Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 16 May 1979, p. 29

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Fezfkrr 1r ru as examiner Wednesday Max176 g1 my on WHILE QUANTITIES we RESERVE THE RIGHT To LIMIT QUANTmFs Before seating at Parlia ment President of Na Sporting Goods Candies Cookies Houseware Buys tlonal Assembly Cle men Richard hr 33 f°gfenegt mm vinyl zgingsrylm rr 22 151 ars er l999ng 0n Plalne ble brown color 69 sizes pair 44 issued ham combinolgsdll 44 pOCkage Yopu bler 13 oz beverage heavy dAbraham Quebec Cl nd adiustable INFANIS SANDALS wipe clean STOVE Fun Winfield choice bcserlunp Shope Ik ty In only two weeks of Mdband upper rubber soles white We size conainér ASSORTED CREAMS CARAMELS mm his exerme chard IADIES scams mortars blue brown5iOsizes pair mm mm som Delicious candy treat lb 59IIIe plastic easy pour has IOSI kilos CP pose In assortmem mum awn suede 50s cottonn Ion blend white bag lb pou yellow green or Phoo plains prlnts In cotton blends moccasin we we fur CU tan mm Sm Ye McCORMICKs COOKIES Assorted rown Lot Oath 51053135 Tm pack and chocolate chip 700 mm C°°n 01 111 nssffr attlos DECK SHOES all canvas In pots ready for outdoor ban for loégnfiaitigsmuggceg gr bag bag hominldhandlo to heavy poyes er co on co on raps uppers rubber soles blue 510 lanfin you fnnlll use eanup io my géustable back white sifth 44 sizes Pct per package yellom 44 caramel covered Inna flAssoned BEACH TIIONGS FOR TIIE popcorn in oz box box C0 05 WOYS Stay BICYCLE ACCESSORIES Ch Georgina Mtche ID 30 Ithwzigh FAMILY styles With from bells horns reflecgfse ENC IE5 in soft Wlll not scratch gt FL 456 3232 satlne ny on span exhl foam rubber soles blue for mirro Hickory so Vinegar 1mm lump 12 CL WhlerbelgeMLXL orwhitesizes SML pair 0° Isa more ch flavors 125 4f re 1502 creme for leather belated 90th birthday uolls Balm loo° umzs moms BAH Pro golf balls cut variety of vtnyl cleaner conditioner resustant balls or acka WWIE GUM 200 pieces of celebration was held at 10 Cotton 0r 00 styles terrycloth uppers gum per bag In Your chalce not Lefroy Senior Ciziens Club on acetate assorted rubber soles it pa for WLCREST HANGERS of sturdy plastic color choice hangers per2 POCkage pllgo colors SML 05 LADIES TSIIIRT TANK TOPS 100 nylon cottonpolyester assorted colors sizes SML oocII Tuesday May for George Uncles who unfortunately was sick on his birthday in March He now looks the picture of FLIP CHIPS choice of three flavors cheese salt vinegar sour for Pets 8r Supplies RAWIIIDE DOG BONE 8V2 Towels 81 Fabrics WLCREST WORSTED TARN 44 BEDDING creamonion health lm 7UE Tops spinning wheel 70 acrylic knoned mWhde bone all 44 AIASNETIC BROOMS Washable There were 40 members pre cottonspandex assorted 30 W°°Ir 00 9mm 35 °Zlr 1013 AT llTIER Sanitized and Hardware PICIU res Slims prle °fndki2irfr°°m¢ Senl and two guests Mls Joyce 5MPes and PIOIDS one 5119 l5 Assorted coors deodorized cat litter cuts an Molsey the program co all ch NEEDOLEPOINT IKIT prlnied canvas down on odor from 63005103 33 IOVIlhl IIUSIIt SET Plgsttc brush ggdlnator Recrceatlon fog mm SWIM 100 naggtle ndPiY woo tdysestry my Sims bulbs per lilaceagly all hrlsilles nlors 13 lrncoe ounty an nylon blue whh whne Hm 10 ns ruc tons cm Your choice flowers or VARIETY OF TROPICAL FISH Your package 44 Uzrdnd rush spas misfit 3533 how all 1°58 PRIlIIEDSPUN RAYON 100 rayon vegetable plants 23 C°Z°futglefi mm 5mm 31 ux war at ten Georges friends feel about in various floral patterns DaniongarHe Angels and sizes him improvised little tribute colors mm nth 44 batteries per tothe 90yearold PRINTED conou 115 cm wide package pigs RAINBOW SERVIIITES is for nostalgia for the Fm F1 00 Ylon net 100 cotton in variety oi mus 0m 15 loucuAllc0Aloltloumoosy 2°°P°k°9° riotI many memories he can look With elastic hem for baby coors mn 44 4$potYourchoice offing cleaner yon er baCk camoge morn cm FOAM Id ALLPURPOSEPOTTINGSOIL 