Floor exercises Mary Ann EXACImt and pttid $730 NATIONAL tau11 with MoM count21111351 Parker of the Brantford Police AB NullPu win DAILYDtUHLEZttnd2pald$13390 Department guided fiveyear Brock StL 83 373 All Times iziir EXAcrotizaridspaidsis 40 old mare About It to win in PM 12620 39 IIniil ltlHlMJAtIMlIII00 Racewa ecial Winfield SD H7 25 51 347 tBrstnIchrn Stricsl CARLSBARON 45113302311 Foster C111 140 22 48 343 51211113 11 CHATTlMlZ 050330 Race against Multiple 132 it 11 Stilt273 Sclerosiswdnesday pa uent Murphy All 40 Ml Edmdrnton 31312 AlsoTEMlimlznJEANJnuiDEE The non wagering event Hendrick $11 114 17 325 WNW431 1111111 GOODNUFF FER MlZ lAMED part of program highlighting whitrtoldrsr 130 23 414 324 Winnipeg Edmonton $3KIPBHÂ¥KJEflllllguwm Barrie Raceways contribution 1organ in 96 19 323 Friday nami put Ilouhlrs Parrish Montreal Winnipeg zit Edmonton to ITIltIMPIIMIIIletttl Race aguams M9ltple 12 Row Philadelphia 12 1111 pm msrrzttsooosiz 1411110505211 Scler051sWeek atharnessrac niindtI St Louis 12 ro Sunday Iifllllt SCAItIJITHAIIVILST HitMU ing racks across North mttrtic Montreal 11 Item St Edmonton ill Winnipeg QUICKSTDIH 410 Louis ll Griffcy Cincinnati pm if ntttssur TIMI2 21035 Amcrlcd ralsed more thin 11 1111111011 t111111 Also KEY SONG DILLON MAS $1250f0r the campdlgn Triples Scott til Louis Ii Winnipeg itl IItinionton ltI Blltl MAltllZSIMAtilZ JUIINNIIIJAY Wlnfwltl $1111 Diego pm if necessary 05WIITOIIBIT Other drivers in the spectal dIllorrnt runs Slhglldl lhllil EXATURsand4pttidslolzio race included Staff SarJeant tit 12 Murp Al an11 sTIItN1TIttTIIIII 8mm gymnaStcs lmiAiionsr 350 250 240 wal glflorrmks or the ROM 111111 0011111 111 FusItr 111 111111va Canadian Mounted PoliceCon $11111 32 Murphy Atltttittt ioxetmiltswootaywnmugg GALIZNA 250 stable Grant Housey of the 33 TW72W25 OntarioProvirtcialPolice Staff SlnItn has Mortno Iilts Im II ALSO BIIIIYS BOMBER lIIISIIIR burgh 17 Scott st 101111 11 Inspector Tom Braithwaite of the HamiltonWentworth Police Department Constable Harry Special 01d 111n 1111111d1lpt1111 1000 Graves 86 Sherry Brooks Debbie TIII MINI mm 51111 110011 Rulherford 0f the Chalham INSPECTOR It PltKARI IAICOS Cincinnati 0m Beckly 711 RUTH ANN R11 70 250 250 Police Department and Inspec drives in special race 1111111 Philadelphia 1100 JunIorGIrls BOisoVER 13111 520 200 tor Ron pickard of the Barrie Ill 11illIHmHlm111111111111111 Wtlch 110s Ansons Ml Floor exercises Meghann PUTNEYSCIIRISSI 2110 Plice Department MS campaign and Scrannage Special presiding judge was aredrivers atBarrie Raceway 1j Earl Warren of CFRB with Last year the Barrie track associate judges Gary Crowcr raised $3100 for MS research Strikeouts Richard Houston Crawford 90 Sabrina Bowlcs 78 TIME 205 45 57 Carlton Phllildllphlil Uneven bars Meghann Crawford AISD DANNY HAltTACK ALIMIN Sutton Ins AnRtIls 4l Jenny Shanks Barb Barid tied IIIIATII DAZZIJ BVII BYE EXMTDR land paid 522 00 Balance beam Christine Baird ttllltIAII1111IIIIZ600 llllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllll MN 94 Penny Rivers 71 Jennie Laver SOCIALJIIl 950 1190 300 and Bob Scrannage cmweï¬ second bes In canada to II WI fl dier63 GAMEGHlIlIK 290 300 who leads the local horsemen Cal arv It 111111 l11I lip it It 21 12 11 Prlmlry Girls BILLY BATTLES 300 mwcllfll Milli itll 13Lk 22 ai Floor exercises Cheryl Rivers