the examiner Wednesday May 16 979 vision guide tEe WEDNESDAY EVENING VIEWING 600 ll NEws HOLLYWOOD SOUARES FINITION LKA DOT DOOR 830 NBC NEWS MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW CBS NEWS ABC NEWS NEWS PARTY GAME ADVENTURES OF TIMOTHY PILGRIM 645 READALONG 655 WRITE ONI 700 DATING GAME CHARLIESANGELs TOM AND JERRY AND IENDS MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW TIC TAC DOUGH DONNA FARGO NEWLYWED GAME THE STATIONARY ARK GONG SHOW PRICE IS RIGHT 730 MATCH GAME CONVERSATION WITH UPPETS SHOW Guest Leo If GONG snow GRAND OLD COUNTRY OCEANS ALIVE MAGIC SHADOWS BOB NEWHART snow 800 88 REAL PEOPLE MORKAND MlNDYMorkisovar toyed with his new pata tlny caterpillar he nameaBobwho Iollowedhimhome but whenhe dlacovars his pet lifeless Morks in the dot drurna until Mother Nature aprings happy THE MUPPETs Go HOLLY WOOD Kermit the Frog Miss Piggy Gonzo the Great arid an assortment 01 other Muppet characters bring their spacial brand of magic andmadneaatotheantertainrnentcapitalolthe world Hoata Dick Van Dyke and Rita Moreno Guestz JOhrinyMathis Paul Williams and Gary Owens 00 min EIGHT Is ENOUGH Joanresproles oional debut as an actress and her dreams of atardom cause conflict of Interest lor Tom whod unexpectedly been assigned to review playihat sheato star In 60 mins THE NEW AVENGERS INTROSPEC THE JEFFERSONS MOVIEDRAMA Amanlta Pastilens 1977 830 MARYTYLERMOOREHOUR ata LindaLaVInMartyGonly CINETVOPerlonsCInemaLeFeslival de Cannes 1977 est la auIet ce soir Une Auaai Longue Absence 1960 Alida Valli orges Wilson 30m ALICE 900 THE SACKETTS Sacketl and CapROundlreelandollthe vengeance seeking Bigolowbrolhersmhfle Orrin andTyrelSackett cope Wllh Spanishhating mom and former friend turned enemy Stars Sam Elliott Tom mack ConcIUSIon hrs YOU CANT TAKE IT WITH YOU The classic Pulitzer PrizewinningKaulman and Hart comedy about slightly mad family who conducts their live exactly as they please ï¬r It Came Jean Sta leton hrs CHA LIEs ANGELS 0n the night of their third anniversary of working for Charlie the Angels are about to go their separ ate ways for vacations when Charlie summons them to the oilice for latenight meeting 60 ï¬MOVlEDRAMAP Releanne adovanl TONY BENNETT AT THE ROYAL ALBERT HALL Tony Bennett appears in his second special at the Royal Al bert Hall with the IoD member London Phil harmonic Orchestra 930 FREETIME POLITICAL TELECAST 1000 THE ROPERS Helen marches Stanley oil to marriage counselor after she findsabalchollovelettersthathehaswrillento ysterious women flVEGAS Dan goes after masked rapist whohasassaulledthree youngbeautypageant contestants One 01 whom is the daughter of an bitiousindustriahst 60 mm III PRESENTING SUSAN ANTON Guests James Coburn Oakridge Boys and Bill 85 NEws UPDATE a9 NEws 1001 MERV GRIFFIN 1030 WATSON REPORT 100 am NEws CBC NEws CTV NEws IE EDUCATION OF MIKE MCMANUS MOVIEDRAMAPV PigsAre Seldom Clean 197a 1120 09 NEws 1127 NEws 1130 THETONIGHTSHOWHosI Johnny son 90 mins 21 cas LATE MOVIE we nocxpono FILES lrvingTheExplainerRockiordsearchas lor missing painting HAWAII FIVE0 Hawaiian Nightmare Stars Jack Lord James on MOVIE DRAMA Train bbers 1972 STREET TALK ID NIGHTMUSIC CANO 1145 WESTERN ROUNDUP BlackBart 1948 Dan Duryea Yvonne De Carlo 1150 MOVIE HORROR Blood Couple 1973 1200 MEDICAL CENTER MOVIE COMEDY we Guide for the Married Men 1067 1210 CARTER COUNTRY 1240 STOCKARD CHANNING IN JUST FRIENDS 100 TOMORROW Host Tom Snyder Guest Shana Alexander liberal commentator mins MARCUS WELBY MD 110 MOVIE DRAMA Assault on Precinc1131 13966 NEws PTL CLUBTALK AND VARIETY historically speaking today in history By THE CANADIAN PRESS May 16 1979 Louis Riel surrendered to Gen Middletons scouts 94 years ago today in 1885 and the second rebellion against Canada was over Before Canada took over Hudsons Bay Co land in 1870 Riel set up local government in the Red River