the examiner Monday May 14 1919 11 television guide MONDAY EVENING VIEWING NEWS HOLLYWOOD SQUARES DEFINITION POLKA DOT DOOR 630 NBC NEWS MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW cos NEWS ABC NEWS NEWS PARTY GAME FISH TALES 645 READALONG 655 ID WRITE ONI 700 DATING GAME FANTASY ISLAND TOM AND JERRY AND FRIENDS MARY TYLER MOORE SHow Tic TAC DOUGH WHATS MY LINE NEWLYWED GAME DONT ASK ME GONG SHOW PRICE IS RIGHT 730 $100000 NAME THAT TUNE NEWLYWED GAME GENE TAYLOR SHOW HOLLYWOOD SDUARES HEADLINE HUNTERS STAN KANN MAGIC SHADOWS eoe NEWHART SHOW 800 BOB HOPE AT THE LONDON PALLADIUM Bob Hope stars in this tribute to one 01 the worlds Iew remaining variety theateraThePalladium haspresented popular mualctromtheeraotvaudevillethroughjazzand swing up to disco muslc Guest atara Richard BurtonRaquelWelchSusanGeorgaandLeelie 30 WW THE LEIF GARRETT SPECIALAcontemporarymusicalcomedy variety hour starringlhe popularteenage actor and recording artist with guests Bob Hope Marie Osmond Flip Wilson and the Pink Lady Win duo 60 mine SNOOPY COME HOME Snoopy bidsfarewellto Peanutlandtoreturnto hiafiret ownerelonelyailingIittlegirlnamadLilaanda heartbrokenCharlieandtherestollhePeanuts realizehowmuchthelittlecaninemeanatothem SALVAGEI The livesof Harry Sklp and Melanie are threatened during dangerous and frightening crosscountry flight when the plane changes course and then ehea do mine l5 LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIR IE When Mrs Olson takes possession of an elderly womans home the lngelle children not out to create monatar to scare her 011 the en 60 mine SIgtEAKING OUT Book Banning ï¬ario Schools CANADA JAM Part Three Canadas largeat rock concert held at Mosport Park Ontario in the summer 01 1978 Groups teatured are Village People Atlanta Rhythm Section Whakoo Commodores Doobie Brothers Kan Prism Dave Mason mMOVIE COMEDY The Wheeler Dealaaegaesa NBC THEATER Son Rise Miracle Of Love Stars James Farentino Kathryn Har rold Theheartwarming1actbasedstoryabout dedicated parents who devote themselves to helping their intent eon overcome autism de omy medical prognoses hrs MASH The oppressive Korean heat gets to everyone especially Klinger who responds to the conditions with one of his most nious schemes to effect dischar 35 THE TELEVISION AN UAL I97879Starslromellareaaottelevisionwill makeentertainmenthistorywhentheyappearin the first annual twohour special presenting the mediums most memorable moments lrom the postseason Thespecialtakestheformofagala party Stars Bill Bixby Jim McKay Donna Pes cow Jaclyn Smith Hal Linden Cicely Tyson er Strauss and man others hrs MOVIE DRAMA To Kill the waOVIE DRAMA V2 Walk Throu Flre THE YSSEY Ulysses Returns to crAIaiTHA 930 WKRP IN CINCINNATI MASH The oppressive Korean heat gets to everyone especially Klinger who re aponds to the condition with one of his most wnious schemes to effect discharge SECOND CITY 1000 NEWSMAGAZINETheresuIisoI the second public Opinion poll conducted by CBCandCarletonUniversitytodeterminepublic feelingtowardthedilferentpoliticatpartiesand their leaders Knowlton Nash Don McNeiIl 60 LOU GRANTwnanreponeramle New maninvestigates the murder of young hooker ehe linds she must change many of her ideas ut the world of prostitutes 60 mine III THE JESUS TRIAL Part new dict Christopher Plummer as the Narrator examinesthe seedsoltodeysreligiouewarsin Lebanon andlreland Wehearthe verdict olthe court in Troyes and meet the real Abbe da Nantes In Ixtapalapsthe Passion comestoits inevitable and NEWS UPDATE NEWS 1001 MERV GRIFFIN 1100 it NEWS cac NEws CTV NEWS MOVIE MUSICALCOMEDY Belle Are1 Rigglng 1954 NEWS 127 NEWS 130 THE TONIGHT SHOW Guest host DavidBrenner Guests VincentPriceMikeCon 90 mins CBS LATE MOVIE THEROCKFORD FILES Theres One In Every Port woman pleads with Rockford to take her 510000 and gamblewithitin hopesolraisingmoneytobuya kidney machine for her lather MCMILLAN ANDWIFE GreedSters Rock Hudson Martha 01 waMOVIE DRAMA Bang Drum SIDWI 197a STREETTA NIGHTMUSIC Eugene Smith andthe WarmUp Band 145 THE BODY IN OUESTioN sine Machine What happens when we decrde to lift glass olwaterl How isthe Idea otthe ectionin our minds converted into the act itself Using analogies lrom gun powderto electronics host Jonathan Miller looks at the socalled Mlfld Body Problemand some 01 the radically differA ing views on it 150 MOVIE MUSICALC0MEDY Pajama Pr2t1964 MEDICAL CENTER co MOVIE MYSTERY Once You Klee Stranger I959 1210 MOVIE DRAMA Along Came Splder 1969 100 TOMORROW MARCUS WELBY MD 130 NEWS PTL CLUBTALK AND VARIETY 200 EMERGENCY ONE 02 MOVIE HORROR Plan From Outer Space 1958 historically speaking today in histogy May