16 lastin forc mm cums 65 In is for the face that MYS SHORT SET nylon green for stuffmg 0° far stepon garbage potting soil 25 lbs bag 144 red blueaomn 46x MENS FISHING HAT in assorted cans Package of 15 mmembcr an occgslon ors CUShonsr elc b19 for Colors and patterns Your Per POCkCQe pill tlng across from lllm at I0 mm In MAJESTIC FEAT 50 lb Con luncheon and found him very OIRIS NIGHTGOWN 100 cotton muul oce interesting person to talk to and ply 02 or 32 oz in ditions most soils and holds COTTONELLE TOILET peasant style assorted prints moisture 0475 Perle for beOCh SUE rolls per learn from sizes 46X ouch Lirslfoggle colfrfl mm MIX weedhee reg orpoolfurh hghmndmugh Sch packagein white twillle hlgrc 08 thialéillldi amDS TSHIRT50°o cotton 50 resistant am far 044 53 Gives molsure MFst comn Pusncr mmc Gs 50 one he mUSt have had as young boy ply °d p°5° mum GREEN LAWN cuss srro QYdSJIBnsm 5m is for endearing as 100 shodes600ft EOI Ag SET HI plle everyone likes him and enjoys cotton in white only NINoow SHADES 37v in White 4509 °9W PC ro eron stur YrGY Phafmacy Values his generous personality Sizes 23X or green colors for cottage or 2005q lo 400 sq hop PMsC VIMl PlAOUES is for renowned traveller polyester Superman or Batman PIIENTEX MACRAME CORD emblem Sizes 23X oocll 144 CHILDS SUNDRESS 50 polyester house oocll 144 natural organic fertilizer lb nutrition for faster growth 50 PIC PATCH ROSE BUSIIES Your 144 hog stain resistant and washable 144 31 44 in black gold color Woolworth Pllonnocy oporotod by Jack Austin as he loves to be on the go and 50 cotton in assorted prints mum whom choice Tiffany Eclipse Zodiac signs self Drops ltd division of Dominion Citrus and Drug enjoys his euchre games lie SizeslSX ooclt waffle weave approx for gardens xgnttzzumafind more tell adheswe mounts for ltd also spends the wmters OMS ms V51 13 23 in checks for Runs VARIOUS PICTURES 10 for California with his daughters nylon briefs whne Honeysuckle pussy willow FACELLE FACIAL TISSUE CROCHET oomrs 12 14 round any room with plastic frames 4244 is for young at heart 55 Forsythian Spirio and more in white woodgrain or black small box OSSOFlEd sirjely is Age isjust ggtgnfifgtgggyfi 10185 gcgngulgrle °° Wren 44 Yourchouce occll glzlglcoulcgtrsim mil colors ml 44 Georgespoke ofanursc in the Hosiery Hoof Covenngs Playthings 013 memlhame wk 44 mom rumors hospital who commented on his MN 27 lL Game for POCIGQG 021 youthful appearance and sald lf um an be on ring sets CamerasMUSIC for they hadbecn bettmgonhls age Wde Pr0le€l5 ofhondle WIZARD SOLID AIR she would have lost all her MW SUP heavy traffic II mum STLVANIA MAGICUBES FRESHENER 01 size paycheck She commented on one size ftts 160210 areas °le Package contains 3cubes for assortedfrogrances th0 fact he didnt have lbsSplceonly pr FRINGED ACCENT RUGS 100 053be W3 We 12flashesperpock pig PRECISION IlCARTRIDGES wrinkles George asked Whv um ouisn PAN nylon 055°ed COIOIS I7 XI 95 °°e muRGEMENT SPECIAL Double edged blades carry them around WEI Sheer °° 23 snuff Glow meicl Size prints from negative for Joyco wished George good size fits 95145 lbs 4hr 44 SCATTER MATS iute or bollf Ileother llke vinyl or print from MEMllK SKIN CARE CREAM 340 health and he was presentm Belge Splce tOUPe ruhber backed 118 pro ess°°IP°Ckelgl°V9 set negatives or mcontainer with huge birthday cake lADIES KNEE HI HOSE Beige or 24 27 JUNIOR CORGI CARS x7size or 44 lovely leather wallet and key spice One size fits 911 pair IOFQE assortment various colors of ARRID ROLLON DEODORANT 2V 144 racism nucx cnssmr um case and little something ln per package Pkg ran name towe in re Ie cost Choose from Sheree 908 hack oz size container Side for treat by Prestdenlt uDlES smr HOSE package Assorted colors m°d°7b mm ms °Pe°c°°C°SS°°°Pesl3 wootco mm GLOVES 5332gHghp1lgiifigflig acgiiéCnly rig PEARL mamas for pierced ears Limit4 pkgs per customer thsouice rom our Igfg cassette