12 the examiner Tuesday Msy 15 1979 600 NEWS HOLLYWOOD SQUARES DEFINITION POLKA DOT DOOR 630 Nac NEWS MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW CBS NEWS ABC NEWS NEWS PARTY GAME DRAGONS WAGONS AND WM 6245 READALONG 655 WRITE ONi 700 DATING GAME LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE TOM AND JERRY AND FRIENDS MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW TIC TAc DOUGH DOWNRIGHT DISCO Guests Mer aha Hunt Charity Brown Future Shock Donna Andrew Best NEWLYWED GAME KIDSWORLD GONG SHOW PRICE Is RIGHT 730 MUPPETS SHOW cues Raquel It cNEWLYWED GAME CONLONS ONTARIO FAMILY FEUD PATSY GALLANT SHOW Guests CIrOlerliamsBob McGinIn lheCraigRuhnke PETER APPLEYARD MAGIC SHADOWS BOB NEWHART SHOW 800 GREATEST HEROES OF THE BIBLE The Tower Of Babel young archi tects foolish deSIgn to build scoring lower as monument to Gods glory Is corrupted by crueldespot Stars RonPalilIoVmceEdwards WB STANLEY CUP HOCKEY uniImam hrs PAPER CHASE The study groups welllaid plans tor weekend 01 frivolity 011 campua go awry when Professor Kingslietd makesa monumentalaseignmenl for Monday 60 mins HAPPY DAYS When troubles With his studies and en Insulting pOeSSOICluSEPOISIQ IodecidetoouI schootheFonz comesupwifh ngonious lan to help his friend MOVIE The Awakening 90 thins LIVELY COUNTRY CHANGES This programhelpsadoles cents understand and Cope With the emotions and social situations following physrologicel 11 El °WHAT WILL THEY THINK pr NEXT MOVlECOMEDY Long Long Trallar 1954 830 LAVERNE AND SHIRLEY Shirleys love life takes new turn when she Starts spending time With wealthy sophis ticated older man and is discovered In his com by hi friend Carmine TW COMPANY IE THE REAL STORY Guest Stephen Endicotl professor ofChinese history York University Toronto 900 THE SACKETTSTnedmma mum ltoryolthethreeSackettbrotherswh0gotothe New Mexico territory In the turbulent days fol lowing the Civil War in order to seek more lrurtlulwayoflifethantheirhomeinlheTennes see mountains offers them Stars Glenn Ford Elliott Pt of two art series hrs TUESDAYNIGH MOVIEWaIIung Through The Fire 1979 Stars BessArmstrong Mason THREES COMPANY Using Janet and Chrissy as allies Jack pretends he lives alone when he falls for girl he thinks is old ï¬CHARLIES ANGELS NOVA CAPTIONED Across the Silence Barrier This program explores the world of one milllon Americans who lack the lity to hear human speech 35 GONG SHow 930 TAXI The cabbies become reluctant babysitters for Elaines young son when she goesoutoltownbutaftermeetingtheboyfhey ergo change of heart 13 OUEEN BLVD 1000 STARSKY AND HUTCH While Stersky fights for his lile after being critically wounded grief stricken Hutch sets out in relentless search for the wouldbe killers 80 OUINCYThepromisingcareeroleyoung black doctor is threatened when he is charged TUESDAY EVENING VIEWING withIncompetencelollowingthedeath oloneof his patients and Quincy works to clear the physicianbyprovingthatloulplaywasinvolved Guest stars Brock PelersPernellRoberls in STARSKY AND HUTCH MEN OF IDEAS The Iwo Philoso eaolWIlt enstein NEWS UPDATE in NEWS 1001 G3 MERV GRIFFIN 1045 OUTREACH ONTARIO 100 In NEWS cue NEWS CTV NEWS EDUCATION OF MIKE MCMANUS MOVIE BlOGRAPHICALDRAMA VI Lust For L110 1956 1120 09 NEWS 1127 NEWS 1130 THETONIGHTSHOWHosIJohnny awn 90 mins CBS LATE MOVIE BARNABY JONESDarkLagacyThewidowolarnurdered slockbrokerhiresBarnabytofindherhusbenda slayer THE SPELL1977 Stern Lee Grant es Olson MOVIE COMEDY Odd ï¬ugle wee TREET TALK NIGHTMUSICFM 1145 WORLD AT WAR Japan This epi aodebeginswithVEDsyvictoryinEuropeend turns to the task of defeating Japan But first recepitulation of the earlierwer years eflerthe attack of Pearl Harbor 1150 MOVIE lll Met 8y Moonlight 1200 MEDICAL CENTER