RENTANOFFICE comm BARB Furnished or unfurnished staffed telephone answering nalling typing etc Various slzed spaces now available street level walkin 7260983 OFFICES 867 sq ft central air heat hydro block from Points Main floor 980 monthly 726 1771 SMALL OFFICE SPACE on Dunlap Street Approximately 300 square feet 3150 per month Includes heat Call Simon Beekhuizen representing Lou Goedemondt Real Estate Limited 7284067 pinata torrent FOR LEASE OR SALE industrialspace and warehouse Telephone 726300 Angeloff WAREHOUSE SHOWROOM etc 108 Victoria Street 1590 square feet Gross lease everything included 3475 mon lhly Apply Stewart Wholesale 728 3051 PRIME INDUSTRIAL SPACE 1000 18000 sq ft fully sprinklered transport and light truck loading docks drive in doors l4 ft18 ft clear part of large ex pandlng Industrial mall 726 7130 2000 SQUARE FEET Commercial Space available suitable for retail manufacturing or warehouseing Heat and hydro included $600 monthly On Bayfleld Street Telephone Oro Mobile YJ57008 STORAGE AVAILABLE Small or large units lnnlslil StJacobs Terrace Short orAlong term 737 71606 424 1020 STORAGE SPACE for rent in the Barrie area heated 950 sq ft Suitable for small shop Telephone 322 1397 STORE ORDFF ICE for rent 700sq It 84 Dunlop St Telephone 7558686 ngto6pmor 2610160after6pm gitgarages ATTENTION TRUCKERS Garage space to rent by the month for repairs washing storage etc Barrie area Call Oro Mobile YJ57008 27cottages TO rent PLANNING YOUR HOLIDAYS Quiet clean bedroom cottage Gravenhurst area Private sandy beach Refrig erator wood stove Suit persons Telephone 726 7734 AND BEDROOMS seasonal beach inside conveniences marina facilities trailer lots Ora 7487242774873827 LAKEFRONT housekeeping cottages Excellent swimming fishing Boats available Dunchurch Weekends for $95 $115 weekly 436 2649 BEAUTIFUL LAKEFRONT Cottage private bedrooms acres wooded Safe sandy beach fireplace sundeck electricity indoor toilet no running water 3100 per week 726 8312 29cottages wanted REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY 12 bedroom cottage Lake Simcoe Stroud area Quiet mature couple no children no pets 4246887 or 4241963 EECTROLUX Canada Ltd authorized ï¬les and Service Free Home Demonstra Iane 18 Alliance Blvd Unit 191283392 BIRD HOUSE WE MARTIN HOUSES Various sizes ladlures available VIVIAN BELL RR Mi Bai Shane 7285283 WORD PROCESSING NEWS LETTERS BROCHURES MAGAZINES PHOTOGRAPHY CREATION OF BUSINESS TRADE CONSUMER GROUPS MAILING LISTS PREPARED FOR EDP DIRECTORIES CONVERTED FOR COMPUTER PROCESSING DBE CORPORATE COMMUNICATIONS 7370125 My28 CARPil INSTALLATION MILLER BROADLOOM INSTALLATION and Services Work guaranteed Free estimates CD 7372193 MANIERI PAVING oPATlos QSIDEWALKS STEPS 9CURBS 9GARAGE FLOORS Workmanshfp Guaranteed FREE ESTIMATES 7260081 ESSES FIT if made by JOSIE AQUINO socializing in pantsuits gowns and altera ans 42 Eugenia 51 Phone 726m DUPLICATING SHOR TRUN OFFSET COPYPRINTING PHOTO COPIES TYPING WDUPLICATING SERVICES 7260955 W101i EAVESTROUGHING SPECIALI TS adlng and mating repairs Sheqt Martin Verstroten New Lowel 0241956 Stewart Electronics Repairs to TELEVISION STEREO RADIO Other Electronic Equipment 74 PEEL ST 7209457 TF CHAIN LINK FENCING lar free estimate annum rlsltmulss REPAIRS muss REPAIRS boats snowmobiles crythlng fiberglass Free estimates Low winter rates Workrnonshlp guaranteed fl45m FIREPLACES VEWATSON Fireplaces and masonry For bee estimates phone 728199 CUSTOM BUILT and designed Specialising in natural stone and antique brick using belflres Workmanshlp guaranfeod Peter Mantra 7372371 CAMPGROUND HUNTSVILLE ALGONQUIN PK AREA 40 private sites 80 acres Excellent fishing swimming on 3000 ft shoreline Maintain own lot and pay only $100 per season Jarvis 7266805 My 31 COTTAGES trailer park Cecebe Burks Falls playground trampoline fishing beach Murray Valiquette 726 0617 32mfcrsaie