tapes perpkg out sizes available ih 44 him and wished him many brown ritzy on 44 Hypoallergenic SUds selection made from sturdy mm Tm T°P quumy assorted colors Pr more assoned 51Yesg shapes Np Plasfic Alkaline battertes tn AA mlco AND hum or The Recreation Committcc 309° 50 mfg5 ue KI mm EARRINGS P0ir l3er we only 30 in Ialllre 109 Sile put on comedy Skit entitled wig zipoe on gzeoagsvzul card in assorted styles and CarrYOUI FOOdS TheOpcration 44 COIOFS PM JOHNSONS COTTON SWABS Box INITIAL LD BRACELETS Anklets bar double heart shapes gold color only ouch With the price of OHIP in surance going up you may find yourself in the hands of the NOSTESS POTATO CHIPS of 300 Your choice of flavors DOVE LIQUID DETERGENT Washes dishes with little bit of soap 24 oz IOYS SPORT HOSE 75 orlon 25 nylon white with colored stipe sizes 811 2144 MAPLE LEAF CNEDDAR CHEESE 144 Car 5011044 144 FRBH DEODORANT SOAP 2r144 likeS 0f Nurse Fromp Ina NECKLACE BRACELET Ankle delicious mild cheese Super bottle Bathsizebar McKnight Dr BUICIttr MENS DRESS SOCKS 75 COllOVr Bracelet in assorted chain value priced 14 oz pkg FANTASTIK CLEANER with for Charlie MacDonald and the 25 nylon navy grey blue brown Sizes 1012 pair per pkg pio styles gold or silver colors ouch PAIR HOOP EARRINGS in assorted hoop sizes pair gold color CEPACOL MOUTHWASN 500 ml 144 trigger cleans walls floors woodwork and more 24 02 size ml ONE SCHWEPPE GINGER ALE SPRITE in 1z litre bottle returnable poor patient Pete avenst During the operation which they performed with hand size 444 144 3Mlsl 044 ALLENBURTS IASIC SOAP bottles plus deposit JETS SOAP PADS cuts 53 and M9 Boy weal ooxro EARRINGS NECKLACES grease last 12 steel f5°°5k 99 number or amwlorb were clip and pierced earrings CandIeSCOOkIes Woo soap pads per sue removed and rthlS 191 MOPS TENNIS NATS VISORS sum and gold colors box box for CVLINON St 93 W11 AssortedcolorsSML OK AR Assorted lb they hdhl use during the NECKLACES BRACELETS15 18 bagsofBroken Barcandy 44 10 1° mmmv operation ECklfcesr b°e° McCORMlCRS ASSORTID Slated Spoon pm lork SOUP Those having birthdays MENS BRIEFS 50 cotton 50 gold colors each Qellaous lean sliced ham mm Jwiubes ieuy l°dler Pancake Wine and thanked the club and those 99Y85l6hWhiteN0VyBlue lOSlYn IUDCIIGS Orsnacks pompoms orohge m°° from the south including Jean 51 5ML Old any tlme of day lemon lb bag In 044 mum rwexfordn 555 303 5h3 mars SUMMER tsmn 50 MOSQUITO OILS Lion MESUMMEICANDL butter disthover creamer and Bill Plttam Marg IISCIKI Ba Hp kw P°Y°5err5O° Ollonrossoned brand useful inside norms P°ls sugar cover oz stem D0 11mm am an colors sizes SML each home tents cottage 01 SlTOWberFlGS 280 94 cordialand more ad relayed lhélnkrytill message and more for bag bags from Charlie Oliver for cards received when he was sick The 5050 draw was won by Tom Keane and Emerson Cur Its big role of thanks to the recreation club for the enter tainmcnt for the afternoon and for the lunch HOT ROAST BEEF SANDWICH Tender slices of roast beef between slices of bread rich brown gravy French fried potatoes green peas choice of 30 beverage FLEECY FABRIC SOFTENER Stops static cling leaves clothes smelling fresh 128 oz bottle 2344 COKE SCHWEPPE GINGER ALE SPRITE In 1V litre bottle retur nable bottles Plus deposit 3144 SUNBRITE lIGUID BLEACH Lightens brightens while cleaning and disinfecting the home 128 oz bottle 3244 TIDE IAUNDRY DETERGENT Gets the dirt out every time 12 litre size box Limit box per customer 444 Bakery Buys DOUGHNUTS Delicious and fresh baked daily Your choice of variety of flavors 44 dd 18 CORRECTION In the Sears Pooh Baby Week ad on Tuesday May 15 the Colonial style wooden crib nocnnor Writ 33722 5676 BAYFIELD sr DOWNTOWN BARRIE iiibl SATURDAY 600 PM ontronco off Maple Avenue PARKING We regret any inconvenience this may have caused Seese Cards in Wogllllprth Stores Amos and

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