MOVIE COMEDY In Three Ring Circus 1954 12 10 9MOVlEDRAMA TheChal lenge 1970 0° TOMORROW Host Torn Snyder Guest Benson Ford nephew of Henry Ford ll ï¬DminsI historically speaking today in histog May 15 1979 Marshal Henri Philippc Pc tain became commanderin chief of France in the First head of the Vichy government After the war he was tried for treason and sentenced to death but Gen de Gaulle commuted was flown from Washington to New York 1935 The first radio quiz program was broadcast in Can The Doctor Says How long on medicine By PAUL RUHIJ Ml Dear Dr Ruble My sister 83 fell and broke her hip She went to the hospital was shocked to learn she got Mad der infection while there They said it was from the coli bacteria have been told that is the kind women can get from poor hygiene like wiping from the rectum forward Her doctor has her on Mandelamine which she has been taking for six weeks Shes been home three weeks Her last urine checked out OK How long should she be on the medicine What is it How come she got the in fection We go to hospitals to get well so it is always disturbing to find one has picked up disease while there But it happens even in the bestrun hospitals If catheters must be used as in getting urine samples or because of lack of bladder control the odds in crease coli is the medical name for normally useful and harmless organism harmless in its proper place which is the bowels its natural habitat When it enters the urinary tract problems result in cluding bladder infection womans shorter and more accessible urethra tube from bladder to outlet makes in vasion there common The improper wiping maneu ver you mention increases odds but its doubtful she could have avoided infection anyway The coli is frequently found in urine of bedbound patients It finds the urine handy place in which to grow Patients especially elderly ones may have bit of urine leakage and this coli organism causes 75 per cent of all bladder in fections Madclamine is combination drug its generic name is men thenaminc mandelate It is ef fective and can be used for ex tended periods It may require several weeks to insure that the invading bacteria are com picter under control If it is not doing the job the urine should be checked for acidity It has to be acid for this drug to have effect Icar Ilr kulilc With so much popularity of jogging wondered how doctors really feel about it dont know any jogging doctorsMM You may not know them but there apparently are quite few recent poll conducted by the American Medical Associ ation answers your question in part In answer to question about exercises they engaged in most doctors said jogging was one This was followed by tennis and swimming Only 10 per cent listed golf suppose this could be interpreted as sort of endorsement of jogging as healthful activity Dear Dr Ruble Can you explain why cold air can bring on an attack of angina pec torisJJ Because cold constricts the arteries including the vessels leading to the heart which is the cause of the heart pain Dear Dr Ruble have read that women with fuller breasts should not jog that it can cause damage to the breasts Is this truePL Jogging will not harm your breasts but snug bra should give adequate support Dear Dr Ruble Can thyroid problems cause hair loss An underactive thyroid gland might cause thinning dryness and loss of hair BRIDGE Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag Artful dummy utilization fll spade declarer can bring 12 tricks home Bernice Bede Osol May 16 1979 You will have some interesting opportunities to advance your station in life this coming year Handle them Wisely so that you take full advantage of all they have to Offer TAURUS April 20May 20 Your sense of timing may leave