TiMl20945 111111 hintllltll ll 11 sanitation 111111111111111 Maclntyre70 BA liitiliiiimu 113 217 313 iii Vaulting Larissa MacIntyre 115 SEA SWINGING DEE III An will Town 10 27 Cindy Dunlop 54Cheryl Rivers 53 EXACIOR Iandspald $2600 itlmwliy ml Intermediate Boys II ONII lIIMIIII 8550 11 it 22 DHIKIIIAgalS gsJamte Forget 91 33$ 670 33 Angus battled with Allandale Heights in area three school ill 2311 21 afï¬lgsfgswhyne Knox Jamie ROSEWOODPPSAK 430 softball play this week and left the others behind l1 K21HL11111110w 53 ForgettisMarcCiemmensm TlMlZ20825 Angus won the senior and Junior b0 zone titles but 1115 17 501 Vallgnsr 5John ByerstiS gkjï¬TGhnllllslg ï¬sfmlglgs Allandale senior girls team wrestled title away from t1 ï¬rm 51 111111 12l 12 High bar Tom Knox 9m David ENDEAVOUR ï¬grguT $1513 w1l meet Prince of Wales to determine the wm 11l 111 Ruth Mnth Davld Grattofll EXACItItï¬zind3pa1d$222o RM Rings David Gratto 35 Greg 1011mm PACE MILE mo Friday the two r1vals Will try for the senior girls zone title mm med Salter82 David French 01 SiSoEtéSPiuNG 1490 1130 170 playmg against Assikinak at Allandale 1t NH Floor exerCises Andrew Spenm IT 1450 550 WW 1152 Davtd French 7111 Tom Knox Acwasmw 320 n95 fly Angus eeated Allandale and AsSlklnak to 11111 I111 11 Kam Smnh 72 TIMF2220345 Win the Junior boys zone title 11th 11l IIt lll ll WNW Parallel bars David Grotto 113 Also WAYBROOlct HOMPUM VIICS 11 ll mm MIk Davviiglliiizngitiélizogagil 3211173 KggiitngTiiftfhy Pliililiraltnmpms Tmlitis Irolliilili Pittlitis Town Lomnngpno DavidGrattolo TRIACTORlandtand6paid$42100 New WNW Primary no ATTENDANCEIHS HANDLE 096594 WM 11 Chum Krmm 27 Oak Floor exerCIses Graham Pearce hm mehm 15 3fg9Michael Parsons 77 Brian ch All umpires interested in officiating Barrie Minor ltl 11 s1 11 Imllltlllsllltplntw 1311111111N 11 11 Ins Vaulting Michael Crawford 65 EdiIII1ASrOifjlat10£lmeh this steason amasged to attend Mgnmflitmuflfllu Spec1al Old 111 these handsome IllllllIIt tKotisiiiitn lirtli at Graham Pea 56 ay pm ups alrs arne arend new packages WI be available MIN my mem Rings Michael Crawford 863 Dunlop soon yourliquor store 01111111111111 1snr111s111 r1411 11 Graham Vipersv Hendry 8gt5 Association umpires are paid for their services and the ttlittiltnu Maw 1131 Danny 658 BMBA is still in need of more officials for local games FIlIIEI innits llttltintort at Toronto New York at Boston Detroit at CIIVLIllan basketball Mlnlltsnld 11 Kttnsts ity NM Chicago at ttlifornlit Washington 108 Sun Antonio Milwaukee at aklttnd 100 chstofscvtn semifinal litd 331 raceway results Tents at Seattle hockey Worltl Ilockoy ASsotialion playoff scoring loaders ilfltl Wmltitstltt game Grtllk lIdm 10 I9 IST0NIP1E MILHSI54I MacDonald Edin ll l7 MOORELANDS DING 300 1028 930 Callightn Etlni 014 SOKY BABY 61 400 Llntlstrtini ng It 513 COMTIISS ROYALII 900 Preston ng 12 TIME 20925 StlIIlYllll Wm 51 11 ALSO KW LASSIES BOB MAGS NASI Ktoll NF l2 BOY HOIElUl PAT REAPEK Toromo is LUKWICIL will nmST Tamptl Boy San Diego Chlptwlllvld Edm ll 2NDCIMTI0T 5111123000 Washinglon Memphis Nilssilti Wm III II TURKSDEIJGHT 640 560 2110 New Enghmd Chicago MtKtntt NH 10 INDIAS SPEEDIII 690 330 sports Do it yourself and SAVE TIIlIlSDAY Track and Field ioorgitm Buy zone track and field finals llitst llordcli Collegiate Institute WITH SAKRETE MIXES pm North is lnntsdulc