Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 15 May 1979, p. 14

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14theexamlnerTumdnyMay1s1979 szaarflarrala Mcarstorulo I0 WlNll leuflut haul KAWAV Klw ye Low DA mg fur mil new 1llll lill lrltilieit Asking tillnor Illu now Call Flmvnlt Auto WE vi 3t 00 till Telephone no limit tiny gloom 1111 III 60111 rvrlllllus llllt INMIRANLI Allll hutrlt ill sliialtir ulnlirtlllvr talcII all John CENTRAL ONTARIO FINEST 05 Ill AT lwl tmillA thl clone loop lMK Junml AM lMl llnik lilltlll rlrw ant11 lirr ltlillllmtitltlutt Ill Olllllllllrs tl ttllril 11 Ill 0T llt 0th 111 35 flaI 1M PERLU vl Hi Is Hit II nlItlllllnllt ms MW WM n00 Need hel Just look over the ads below The ad tlmllr 700 vertlsers listed are experts In their held and Will assure you ANAL tAl sin ylllltiltl ITII ll TIME rlllt l1l In Hrs l1llll stlmslx lILIIlIItI tullmllliull rt 95 IOb p°$5lblei ttit iiisliiltvl Illl lllll 19 th LN MARK lullv LTfllIdllJ 728241 1970 CLOSE TOSIMCOE PLAZA PUBLlC BEACH YACHT CLUB OLDSMOBILE 350 cuaiir min ml05 Pll Mon to °° PM d° motor rphlltlt 700 miles SASO 1973 VIQJ PAVING Hlm On kllllt kt lltllpliltly widenit ltliitltl IlnITITIItllIT llll It rillimith Sm tiliit 00 nsll lll Ill loul out 1llsl In so ll tilll oiiiliii lIl ml lull Ill iii mishaps mamm uomumovmms lvA fll RUURV t11Vtly uitll lllrlllllliltl CONsyaucnoN 333r °i° xiii TUMIanls FRAllCK AlUMlNUM siiioiiriiiwiimar is 23° MANER PA MN mm va mm up V1 pm Will spruce up your home with IIYIRIN7IN 4367955 on 6p rn in in MM our new line at DAYMOND vinyl IIIT0IIES Vr°l° AM IvHu lull lurttrul Ispill ding 20 Imch¢izlcnmhl Irllfillayill llarLIllfl Illlt Ta llll Wlll iws lltt ks and Lf iii 733K955 with 40 yearguarantoo CARPENTER Fglle EhXPERIENCED wllh Tenlus taurlx use aluminum siding iiiztitt Wk II animals 30° mom mi 50W FASCIA TROUGHI 931 3m Au Uniltlgs INCLUDED RANCIILZDl 23ml IITES uiiti1wlld$l orwa $5 WINDOWS DOORS SHUTTERS HID 16 nuhyfv jlnm a2£aqno WRITThAiIJlIMNTEE tails war as is LAROE BALCONIES OVERLOOKING BAY nu ecunv MARQUIS unod holly now GOURMET FREE ESTIMATES mm 7260081 mind leeplionenlt 570i mm STORAGE 100s ENSUTE 1°78 CORVF re black will mark in OOKS ACTON BOOKKEEPINGaTAx Pmonalond since 961 202 OSAUNAS EXERCISE ROOM AND GAMES ROOM tot tqul steering power brakes lwf$l000¢h Th TF supspon AVESTROUGHNG 5pmer bmtnauralurm 91m TOBprm 73912g aleLIARD ROOM lUNDER CONSTRUCTION ff2l3ff Sifif°fm 0W 5395061 mwflus 339 ggfuyliligyflngfnw N53 1331 TENNIS COURT st too Svrlous onqunws only 737 um 00 HOURS 4956 do Wodn ELECTROLux Canada Ltd authorlrod infaiiymfj Lnday 50 Year lease OVOIlOble runnan condition complete sot 01 new ST solo and 5VI Fae Hom Omnomm FFICE HOURS tit 05 3300 Telephone 728 1311 lions 18 Alliance Blvd Unit 19 7283397 RENTAL HIE WF FD MAN Forllllzinu wood Stow Eloflronlc 12 weekdays weekends spl itying Results ouarantmd 737 7721 TThSJU9 OHamkl iota CHEV lMFALA tour door an Repairs to CONCRETE WORK Ollltltlnnod $5000 Telephone 7262111 PURPLE MARth HOUSES Various sixes TELEVISION lndustrlalCloaning uw Lwtvxeons 30a 6pm SWIMMING POOL MANUFACTURER Brochural available