something to be desired today Be careful you dont put your self in an awkward position and then compound it GEMINI May 21June 20 Theres possibility you could Ninthrop LICA5 19 Bugs Bunny DléAï¬REE WITH VOLéWlNTHROB VOLTAIRE SAID do something hasty today to dilute an opportunity Keep in mind the old adage bird in the hand is worth two in the bush CANCER June ZtJuly 22 Be very careful today if you are managing or using something of value that doesnt belong to you Booboos could prove ex ceptionally costly LEO July 23Aug 22 Luck will not turn out to be worthy substitute for practicality and hard w0rk today Dont take chances hoping youll get by VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 purely social contact could be jeopardized if you put him on the spot for favor today Its better to wait until you know him better OIONhVNEA the III flog USPalOfl DI5WVE OI WHAT You 5AY BLIT WILL DEFEND To THE DEATH vane RIGHT TO MAKE or YOURSELF LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 If at all possible steer clear of sperm lative ventures today YOU tend to be shade reckless where gambles are concerned SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 Im portant decisIOns affecting you and your mate should be made jointly today You will be asking for problems if you do other Wise SAGITTARIUS Nov 23Dec 21 Do not leave to underlings today matters concerning your income or resources They may not understand whats expected and gum up the works CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan 19 Normally you have pretty good handle on things that mean dollars and cents to you ILL BET voi TAIRE DIDNT PLIT iT THAT WAYATALL Today through carelessless you could do something you would regret AQUARIUS Jan zitFob 19 For best results today keep low profile and pull the strings from behind the scenes Get ting too pushy will rufer the feathers of others PISCES Feb 20Msrch 20 Its bit difficult to keep secret today You could hurt the feel Ings of someone who has con fided in you it you talk out of turn ARIES March 21Aprll 19 Mat ters that are important to your reputation or finances should be handled early in the day Conditions may not be as ad vantageous if you permit delays COMREIE LIST EDMMAlDN COULD OF EVERY PAKT REQUIRED FOR MODERN VEHICULAK TRAVEL REALLY GET CHOKED UP IT 11 Avcmw in Chicm 35ï¬gllllégglgTytlgdtheg ACROSS 53 Piles an Answer to Previous Puzzle As far as is known Winnipeg citizens wcrc not as festivitieq 57 someume boastful as those of Edmonton which also cnjoycd ThrouÃ©ï¬ presentation by iii 58 33ng mam Slp boom An American Vlsllt IS said to havc asksd how the Town Council Barrie 0f Guinea pig 60 Use Ema baurtgir itlllIthllhltgLiVlltaaglgdthS told it as big as Chicago daily recognized the feats of sthild experimentally mg the Barrie Colts hocke team in ma bills 51 $0095 IIIER EVENTS MAY 15 almost capturing Hie OHA 14 Dusibowi praise WIPED FREE IF WE 1650 Zacharcic lIguifmy was grantcd trading concussion Junior sB championship for VIEW 62 0f fluid rom St Lawrcncc to Nipigon Ontario 19 ban uet tendered Preï¬x was mm 1689 COSnIfFItéIIItIlth was appoinch Governor of Can LS Clubqin the main dinf enek glafkbmfm an or ccond time °° °° 9mg up in room of thc uccn Hotel 17119 Final paymcnts wcrc inadc to Loyalists for losses he member the team in 233 5m 65 anion BE US cluding Bud Palmer Earl 22 Month abbr oddsp 55 55 18H Porl DOFNIBS burned US 009 Leigh Jack Dyte Garry 24 Over prefix 66 Indian 1885 Lotus thl surcndcrcd to icncral Middleton 11960813 Bi Long Roy Brock 25 Gumy person 21 Racket string 45 Both Born Loser 1907 Trpnto plumbch went on strike until Scptcm Eldon Goring Alvin Jones 29 American DOWN 23 Salem 47 Providelwiih Har Id Scott Don en went ear HOW 