CHECK RUSTI WITH RUST CHECK working chemicals in specially formulate OIL BASE Complete job for ANY AGE vehicle $4950 MCT VDICLB By qpobltlnont only Business 4873220 Hwy 11 Stb Lble between brie Orlla MWFAulO 1973 DODGE SWINGER two door hard top new paint lob certified Asking $1500 firm Telephone 7263869 days 7286010 evenings 1973 DODGE SWINGER two door hard top new paint lob certified Asking $1500 tlrm Telephone 7263869 days 7286010evenlngs AUTO INSURANCE arid home in surance Competitive rates Call John Nelson lnsurance72895719 am 9pm 1973 TOYOTA COROLLA deluxe coupe 16004 speed AMFM track radio new radial tires mintcondition 38000 miles Certified $1350 or best offer Call 7286233 1975 Copper LEMANS Sport Coupe 350 power steering power brakes certified $2700 or best offer Telephone 3257667 after 500 pm 1971st CUTLASSVIII aUIOrWaTiZ powered extra rims snows certified $1250 Phone 7280957 1975 AMC PACER six cylinder automatic power steering radial tires radial snows excellent condition cer tified best offer 7283178 1974 LINCOLN MARK IV tone banana yellow One of kind Car completely restored New motor transmission Ful ly equipped Sacrifice $6200 cash firm Must be seen to be appreciated 7261461 7265509 Mrngeed help Just look over the ads below The od vertlsers listed are experts in their field and will assure you of thefinesf iob possible 7282414 mp 100 DRY MAPLE SEASONED YEARS 16 FACE CORD $30 FFREE DELIVERY 4872113 GENERAL CONTRACTING CUSTOM BUILDERS Renovations additions dlimney repairs drywall all masonry needs For uallty work call John 7280841 CUSTOM BUILDERS Renovations additions chimney repairs wall all masonry needs For quality we Call John 7280841 OLD MANURE DELIVERED TELEPHONE 7371935 M25 GEMRAL REPAIRS maintenance attics garages basements cleaned rubbish removed cash for used appliances Gard 4365414 32 cue for ads 1974 MERCD RV EVER good condifion $1500 or best after 1969 Mustang good condition best offer Telephone 7269612 1975 THUNDERBIRD one owner Has all options 48000 miles Call evenings am to9pm 728 4631 1974 PLYMOUTH CRICKET good con ditian 44000 miles certified $1200 Telephone 737 1263 after pm 1973 COMET 302 V8 power steering radio radial tires 60000 original miles body good condition Asking $1500 Telephone 726 9745 1977 BLUE BUICK LaSabre custom op tional items include air condiiorling AMFM stereo cruise control split front seat electric windows door locks and truck release Telephone 7280656 RARE 70 CHEV NOVA Excellenlcondi tion certified Best ca sh offer Phone after five 737 4655 or 726 2064 1971 PLYMOUTH SATELITE cylinder automatic good body and new exhaust Certified 3700 1972 FORD RANCHERO good tires glass and ex haust needs body work as is $350 1973 MERCURY MARQUIS good body new tires and exhaust many new parts Cer tilied $1300 Telephone 7285701 1977 MONTE CARLO redwhite vinyl roof V8 automatic power steering brakesairconditioningexcellentcondi lion $5300 Can be seen corner Essa In nisdale 1978 CORVETTE black with black in terior power steering power brakes automatic transmission most options no air 20000 highway miles Asking $12300 Serious enquiries only 7374521 1970 OLDSMOBILE 350 cubic inch motor rebuilt 700 miles $450 1973 Vega running condition complete set of new tir S300Telephone7281311 WEED MAN Fertilizing weed spraying Results guaranteed737272 19711 CHEV IMPALA IOUr door air conditioned $5000 Telephone 726 2111 between83oam6pm W73 HONOACIVIC 17000 mlles ex cellent condition extras $2300 firm Telephone 7289209 ï¬ï¬EFTARGER SE arr cruiéé AMZFM well maintained certified Telephone 7262801 1969 OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS TWO door hadtop Certified $1000 lirm Call agtnytime 7284627 33Cars wanted9 but URGENTLY REQUIRED Good clean late model automobiles TOP CASH PAID IMMEDIATELY ORV HARDY MOTORS 176 BRADFORD ST 7284272 MWFTF COLE BROS Cars and trucks WANTED