Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 14 May 1979, p. 3

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New resriCtions from Khomeini TEHRAN AP Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini put new restriction on his Iranian Islamic revolutionary courts decreeing execution only for persons who killed people or ordered them killed Meanwhile the ayatollah heading Tehrans revolutionary court appealed to supporters abroad to assassinate Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi his wife motherinlaw and Sister and several of his close advisers Khomeini Irans Shiite Moslem patriarch and the leader of the revolution that ousted the shah said in communique Sunday that death sentences will be limited to those proven to have killed people and to any person who has issued orders for the killing of people or who has committed torture resulting in death No court has the right to issue death sentences and no person should be executed except under the above two condi tions the communique sad Violation of this order is an offence and liable to punishment itNx Mississauga woman stabbed MISSISSAUGA Ont CP Los Angeles man has been charged with seconddegree murder in the death of woman in this community just west of Toronto Peel Regional Police spokesman said Debbie Krout 21 suffered multiple stab wounds during domestic dispute Saturday and died in hospital three hours later knife was found at the scene of the dispute The spokesman said Fitzroy Sammy 31 of Los Angeles is to appear in Brampton provincial court today Prayer cure for social problem LONDON Ont CP The Archbishop of Canter bury said in sermon Sun day that prayer if practised regularly could cure many of the worlds social pro blems Most Rev Donald Coggan told world churchmen atten ding the loday conference of the Anglican Consultative Council that prayer has men ding powers and could cure many of the worlds social problems The world is facing several pressing issues the ordination of women the pro blem of homosexuality and the everpresent problem of racial tension said Ar chbishop Coggan These are difficult issues that have no snap answers but through prayer and wor ship man could receive in spiration and the power to ArchbishopDONAlDCOGGA overcome them he said several pressing issues OTTAWA CP The na tional party leaders debate Sunday drew wide range of reviews from the public with man saying New Democratic Lea er Ed Broadbent scored the most by dealing with issues Charles Templeton former Ontario Liberal leader who moderated leaders debate in 1968 said There is no question Broadbent won the debate and no question Clark lost Undecided voter Bob Brown of Gander Nfld said he was most impressed with the NDP leader Clark talked twaddle Trudeau talked history and Broadbent issues But Dr Walter Young chair man of the University of Vic torias political science faculty said Progressive Conservative Leader Joe Clark generally ap peared to gain the most He seemed to be more confident more polished than antici pated And PaulEmile Richard chief editorial writer for Mon cton NB LEvangeline said Trudeau was No Broadbent was second and poor old Clark was third Bruce reactor operating again DOUGLAS POINT Ont CP The BOOmegawatt uni one reactor at Bruce nucleargenerating station has begun to produce power for the first time since it was shut down April 19 Card Reaume an Ontario Hydro spokesman said Sunday The reactor one of four at the station northwest of Lon don on the shore of Lake Huron was shut down last month when fuel bundle jammed in one of 480 fuel channels dur ing retuelling The fuel channel eventually was cleaned but suffered ex tensive damage and last week it was sealed off restricting access to eight adjacent channels Each capped channel reduces power output by between 02 per cent and 05 per cent Reaume said During repairs two workers were exposed to radiation higher than the recommended yearly dose although neither suffered any immediate effects White River recovers from floods Some residences and businesses in White River Ont halfway between Sault Ste Marie and Thunder Bay re mained without electricity Sunday night as the communitys 1100 residents began to recover the flood waters of the White River Although no official estimate of the damage is yet available the town council has asked the Ontario govern ment for flood relief funds Highway 17 part of the TransCanada Highway reopened Saturday morning after being blocked off when the White River overflowed its banks Friday Highway 631 leading north to Hornepayne was still im passable as it was covered with 30 to 40 centimetres of water Veteran PC praises Whelan PETITCODIAC NB CP George Hees veteran member of Parliament and former minister in the Diefen baker government has praised federal Liberal cabinet minister llees told Progressive Conservative rally here that Agriculture Minister Eugene Whelan was the only good minister in the Trudeau government If others were as good we wouldnt have the trouble in the country we do now $38767110 ii GROWING Sat May 12 network after the debate found 32 per cent of viewers thought Trudeau won while Clark and Broadbent were ranked first by 18 per cent each The rest were undecided John Woods University of Calgary political analyst said the average voter now will have to see Broadbent as the strong est man intellectually in com mitment and in character but will still likely choose between Clark and Trudeau as matter of course Most said the debate was the SAVE on repdirs to TVs Radios and Stereos For Quick Service Call STEWART ELECTRONICS 7289457 74 Peel St BONUS i8 33 39 NUMBERI 111 An rt1ii VNitxNv mm it No OF PRIZES amass Page yAtugg lgfljflfig $33322540 estates 37 £29516 43ml 834 $59716 SéhoupfiléE £29331 $7500 TOTAL 332732575244140 Next Draw Sat May 19 poll by the CTV telcvision IA BOX 12 $228 BECKERS HAVE OVER 590 STORES TO SERVE OU OPEN 900 AM TO 1100 PM DAYS WEEK best of its kind but was unlikely to change many votes Bruce Blackadar television reviewer for the Toronto Star said there were no winners The program showed that no