VIVIAN BELL RR UWMBO 37 lws HONDA CIVIC noon mm has new 1978 Pools regular price SitflyEOJLPQQQTZVBLS7BGLV STEREORADIO To service With LllltlVI condition extras Telephone 728 9709 $2300 llrlrl deluxe interior burgundy with matching 3219000 now at our oil season special at $1355 00 Pools come with walk around IOOKKEEPIN Other Electronic Equipment Womans Touch Free Estimates deck patio toncing pump motor and 51 QOYGOIS in Janitorial Business ms cHARGER SE alr cruvsvi AMFMr tiller delivery arranged to your convo 1139457 2863°d ammo Telepmnc nience For best selection and intorma TF pec yang FIG d5 md tion call toll treel 800 2685970 52449 l6 HTSL lcao OLDsMOBILE CUTLAss Two SWIMMING poms To RENT 55 D°Psw° 77 km ifi DE an Tris Di bus oull 00hmop cer 06 low Ca lease and install tor homeownersJarnily 7264322 gt ac rc an anytime 728 4627 NyED an size aluminum sWImmlng pools Wlth aookkeepmg and payroll in cal atc 73 DODGE DART Excellent condition patio Choice at styles meeting all lenC GENERAL CONTRACTING LTD Ex ME rgsugrgdsm mlams $1400 certilied Call alter pm ing regulations on one two or three eosfma Rrces CHAIN LINK ENCING AN RT lE 55k an Lina ahaLaranil lehants Tel 77 57 vefr rental gas lent option to olwnbgory Owned and operated by call mrm mm me no Awh Ma am mum eawwssw 1973 DODGE CHARGER 55 319 be 09 Y0U UY Block MldmfillCtllflmltllllfldumlll RESIDENTIAL INDUSTRIAL month CO 30 OM automatic power steering power 268 597° laws WES 233913 533 igffinp brakes mags radio smoo or best otter PINE BARN BOARD slabs and log ends Franchise Owner mucus Serving 50m radius Itplllllt Iaallng Cklwiberigtfl suect aRS Telephone 728 6081 tor sale You load and haul Open Satur BEND new mum 5° 79 mFORD FARMONTIVBIWmmafiC days BUILDING wlTH Loos Ll TThs MY iafififigtfbffgfifisFET hhh PIlm9l0 01 CWT is no aomc 35 515 lithouses wanted To rent power steering power brakes radio MTED SnPWVQFEYR°az 36119 winter ralu Workmanthip guaranid mums RTIUZING my eoonvc 54 gauges rear window delrost radial tires PINE FURNITURE Custom made 4245802 Htray tla tailing val on polished aluminum mags Rustproot solid wood Iurniture reasonable rateS floor OTC ed and perma shined 26000 kilometres Cotlee tables dining room tables etc guyrmc yam ms was aw raw to Asking $4500 Certilied455 9291 7371039 WORD PROCESSLNG IRS Guam airs gt 77 VT in glooailkmpayzlon 7cm L977 ASPEN power 5999 power NEWS LETTERS VIC WATSON Fireplaces and masonry For CRE ROIOJIHING WI sheds Ran mac iab one 28 08 brakes vmyl root radlo Telephone BROCHURES MAGAZINES trooaslimates phone728ls99 ROOFING TREE SERVICE CORE 00 424 6011 CUSTOM BUILT and designed Specialixing hour service 20rooms to let 1976 CAPRI air conditioned vinyl root in natural stone and anti ua brick usin power locks etc $2750 Telephone NEW STORE CREATION OF BUSlNESS bollllres workmanship guiianisaa pm 521 cs Ravi Tu 52013 58feifitcégpnuss 775 55 ET V8 TRADE CONSUMER GROUPS H°° 73743 FERTIUZING ad henact no at 005 T976 CORON our oor se an we sprayng mowmg so Epsom can mama rateononamisaorm2m Moment power 599 Bows MAILING LISTS PREPARED uwooo dingsewingcvcmlmm PHOT RAPllY Aim Ma