Manufacturer at fault Dear nn Landers The letter from the woman who split her slacks at party and blamed it on sloppy work manship ints up common misconception blaming poorlyma products on the workers If garment or any other manufactured article is shoddy its because the manufacturer planned it that way They use cheap material and production shortcuts to keep the price down andor the profits up Inspectors in all fac tories follow orders and work within the precise guidelines of their employers So please place the blame where it belongs Ann on the greedy owners of such firms be they manufacturers of slacks shoes automobiles ranch houSes monkey wren ches or what have youMad As Hell And Not Going To Take It Anymore Dear Mad Your point is well taken Planned ob solescence is indeed fact of life and weve all seen proof of It But so is shoddy workmanship and goofing off as well as flagrant disregard for equipment and material Dedication to the job and pride in doing ones absolute best aint what it used to be Dear Ann Landers am in no way trying to sound off about my parents because know that they love me very muc have some good advice for anybody out there who is will ing to listen This is going to sound little strange but am dead serious when say people over 40 should think twice be fore they have children Every parent kows how difficult generation gaps can be especially when the kids are in their teen years So think how 14yearold feels when her 54yearold parents are two generations Older Idont go around telling people about all the insane rules have to put up with but life around here is not easy And please Ann dont tell me my parents grew up in an entirely different world know all that also realize its natural for them to expect their kids to see things the way they saw them at the same age But the fact remains that my Mom and Dad are as old as some of my friends grandparents This letter probably wont help me any but it might give some older parents something to think about Newport Vietint Dear Victim Sorry you werent more specific about your beefs If you consider your parents oldfashioned because they want to know where their 14yearold is at all times who shes running around with and insist that she be home at certain time you get no support from me But tercup If on the other hand they wont permit you to have boys over to the house or go to school dances thats another story l3ollys Pointers Chalk lifts musty odor DEAR POLLY have purchased many old magazines and books at sales of various kinds but some of the books have very musty odor have kept them in the garage all winter where they got fresh air and have used the baking soda treatment but the odor lingers Some of these books are rare finds so do hope someone can help me LM DEAR LM am sorry have not been able to obtain much encouraging news for you Any mold or mildew should be wiped off the pages with clean soft cloth You might put corn starch or French chalk between the pages close the books and leave them for several days and then brush them off This would be slow and painstaking work but should be well worth try for any first editions or other rare books Readers do you have any other suggestions POLLY Store address SimmonsSoars Ltd Rog and Was rotor to SimmonsSoars Ltd prices Store hours 509 Bayï¬eld St Georgian Mall Barrie lzfobation supeivfligLs Juvenile delinquent girls subjected to incest sexual abuse OTTAWA CP An alarrn ing number of juvenile delinquent girls have been sub jected to incest says the super visor of the provincial proba tionafter care program for the OttawaCarleton region Dave McCagherty said in recent interview he wouldnt be surprised if 70 per cent of juve nile delinquent girls have incest or some other form of sexual abuse in their backgrounds Id say in 70 per cent of the cases theres incest some where McCagherty says if not with the father then with the stepfather or the uncle But hes quick to point out he doesnt have statistics to back up his statement In society where almost ev erything else can be discussed over the dinner table incest is still taboo says Cheryl Stout Ottawa probation officer Its really sticky subject she says Quite often we might surmise that theres been in cest but theres reluctance to talk about it You hardly ever get both the father and the daughter to ad mit that the relationship ex ists She recalls several incidents in which girls she had on her probation case load told her about sexual relationship with their fathers One girl was six years old when her father first had sexual intercourse with her she says Lisa Hirschman Montreal psychologist who is writing book on the subject and has treated more than 40 victims says juvenile delinquent girls are likely to have been involved in incestuous relationships or sexually abused Studies conducted in the US with delinquent women had shown high incidence of in cest in their family back ground she says Montessori School Registrations are now being accepted for afternoons for 3yearold children Groco United Church Co 02 Grove Shop by phone call 7264411 Use your All Purpose Account Charge it Enjoy it now Use your All Purpose Account Mon Tues Sat 930 am to 530 Wed Thurs Fri 930 am to 930 pm One such study found that 44 per cent of 118 women drug abusers had been involved in in cest with male members of their families Twelve per cent had incest with their fathers the rest were involved with their grand fathers or uncles she says About one per cent would have had sexual relationships with their mothers In the majority of cases the incest had occurred for the first time when the girl was with male in the parental gener ation In other words it wasnt their brothers But why such high in cidence in juvenile delinquent girls Ms Stout and Ms Hirschman agree its the incestuous rela tionship combined with other negative social factors which leads girls to act out in anti social or illegal ways The girl feels guilty about her sexual activities and has no way to get rid of that guilt She has feeling that some thing thats not right is going on and at the same time she feels it must be OK because its dad says Ms Stout SEWING MACHINE CO Your representative in this am Mn Brenda Harris 7263041 MrsMovIs Burphom 7311407 UNWANIED HAIR Gone Foraverl Mrs Doris Goodman Electrology Therapist Permanent removal from face and body Eyebrows shaped Safe gentle short wave method Medically approved Free consultation and test GOODMAN CLINIC 7263 32 Years Experience Maribel ofOnl and Amï¬lllill Ebcunlvss Assoaariuns Guarantee Satisfaction or money refunded Spreading Evergreens Golden Wave Hybrid Tea Rose Add color and excitement to your garden this summer with magnificent splash of golden Yellow color And nows the time to plant our 100th Anniversary Golden Wave tea rose its fragrant vigorous free bloomer with Buttercup Yellow petals and dark glossy foliage delightful rose to grow Excellent for cut flowers Garden Centre Open Niter Assortment includes 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