far wrecking Fast pickup Phone 4356322 days 4245949 evenings SCRAP CARS WANTED 330 full size picked up $40 full size brought in Bonus for extra heavy 7281136 7261553 JUNK CARS WANTED Highest prices paid Same day pickup Holt Auto Wreckers 7268711 TOP PRICE for 136 cars TokeMdtVors SScersaItod tobay TRACY WANTS cars and trucks for wrecklng and parts top prices paid Free pickup Telephone 726 8487 SPRTNGSPECIAL TrraEylFaE an Full size cars 30 picked up Full size 840 brought in Bonus for extra large cars 726 8487 WANTED Elisa Used cars Barrie Hon da Auto Sales 17 Gawan St 726 6488 CRAFT VEHICIES WANTED Top prices paid Free immediate pick up any thAe 436 2900 34foUCkSand trailers SIMCOE COUNTY FOUR WHEEL DRIVE CLUB For information call John Nelson 728 9571 1973 SUPER CAeFORD ton pick 06 as is $1300 or nearest offer Telephone 726 6292 1973 FORD WINDOW VAN as certified $1500 Telephone 726 5721 1977 DODGE KARY VAN 10000 lbs gross weight 12ft lg 8ft wd Box ful ly insulated Ps PB auto radio ex cellent condition 30000 km Complete with industrial hitch $9100 or best offer Call 859 0471 Schomberg 1978 32 TON FORD PICKUP dark blue 48000 kilometres stepUp bumper 351 engine V8 power steering power brakes radio poor rubber 10000 miles lefti$59507286421after 6pm 1977 DODGE VAN power steering power brakes excellent condition Lots of extras Must sell immediately Asking $4300 Call 7371089 1965 CHEVY VAN good for parts ask ing $250 ALSO 1970 TRIUMPH 650 BON NEVILLE excellent condition as is $600 or best offer 7283401 alter pm weekdays 1976 MODEL Floo FORD Explorer cap fully equipped 46000 miles moon roof Can be certified Asking $3500 Telephone 726 3103 1976 FORD 250 power steering power brakes radio 10 ply tires four speed transmission 39000 miles certified Asking $4200 7261222 35fservice and repairs 1978 SHAMROCK 23 mini motor home power steering power brakes air conditioning Dodge chassis low milage like new many extras 14457995 even ings or weekends 36a qu accessories FOR SALE Ford 289 cu in V8 bored honed 030 Crulkshalt ground balanced with 40 lb Scheiflar steel flywheel TRW 126 to pistons rings bearings Crane solid lifter camshaft CW lifters springs retainers 351 Windsor heads completely redone competition valve iob new seals studs StewartWarner electric fuel pump Halley 750 double pumpar curb All brand new Never been used Partially assembled $1200 7268994 aftarbpm Myl4 1974 MAVERICH coach or parts 19 Vega motor and body fair for parts 51003 complete for each or sell parts separate Distributor carburator and gas tank 36 sate accessories COLOR KEY FIREBIRD rims and radial tires Good shape 7000 kilometers Asking $400 Telephone 372938 37mot0rcycles 1972 HODAKA Trail Bike Super Raf 100 cc needs set of points $150 or best of fer Phone 728 2803 after52m 1977 YAMAHA 175 ENDURO fully licensed for I979 low mileage excellent condition 3850 Telephone 4562471 ask for Ken 1975 HONDA XL70 excellent condition 2100 miles Asking $400 Telephone 7287974 77 YAMAHA DT250 Enduro good condi tion Handles easily Equipped with car rier Must sell $850 or best offer Call after pm 726 7823 I40articiss for sale 40articos for sale HEIVDECBERG FARM GATES wire 16 $65 tube S81 20 bale thrower racks $715 16 flat racks $345 424 51087 EMPTY BUSHELS for sale 49¢ each Good for garden use Cancilla FrUIt Market 17 Clapperton Street SWIMMING POOL MANUFACTURER has new 1978 Pools regular price $219000 now at our all season special of $135500 Pools come with walkaround deck patio fencing pump motor and filter delivery arranged to your conve nience For best selection and informa tioncall toll free 1800 2685970 WINDOW GLASS VSrious sizes BeSt al fer takes all Call after pm 7371369 ROYAL DOULTON dinner service Ar cadia live piece settings extras Never used Present retail price $497 plus tax Asking $350 7371897 alter Barrie Furniture 310 17 MuleIto DI SWIMMING POOLS