esse co COMEORTABLY FURNISHED bed brakes radio excellent condition Call FOR EDP Shem03 95 Esac 36 438 or Sile kitchenette private tpllel ElmvaleAutoSupply3221111 DIRECTORIES CONVERTED FOR of Aalabe Mam °days 197s OREMLINV ABCsix Eyllhdeir ies 99 rer genlema 95 9509 automatic excellent condition low COMPUTER PROCESSING °° STAN KNICELY MASONRY Brick block and home elsewhere and who returns home ta l9 mileage Call Elmvale Auto Supply stone work chimney re alr FIFOPIOCGS Ms weekends 7mm 7mm DBE CORPORATE SEASONED YEARS specialtyFroaestimate 7054245158 33 DEngecxfnfiij ragga0222 1978 THUNDERBIRD via automatic ANTIQUES State Shower parking space kitchenlaundry power seerng power brakes rado Central Barrie Clo aoc $20 monthly ltlllss 95 AurOra Air 383 17 hunt to rant TAMARACK BEDROOM UNITS include water charge Adiocent Molson Park TaCllTleS Available May Responsible person only 726 4674 LARGE EURNISHED housekeeping room Central Laundry Suit one per sop Telephone 728 0755 illroom and board ROOM AND BOARD available in private home Also suitable home tor seniarclti7ens Telephone7286182 RETIREMENT HONTE reEidentiaI set stalled telephone answering nailing typing etc Various STORE FOR RENT 1200 square teet interior Call 3121111 1968 MUSTANG needs minor work $200 Telephone 7280823 1977 DODGE VAN tradesmenlOO slant engine brown like new speed over drive 19000 miles rustprooted asking $4500 Call after pm 7370492 T676TOYOTACOR0LL7A T206 cc Cow condition Will certity Telephone 73716027atter500pm Elmvale Auto Supply automatic radio good condition 5495 Can be certified 728 7267 726 9888 and got free 12 RCAXLIOO 2for1 Ody 400 Itllly starting June 79 One llourdallvary KRAZY KELLYS PIANO BAeY ERANT ATttTrougnout 51750 Telephone 4162814796 7370125 Ally28 CARPET INSTALLATION MILLER BROADLOOM INSTALLATION and Services Work guaranteed Free estimates Call 7372193 TThS rrREE DELIVERY fll2 GENERAL CONTRACTING CUSTOM BUILDERS Renovations additions chimney repairs drywall all masonry needs For quality work call John 7280841 Mhc DELIVERED removed cash lor used appliances Gord GUITAR LESSONS Classical and Popular Marcel Potvln Guitar Studio 7261489 ACCORDION guitar piano organ begin ner and advanced Two months trial instru ment loaned tor home practice Canadian Academy oIMusic 121 Daytidld 7281799 VELLINGA PAINTING and dacorating ln Fost service Satisfaction guaranteed or Inn Purposes VARIOIS OTHER Free Lance Assignments 7370049 4292576 PLASTER REPAIR Fancy moulds artistic ceilings decorative walls apply on almost arty surtace Kobra Free estimates 7264612 wood signs BusinessResidence KNOC KIN ON WOOD 4875533 am pm Eh alcvcLés TRICVCLES an Types =Slzed SDOCGS OW OVOIOblev 1970MUSTANG CONVERTIBLEselas and sizes reconditioned repainted street level walkin l5 01 Complelelt VEbUlll 969 MUSang T€Rif5m9991 TF 7260988 good motor tenders and seats Call pREFABRIC STEEL STRUC RUSSELL OREFRIGERATORS ELECTRIC STOVES tartar axtarior Work uaruntoad 61 109 home COOKlngv RengerEd nUFSC aUtorhafic our door mm Gflwv lm CUSTOM BUILDERS Renovationsudditians toblishedSOyears726222 7269w2 available Phone 726 56717373930 90 