mat ter how angry the last couple of years have been particularly as far as the media was con Friends before the debate The party leaders stand in the television studio at Ottawa Sunday night just before they went on the air for their national television debate Left to right Prime Minister Trudeau New Democratic Party leader Ed Broadbent and Conservative leader Joe Clark CP Photo Broadbent won debate says former moderator cemed when it comes to the crunch each man acted with civility and good manners Walter Poronovich television reviewer for the Montreal Star which supports Clark said Broadbent appeared to have been in command most con sistently Pierre rather than Joe paper survey shows TORONTO CP The Sun day Star says survey shows Canadians prefer Pierre Trudeau to Joe Clark as their prime minister by twotoone margin The newspaper had series of questions added to Gallup poll taken May 35 by the Cana dian Institute of Public Opinion That poll published Satur day showed the Liberals down four points across the country since the April poll and leading the Progressive Conservatives by one point In the survey published Sun day respondents were asked Forgetting for moment which political party you hap pen to prefer or like right now which of the following do you feel would make the best prime minister for Canada today Trudeau Clark NDP Leader Ed Broadbent or Social Credit Leader Fabien Roy Trudeau was preferred by 43 per cent Clark by 21 Broad beat by 11 Roy by two and others by four Nineteen per cent were not sure or did not state preference The Gallup poll showed that if an election were held today NOW AVAILABLE IN We invite you FERRIS BUY THE BEST BUY BECKERS BECKERS NOVELTY arrowf TRUCK AND CAR RENTALS TRACTORS AND CARS CONTACT RM HAYTER LTD BARRIE PHONE 7264571 or 7261982 35 per cent of those asked would vote for the Liberals 34 per cent would vote Conservative 14 per cent NDP five per cent Social Credit and one per cent for other parties and candi dates Eleven per cent were un decided or refused to answer Trudeaus personal appeal runs well ahead of support for his party across the country and at least even with it in Que bee 82 per cent of people in tending to vote Liberal on May 22 prefer Trudeau Clark whose party was shown in the Gallup poll to be leading outside Quebec lags 52 per cent of voters committed to his party want him as prime minister Fortyseven per cent of those voting NDP prefer Broadbent and 26 per cent of the Social Credit supporters want Roy The survey and the Gallup poll are based on 2001 inhome interviews with eligible voters sample this size is accurate within threepoint margin ei ther way 19 times out of 20 The leadership preferences show that after month of campaigning Trudeaus oppo nents have gained slightly THE BARRIE AREA to compare LANE ONT ICE CREAM DRUMSTICK EACH AVAILABLE MAY 14th THRU MAY 20th AT PARTICIPATING OUTLETS the examiner Monday May 14 1979 CBC French arm favored RoyOullet MONTREAL CPi Public Works Minister Andre Ouellét has again aCCUSed the French language arm of the CBC of slanting its coverage this time to the benefit of Social Credit leader Fabien Roy uellet chief Liberal organ izer in Quebec said while cam paigning here Sunday that Ra dioanada has been crasst partisan in its coverage of the federal election campaign He said Ray drew only 19 Paper endorses NDP OTTAWA CPI Le Drott has endorsed the New Demo cratic Party in the May 22 elec tion citing the NDPs respect for civil rights at time when government may be tempted to violate such rights In an editorial published Sat urday the Frenchlanguage daily newspaper said return to minority Liberal govem mcnt supported by the NDP would be desirable New Democrats led by David Lewis had strongly influenced the conduct of minority govem ment in responsible manner in the 1972 period the paper said They had obliged the Trudeau government to run the country prudently Barrie Collegiate Band Concert WED MAY 16 Central Collegiate Auditorium Featuring Internationally Famous Saxaphonist PA UL BROD Admission through Concert Series Ticket or at Door Reserved seats Phone 7374 240 Adult 500 Student 300 The RIVERIA SCHOOL of SELF IMPROVEMENT Invites You To DANCERCIZE Special for offer Beginners Advanced Only per month Women were genuinely excited about this cause so dont miss out Classes starting now Evenings from IOMonThurs ENROL NOW CALL 7264723 people at recent rally in Chibougamau Que but in its report on the rally RadioCan ada showed film from another event attended by 200 people In an earlier attack following the 1976 election win of the Parti Quebecois Ouellet accused the network of pro separatist bais Roy attacks patriation RIMOUSKI Que CPI So cial Credit Leader Fabien Roy says Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau would be guilty of treason to Quebec if he patri ates the constitution unilaterally following countrywide referendum Speaking Sunday to several hundred supporters in this town about 300 kilometres northeast of Quebec City Roy said Trudeau was irresponsible to suggest the Quebec government would oppose his patriation plan if the premiers failed to agree with him on plan to bring the constitution from Britain It is not just the Parti Que becois government which is 0p posed to patriation but all the parties in Quebecs national as sembly Roy said Mr Trudeau will become guilty of treason if he ignores the common will of Quebecers including Liberal leader Claude Ryan Model RS2IOOU Convenience smart styling and pure listening pleasure are yours with an RSZIOOU in your car The cassette plays automatically an insertion then elects at tape and or when the ignition is turned off For manual ejection lust push the feather touch button Locking fast forward rewind lets you quickly pinpoint any selection on your tape Radio stations are always clean on the RS2IOOU thanks to Roadstars LocDX sensitivity switch for AM and PM it lets you tailor your reception to local conditions Another important extra easyaccess design and module snapin PC board for fast 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