1907 Historic Landmarks Association was estab Davaj walker Wilton OVEN 33 Pub beverage Barrister mm 49 Siam WHE You 6ET LOOKI www 919 llshqd ff ingston Rov Storcv Strat 34 gacgbs caber Id 25 5313 50 Loonwe To CAME CHAM KNOW ANY OF mllltllt gcncra ccamc cctivc °PPee 1928 First old shi cd air Bdkogeorge and Tom MdrSha 35 DlSmbUe Wife 26 Arm b°ne 51 Applies YOUR UNDERWEAR mos K105 pp Wm were presented mth engraved peg it cards Of the ear 27 Regans father frosting Every DAYI 37 Minute Insect Dressmaking 28 009 W399 52 Merit 39 Polynesian MassachuA 30 Dried Up 54 Al god sens cape 31 Leos home euuan 41 Border Purdah 32 Gm to the 42 Having Colorado park needy 55 Exclamation auricles Paved 35 Hawaiian of annoyance 44 Alphabet Related Instruments 56 Auld Lan 46 Born 10 Competed 38 Edgiest 48 Motto 11 Hedge plants 40 Type face 49 Cookery 19 Fortune 43 Of God Lat 59 cove World War 62 years ago today the sentence to life imprison ada NORTH 515 Now that we have given in 1917 Petain gradually con ment Petain died in prison in 1957 Britain detonated its 10 this peroration you should trolled thc mutinics that had 1951 first atom bomb becoming the be able to work out how our broken out in hundreds of 1571 The Tattars destroyed worlds third nuclear power declarer using Neverslip French units and halted the Moscow 982 technique makes his slam Germans at Verdun In 1940 be 1767 The ruler of Genoa ba WEST EAST He wins the diamond lead ommw was appointed premier of sold the island of Corsica to Plays four rounds 0f trumps Rb France concludcd an armistice France and then must cash his ace With Germany and became 1918 The first US air mail 10 and king of Clubs YOU 25 NOT DEALING JUST RELAX AND LET mama is in you WERE EIGHT DOCTOR 10 Next comes spade lead ngH TENSION WELL THE HOSTllITY AND CEEL WONDERFUL May 15 1937 SOUTH t0 dummy Assuming West RAELL AGGRESSION =LOW OUT Rt REV Fleming plays lowhe plays dummys you ANXIETIES Anglican Bishop of the Arctic 431107 10 If West plays the queen 2310 poiiylirly lmown ï¬s The he plays dummys king In Quebec Ontario Manitoba ylng 0P de gueSl either event East must Were Greatly Enlarged The geography of Canada was greatly changed on May 15 1912 when the boundaries of Quebec Ontario speaker at special service to honor the coronation of King George VI Vulnerable Both Dealer South duck Now South ruffs dummys last club cashes his last high diamond and The scrr featur and Manitoba Wcrc cxtendcd Quebec was givcn the the preserié fuinore thaen 10 west North Eas South Emits Sicolld Spade WmCh territory of Hudson Straight whilc Jamcs Bay became Boy Scouts and Girl Guides 0c as mus Wm the northern boundzir Onta ri P855 29 Pass NT At thls pomt East has run cupying the front pews and the Manitoba originallywasa postage stamp province of dedication of flags of the Se Pass P355 everyt mg low only 14000 square miles Its northeastern boundary was cond Barrie Girl Guides and 90355 P355 P355 Spades and must gwe extended to Hudson Bay including the ports Nelson and Churchill Thc total area of the province became nearly 212000 square miles The inclusion of Nelson and Churchill was victory for Manitoba bccausc Ontario tried to got them by having its First Barrie Pack of Wolf Cubs Barrie royally celebrated the Coronation of Their Majestics King George VI and Queen Opening lead dummy spade trick and South his slam Ask the Exocrts Elizabeth in of the st westg boltldary 9and9d dmcul norm and finest dcmnonstrationgregvyer you held HSB Primc MInistchIr Robcrt Bordon also kept an election staged in ownand community promise by atltorizmg tho constriction of the Hudson Bay The celebration commenced are mdebted t0 the RallwaY when the school children par British Popmar Budge The Manitoba cxtcnswn