FERNDALE 46 DUNLOP dllmney repairs wall all masonry door good condition cerlitied $1100 All nmsmquamywor Luluohnnamfl PAULS httleli Baymw Drive 23oIlcesslores for rent new 737nu CHIMNEY 5mm Ram am inninou pk PC uvmc 1975 DATSUN PICKUP AMFM radio 11 PAINTING tllling $5 and up also lawns cut Telephone deluxe camper cap excellent condition No MESS M¥ Ewealvvaggfllllllled Call Elmvale Auto 5UP WHtspERING PINES Clament Statues No Fuss Paper hanging Murals riet of lawn an arden or IN 1975 AUSTIN MNll 47000 miles needs namgmsyHighway 93 migle south of REASONABLE IDSBFIOF and exterior Furnished or unfurnished Ptakes T9°J°e72 557190Yime Craiglflurrst 7267693 or 7264820 Free estimates Low rates MAKE YOUR ideas reality Custom carved 70 MAVERICK two door cylinder 29 Myn rugs slant walls 42 square 17 high nos DON SlESLING PROFESSIONAL PAINTING stucco DRAND NEW OF 33ca rs wantedto buy with 14 20 door Prepainted harvest PA work amnion pap hanging Mom in TOO oome gold Asking $5800 tirm Buyer must SIDEWALKS M25 005 fired forced air 1200 50 FT OFFICE SPACE 54F COLE BRosCarsandtrucksWANTED helpdisassemble73798718 PAINTING PAPER hanging experienced rpaflefga gloigfliflygéme 43 Eggéaggzglvggiugfgevg1kg PM SWIMMING POOL only deluxe 16 ALSO ALL NANDTMAN Free estimates JACK RICHARDSON ORDER NOWor spring heohng MODERN OFFICE space lor lease SCRAP CARS WANTED S30 turllfisize 32 lngroqnd wmdawmflum Vinfly AND REPAIR WORK films and summer compefion Early occupancy small or large suites immediate ocvl picked up $40 lull size broughtin Bonus Kgfgéptxggplmséggidfiglglgiggle GENERAL REPAIRS maintenance attics UNIVERSITY PAINTING FREE ESTIMATES Tennis court short or long term 726 3400 is ggfzgdgccess Was $6500 now 55400 garages basement cleaned rubbish The organized student painters to es price ad Same day pickup Holt Auto 4365414 Trained stall Ongoing Dalrlk7inagllac3illties1tor more inlormation UVrleckers 7268711 Ammu Tnhr supervison and 87 54 TOFVPRICEVlor top carsrTorke Mdtors OFFICE SPACE for rent in attractive Limited 119 Bradtord Street Barrie on nflqu Duh qualny ponsL 8°Cked wlh TF downtown building Individual ollices 723 am Association Windows storms TWO Y9r ND 311 mamas Signaling WANTS lotWM 24$ $32 gig We 9mm airs or golred Telephone Miss Tubman 2Eiziugh$efirhgne6 €43585 pm It III Lauranco Mark 92 GARAGE FLOORS remove eone black and white TV steroasépetc AllmZkas PRESTIGE luxury bedroom 77 997 SPRWG SPEC Tracy wanys cars Front Strut East Toronto Ont Home yard CleanUp Selective townhouses OFFICES 867 sq tt central air heat hydro block lrom Points Main lioor Full size cars $30 picked up Full size 540 May 15 and 16 11 mm to 10 Workmanshlp Guaranteed PAINTER FULLY EQUIPPEITTJ rates and models 4746181 Rubbish removal small satisfaction BRAND NEW guarantoad Free estimates neighborhood Reterences 275 $380 monthly 7261771Vtau $3338 Bonus for large cars Pml MY FREE ESTIMATES movin obs LPLWL 7234237 Bloke 7262361 yo pm SMALL OFFICE SPACE on Dunlop WANTEDCIEM usedcars BarrieHo Atriuian $250 Opening ltlglit 726008 usgoyAfingsésJigififig aggrscad so 53 ApproimaleY 300 Square 30 176 some May 14 to 11 