I4 1979 Two young Americans Me riwether Lewis and William Clark left St Louis with 40 men 175 years ago today in 1804 to explore parts of the United States They sailed upstream along the Missouri River to North Dakota wintered there and crossed the Rocky Mountains by horse and canoe to reach the Pacific Ocean late in 1805 Careful maps and journals kept by several members of the party still make exciting reading Only one man died on the voyage of appendicitis 1643 Louis XIV became king of France canadas story French Torture Was More Cruel Than Indians Champlain was often shocked by the cruelty of the Indians towards their prisoners He urged them not to practise some terrible tortures He was glad that Canadian Indians did not know what happened in Paris following the assassination of King Henry IV on May 14 1610 Henry IV was Protestant who had become Roman Catholic in order to be king of France His assassin was demented religious fanatic Francois Ravaillac He was put in prison and tortured His body was prodded by red hot pincers and his legs were crushed On the morning of his execution he was driven to Place de Grove in scavengers cart while thousands of people including royalty and courtiers watched from windows or the streets Ilot lead was poured into Ravaillacs wounds and then his body was attached to four white horses which pulled in different directions So he was torn apart alive and then people in the crowd scrambled to pick up his flesh No Indian torture was more cruel Ilcnrys death was great loss to Champlain He had made Champlain royal geographer and had given Chauvin Chastc and De Monts the backing they needed to get into the fur trade in Canada Shortly before Henry was assassinated he had re ceived Champlain and listened to his stories and recom mcndations about Canada Champlain gave Henry belt of porcupine quills the head of garfish and two little scarlet tanager birds OTHER EVENTS ON MAY 14 1501 Gaspar dc Cortcrcal sailed on second voyage to Newfoundland but was lost at sea 1747 La Jonquich fleet was captured by British en route to Port Royal I793 Britain took over islands of St Pierre and Miquc lon and deported inhabitants I825 Morc than 400 families from Ireland settled in Peterborough area 1885 Indian Chicf Poundmakcr captured supply train 1906 ntario Ilydro Electric Power Commission was created 1918 Dcputation of farmers protesth to Sir Robert Borden about conscription 1953 Tclcvision network was cstablishcd bctwccn Moti trcal and toronto 1962 Prince Philip oponcd Commonwealth Study Con fcrcncc at Montreal 1965 Anglican and United Churches agreed on union In principle alliston Several from Alliston and district attended the marriage of Wendy VanHart daughter of Mr and Mrs Willy VanHart of Alliston to Peter Ruttcrs son of Mr and Mrs Evert Rutters of Everett The wedding took place at the Christian Reform ed Church on Saturday after noon The reception was held in the German Hall at Bradford Mr and Mrs Rudolph Rutters and son Adrianne of Holland were present for this happy oc casion and will be visiting with Evert and Jo for few weeks Rev Peter Moffat minister at St Johns United officiated neighborly news at the marriage of Sharon Diane Smith daughter of Mr and Mrs Earl Smith to William John Arden son of Mr and Mrs Jerry Aardcn of Stayner on Saturday afternoon Assisting at the wedding was Father John Weelink of Stayner The reception was held in the Shilton Hall din ner was served by the church UCW ladies and wedding dance later in the arena The grooms uncle and aunt were present from Holland will be visiting with Willys parents for cw wccks Mrs Etta Leroy and Audry Roinholt of Toronto spent last Wednesday with Ettas sister Dorothy Turner Douglas and Ruth Hand Monique and Darren of Burl ington were weekend guests of Ron and Dorothy Berry and 1796 Edward Jenner per formed the first successful vac cination for small pox 1940 John Diefenbaker first took his seat in the Commons 1948 Israel was proclaimed an independent state 1965 China reported the ex plosion of its second atom bomb barries gm May 1964 Hospital officials were pleas ed at the success of National Hospital Day held in Royal Vic toria Hospital More than 450 people took guided tour of RVH visiting all departments The value of building permits in Barrie had taken sharp upswing Ald Smith an nounced At the end of the first four months the value was 77 per cent greater than in the sme four month period in 1963 Jackson of Barrie was elected director of the Ontario Associaton of Childrens Aid Societies at the annual con ference held in Windsor Mr Jackson was the ex ecutive director of the Childrens Aid Society