TO RENl WIII lease and install for homeowners family size aluminum swimming pools With patio Choice of styles meeting all lenc ing regulations on one two or three year rental basis with option to own Try before you buy Call toll free 800 268 5970 PINE BARN BOARD slabs and log ends for sale You load and haul Open Satur days BUILDING WITH LOGS Ll MITED Snow Valley Road 7261966 CLARKS HOME FURNISHINGS warehouse Annex has great choice of used refrigerators from $69 Stoves from $49 Washers dryers etc used ap pliances reconditioned guaranteed 30 days Used furniture items include Chesterfield sets chests dressers odd chairs kitchen sets 33 Baylield Street downtown THE WEED MAN FertilizingTWweTed spraying Results guaranteed 7372721 $1 00 on COUPON LAVERYS OUTDOOR CENTRES LTD LANDSCAPING GARDEN CENTRE BOX PLANTS CORNER OF BLAKE GROVE $1 00 OFF THE PURCHASE PRICE OF EACH EVERGREEN OR SHADE TREE WITH THIS COUPON CAN OES or Painted Sam Kevlar Fibreglass Royals Canvas Aluminum ieyeks Complete stack of accessories Trades accepted ROLLAND aOATs LTD Orillia Ontario 705 3255141 if GULL ROCK MARINA miles north of Barrio on Lake Simcoe between 5th 6th of Oro Dry slips available summer and year round CERTIFIED MECHANIC ON DUTY Your authorized Mercury Outboard Marcruiser Dealer Ju2 BIB 4372122 RB 7260032 BOAT REPAIRS AND SUPPLIES aood and fireghss TOLLENDAL MARINA 7264950 DARRIE Jy7H MAKE AN OFFERII 34 Norse Cruiser with twin Grey marine engines sleeps up to seven head sink range and refrigerator included 726 3162 evenings 197619 FT PETERBOROUGH OLYM PIAN OMC IO 175 hp like new Please call 7265697 after pm week days 24 HFEVINRUDE outboardnmotor in good condition $250 Telephone after RESMWï¬ï¬ DOCKAGE AND STORAGE for boats up to 34 pumpout facilities Fresh water washrooms with showers hydro on docks Moorings available 5100 Open days week am pm RESERVE your slip or mooring now Telephone 17055492991 HINDSON MARINE LTD Champlain Road Penetang SATLBOEIT 22 fit Vehï¬lre fTbFegIasS sloop with outboard motor and trailer $6800 Telephone 7280957 92 RYSLER OUTBOARD 5275 good condition new lower unit Telephone 7287974 18V FT FIXEDREEL blue MINUET SAILBOAT sails trailer hp motor good condition Asking $3200 Telephone 4362076 1972 STARCRAFT HARDTOP trailer sleeps six $600 12 foot sterling aluminum cartop boat with 512 HP Johnson with remote gas tank and oars S500 4245845 BOAT 18 ft Grew boardoutboard volvo 100 hp little use completely refinished S2 00 Telephone 7268192A 42arï¬ceswanfed MWFMy14 SI examiner Monday May 14 1979 13 m3 71hb vieted DEKALB READY to lay pullets Farm fresh eggs Laying cages for sale Craig Hunter Poultry Farms 4361811 BARKEYPIINTINE Interior aha exterior References available Free reasonable estimates Telephone 7371087 Present yourself the spreadseedgrain professional way with one of our individually prepared resumes COME IN and see us for fast reasonable and professional service The Secretarial Bureau ourucmllc Into TYPIHG mych 69 DUHLOF mu 7239819 EIGHT BUSHELS of mixed seed grain for sale Telephone 3222209 any time 58 Ivestocb wanted WANTED DEAD OR CRIPPLED FARM ANIMALS $500 paid for any animal over 400 lbs 24 hours day Jy9 upon request days week We also buy hides SIMCOE RECYCLING Serving You The Farmer 3269243 Call collect PARTTIME $100$200lWEER If you can qualify and own car can show you how to earn extra dollars to help pay mortgage car payments vacations etc providing you are able to work minimum of two evenings and Satur days For iob outline folder and return call please leave your name address and phone at 705 7371368 III4I7 TF oilpasture wanted PASTURE WANTED for 12 to 15 head of quiet Hereford cattle Please phone 728 4421 65 nï¬n scarier BULK TANK milk cooler capacity 3000 lbs Asking 5500 Telephone 458 9925 WI DEVIL GROWN Tractor AC6 row model 600 plate type corn planter Also Nagtil Coulters Call 4362769 