colony to safeguard Mctis rights He was ousted by armed forcc His second rebellion had the same goal but violence erupted whcn his Indian allies massacred ninc white men at Frog Lake Sask Ricl was hangcd for treason Nov 16 1885 1770 Marie Antoinette mar ricd Louis XVI then Dauphin of France 1946 Britain proposed the partition of India 1950 The Red River crested at Winnipeg at nine mctrcs ovcr flood lcvcls Seventeen per cent of Winnipcg was under water 1954 French military dclc canadas stoDL LaBine Discovcrcd Radium At Great Bcar Lakc This is the anniversary of one of the most important discoveries of modern times It was on May 16 1930 that Canadian prospector Gilbert La Binc found pitchblcndc at Great Bear Lake in thc Northwcst Tcrritorics IIc had been searching for it since 1914 Radium is extracted from pitchblcndc and is onc of thc most valuable metals in thc world uscd for trcatmcnt of disease and for producing atomic energy LaBincs discovery led to thc building of thc worlds largest radium refinery at Port Hope ntzirio Bcforc it went into production radium cost $70000 gram and it was possible to reduce the price to $20000 Of course LaBine did not know anything about atomic energy when he began producing pitchblcndc but Nazi agents offered him fabulous price for supplies before the war Probably he began to suspect that radium could be used for more purposes than mcdicinc In any casc hc did not sell to them It was LaBincs pitchblcndc that was used to make thc first atomic bombs LaBine began prospecting in the Cobalt area of Ontario when he was 16 years old He also stakcd Bcnny Hollinger who found thcvfamous gold dcposit at Tim mins He finally found pitchblendc aftcr 16 years of searching because he was led to study geological rcports madc by Mackintosh Bell and Charlcs Camscll who survcycd Great Bear Lakc in 1900 Their reports were in thc Dcpnrtmcnt of Mines at Ottawa Dr Camscll latcr bccamc Dcputy Ministcr of Mincs and LaBine rcalizcd thc possibility of pitchblcndc at Great Bear Lakc whcn hc studicd thcm He had very little moncy for thc vcnturc but managcd to get flown there with canoc and had to paddlc out after he made his valuablc discoycry OTHER EVENTS MAY 16 1619 Jens Munck discovcrcr of Churchill Riicr Ilud son Bay saich from Dcnmark 1629 watermill was built ncar Qucbcc 1762 New Englandcrs scttlcd at Maugcrvillc NB 18511 First train opcratcd on Ontario Ilnron and Sim coc Railway 1855 Reciprocity wcnt into cffcct bctchn British North Amcrican colonics and US 1863 JS Macdonald and Sir AntoincAimc Dorion formcd govcrnmcnt 1871 Impcrial ordcrincouncil authorizcd British Co lumbia to join Canada 1885 Last spikc was drivcn in Lakc Supcrior scction of CPR 1905 Grand Trunk Railway acquircd Canadian Allan tic Railway 1961 Prcsidcnt and Mrs Kcnncdy visitId ttawa until May 18 gates left Hanoi North Viet nam to arrange for the evac uation of wounded soldiers from Communistcaptured Dicn Bicn Phu 1957 The first atomic sub marinc designed for asscm blyline production was laun chcd at Groton Conn barries story May 16 11170 The Canadian Cancer Society in the Barrie area had gone ovcr its goal of $24500 in that years appcal for funds By the end of April 81 per cent of the funds had been c01 lcctcd and by that date $27000 had been collected with almost $3000 pledged Smiles were as big as Prince Edward Island itself when Don Mcsscr and his Islanders pcr formed at Barric arena before crowd of 1200 plan to inspect building lots bcforc construction had bccn started to prevent situations which might lead to pollution had bccn started by the Simcoc County Public hcalth unit Thrcc Barric area musicians who won top honors at the Kiwanis Music Festival held in Orillia were Kathy Janowski Ernst Baumgartcn and Nina Kaclnnowski Michacl Joscph Iimmons 14 Barrics mayorofthcwcck was to be sworn in at special mccting of council