ill Ad erlor pain lng Ws Evenings 7289682 slso per month includes heat Call d6 95 °wans VlCE16MulcosterSlreat7267102 1mg 5mm Beekhwen eprmming L0 SCRAP VEHICLES WANTED Top mission $750 with one roontryi DRBSMAKING repairs PICTURE FRAMING Hm SOFA BY DAYDOUBLE Mfi¥ Goedemondt Real Estate Limited firlcesdgbagogmc mmedam pal CADA augment the BEDWITH MATTRESS BRAND NEW 775 4067 3mm at Scholarship Fund of The ggsfiifnmil mfdety 105 Agilimo DATES 82 Dunlop St East Custom ALLENS WINDOW CLEANING Commercial BY NIGHT la In on Ul Sun Three bedroom homes 24 space for rent an Nahond Ballet school EELQVEggfia Stsflqngggéiqog lu7 mgtgzlalgléypes We stock many mes ggfglsidanliol Free estimates Telephone tor rent FOR LEASE 0R SALE industrial space SIMCOE COUNTY FOUR WHEEL Myll lmmediote occupancy $325 monthly and warehouse Telephone 7263400 Angelotl DRIVE CLUB For John Nelson 728 9571 inlormation call 40 articles for sale WAREHOUSE SHOWROOM me 1973 SUPER CAB FORD I72 ton pick up mh for oonicles for sole or 40Orfide for sale DEL REALTY 7370500 Victoria Street 1590 square teet Gross as is $1300 or neaIESl OllLT TEIEDTIOM TF lease everything included $475 mon 726 6291 CLARKS HOME FURNISHINGS 16 CUBIC FOOT GURNEt 5e BEDROOM downtown with garage utilities and appliances not included 726 7676altor5p IT IS POSSIBLE Rent on new home can go towards your down payment For inlormation call Mr Jarvis 726 6805 24 Hour Service TOWNHOUSE tor rent three bedrooms baths basement garage nicely decorated Close to school and shopping 726 4338 thly Apply Stewart Wholesale 728 3051 PRIME INDUSTRIAL SPACE 1000 18000 sq lttu11y sprinklered transport and light truck loading docks drive in doors14tl 18 ll clear part 01 larqe ex pandng industrial mall 726 7130 2000 SQUARE FEET Commercial Space available suitable tor retail manulacturing or warehouseing Heat and hydro included $600 monthly On Baylleld Street Telephone Oro Mobile YJS 7008 1973 FORD WINDOW VAN certilied$1500 Telephone 726 5721 1977 DODGE KARY VAN 10000 lbs gross weight 12 it lg 811 wd Boxtul ly insulated PS PB auto radio ex cellent condition 30000 km Complete with industrial hitch $9100 or best otter Call 859 0471 Schomberg 1978 34 TON FORD PICKUP dark blue 48000 kilometres step up bumper 351 engine V8 power steering power brakes radio poor rubber 10000 miles lani TV TROUBLE 50 OFF all parts used to repair your TV in your home during May Call now and sovel GOVT llCENSED TECHNICIANS Call the professionals Warehouse Annex has great choice ot used relrigerators lrom $69 Stoves lrom $49 Washers dryers etc used an pliances reconditioned guaranteed 30 days Used lurniture items include chesterlield sets chests dressers odd chairs kitchen sets 33 Baylield Street downtown THE WEED MAN Fertilizing weed spraying Resultsguaranteed 737 2721 COMMERCIAL Relrigerator 3C Tappaceevr Both avocado Paw orseic 25 41boats and motors GULL ROCK MARINA miles north of Barrie on Lake Simcoe between 5th 6th of Oro Dry slips available $249 mun um 54 MATTRESSES i59 er and year round sToRAGE AVAILABLE Small or lett $5950728 6421atter6p summ 3252 grass large units lnnislll St Jacobs