67fruits vegetables AQUATIC DIRECTOR APPLES Apply Koole and Son Con cession Oro 7288489 or 726 1907 No BARR YWCA oo slidiymsgleusA gt 5ry Inge 3195005125 MaclNTOSH APPLES quart baskets Placement by September 1979 99 cents Cancillas Fruit Market 17 Clapperton St Barrie THE JOB To administer COordinate and maintain high quality aquatics program recruit train and supervise leaders to assume 68personals TELECARE Why fight your problem alone Let friend help Call Telecare 7267922 anytime MONECA psyChic ahdcardrreadingr counsellingDaysandeveningsiMonday full responSIbtllty for throughrFiridayPhone7288868 programman two pools to BIRTH CONTROL INFORMATION 56 Mary Street Open Monday and Tuesday 100 430 pm and Thursday 630 930 pm 7374222 726 9300 Ext 236 prepare and manage $30000 budget and carry out necessary INCOME TAX RETURNS may be prepared in your home Personal $600 and up JIM 7268169 WANTED ToranTmer bass lead guitarist For serious band Rod Stewar based 4292330 pm to9 pm ALCOHOLICSANONYMOUS 728 6581 you drink thats your business If you wantto quit thats ours rCallrany time promotion Person to work as part of professional staff team QUALIFICATIONS University degree preferred with extensive background in aquatics including RLSS and for 1968 plymouth all new Telephone Limited 119 Bradford Street Barrie 32H 7288111 INDOOR SHOWROOM full sized pools on display Come in today or call 7264606 for free 32 page booklet of inground and above ground pools Pioneer Pools Baymart Plaza IIIIIlululilflllllftlllllltil SPECIAL estimates call REICHEN LANDSCAPING UNIVERSITY pAm CERAMICS EQUI PMETNTTuEéEFtBuIdS Ruldflllifl Commercialindustrial iob lot Kilns steel shelving wrought Servmg 5omfle radius eorganlzed student painters iron and glass display units pyrometer Tr monoters Up to kilns etc Telephone Specialzhg In an 53° 9°9 flgjgliiwrg ï¬ï¬wgvï¬wfl WA SODDING ongnumc SUPIGJVISODO SWIMMING POOL only deluxe 16 qua pain 0C WIt 32 Inground Insulated aluminum vinyl Illway tic retalnhg wals Mo ear liner diving board ladder filter and 12 9Evargraons horsepower pump Completely installed eeeee erIIen guarantee good access Was $6500 new $5400 7374840 LAWN CARE ROToTILLIHG cm 705 PAINSWlCK 7265666 PAINTER FULLY EQUIPPED low rates satisfaction guaranteed Free estimates Telephone 7281232 PICTURE FRAMING OATES 82 Dunlop St East Custom framing of all types We stock man sl Phone 7283270 STAN KNICELY MASONRY Brick block and stone work chimney repair Fireplaces specialty Free estimate 705 4245158 GUITAR LESSONS Classical and Popular Marcel Potvin Guitar Studio 7261489 ACCORDION guitar piano organ begin ner and advanced Two months trial instru NEWSTORE 20 GX100 PLASTER REPAIR Fancy moulds artistic ceilings decorative walls apply on almost merit loaned for home practice Canadian My surlace Kobm Fm limmes AcadamyofMusit 121 Bayfield 7281799 73 and got free 12 PAVING m°° RCAXLlooztorl BEAT INFLATION plant garden Roto my Wkly mning tllling $5 and up also lawns Cut Telephone 7289367 LTD mm °°°°° Driveways Parking oTennis Courts The following should be looked do MW IGHWAY 0C0ncrete Work ES into every5years 90 REPLACE MISSING SHINGLES 73741 Duulop 9Windows storms WRITTEN REPAIR EDGE OF ROOFING TF 7260081 REPAIR FLASHING CHIMNEY removed8 Cleaned Co CHAULKING 9Home yard cleanUp we CHAULKING DORMERS Ragga 5103313 55336 mgï¬lteiélfli 9Rubbish removal small SW REPAIR 12 CHAULKING VALLEYS moratooaésflIineAw TF REPAIR FLASHING 0N SOLAR BLANKETSfor swimming pools mOVIng ODS DORMERS grljalelelephone 728 2268 Barrie 9Exterior aintin CAULKING VENTS 51 PETER PM REPOINTCHIMNEYS 903 repairs GENERAL CONTRACTING LTD Years senmg some llls Canadian Antique Dealers LOCAL 4873141 Hot Asphalt ll 728 6628 Modlion RESIDENTIAL INnustIlIAL Iotlr ANNUAL FAIR 110M IMPROVEMENTS MWFJn9 at ill St Lawrence Market 92 IIERCONSTRUCTION House raising foun afPlW Front Street Eest Toronto