of the County of Simcoc and City of Barrie The Salvation Army Red Shield campaign to raise $8000 had nearly half way to go Receipts showed that slightly Endore than $4000 had been rais John Manol was elected president of the Barrie Jaycecs and was to take over from Sid Taylor Other officers elected were vicepresidents John McGrath and Dan MacDonald treasurer Dick Forbes and secretary Jim Diamond Arthur Evans MPP Simcoc Centre made special trip to Stroud to present the clerk treasucr Richard Groh with cheque for $5000 This was the grant on the new Stroud rink from the Ontario Department of agriculture Bob Dorien brother of member of the Innisfil Police was the winning driver in crosscountry race which in cluded class for MGs family They were Sunday din ncr guests of Jean Hand Also visiting with the family were Russ and Nancy Verral and Jef frcy of Barrie The occasion was to celebrate Douglas and Dorothys birthday anniver saries Several members of the Smith family who attended the SmithAarden wedding on Saturday afternoon spent the weekend with their mother Mrs Duke Smith Rev Elizabeth Moffat was the visiting minister at Mines ing United church Sunday mor nlllg Carl and Laverne Flear of Willowdale were Sunday lun cheon guests of Agnew Flcar Mona Ward spent Sunday afternoon in Shelburnc visiting with Mrs Ruby IIalbcrt and daughtcrlcrna The Doctor Says Should listen to that advice By PAUL RUBLE MD Dear Dr Ruble am 58 yearold man About 18 years ago had cerebral hemorr hage and was hospitalized for month recovered with no ill effects Recently had an op portunity to take scuba diving course One doctor says must be out of my mind and my per sonal physician refuses to clear me for the diving although he says he doubts it would cause another hemorrhage No one suggests that stop driving my car which might lead to dam age to others as well as myself should have sudden hemorr hage So far have made two dives one to 85 feet with no ill effects Can you give me some adviceJCS What are you trying to prove Certainly at 58 and with your history of cerebral hemorrhage there are more suitable sports to occupy your time than scuba diving You beat the mortality odds in recovering from your hemorrhage and should feel fortunate The drivingdiving analogy doesnt hold water either Driving car does not involve the depth pressures and blood gas factors involved in scuba diving Finally what advice are you seeking Youve had some sensible advice and are going ahead on your own despite it No one can quote odds of your chances of having another cere bral hemorrhage because there probably are very few divers around with your medical history What do they say down at the school What does your insurance agent have to say My advice hang up the tank and fins Dear Dr Ruble Do you recommend hot baths for persons with arthritisMr RR Certainly if it helps and it often does Many people find them relaxing It may help re lieve pain from the in flammation and relax muscles also recommend soaking the hands in bowl of hot water for the same reasons nice rea sonably hot bath never hurt an arthitic Whirlpools may give increased benefit if available Dear Dr Ruble Can you tell me about the drug Bellergal and what it is used for My doctor gives it to me to case my menopause symptoms need to know how it works Mrs OP Bellergal is combination of three drugs phenobarbital sedative belladonna and er gotamine which act on the blood vessels Its chief use is to relieve recurring throbbing headache of the nonmigraine typo Because the ergot tends to constrict blood vessels the medicine must be used cau tiously by persons with blood vessel disease angina for ex ample The belladonna may cause mouth dryness although probably not in the amount used in this preparation The phenobarbital makes this medi cation subject to abuse It may help combat certain menopause symptoms such as sweating restlessness and insomnia BRIDGE Oswald Jacoby and Alan Sontag Dummy play allimportant Vulnerable NorthSouth Dealer North West North East South Pass Pass 955 Pass Pass Pass Opening lead Oswald Good dummy play usually looks easy It is surprising how often players overlook it Alan South looks over dummy He sees one sure loser each in diamonds and clubs and two possible losers in spades It is up to him to try to make sure that he wont lose more than one spade trick Oswald He starts his campaign by ducking the first diamond East cant hurt South in spades and he wants East on lead East does his best He plays second diamond Alan South wins that second diamond and cashes high heart to guard against possible four hearts in either hand When both op ponents follow he