Terrace 1977 DODGE VAN power steering 831 Fantue Broadloom garage one Year my Shorlor long term 737 1606 424 1020 power brakes excellent condition Lots BAIIIE TV 10 yon 3ph°se water cooled 0N DUTY Utilities extra First and last munthsd STORAGE SPACE for rent in the Barrie filmsMugs mmodaey kmg JUN APPLIANCES 500 rent required $325 monthly Call area heated 950 so lt Suitable lor i300Cal7371039 Wlhdua compressorls Your authorized Marlene Knowles representing Murray smallShOP Telephone 322 1397 1976 MODEL 100 FORD Explorer DWIoP CIIJIM Mercu Outboard Warsh Realty Ltd 728 9636 or 737 2351 STORE op OFFlcg mm 700 my cap lully equipped46000 miles moon Wfly 7234297 7374432 THREE BEDROOM brick bungalow 34 Dunlop St Telephone 755 8686 Tool Can be cerllled Asking $1500 TTh SJ Mercwwer Dealer Jug Fridge stove included FlreplaCE too or 2610160 alter6 Talephonenb 303 TF 05 47222 RES 7260032 Located in Innlstll Available im 1976 FORD 250 power steering power mediately S250 monthly Rolerences re quired Telephone 705 526 9525 alter 530 FOUR BEDROOM stove relrlgerator Sheers broadloom swimming pool garage baths close to school and bus Available Juno Telephone 728 0135 allerdp THREE BEDROOM house room and garage laundry Duc kworth Street 25garages ATTENTION TRUCKERS Garage space to rent by the month tor repairs washing storage etc Barrie area Call Oro Mobile YJS7008 27Cottages to rent PLANNING YOUR HOLlDAYS Quiet clean bedroom cottage Gravenhurst brakes radio 10 ply tires tour speed transmission 39000 miles certilied Asking $4200 726 1222 1974 DODGE SPORTSMAN window van automatic original owner 35000 miles excellent condition power steering power brakes air conditioned under coated $3500 or bestdlter 835 2308 1979 GMC VAN DURA only 5000 miles SUPERIOR ROOFING SYSTEMS INTRODUCES FIVE HP MASTERCRAFT rototiller only used once Asking $240 TRUCK CAMPER tor ton truck Sleeps live Gas stove lridge ln excellent condition Asklng $2250 424 0875 ZACHARY ORGAN tor sale with band box single keyboard loot pedals ex cellent condition Asking $450 or best at ler Telephone 737 4367 or 436 4825 EMPTY BUSHELS tor sale 49 each Good tor garden use Cancilla Fruit Market 17 Clapperton Street POOL FOR SALE 24 round above ground with heater and partial deck Telephone 728 2068 alter 530 MATES BED in excellent condition solid hardwood Call 7281554 alter 30 CANOES or Pomlod Slam Kevlar Flbroglus Royalex Canvas Aluminum Kayaks Complete stock at accessories Trades accepted ROLLAND BOATS LTD 3ntonthsold Mustsell htne4873009 gt area private sandy beach Retrig PURPLE MARTIN HOUSES Var ous pRVATE SALE New 9W ad aro wia FWV bg°a€°°ghdduwAmommV crater wood stove Suit persons 1978 MC VAN 2400 original miles sizes Brochures available Vivian Elell Omingl Size 1017 900d quamy ca 705 53255141 530 fnlégfsmsa 10m Vorwwifgiflfm Telephone 726 7734 like new condition asking price $4800 RR Shanty Bay Phone 728 5283 35009 726 99 AND BEDROOMS seasonal beach $58321 Te who 77 025° UPRIGHT FREEZER 15 Cu tt white thlde Conveniences marina taCIlltles BEDROOM HOME Angus $215 per month Phone726 7704 alter NEW BEDROOM house completer traller