Ont goggsoa110gslidns additions Phone rklng Iofg Dionni courts tn lo NORTHERN CARPENTRY Speacmzitgrin in CONCRETE WORK RUBBER STAMPS lllIr Hay 17 11 It to pm terior work Rec rooms kitchens bath glofloor oc 0rd Albldulon $150 Opening HMS roomspanellingIinlshwarkj269OOLV TING and 14 CARPENTER FULLY EXPERIENCED with FAST SERVICE Mn 375° wml on mm renovations cedar decks bathroom tiling UNFINTY rough hkhod Hs UBIER STAMP recroomsetlTelephono 726g gA IOOHNG TR SERVE ougmen RENOVATIONS FRAMING bricklaying SERVICE Scholarshlp Fund of The planbins lard work at recomb 24 hour service 7261451 RRHo 51mm an out ml 210 National Ballet School prices free estimates 7264299 or S21 BELOELWLL PHONE 4873035 IRWINGiPicked up and delivered Mon day Wednesday and Friday 3250 per billet Call anytime 4589618 Residential Industrial Cleaning To Service With AWomons Touch 20Years in Janitorial Business Specializing In All Flelds 3351449 FERTILIZING weed spraying mowing sod ding seeding etc Vic Trietnstra 72B2909 COCHRANE SOD FARMS High quality sod delivered or picked up in field 4241307 MWFJulS LAWN cm FERTIIZNG weed spraying mowing sod dm seeding 0k Vklriemstra Weed spraing fertilizing results mntead aWeedMfl7J7272lgtï¬i MWF CV 35 PAVING PINE FURNITURE 737 1039 variety of eDmVEWAYs JNny Limited gaighm gggmggmpswwnn Mgii7 Sif3£2iftaï¬r°9° PLEXIGLAS SIGNS OSTOREFHONT PLYLON SIGNS Satisfaction Guaranteed Free Estimates and sizes re conditioned EDBIFS made 726 0850 PlLLIlMINATEDNUNILLUMINATED BARR 9CUT0UTLE11ERSLOGOS 7370179 RENTALS AVAILABLE DESIGNED AND INSTALLED TO YOUR he COMPLETE AllCTION BARN fififGiiï¬Ã©Wiii 321313 SATISFACTION now OPEN tabllshedSOyears72622257269002 vsmsninluun1 we buy se onyhing ho PAWS 7374453 sens MWF New used furniture used trailers mobile home used Paper hongmg Mum TV AND RADIO cars used farm equipment Interior and exterior Free estimates Low rates Fast service Satisfaction guaranteed 7371295 SIESLING PROFESSIONAL PAINTING interior exterior paper hanging custom work Satisfaction guarantned 72660m PAINTING PAPER hanging experlencacl Free estimates JACK RICHARDSON 7268341 antiques Consignments accepted Vendors Welcome CALL US FIRST REYNOLDS TV SERVICE Repairs to color bladi and white TV ste 00 etc All makes ar1dmodals 4246181 USED VACUUMS SIS to $60 All makes and TF models MASTER VACUUM SALES SER VICE IoMulcasler Street 7267102 4873385 Located between Barrie Orillia Vs mile south of Fudas MWFMy28 ALLENS WINDOW CLEANING Commercial and Residential Free estimates Telephone 7281914 CLIP SAVE FOR SEASON1 PER CUSTOMER CASH FOR OLD FURNITURE books REUPHOLSTERING $29900 reupholsters Chesterfield and chair Labour and Fabric included up to 15 yalds yr guarantee on workmanship For free Inhome 7265721 immmngï¬gflgSUPHOLSTERY mmm MM Custom mao solld wood furnlture reasonable rates Coffee tables dining room tables etc WHISPERING PINES Cernem statues lawn and garden or naments Highway 93 mile south BICYCLES TRICYCLES all types re painted FREEZER VIKING 17 cubic foot $175 or best offer Telephone 4363227 after to 10 day service ltllllltttlulllltlllulflllfllflllfldlllIlIlIIllllllllllllllllllllllllullll TITANIC TOSHIBA Incredible 50month warranty Electronic tuning now $849 Order tonlto get froe 12 portable Under $7 wkly starting Juno79 KRAZY KELLYS now next to Moatman Highway 90 Fern dala 7371182 TF PREFABRICATED STEEL STRUC TURE slant walls 42 square 17 high Nllll 14 20 door Propainted harvest gold Asking $5800 firm Buyer must Ielp disassemble 7370818 TENT TRAILER Kaplun sleeps fibreglass top with fold out canvas sides excellent condition used two summers Very reasonable Telephone 7263388 MATERNITY FASHIONS just arriving for the spring and you AT REASONABLE PRICES MORES UNIFORM SHOP Toronto St 7264401 9am530pm Mon thru Sat MWFA18 FIVE HP MASTERCRAFT rototiller only used once Asking $240 TRUCK CAMPER for ton truck Sleeps five