called New Manitoba also ticipated in tree planting and momle and expert JOCk brought Thc Pas into the province It was bccoming thriving community as the Canadian Northern built line there with bridgc across the Saskatchewan River Originally Ilic Ias was established as furtrading post by Henry Kclscy Hc was the first white tnan to scc the prairies whcn hc trayclcd west from Hudson Bay betwccn 1690 1692 The boundary extension was the climax ofa grcut boom which Manitoba had boon cnjoying for number of years At one point property on Main Strcct in Winnipeg was selling for highcr priccs than propcrty on Michigan Thc May mccting of Stroud Prosbytcrian WMS was hold at the home of Mrs Nelson Watson Mrs Hazcl Mc ullough was in charge of thc program and Mrs Ruth Cowan took the worship scivicc Mrs Nelson rcad an in tcrcsting articlc on Canadians and society nicu School Fair Juno from 11 rcfriShmciits scrvod by Mrs Watson Thc Anniversary of thc Stroud lrcsltcriaii Church will be cclcbratml May 20 with special scrviccs at 1100 am and 730 pm Our gucst ministch will be thc Rcv Don lcbstcr and thc ltcy Robcrt Littlc patriotic exercises large parade assembled at Queens park in early afternoon and moved to the Arena where an impressive programme was staged In the evening the rural school children par ticipated in concert in the Arena and the Boy Scouts had beacon fire in Ggricultural July and August Mrs Pricc Bradford will bc on regional rcprcscntativc of the Advisory Commit 109 Mrs Watson thc librarian reported on arrangements madc for showing films during July and August Thcy will be shown in Stroud at 10 am and in Churchill at pm Ihc opcn housc was reported Havel McCullough told ol Mr Webster no aSsociatc as good Sticccss in public rcla thcir attciidanic II Rttl pastor of thc congregation of ions Appriciation was ex Skclton program llllt in Knox Church Midland was for prcsscd for tho ladics showing Iloridd litlt lll tIlltllJllltIl and ilso told iv liigt lllt Mr SkiIto lilllt in 171 as protcxt igilllhl llit crime and sex tciiturcd Mrs Lorna Catnpbcll sang olo and Ctlllllltltd the business sort of thc lllttllllg whcn it was dcculcd as fund raising of fort to put bake tablc at tho War iiiuny ymrs ismciatcd Hill lllt Acidic lliblitiiiilitigtt ll lllllt llll gtll1llLtI ii lltlgt ioiigitgitinii is llll iiiiiimtcr li Knm Church and Iii crangclisl at largo ol tbi lrcsbytcrian Church in Canada Mrs Alicc Gibbons Iclconicd Mrs Marion Young as no library board member at tbc quilts in the display and to Mrs lIiuw for thc lllllllllSllLllltlll Stiiiiid hiiiiiir tliiti lrn arcHi lTtiilirt HIS licld Mil with 19 tublcs at play Lottery liccnsc No 247198 draws wcrc Inadc and tho winners were Edgar SlltltltNS of Churchill Eleanor Mathcws of Sandy Cow and acidic Todd of lilford Milton for todays hand The bidding leaves lot to be desired and Jock points out that bookmaker would lay big odds against Souths success But Jock also points out that with any lead but An Iowa reader asks what you rebid when your partner responds one spade to your oneclub opening We raise him to two spades as the best of three unsatisfactory rebids dain Crossword May mccting hold at Churchill In uiiti12mpin Among thc cmrcspondcncc by It was also dccidcd to scrvc dcalt with by thc mcmbcrs pr lunch followingthccrcning an soul was request from the Campbell nivcrsary scrricc of thc church Historical Socicty to have 431084 May 20 display in thc Stroud Library in All cnjoycd thc dclicious La II 01 U1 at l0 to do 01 our ca 01 Frank and Ernest 338 Uibo EEQDLE 7373860 SANDWICH IJS on A0013 NORTH ERN STATIONERY 29 Dunlop St GRILLED CHEESE THIS MEAIIOAF IS MUGl RD Your wedding invitations Announcements Headquarters We provide loanout service