lots Or0487 2427 487 3827 LAKEFRONT housekeeping cottages 1970 DODGE VAN V8 power steering partlally customized good condttlon $950 or best oller Telephone alter 30 for residential homes reg completely overhauled $200 Telephone 726 6667 WEDDING GOWN witn veil size 11 like ZENITH 20 PORTAILE COLOR BOAT REPAIRS SUITES $59 NEW BRAND NAME 1007 solid state only 5593 Under so AND SUPPLIES 11 Here what we Will dolor your root broadommd mm Sunken llvmg EVxKcltmgnt ngélfindsoiz pm 778 Myaskmr Mark new worn only once Telephone 7373508 wily Startan Jun 79 Ordar tonlta finghu room with partially linished basement HM00k 36 2649 replace all misstng sac around sanitary alter 50 ootolrn l2black and whit0n hour Also garage Telephono726 3257 BEAUTIFUL LAKEFRONT com 75SelVlC8 an repairs shingles pipes RAILWAY TIES tor sale Wholesale doliva KRAZY KELLYS now naxt door TOLLENDAL MARINA Alum AT FOR RES bldoo 0°59 93 private bedrooms acres woolgd I978 SHAMROCK 23 mm mm homo seal down all loose prcel Square or round Good quallty to Mootrnan Highway 90 Farnd° garage pay own mumps 5295 mom Saw Sandy beam Ireplacelsundeck power steering power brakes air 9seoloround air vents long 737 0086 GasolineAlley 737482 Lounl St Barrie Adults or one child elemncly mdoor We running connltloning Dodge chassis low milago shingles seal around chimney CERAMICS EQUIPMENT used moulds Jy7H Phonoattero 30 726 1983 water 5100 per week 726 8312 k9 new as 7995 9V9 seo or repair flashing lob lot Kilns steel shelvmg wrought ingsor weekends os lngs lron and glass display unlts pyromeler HAMMOND SOUNDER organ ex MAKE AN OFFER Norse Cruiser Bayfleld and Cundles zsconages for sale 361Utoaccessories on dormers Hsecureloose nails mtmoters up 108 kilns etc Telephone cellent condition can 322 2644 alter Wm mm magma 1ng We Four bedrooms two washrooms attach 1435 4505 OR repair ro an go 12 check for blocked up to seven head sink range and ed garage available lmmedlately 5325 LAKE 99 bedroom mag 197 34000 wner 726 alézoypnings monthly earriem 0130 or no 453 7991 50 470 lakeronl lot Inside plumblnu COPS downs outs on re 963 Tu oil heat artesian well my 000 will rent FOR SALE 1972 Yamaha motorcycle excellent con 74 EVINRUDE omboayd mow SPACIOUS HOME for rem you woomr $0650 0426 woekmm Ford Vlb dh 030 repalr damaged secure all loose TITANIC TOSHLDA ditton victrola gramphone wind up goodcondmon so Talephme any bedrooms two bathrooms Ilreplace 322 so valid Udib5°m°h WWWW EIOCIOnk mom WoKlng condmo Telephone 7266136 garage lovely large to downyown Ba Crmkshalt ground bolancod With 40 tlashtngs mine now W9 orm 726 80 rie close to schools and Shopping 3375 30resors lb Scholltlrstaolllywhual TRWI26 to clean seal 14 remove any oochGE AND sTORAGE tor boots up monthly plus utilities triage and stout plgonfi rings bgqringg cyan mud P°°b° Und WHY TABLE SAW heavy Consrucmn to 34 pump out tacilltles Fresh water included 728 956 Mm combo Mm wmg WVQSIWUQ damaglngtrea branches stoning Juna79 KRAZY KELLVS now 96770 V9 599 Wall T°°a $50 washrooms with showers hydro an so in Oln er exce en cun llot BUNGALOW bedroom lakelronl rotainou 351 Wlndsor hoods