Michael was Gradc student at Prince of Walcs school Lengthy studcnt field trips came under fire at the meeting of thc Simcoc County Board of Education lrustcc Dr John Andcrs said hc failed to scc thc valuc of ficld trips takcn near the end of the school ycar when little time was availablc for followup pro jccts Mrs Kathc Jans formcr school trustcc rcprcscntcd delegation of Alconn Beach rcsidcnts protcsting thc lack of school facilities in the com munity and asking that new school bc built Mrs Jans prcscntcd pcti tion to thc Simcoc County Board of Education with 233 signatures of Alcona Rcsidcnts Brucc Gopp of Bilillt mndc holcinonc on Shanty Bay golf courscs 16th holc lhc RIByard holc was par lhrcc Brings physics training to art of pulpcutting HALIFAX CPI Evcry weekday morning for thc last three months 25ycarold Brucc Parsons of Antigonish NS has headed into thc northern Nova Scotizi woods to cut pulp About the only qualifications pulp cutter needs for thc job are strength endurance and chainsaw Parsons likcs cutting pulp and enjoys thc nicn hc works with but his quali fications are unusual sincc hc brings to the wood cutting busi ness almost five years of uni versity training in physics Throughout thc Maritimc provinces particularly in rural areas forests construction sites and carpentry firms are finding university graduatcs trying their hand at traditional laboring jobs Many of them like Parsons have spent some timc away from the Maritimcs at control or wcstctn Canadian univcr sitics Economists and manpoiicr officials hcrc vicw thc rcturn to nntivc sons to whatcvcr iob op portunitics await thcm 15 mi dcncc of massivc shift in 11111 tudc towards living and working in thc Mnritimcs MAJOR llil Dr JilllltS McNiicn cccur tivc viccprcsidcnt of thc Atlan tic Provinccs Economic Council tAPEtl thc priyatc nonprofit rcscarch and ad visory organization says thcrc has bccn trcmcndous turn around from the 19605 migration of young pcrsons fromthc Mnritimcs From 197677 thcrc was not inmigration of about 30000 pcoplc to the Atlantic rcgion whilc in thc 19605 thcrc was nct outmigrntion of 145000 McNivcn says This suggests that univer sity vocational and high school graduatcs are staying here and ultimatcly this points to trcmcndous improvement in thc quality of the Maritime labor force in the 1980s Thcrc arc number of rear sons for thc turnaround McNiycn says In the last few years job 0p porlunitics have been drying up in thc rcst of Canada particu larly Ontario whilc opportun itics have been opcning up in thc Maritimcs At thc national lcvcl about half the unemployed are under 25 ycars of age and McNivcn says the same is true in thc lllnritimcs Its just that the proportions are larger here While Ontario is running at about eightper ccnt unemployment were at 10 or 12 per cool so of course half of that is more Try losing some weight By PAUL RUBIJ Ml Dear Dr Ruble am 72 years old and have been having trouble with my heart poun ding especially at night when retire Sometimes have to sleep in lounge chair Doctors have listened to my heart have had ekgs and still they cant tell me what is wrong am on thyroid medicine and am told that may be cause so stop taking it for while but it helps only little was in Hawaii last year on vacation and did lot of walking My heart didnt bother me while was there Can it be back of ex ercise lam feet inchcs tall and weigh 150 Id suspect the thyroid medicine for starters In your age group an irregular hcat beat could be the only sign of too much thyroid hormone supplement You may need an adjustment in the dosage Stress or tension may be Cause and too much coffee can aggravate it You probably had less emotional stress during your Hawaii trip But you do need to lose weight and you should Dear Dr Rublc ls orange juice good for person on weight loss program Orange juice is pleasant addition