CANADA GRADE $2721123£ EVISCERATED ROASTING OR FRYING bgvilford FROZEN CHICKENS Gilford United Church Women met at the home of Win AVERAGE PER FAMILY OUR REG PRICE 126 nifred Whally on Thursday LB evening May 10 with 17 pre WHITE LABEL seTIie president Winnifred CONCENTRATED WHITE Whally opened the meeting with reading The program was taken by the social committee The Worship Service was taken by Margaret Hughes Rollcall was answered by An Incident in My Childhood Alice Sawyer gave an in teresting paper on childrens diets skit was presented by the social committee of Ruby Kell Margaret Hughes Wilda Cronan and Ruth Sawyer showing the work of commit tee involved in The meeting closed with prayer and lunch was served EUCHRE PARTY There were 12 tables of euchre players at Gilford Hall on Friday evening May 11 Prizes went to Helen Bell Betty Dales Herbie Hughes and Cliff Webb Share the Wealth was won by Cecil Carter Cliff Webb and Harold Parritt The draws for plants went to Rob Kell Ruth Sawyer Harold Parritt Mary Cannon Bess McMullen and Ethel Steers Achievement night for the needlepoint course was held in Churchill Hall on May with full attendance Barbara KeII of Gilford received Provincial POWDERED Honors for 12 projects The leaders for this course were Mrs John Bell and Mrs Thompson There were six members of the Gilford UCW who were visitors at the Fairlawn UCW Luncheon in Toronto on May cralghurst by 12 Mrs Max Craig litre 7287677 Box Craighurst Womens Institute held their annual election of of OUR REG PRICE 625 ficers at the April meeting held at the home of Louise McLeam ing New President is Louise McLeaming Past President Mavis Burnham VicePres Irene Ellsmere Dist Director Barb Sinton Sec Treas Betty FROZEN CONCENTRATED Ellsmere Asst Sec Jean AIM HONEY DEW Oades Branch Directors Shanahan and Veitch Tweedsmuir History Curator Mary Poole Agriculture and Canadian Industries Ken drick Citizenship and World Affairs Andree Forget Education and Cultural Affairs Carr Family and Con sumer Affairs Mavis Bum ham Resolution Craig Public Relations Ivey Sympathy is extended to Maurice Readman in the death of his brother Douglas ThL 150 FL 02 burial took place at St Johns TUBE CONT Cemetery on Monday April 30 OUR REG PRICE 133 OUR REG PRICE 97 Glad to report Mrs Pedl ingham is home following surgery in Royal Victoria Hospital and making good pro gress The Parish of Craighurst Midhurst and Minesing held DADS OATMEAL CHOCOLATE CHIP CHOCOLATE FROZEN TORK FANCY VEGETABLES RECONSTIT OUAKER SPECIAL Dowmmxe SPECIAL CHEDAWEALCOCONUT W5 SPECIAL SPECIAL ED BABY DLLS SWEET MXED 3mm semce at St Fem SMOOTH KRAFT PEANUT BUTTER 239931 OUR REG PRICE 273 litre CARTON OUR REG PRICE 135 CHOCOLATE PEANUT BUTTER CHIP on PEAS WHOLE KERNEL CORN OR MARTINS BREAD BUTTER II 29 UFE 99 FROZEN SHORTCAKE MO 29 MIXED APPLE CCRCIIATION gï¬giiiéfgfigméiééggimggg PK PKG PKé 328 022STFLF baptizeI by hi grandfather LOOSE PACKED STUFFED CHOCOLATE VANILIA CHOICE pEAS OR Rev Charles Speakman EliGTEERS MARGARINE SPECIAL CLUB HOUSE SPECIAL BUTTERSCDTCH CHOCOLATE FUDGE SPECIAL CREAM STYLE SPECIAL GENERAL MILLS SPECIAL ARMOUR STAR SPECIAL J°y and WW mm and PKG Mrs Herbert on Lulu Island and Brenda and Kevin Macken at Burnaby Students from WR Best school Grade enjoyed their annual trip to Ottawa at the end of April Those from the Craighurst area were David Oades David Gordon David MANZAIIILLA BI SS9 33 BONNET S5239 ours 022Iiii12 PHIIGIIIIIIIS 322E 109 33AM SAIL s1 EITEEIIILIIS 99 3339 SS 139 IaWY It EDI AVARI nesrowurvoammosuwmauur King Bonnie Hisey Darlene Dougherty John and Jackie Christie The May meeting of Craighurst WI was held at St Johns on the evening of May 15 RumMrww Motto You re only young once but you can stay immature for lfC tBSt Rll WHITE PINK AQUA STARKIST ORANGE PEKOE 0R UNSWEETENED GRAPEFRUIT CRYSTALS SAVARIN BEEF clale gamng your glidgrslt hit GENTLE TOUCH WHITE SALADA SUN PACK ORANGE FLAVOUR SALISBURY TURKEY OR CHICKEN Program 4H club demonstra BAR soAP FLAKED TUNA TEA BAGS FRUIT JUICES RISE II SHINE FROZEN IIINNEIIS éï¬amï¬wisiï¬féf Mrs Mary Poole attended the WI Officers Conference at the University of Waterloo May to We welcome Mrs Coward back to her home in the village oz 13 OZ after speénding1 the winter is Cape Co wit her sister an I409 65 OZ PKG litre PKG 11 02 brotherinlaw BAR TIN 0F so CONT or PKG our PRICE 62 OUR PRICE OUR PRICE 205 oun REG PRIcE 79 our PRICE 107 om am pm L15 st pauls by Mrs Pratt 431 667 Lucky winner ticket No 96 lady in Toronto won the hand REGULAR CHEESE OR LIVER hocked picmre made and donated Mrs 01 SavII at KENLRATION BURGER SPECIAL oeooongn SPECIAL sum swono SPECIAL Wm effect °°° WW DSMC PM the PauIeLtes Spriï¬g Tea and unï¬lcoing BaAzapzbrtlu Iuncheo held PK 52 Mg AERO 802 OFGS To May muowmgfhe ChuFCh 59m I979 it dPauliIs Asngthcyan Cléurch un ay ay onor anon Ewe HBUSE SPECIAU RAID SPECIAL Walter Lee on his 10th Anniver Wednedey l0 plI 2FL 346 LTINÂ¥ garyas Rector of st Pauls and ouvrs oz GARDEN mo CONS 60 years of dependablllty Per hurchm my newcmswm SPECIAL onsmv SPECIAL newt10 midhurst IIIIIIIIIIIIIMPKG OF INSECT 133 Maï¬iï¬tfl by FOIL so IIEPELLANTAEI8 enema Monday Closed Tendy IIll p1n Wednesday mm pm Thursday mm l0 pIII FrIdey mm IO pIII Sunday em pJn Mrs Nash 7289565 On April 11 Mr and Mrs Alfred Sutton Allan and Mr David Levison attended graduation exercises at Elborn MR MUSCLE PUMP SPECIAL LUNCH PLATES SPECIAL College in London when their V5 59 ROYAL 323199 CLEANER AERO CONT SHINET one WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES DOMINION STORES LIMITED daughter Kathleen Joy Levison was called to the On tario Bar