complauly 30 remove Old TV an Momma ngthy 90 Fom $325 Telephone 723 7451 to 10 320 xxklgg rivalryth fifippeyg We also Pay 70p dollar Highway 93 at Orr Lake All conye do 0mmyihon MW smokestacks enn°s do 7374182 niences Suit single person or business couple No pets $180 HUNTSVILLE ALGONQUIN PK seals studs StawortWarnar alutric TF pm your slip or mooring now Telephone tor used Furniture thl FRIOIDARE REORIGERATOR 1705549299l HINDSON MARINE mo 73 om weekends 1383 AREA PHI0e West 30 Ml pump Nolly 750 doublo pumpr general electric stove Phone 729 om LTD Champlain Road Penetang and Appliances 395 excellem Shingi bmd TENT TRALER Kaolun sleeps HAND CARVED western saddle Like SAILBOAT 22 It Venlure Iibrnqlass enll Portall unamblad 31200 7263994 999855 100 WM 1010 outcanvas sides new 5200 or best olter Telephone sloop with outboard motor and tralIrr swmmng on 3000 IL excellent condition used two summers 37 75 $6 800 Telephony 778 0957 Tenant tor bedroom Allandale area shoreline Main in wn Mb complEIe Very reasonable Telephone 726 3333 Garage Finished rec room Broadloom MY FRFEZFR USED 23 CHANNEL CE Hmcm 9°06 FT FIXED EEL bum MINUE ed Rent negotiable to reliable staole and pay only $100 per season 7263896 17 Cubic loot 3175 9399 reasonable 7le m7 SAILDOAT 3sails trailer 3h motor Wople Call Jo Harrington Canada Trust 726 36A 01 737 2382 Jarvis 7266805 1974 MAVERICH coach tor Darts 1973 Vega motor and body talr tor parts $100 3721115 All MIDUI MATERIAL GUARANTEED ALSO Tll cosr or best oller Telephone 436 3227 alter WINDOW GLASS various 51795 Best of tumtabln $343 Got lroa spooku good concilan Asking $3200 Telephone 7° DOWN ANGUS TWO bedroom house on large MY complete tar each or sell parts separate you RESTORELINE l5 FULLY DEDUCTED FROM THE grigeplgfi 1381 FigsgligJawx Lain so snlm W72 STARCRZZJ HtAzmTToClp strearllhrg lot suit two adults partly turnishea DistributOr carbutator and gastanh sleeps 5x Avaable June 75 mommy koyyAXGES NW parklcflpbe Burks woe plymoUm new Telephone ca Of NEW ROOFING SYSTEM WOULD To EVER NEED Telephone 726 1715 alterbpm Somalona AM rocavar JI Mummum anop boa WI Hp Telephoneiu 559$anytlme Davwwlldv trampoline llsning FOUR BEDROOM two storey home in beach Murray Vallouelte 726 0617 37motorcycles ALUMINUM SIDING CEDAR SHINGLES SPECIALISTS TThSJu5 ter takes all Call alter 50 rn 7371369 Under 35 wkly starting Jun 79 KRAIY Johnson With remote gas tank and ears L500 424 5815 KELLYS now next door to Moalman no Riverwooa Farms Dartially tarnished ROYAL DOULToN dmner sewme Ar CHRYSLER Charger and tour appliances Close to malls ten EXAMINER 77 YAMAHA DT250 Enduro goon condi LOOK FOR COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL Eadie Hi We piece settings extras 0° MW 90 9° Chrysler outboard with power lllt com riscourts and park 8350 TOnIlYUTlIIIES WANT ADS tion Handles easily Equipped Alh car gazegaggtegsff85slorellail price 397 dale 73782 pletp With slit har spoggomelcehlfggi ll I09 37 97 It tank am arp ovr 3333 5909 PHONE 72mm gfgrglpugg 573 7330 or be Ca RESTOREAROOF COMING SOON rggdjm Myloisli

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