to any diet but dont think you can get off without calories Its high vitamin content can help make up for what you may be sacrificing in the rest of your diet but you also get about 110 calories for each eightounce glass Often seemingly innocent foods can wreck diet and many weight reduction program has been sidetracked by them Dear Dr Rublc Is there any cause for high blood sugar other than diabetes Good Qucstion There are many other causes Some medilt cines cause it cortisone epi nephrine and diuretics for ex amples Anxiety and stress can cause sugar rise So can pain Many illnesses create high level of blood sugar Hyperthy roidism ovcractivity of the gland or pancrcas or liver dis orders may bring rise Blood sugar rises during pregnancy and there may be slight risc when you are hungry Because of these various factors single blood sugar test is not enough It requires followup evaluation of other factors besidcs diabe tes To check for diabetes the doctor needs hourly tests after giving the paticnt glucose sugar solution Dcar Dr Ruhlc How docs person know if he or she has iron deficiency am fatigued oflatc Is that sign Fatigue is vcry common sign but thcrc are others sore tongue and stomach upset for examples Also there would be anemia Women who have usually heavy menstrual flow can quickly develop irondefi ciency anemia It is just as im portant to find the cause of irondeficiency anemia as to find the anemia itself It may be the only sign of severe bleeding problem internally Dear Dr Rublc have nineyearold granddaughter Her mother expects her to get As in everything If she gets an on anything she is punished until she vomits either by whipping or scolding feel she will ruin the childs nerves and cause ulcers Please comment That kind of treatment is not guaranteed to produce ulcers but it is one of the best ways know of to create stress emotional and physical The child should be stimulated to do her best not the impossible Wonder how many As or Fs mom got in school Dear Dr Rublc Why is it children dont have dandruff Has it got something to do with their glands Correct Dandruff is caused by too much production of the sebaceous oil glands In preadolcsccnt youngsters these glands have not started produc ing at maximum BRIDGE iOSwaIO Jacoby and AlanWSontag Lucking out NORTH 516 +753 vAKJs 054 011532 WEST EAST ¢A9 +QJ1032 V962 v8 01109762 OQBB +J7 +Q934 SOUTH 9K64 vQ10743 OAK +K106 Vulnerable Neither Dealer North West North East South to Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Opening lead South decides not to make any Slam try and is mighty glad when he sees the dum my There is an almost sure club loser and three poten tial spade losers Of course if East has the spade ace all end play Souths worries are over He wins the diamond and draws trumps with three leads stopping in dummy Then he leads club to his 10gtWest wins and leads second diamond South wins and plays his king of clubs leads club to his ace and notes that East still holds high club If clubs had been 33 South would be able to dis card spade If West held the fourth club South could have led dummys last club and discarded one of his three spades West would have been caught in an end play As it was South still could do something better than lead spade to his king He ruffed dummys last club and led low spade from his hand If West won the trick Souths worries would have been over but East won and led the queen of spades South rises with his king of spades just in case East has underled the ace but West produces that fine high card At this point West is end played He has no spade left He must give South ruff and discard and the contract still makes daily crossword ACROSS 50 Revolved Answer to Prevrous Puzzle 53 Animal of British insurer South Pared America 13 Diner 55 Womans 14 Recite name musically 56 Gets up 15 Gets up 57 Cause