draws the rest of the enemy trumps ruffs dummys last diamond and plays ace king and small club West wins and leads spade Oswald West is too late South plays low from dum my East is in with the jack and is dead as dead can be The defense cant collect another trick Ask the Exactts You hold 011094 VAZ 0A 0K109764 New York reader asks what we rebid when partner responds one heart to our oneclub opening bid This is tough one We have slight preference for two clubs but many experts would rebid one spade Ei ther rebid may work out better than the other 51413 daily crossword ACROSS 38 Powerful explosive Compass abbr point 39 Word for Japanese opening doors metropolis 42 Most twisted Compass 45 Family 12 Povertywar 47 Mush agency abbr 50 Rains frost 13 Moses brother 54 BY mm 14 Over poetic 59 Short sleep 15 Recent prefix 50 Sea mammaj 16 Unseals 61 Hardwood 17 Journal tree 18 Auto failure 62 Fasten with 20 Presses string 22 Contend 63 Small child 24 Shakespear 64 Played Dan ean poem 65 Not young 25 Loom 28 Hymn of DOWN thanks win Mg Nobody 32 Dissenting E2225 Vole Porcelain clay 33 Energysavmg Puppy sound me law Raw metal 35 Three prefix Coal um 36 Depression im chkoff type tials Con 37 Mountain near tendere plea anoient Troy 10 Inert gas Answer to Previous Puzzle an El El 11 Energy unit 34 George pl MCGoverns 19 Evening Slate IBM 40 Timber tree poet 41 Hea apo vy 43 Grated 44 Author 23 Whirlpools Heming 24 Capital of 47 Tangle Canada 48 Air prefix 25 Hostels 49 Religious 26 Filly denomination 27 Burmese 51 Aware Of ds currency 52 How 29 ELmnume 53 Went qu1cky 30 56 Female 05 soldier abbr 31 Baseball 57 Choose glove 58 Corrida cheer Bernice Bede Osol cYour cBirthday May 15 1979 Someone unusual and interest ng whose thinking is quite different from yours may be ome very close companion this coming year The relation ship will prove most enlighten ing TAURUS April 20May 20 Your judgment is very keen today You will take the time to care fully weigh your alternatives When you do move however it will be swiftly GEMINI May 21June 20 In Winthrop Bugs Bunny 906595 TEMPLE OF THE TOUPEE HER£ 7001 hAR TODAY 0n rm let me Short Ribs IN SPITE OF YOUR HIDEOUS APPEARANCE TO COMPLETELY WILSEKFORLE STAND AID TELL THE CLASS THE NAMES OF oowmsuss THREE HIPS LIKE YOU YOU AVENT ONCE CRITICISED YOUR MISSUS ORSAIDSHE NOR HERN STATIONERY 29 Dunlop St 7373860 WOULD LIKE To PURCHASE AN ETERNAL mgllNé PAï¬ï¬ï¬l 0U ARE OEGIIUMIUG business matters today you may not get everything you bargain IOr but you still should come out quite well Negotiate from strength CANCER June 21July 22 You could find yourself in sticky Situation today with friends where you have to act as mediator They picked the right person for the job LEO July 23Aug 22 tend ency to overanalyze today could retard your progress Assert yOurself then think things out as you go along VIRGO Aug 23Sept 22 More planning may be required on major involvement that calls for cash outlay Take the time to work out every detail LIBRA Sept 23Oct 23 Put your ingenuity to profitable uses today You have the knack to help sort out things for others and benefit yourself in thh process SCORPIO Oct 24Nov 22 Try not to let prejudice influence your judgment today If you do you are apt to make an unwlse decision If you dont youll like the results SAGIITARIUS NOV 23Dec 21 This can be very reward ing day provided you keep your nose to the grindstone and reschedule pleasurable pastimes to luture date CAPRICORN Dec 22Jan 19 person who is important to your ambitions needs reas surance today that you think of him or her first as friend and not merely as someORe to be used AQUARIUS Jan 20Feb 19 Today it is very important that you perform first and talk of your accompiishments later Should you reverse this proce dure problems are likely PISCES Feb IllMarch 20 Be very careful in involvements with your peer group today that you dont Show partiality to someones pet project while totally ignoring anothers ARIES March 21April 19 Be alert today for sudden or unu sual changes that could be beneficial materially unique happening could trigger things THE POODLE THE PIN5CHE AND THE GERMAN THI9 l5 TH NEWEET Fuvosv TRY CANT HELP FINDING YOU THERES NOTHIN To CRITICISE ER ABOIJT WIVES LIKE ERARE HARDTO FIND Your wedding invitations Announcements Headquarters We provide loanout service hunt in TM Reg us an 011 THING IN SCALP RUGS JUST BRING CHILD INTO IT ARENT YOLI AoHAMED or VOUR5ELF on You HAVE THE WRONG IDEA RBOUi WASHANDWEHR ERNIE nllllberl in an us rm on THE uiï¬A THE PIMTA Auo THE UH THEUH UH IM GOING To HAVE To STOP 5Nii=i=iNG POWDEEE UNI HORN CORN I5 IO VIOLATE IilS CIVIL RIGHTSI THNE 5H