Gas stove fridge In excellentcandition Asking $2250 4240875 ZACHARY ORGAN for sale with band box single keyboard foot pedals ex cellent condition Asking $450 or best of fer Telephone 737 4367 or 436 4825 ZENITH 20 PORTABLE COLOR IIXW solid state only $598 Under $6 wkly Starting June79 Order tonito gala free 12 black and white One hour delivery KRAZY KELLYS now next door to Meotman Highway 90 Forndala 7371182 TF BLUE CRUSHED VELVET sofa and chair chrome and glass top coffee table and end tables Contemporary pce teak bedroom suite 13 cu ft Hotpoint frost free refrigerator pce sectional chesterfleld All less than year old Also other odds and ends Phone 7373236 PURPLE MARTIN HOUSES Various sizes Brochures available Vivian Bell RR Shanty Bay Phone 728 5283 COMMERCIAL AIRCONDITIONER 10 ton 3phose water cooled with dual compressor $1500 Cal JIM 7372432 TF UPRIGHI PKEELCK cu 11 wnlte completely overhauled $200 Telephone 726 6667 FOR SALE Sears 11500 BTU air condi tioner new 3500 Excellent condition $350 Garden tractor chains 535 Phone 726 1392 GE 40 CHANNEL bass set 25 ft anlen na 50 coax 5150 Telephone 728 7974 ELECTROHOME 8000 BTU air condi lioner for sale good condition Telephone 726 6025 WEDDING GOWN wilh veilsize11like new worn only once Telephone 737 3508 after rn LADIES CLOTHING good stylr and quality from casual sportswear to cocktail dresses Call after 500 pm 726 1328 RICKENBACKER BASS guitar with Case $450 Traynor bass amplifier $300 Fool pedal $80 Best offers accepted 7266812 SONY STEREO Semational AMFM reciever custom tumtable $343 Get free speakers Under 15 wkly starting June79 KRAIY KELLYS now next door to Meatman One hour delivery Highway 90 Fern dale7371182 TF dishes old pictures clocks odds and ends Pre1950 items 7288234 CANADIAN SILVER COINS before 1967 American before 1964 No collection too large or small Canadian stamps old watches postcards iewellery 7261663 evenings 7263162 WlLL BUY house contents or anyUSefm items or will trade Telephone 7281311 WEEDS WANTED For control of same call The Weed Man 7372721 WANTED Large above groUrnd pool with accessories reasonably priced Telephone7262347 WANTED TO BUY POCKET WATCH in good working order preferably gold with chain ESTATE DIAMONDS loose or in settings 7267717 M91425 FIREWOOD WANTED quantities of hardwood to 50 cards cut and split or ft length will pick up writecall GOSNELL 47 COUSINS DRIVE AURORA ONTARIO L4G 185 416 7274791 My512 44741055 and pets MAYS POODLE PARLOR Profes sional clipping and grooming Chargex EfflflBEEEJEPQQ DAFFON KENNELS Specializing in Boarding for Big Dogs Coulson On tario Telephone 705835 5223 BARRIE POODLE SalonShampooing and Clipping of all breeds Sophia StreetrEastL7726414lgflW POODLE TRIMMING professional grooming all breeds pick up and do Z2é7°flll9l° 0L ENGLISH SHEEPDOG pups ex cellent breeding CKC registered Telephone 174167753043Bradford RUSSIAN BLUE kitten free to good home Housebroken and gentle Tele Ell°ef73989millm FOR SALE REGISTERED purebred white poodles weeks old male female telephone 4589925 LARGE BLACK PERSTANgréeE eveS Lost on Penetang St by Mikes Milk Answers to Satan Telephone772876064 TROPICAL FISH Best selection in town Aquariums all sizes at unbeatable prices Evenings and weekends Edge hill Aquaria 143 Ardagh Road 7260094 DOBERMAN PUPS weeks rea females champion sire CKC registered 5135925122 50ga rdern supplies CHOICE TOP SOIL Evening and Satur day delivery Phone 726 3928 or 7261117 Rom GARDEN CENTRE HWY 93 CROWN HILL Fertilizers Bulbs Seeds Berries Fruit trees Evergreens Shade trees Roses Shrubs Perennials Box plants May 19 Film 7284296 Jy4 Sltrees and shrubs DIG YOUR own Spruce pine cedar iuniper yew Maple white ash moun tain ash poplar and oak Simcoe County road 31 at hwy 27 miles north of Thornton Call after pm 726 9295 54service and repair TELEVISION REPAIRS also repairs to stereos etc Quick