lnnisdltlt Secondary School ttlgtt junior gitnits Hall 7pnt Kollnttris Cooper Tools lltt111111 Stevenson Mctluskty vs Bttrtit itntl District indlos Softball lAttguv Slit1r Park Soccer 630 pm Stolltr Construction rs Thlllllllplllll Sttcl St Park Hill like is Philptllt Sptmg Scriirc Mttplt iron OIIlpt Itostziumnt vs ltonsoit Electric Assikinnc Il1lnit Optimist Minor Soccer Axstxlttllon porn 11 gunlts 630 pm Buns Mttsttr Bakery vs Mahcr Johnson St School Jcllco Jolly beans Jtilcw tts mlrtngtonSchooL Firtnt lttstuurttnt lafftnItlgrini Ins ltlttllo Shack Ys Men is II 11nd Plutnhtttg ltiitnt 011d IItIglils ï¬g R1$v Attititgtlnts 331 FIIIIHY $9453 ï¬x Archery 1011111 tunzitlttinArLhtr Trialsitn1 dittti FurtI ant Bortltn sports IItI all 1$ jatcitt to tnttn rtcretttimi ltutldtng on It Iinuos through Monday lab Itall pn omplttc Mohilo ztsh vs Barrio ilttss antl 11rror ttttlpn1 and Army Nt Air Force Ililrllt tilttl District Latins Softhtill ltitlttthtv1rlnik Hugh It pn1 ctitratl tllltgltttt Vs North North STORM SPREAD GOLD During the winter of 1933 Windstorm covered Los Angclcs with an estimated tons of dust particles of gold worth about $56000 and silver worth $8000 BR7813 CR7814 DR78 l4 Allllllll1l AND ITS Hm Hem9 INSTRUCTION PMs14 Chicago lllA free offer of GR7814 special interest to those who ggzaN hear but do not understand home or HR7gg words has been announced by Bcltonc nonoperating you can do yourse JR7815 model of the smallest Bcltonc LR7815 aid of its kind will be giien ab your local building 34$ solutcly free to anyone rc supply or hardware qusslinsil MIX dealer foryour copy Send lorlhls mOdCIcPUl 10 use for When you purchasea set of721 radials and pay for and wear II in the privacy of walls floors balancingallfourwheelsandafront endalignment youll your own home htle many footings receiveapersonalizedNOChurgeservicecard ï¬resone 49 PCOPIK till hearing 105 WI fallosv Well take careofyour 721 radinls foraslongas theyre on steps setting poles 81 posts not receive any significant benefit front any hearing aid this free model will shew you how tiny hearing help can be It is not real hearing aid and its yours to keep free The ac tual aid weighs less than third of an ounce and its all at car level in one unit These models are free so we suggest you write for yours now Again we repeat there is no cost and certainly no obli gationThousandshavcalready been mailed so write today to Dept 932 Beltone Elec tronics 4201 Victoria 81 Chicago Illinois 60646 NO your car This NoCharge card makes you eligible for the following NoCharge services Wheel alignment checked every 8000 km and if required alignment is corrected Wheel balance every 8000 km if required Tire rotation every 8000 km Inflation checked whenever you wish All at no additional charge SAND MIX tor patching steps walks walls Iayin patio ltagstones grouting MORTAR MIX for laying brick stone or block pomting up or repairing brick walls and chimneys This card is valid at an Firestone Store or participating eaIer in Canada displaying the 721 decal USE OUR fucotonc CREDIT PLAN ASK ABOUT con 90 DAY PAYMENT PLAN CALL FOR AN 7w¢stone® 88 Dunlop St Barrie Phone 7266585 THE FLINTKOTE COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED NI 80x 60 Statton Tetonto Ontario MBV 3T4 53f 410 MCCaItrey Street Mentteal Quebec HAT 1N1 RpgdlM LicstoteClmnIM augduw