of 16 Manatee tension wds 58 Riles 17 College degree abbr DOWN 18 Stationary 20 CIA Be in forerunner command AUJIEIZY 21 hï¬grtztan 21 Moor 42 Kind of cloth 27 Spartan king patriot 22 Va Dense 43 Chicago 31 Canadian Affirmative re 23 cageSt transnt lines 6138 DIY 24 small amour 44 Metatarsus 32 Theater Clothe 25 Win91 45 Mei passageway Regular 26 MIHIOH Well 33 Seaweed method 23 Orlenl 47 55 35 One Ger Eavesdrop 29 Skeelon Dan 48 Maple genus 36 Spite Single 30 WISE man 49 SOViet news 40 River In School organi 34 Compass agency Europe zation abbr 00m 41 Anomalous 10 Little mus 37 Escapes of pasuy 43 Salamander ll Seths son 38 Famin 46 Deathly pale 12 Condenses member Curve 47 Consume 19 Stout 39 Vast desert 54 Breed of dog tvYour cBirthday May 17 1979 Large strides are likely to be made this coming year where your work Or career is con cerned You may experience some minor roadblocks but they can be easily surmounted TAURUS April 20May 20 Take time to size up the conse quences before speaking your mind especially to the boss Even if you are right it may not be smart to prove your point GEMINI MayZiJune 20 Steer clear of philosophical debates today Nothing will be Winthrop resolved anyway All youll accomplish is to ruffle some one elses feathers CANCER June 21July 22 Out siders may try to impose on your good nature today If you think their actions will trespass on yOUr familys rights dont let them get away with it LEO July 23Aug 22 BeIOre you accept anothers words as gospel analyze carefully what this person says AND his or her basic motives VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 If undertaking doityourself proj ects today keep your thumb out of the way of the hammer Large tasks should be left to professionals LIBRA Sept 73Oct 23 Youre VOLTAIRE ONCE 5AM IT l5 SAID THAT GOD I6 ALwwé FOR THE Bic7 BATTALJCDNs ©rm loww IM inn Eeek Er Meek HAVE 60MB 5A0 M6106 AND sow NSL 7373860 IM IraHNT SEE HOW TH DiNOéAurz WILL LOOK WHEN DID WEVER 1110MB WHAT WE SEE EACH OTHER ALL THINKS ABOUT 18 GETTIN OUT WITH 15 MATES DONT KNOW WHERE THE mMANCE WENT DOESNT QHON THE SLIGHTEST INTEREST 1N ME NRTHERN STATIONERY 29 Dunlop St HEyï¬Lve 915K amaze1 $9 HASTEN 70 YOUR BlDPlN6 1979 by NEA inc Reg Pat 011 vaarlmn in N90 U3 919 NOT LIKE BEFORE we WERE MARRIED ow ABOUT YOUR MAN Your Wedding Invitations Announcements Headquarters We provide loanout service ph you 75F THE woBBL 1H6 5A0 NEWS 16 YOU HAVE MILD SCHlZOPHRENlC CONDlTlOk very generous today with your personal belongings This is good and proper but be wary of lending something to an other that isnt yours SCORPIO Oct 24May 22 Family harmony will prevail today where the larger Issues are concerned Should any llareups occur they will be due to trivial matters SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 Trying to divide your atten tion today could cause you unnecessary headaches Keep your priorities in order Tackle one task at time CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan 19 Financial conditions are mixed for you today but the good will be greater than the bad Never THEN WHERED NIFTY TAN WALK STRAIGHT WITHour ING FROM SIDE 10 SIDE 7c ll ll 1115 woo news 16 YOULL 135151 35 LONELY AroAtu Bernice Bode Osol theless count your pennies wisely AQUARIUS Jan zitFob Directives that you issue to your family today could confuse them because you may tell them to do one thing and expect them to do another PISCES Feb 20March 20 Problems which may at first appear unsolvable wont prove that difficult today if you put your splendid imagination to use The answers you need are there ARIES March 21Apr1119 Keep an open mind Go along with the wishes of the majority today Youll win their approval and save money in the end as well VOLTAIRE Mus HAVE OWNEDA PX IN AN ARMY CAMP THE EMBAERAï¬MENT MUET ENDURE T0 EARN AN HONE$T LIVING Itosolar NI IVlumlo II THAVE 45