efficient guaranteed service within 30 mile radius of Barrie call STEWART ELECTRONICS 728 9457 56camping equipment 20 PROWLE tandem wheels three piece bath sleeps six fridge stove hot water heater furnace built in radio and tape deck excellent condltion asking $4700 728 2950 after TRAILER RENTALS Hardtrop and cabin models by week or longer Scotls Gulf Service Centre Victoria St Alliston 705 435 4641 4341 17 FOOT CAMPER TRAILER Fully equipped $2100 or best offer Phone anytime 424 0026 CAMPER 0R VAN bench seats Con verts into 6x bed Brown fabric and leatherette upholstery were $240 new Wlll accept reasonable offer for both or singly Telephone 726 0933 57livestock for salefl WANTED DEAD 0r crippled farm animals for tree removal Call anytime collect 705132679243Simcvoe Recycling HORSES BOARDED Excellent care Track trails daily turn outs Just out side Barrie 436 5624 EIGHT YEAR OLD standard bred thoroughbred gelding 163 hands high has been shown successfully at CH approved shows good mover bold iumper7261581 HOLSTEIN HEIFER for sale due May 18 from listed herd Telephone 7281297 RIDING INSTRUCTION Indoor arena YMqA eFChng and Horses boarded Barrie five minutes superVIsory quallflcotlons ï¬ï¬Ã©ggugg Farm 7260 Apply with resume to ychlc Reader Prlvate con sultation psychic parties aura por Pk wwf trails Call evenings Mon Thurs Executive Dboctor EEO CA INCOME TAX Did you pay too much Save money on next years returns IM 22 on 339331332 LL Barrie Ontario DRIVE NEEDED TO Barrie Live on lNlmy the 10th Line of Stroud near the beach logy530 call 436 4074 Mylo PARENTS WITHOUT PARTNERS General meeting Wednesday May 16th 800 pm St Monicas School Steel Street speaker Gordon Rogers Sub iect Singlefathers Everyonewelcome 0110 77 Junior Hockey nous PLANT Assocmtlon CARE AVAILABLE Milli for Ills WHILE YOU ARE AWAY 19791980 mm Reliable insured person with COACH references MANAGER Jim Driver 7284193 after TRAINER pm MWFM 30 Applications should be mailed before June Isl 1979 to Secretary AUTHORIIED SALES SERVICE MacGREGOR Ora Station Ontario LOL 2E0 7283392 My ASK FOR FREE HOME DEMONSTRATION TODIGYITF TEACHERS Business and marketing lb mhd background Partlime 7269574 U8 Ontario ONTARIO PUBLIC SERVICE ADULT OCCUPATIONAL CENTRE EDGAR requires HEALTH SERVICES NURSES Nurse General SALARY $14881 $17693 per annum $28520 $33908 per week Salary under review DUTIES To participate on shift rotation basis in the provision of comprehensive health service delivery system including in patient outpatient firstaid clinic preventative health staff health environmental and infection control services QUALIFICATIONS Registration as nurse in Ontario preferably completion of post graduate certificate courses from university of recognized standing Ability to obtain coOperation of staff and trainees ability to follow and to pass on verbal and written instructions on trainee care good physical and mental health Qualified persons may apply by submitting an application to the Personnel Officer Adult Occupation Centre PO Box 12000 BARRIE Ontario L4M 4W3 EQUALITY OF OPPORTUNITY FOR EMPLOYMENT FILE NO AOC1479 ONTARIO PUBLIC SERVICE Ontarlo ADULT OCCUPATIONAL CENTRE EDGAR requires RESIDENTIAL COUNSELLORS Counsellor Residential Life SALARY $551 $592 per hour Salary under review DUTIES To implement residential life and care programs for mentally retarded persons This involves active participation in the training socializing counselling core and treatment Of the resident QUALIFICATIONS Grade 12 education or an acceptable equivalent successful completion of the prescribed Mental Retardation Certificate Course or equivalent personal suitability Qualified individuals may apply before May 25th 1979 by submitting an application to the Personnel Officer Adult Occupational Centre PO Box 12000 BARRIE Ontario L4M 4W3 EQUALITY OF OPPORTUNITY FOR EMPLOYMENT File No AOCIS79