Bucks ust about gone for ï¬red lnco worker AZILDA Ont CP Leo Landry 41 has worked for lnco Metals Co since he was 19 and his father worked for the com pany before him Leo has lived in this little community just north of Sud bury all is life and the lot where he lives on the shores of Whitehead Lake was once part of his grandfathers farm He his 35yearold wife Glo rette and their three daughters are typical of the families who have lived through the eight month lnco strike which may be coming to an end Leo is goodnatured man who says things have not been all thatbad But his $2000 savings the product of 22 years in dusty smelters and underground mine shafts are gone His mortgage is $1800 in arrears and the oil company has been telephoning wondering when its bill will get paid We just put bit more water in the soup he laughed as he Driver relieved to hear tot cry PASADENA Tex AP Wanda Bedenbaugh swerved her pickup truck to miss the ob ject in the road but she slammed on her brakes when she realized the object was baby seat with occupant at tached In mi lm am WMMT saw the little babys head above the seat she said couldnt believe it hadnt been run over because lot of other cars hadjust driven by Mrs Bedenbaugh said she feared the infant was already dead tit iil tutti will AMI tquIimunIIuIIWmm fumh tmnmmlull 23 ll III it llillllltllIIIIVIH mm lliti sipped beer with neighbor Denis Renaud 40 also long time Inco worker and talked about the strike NOT BAD OFF Hey there are lots of guys out there without penny Landry said Im not so bad off though cant lie about it my bucks are just about gone And tough as things have been and although they will get tougher if the 11700 workers do not ratify the contract Satur day neither Landry or Renaud think they will vote for it RepreSentatives of lnco and of Local 6500 United Steel workers of America reached tentative agreement Sunday in Toronto The proposed contract would give workers an increase of $350 an hour in wages and benefits over three years There is no way theyll be able to pay off debts with that Landry said On Tuesday about 185 of the 300 union stewards attended meeting to discuss the contract At the end of the meeting all but two of the 100 stewards who stayed for the vote rejected the pact In 1975 the stewards re jected proposed contract but members accepted it to end today strike NOT WORTH STRIKE Right now we arent going to vote for it Landry said Weve been out eight months Monday and it doesnt sound worth all that but Ill go to meeting and get more details Both he and his neighbor say they will get out of lnco the day they are 55 and able to get pension Landry has worked as me chanic on crushers and con veyor belts the last two years but says he wants to go back underground when the strike ends because the shifts are bet ter Besides Ive had enough of that damn dust there in the smelters During the last eight months he has not bothered to get an outside job Why should he asks cial Old Unique blending Patient aging Smooth taste lhats what makes it molt illllltlli nu Special Old in this handsome new package will be available soon at your liquor store SHORNEYS OPTICIANS SUflGLQSS Until the end of May1979 Anouck shorneys Geor ian Mall7268891 ryf Prescription Sunglasses Frame shown 121 Wellington St Medical rts Bldg7264941 the oxamlnor Thunday May 1a 1019 To orth 1979 00 YEARS loo 39 1879 Remember Motherwjï¬ Moms potted each 299 Mixed Pan Plants each 299 Polyantha Roses each 799 OUR SALE PRICE SPECIAL TREAT FOR MOTHER ON HER DAY OUR SALE PRICE Choose Card form Mother on her Special Day from our large Hallmark Card Selection Black Mo to Chocolates By Rowntree lb boxgassorted hard and soft centres 01 Ch°C°°lelupeC°n C°r°m9l condY SPeCiOI Give her the best on Mothers Day Our Woolworth Reg treat for Mother on her Day Price 389 box CHARGE on EVERY NIGHT ammo 5676 BAYFIELD ST DOWNTOWN BARRIE mum pm entrance off Maple Avenue SATURDAY 600 PM CLAN ROY Use These cards in Woolworth Stores Across canatla